Commit Graph

27 Commits (251870c92c818eae263db6793db44ef173e29593)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Roberto Rodriguez 98e32e2e87 Resources- Images 2019-03-16 14:30:12 -04:00
Roberto Rodriguez 64e00259fd README update and resources
- Added KSQL logo to HELK Ecosystem
- Updated features section with KSQL description
- Deleted a few images
2018-12-14 10:29:12 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 181c851a9e v0.1.6-alpha12132018
HELK base image
+ Updated to 0.0.3

HELK ELK Version
+ Now using 6.5.3 official ELK Docker Images (

+ Users can now select between two deployments:
++ helk-kibana-analysis (KAFKA + KSQL + ELK + NGNIX + ELASTALERT)
++ helk-kibana-notebooks (KAFKA + KSQL + ELK + NGNIX + ELASTALERT + SPARK + JUPYTER)
+ Fixed . Users can now set up the Kibana UI User password during installation. Also, user can set the Elasticsearch elastic account password when using the Trial license option.

+ Elastalert deployed and ready to use with SIGMA integration. Blog available at

+ consolidated main configs in one
+ added more environment variables for ELASTIC_PASSWORD and default values in case it is not used to be compatible with the default values applied to HELK.

+ updated to 6.5.3
+ simplified pipeline to have only one folder
+ logstash-entrypoint script can now enable elastic password on all logstash output conf files.

+ split the default config for the two deployment options (helk-kibana-analysis (trial/base) and helk-kibana-notebook-analysis (trial/base)

+ Updated to version 6.5.3

+ updated Jupyterlab to 0.35.4
+ updated jupyterhub to 0.9.4
+ updated jupyterlab hub extension to 0.12.0
+ updated ES_HADOOP to 6.5.3
+ updated org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.4.0
+ Added extra notebooks to test deployment and provide more information for analyst experiencing Jupyter for the first time

+ reduced docker container size
+ updated Kafka to 2.1.0 (this affects Kafka brokers and zookeeper)

+ User can now define a list of topics to be created via the new environment variable KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS. That needs to be defined either in the docker-compose file or while running the docker container on its own.

+ reduced size of container
+ updated build to kafka 2.1.0

+ initial integration of KSQL
+ KSQL Server and KSQL CLI are available
+ Blog post coming soon ;)
2018-12-14 00:27:17 +03:00
Roberto Rodriguez 634e24e3aa HELK v0.1.3-alpha08032018
+ Moved all to docker folder. Getting ready to start sharing other ways to deploy helk (terraform & Packer maybe)

+ Basic & Trial Elastic Subscriptions available now and can be automatically managed via the helk_install script

ELK Version : 6.3.2

+ Set 4GB for ES_JAVA_OPTS by default allowing the modification of it via docker-compose and calculating half of the host memory if it is not set
+ Added Entrypoint script and using docker-entrypoint to start ES

+ Big Pipeline Update by Nate Guagenti (@neu5ron)
++better cli & file name searching
++”dst_ip_public:true” filter out all rfc1918/non-routable
++Geo ASName
++Identification of 16+ windows IP fields
++Arrayed IPs support
++IPv6&IPv4 differentiation
++removing “-“ values and MORE!!!
++ PR:
+ Added entrypoint script to push new output_templates straight to Elasticsearch per Nate's recommendation
+ Starting Logstash now with docker-entrypoint
+ "event_data" is now taken out of winlogbeat logs to allow integration with nxlog (sauce added by Nate Guagenti (@neu5ron)

+ Kibana yml file updated to allow a longer time for timeout

+ it handles communications to Kibana and Jupyterhub via port 443 SSL
+ certificate and key get created at build time
+ Nate added several settings to improve the way how nginx operates

+ Multiple users and mulitple notebooks open at the same time are possible now
+ Jupytehub now has 3 users hunter1,hunter2.hunter3 and password patterh is <user>P@ssw0rd!
+ Every notebook created is also JupyterLab
+ Updated ES-Hadoop 6.3.2

Kafka Update
+ 1.1.1 Update

Spark Master + Brokers
+ reduce memory for brokers by default to 512m

+ Added new images for Wiki
2018-08-03 11:13:25 -07:00
Roberto Rodriguez 51c310febb
Official HELK LogoV2 2018-06-14 00:43:36 -04:00
Roberto Rodriguez 3baec9f79c Updated post-install info & Resources 2018-05-04 00:35:45 -04:00
Roberto Rodriguez 10de1b6b0a HELK 6.2.4-050318
## Overall
+ Removed the Init files dependencies on all containers
+ Added more resources to the resources folder (papers and presentations)
+ Updated to-do list on main README
+ Removed Static Network setting. Addressing overlapping network issues (
+ Updated WIki and added new images to it
+ Started documenting potential error messages or bugs with a few quick fixes

