License: GPL-3.0 Update
++ Updated all the local documents
++ Docker images in Dockerhub in progreess
++ Created two options: basic and trial
ELK Stack Docker Files
++ Created Trial Folders to make sure the configurations are set properly for when the user selects trial version of HELK.
++++ HELK trial = x-pack + trial license + security enabled
++ Deprecating the HELKs Platinum's Branch. Merging that branch with the HELKs master to allow user to select the type of license during the install process.
++ Getting ready for Jupyterhub
++ Created two folders: basic and trial to allow elasticsearch interaciton with username and password hardcoded in the spark session. trial license requires any interaction with elasticsearch to be authenticated.
++ Added trial folder with scripts that set up security configs for the trial version of HELK. It creates users and roles to test the security features of x-pack
++ Created trial folder with another pipeline folder in it. The pipeline in trial has output configs with elasticsearch's username and password hardcoded. Ready for when the user sets the build with trial license and wants to send logs to elasticsearch. The logstash configs are the same as the ones from the defailt pipeline. They only have username and password configs on all the output configs.
++ set trial folder with the right config to allow Kibana handle the authentication process when user builds and installs HELK with a trial license. No need for nginx to handle the authentication.
helk_install bash script
++ Updated script to handle license choice : basic or trial
++ basic license is selected by default. If user selects trial, it runs the specific docker-compose file needed to build and install HELK with the right trial configs.
++ Updated also the CLI options. User now will have to specify the license for HELK. Example: sudo ./ -i -l basic
++Added Image property to docker-compose file for ELK images.
++Updated Docker files to remove extra configs that were being already specified in docker-compose file
++ Kibana scripts are now added in the docker-compose file. Move them to /usr/share/kibana/scripts folder in the Kibana container
++Updated ELK config files to follow basic subscription templates (default settings)
++ Updated Winlogbeat template to only point to two Kafka Brokers
Docker Compose
++ Updated Spark images to 2.3.1
ELK Stack
++ Docker Images updated to 6.3.1
++ Preparing Jupyter for Jupyterhub
++ Spark base image now comes with a sparkuser user
++ Updated es-hadoop package to 6.3.1
++ Updated Sysmon parser to transform new datafield from Sysmon V8.0. RuleName
++ Images updated to 2.3.1
++ fixed
++ Updated banner to show right version
HELK Version
+ ELK update tp 6.3.0
+ Integrated ATT&CK CTI to the build. Created from
+ Added the mitre_attack file to the build which contains information from Enterprise, PRE and Mobile Matrices
+ Enabled x-pack monitoring (new feature)
+ Added Dashboards for the ATT&CK Integration
helk_install script
+ reduced docker-compose build and run steps to one
+ Added script to export the file used for logstash and kibana.
Updated several errors that I got after testing a few configurations.
- Updated Field Names for Sysmon and Security Logs
- Updated Logstash Templates to maintain consistency
- Updated Dockerfile to directly use official Centos Elastic Docker Image
- Updated Logstash main config file to update pipeline batch value and the Kafka input config to fix
- Updated Logstash Security parser to fix:
Kibana & Elasticsearch
- Updated Docker files to directly use Official Centos Elastic Docker images with only a few updates.
Docker Compose File
- Updated file to mount Logstash, Kibana and Elasticsearch config files, dashboards and output_templates. This will simplify utilization of custom pipes, visualizations and dashboards. User can now just replace those the local folder and HELK will use those configurations.
- ES_JAVA_OPTS is now set to 6GB by default. No more MEM string. It confuses the user. script
- Updated the string that it replaces when setting ES JAVA OPTS. It went from looking for the string "MEME" to "6GB".
Addressed where I was grabbing Disk size in human readable format which was breaking the calculations when the HELK was being built on a computer with TB space.
- Added Local Pipeline to the build to allow custom local configurations
- updated sysmon config to fix
- removed port exposed in local logstash Dockerfile. It will be pushed to official docker image in the next update
- removed logstash init file (not being used anymore)
- not available yet
- initial draft dockerfile
- created spark-defaults file for future zeppelin dockerfile
Install Script
- incrased minimum memory size required
* Structure (scripts in directory)
* Recognition when Kibana and index config of it gets available (polling)
* Cron job for auto update
* Integration in compose file
## Overall
+ Removed the Init files dependencies on all containers
+ Added more resources to the resources folder (papers and presentations)
+ Updated to-do list on main README
+ Removed Static Network setting. Addressing overlapping network issues (
+ Updated WIki and added new images to it
+ Started documenting potential error messages or bugs with a few quick fixes
## Helk Install Script
+ Script now collects information about Available Memory and Disk size for LINUX host ONLY. it only continues if the box hosting the HELK has at least 12GB of RAM and 50GB of Disk Available. (This can be overwritten manually by just editing the helk_install script before installing the HELK)
## ELK Stack
+ Started using Elastic Docker Images as a base
+ Updated ELK stack to 6.2.4 version
+ X-Pack Basic Free License attached to build automatically
+ Monitoring capabilities are now enabled in the build (Reason why Cerebro went away)
## Spark
+ Integrated Spark Standalone Cluster Manager
+ Spark Node running with Jupyter Notebook now points to the Helk-Spark-Master container for any execution of code
+ Added Spark Master and Worker Docker Images
+ Build runs now with 2 Workers and 1 Master by default.
+ Apache Arrow is enabled for Pandas Dataframe optimization
+ Created Spark-Base Docker Image (Applied to the Jupyter Image)
## Kafka
+ Kafka Container was split in Kafka Brokers and one Zookeeper
+ Helk runs with 2 Kafka Brokers and 1 Zookeeper by default
## Jupyter Container
+ Preparing to add Zeppelin Notebook. the Analytics container is now named Jupyter. It uses the Spark-Base image to build on the top and install the necessary packagess
+ New packages were added:
++ nxviz
++ hiveplot
++ pyarrow
+ Apache Arrow is not enabled on the Jupyter node to be able to optimize the use of Pandas DataFrames
Removed OTX Enrichment for now to reduce the load on logstash and keep it clean for now. It will be added in the future. Implementation is already developed.
Docker-Compose File
+ Split helk-elk service in 3 (Logstash, Kibana, Logstash)
+ New Docker Base image applied to all HELK's Docker images
+ updated file due to new helk-base image
+ Removed Helk-elk folder
+ Updated it to version 1.1.0
+ Updated all files to point to helk-kafka and helk-elasticsearch (New image after splitting helk-elk)
New Docker Images
+ helk-elasticsearch
+ helk-logstash
+ helk-kibana
+ helk-nginx
+ Removed route to elasticsearch:8082. Cerebro now can point to (Internal Docker IP)
+ organized script a little better by creating install_dockerl and install_docker_compose functions
+ updated Kibana configuration to set Kibana server to the name of the service helk-kibana. It allows remote connections to it (internally among docer images)
+ Updated elasticsearch url to new docker image (helk-elasticsearch:9200)
+ updated internal listeners on each broker to helk-kafka