+ @bsisco via Issue #19 let us know that communication between systems and kafka was not working. I forgot to expose the right ports when running the HELK Docker image after being pulled.
+ ELK 6.1.3 version (Jun 30,2018 release)
+ Kafka Integration
-- Bash, DockerFile & Docker Image
+ Replaced ELK DEB Install Packages for TAR packages (Easier deployement and more control)
+ Logstash: JVM Heap 2GB default
+ ELK (Init Files created)
-- More control over service start
+ Left Linux DEB install bash script (deprecating it in next release)
+ ELK .yml files are not available to adjust deployment in an easier way.
+ Fixed Docker Run environment parameters to be call before pointing to the HELK image.
+ Edited every single file to have the right headers:
-- ELK version 6.1.3
-- Aplha Version
-Using Official Docker install script known as convenience script
- Saved a copy of the convenience script (Edge version) locally just in case (Script needs to be modified if it is intended to use in production.