## Helk Install Script
+ Script now collects information about Available Memory and Disk size for LINUX host ONLY. it only continues if the box hosting the HELK has at least 12GB of RAM and 50GB of Disk Available. (This can be overwritten manually by just editing the helk_install script before installing the HELK)

## ELK Stack
+ Started using Elastic Docker Images as a base
+ Updated ELK stack to 6.2.4 version
+ X-Pack Basic Free License attached to build automatically
+ Monitoring capabilities are now enabled in the build (Reason why Cerebro went away)

## Spark
+ Integrated Spark Standalone Cluster Manager
+ Spark Node running with Jupyter Notebook now points to the Helk-Spark-Master container for any execution of code
+ Added Spark Master and Worker Docker Images
+ Build runs now with 2 Workers and 1 Master by default.
+ Apache Arrow is enabled for Pandas Dataframe optimization
+ Created Spark-Base Docker Image (Applied to the Jupyter Image)

## Kafka
+ Kafka Container was split in Kafka Brokers and one Zookeeper
+ Helk runs with 2 Kafka Brokers and 1 Zookeeper by default

## Jupyter Container
+ Preparing to add Zeppelin Notebook. the Analytics container is now named Jupyter. It uses the Spark-Base image to build on the top and install the necessary packagess
+ New packages were added:
++ nxviz
++ hiveplot
 ++ pyarrow
+ Apache Arrow is not enabled on the Jupyter node to be able to optimize the use of Pandas DataFrames
2018-05-03 15:54:12 -04:00
Roberto Rodriguez 084ff68cb2 Updated HELK Design
Removed OTX Enrichment for now to reduce the load on logstash and keep it clean for now. It will be added in the future. Implementation is already developed.
2018-04-10 03:16:54 -04:00
Roberto Rodriguez 6054e2be9a HELK 6.2.3-041018
Docker-Compose File
+ Split helk-elk service in 3 (Logstash, Kibana, Logstash)

+ New Docker Base image applied to all HELK's Docker images

+ updated file due to new helk-base image

+ Removed Helk-elk folder

+ Updated it to version 1.1.0

+ Updated all files to point to helk-kafka and helk-elasticsearch (New image after splitting helk-elk)

New Docker Images
+ helk-elasticsearch
+ helk-logstash
+ helk-kibana
+ helk-nginx

+ Removed route to elasticsearch:8082. Cerebro now can point to (Internal Docker IP)

+ organized script a little better by creating install_dockerl and install_docker_compose functions

+ updated Kibana configuration to set Kibana server to the name of the service helk-kibana. It allows remote connections to it (internally among docer images)
+ Updated elasticsearch url to new docker image (helk-elasticsearch:9200)

+ updated internal listeners on each broker to helk-kafka
2018-04-10 02:56:28 -04:00
Roberto Rodriguez 11c8720fe4 Updated Resources Links 2018-03-03 23:58:40 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 92d105ce51 Updated Apache Spark Kafka jar 2.3.0 2018-03-03 23:44:09 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 5859ba3dab HELK 6.2.2 - 030318
+ Init file and Dockerfile updated with Spark version 2.3.0
+Jupyter Notebook from getting started folder updated
+ New jupyter notebook with graphframes example presented in BSColumbus 2018

+ Added properties to elasticsearch config file to set it as a standalone cluster. (It helps for when elasticsearch is restarted)
+ Updated Dashboards
+ Updated Kibana timeout to 60000
+ Updated Logstas - elasticsearch mapping templates after renaming fields.
+ Updated logstash filters renaming fields keeping a new flat schema. No more nested fields style.

+ Updated Log retention hours to 2 hours

- Created README to share all the blog posts, documentes and presentations that helped me to work on the HELK

+ Deprecated most of the scripts used before to install ELK via TAR and DEB. Also deprecated scripts to updated geoip database.
2018-03-03 21:15:35 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 063e5835ec HELK 6.2.2 - 022518
HELK Design
+ moved everything to docker-compose approach for a more modular design.
+ separated the HELK in 3 services:
++helk-elk, helk-kafka, helk-analytics
+ Updated Design picture to show WEF ideas and also show Jupyter Lab integrations.

HELK Docker-Compose
+ Added ESDATA volume to keep logs after contaners get stopped
+ Services restart automatically after reboot
+ created blank env file for Kafka service. This allows the host to pass its own local IP to Kafka. This is needed for advertised listener configs on each broker.

HELK-ELK Version
- Updated to 6.2.2

- Added local docker network as part of the option. This allows the HELK-ELK service to publish its docker local IP to other services/images in the docker compose environment.

+ minimal updates to  certain configs (Mainly renaming files and replacing certain strings)

+ enableExternalUrls set to true for Vega visualization that need external libraries.

Spark - Analytics
+ Renamed service to Analytics
+ Integrated Apache Toree to allow Scala kernel in Jupyter
+ Pyspark, Scala and SQL are now available in Jupyter

+ Jupyter LAB has been enabled
2018-02-25 02:59:44 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez d623246f4c HELK ELK 6.2.0 & New features
+ Deleted Docker elasticsearch config file (Duplicate)

+ Adjusted Batch size to 300 (Testing)
+ Renamed scripts to follow a standard naming convention
+ Added a fingerprint filter to all logs to help reduce duplicate logs
+ Removed ELK Version strings from all Logstash configs so that I dont have to update every single script every time ELK gets updated.
+ Added Document_id to every logstash output config to take the fingerprint value.

+ Renamed Index Patterns to standard naming convention.
+ Added experimental visualization vega setting. Enabling External URLs to use D3 libraries from their repos. This is grayed out in the Kibana config so user will have to enable it.
+ Updated name of index patterns across all visualizations and dashboards.

+ Log retention is now 24 hours and not 268 Hours
+ added auto_offset_reset => "earliest" to beats kafka input config

+ updated es-hadoop version to 6.2.0 and added new spark jar packages: org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.11:2.2.1 & databricks:spark-sklearn:0.2.3
+ Created an init file to run spark and jupyter all together as a service. This will allow us to restart jupyter and pyspark gracefully.

+ Updated Winlogbeat config to take PowerShell and Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational logs.

New Features
+ Cerebro
+ Python packages:

Docker Hub
+ New HELK image available
2018-02-15 03:28:48 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 6b4054288b Installation Wiki Images 2018-02-06 07:39:57 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 0d7075e3cc Added more images for wiki
+ Updated Kafka design
+ Added Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash & Spark
2018-02-04 00:14:19 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 0df92d3b90 Kafka Images for Wiki 2018-02-01 20:27:11 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 6928f74242 Spark & Kafka Communication
Updatd Design to show potential capability to start using Spark and Kafka
2018-01-31 18:31:46 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 25d4aa5996 HELK - Alpha ELK 6.1.3
+ ELK 6.1.3 version (Jun 30,2018 release)
+ Kafka Integration
-- Bash, DockerFile & Docker Image
+ Replaced ELK DEB Install Packages for TAR packages (Easier deployement and more control)
+ Logstash: JVM Heap 2GB default
+ ELK (Init Files created)
-- More control over service start
+ Left Linux DEB install bash script (deprecating it in next release)
+ ELK .yml files are not available to adjust deployment in an easier way.
+ Fixed Docker Run environment parameters to be call before pointing to the HELK image.
+ Edited every single file to have the right headers:
-- ELK version 6.1.3
-- Aplha Version
2018-01-31 17:52:50 -05:00
Jared Atkinson 7c01703f0b Cropped that for you ;-) 2018-01-16 04:17:28 +01:00
Roberto Rodriguez 4ef706c5a6 Updated HELK Design 2018-01-15 20:42:57 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 15939ffc96 Updated HELK's Design & README
- Added ES-Hadoop connector to Design to show how Spark interacts with Elasticsearch
- Updated README to-do list to add Kafka to the build
2018-01-15 20:07:44 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 5626d4af42 Arranged folders, updated bash script & README
-Moved spark folder out of enrichments to root.
- Removed ipython & inotebook deb packages. Jupyter is installed via PIP only.
- Added new contributor to README
2018-01-10 23:46:38 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 8cd6dbb15b Updated README & Added Images
Added Dashboard and Discovery images
Updated To-Do List
2018-01-08 18:20:50 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 0f9d529993
Add files via upload 2018-01-08 17:59:08 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez ec597f700d
README Main Image
2018-01-06 16:49:42 -05:00
Roberto Rodriguez 49485a58f4 HELK_BetaVersion
Updated HELK beta version with Spark, GraphFrames and Jupyter Notebook capabilities
2018-01-06 16:46:20 -05:00