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157 lines
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This module aims to offer the ability to generate arbitrary traffic on the ports specified, using the protocol specified.
Author: Stuart Morgan (@ukstufus)
Web: https://github.com/stufus
function Invoke-EgressCheck {
Generates arbitrary traffic on the ports specified, using the protocol specified.
This will attempt to asynchronously generate a connection on each port specified, using the
protocol specified, to a target. This is most useful when attempting to identify breaches
in a firewall from an egress perspective. Note that it is quite noisy, but it may be
appropriate in some situations.
A listener on the destination IP address will be required. The EgressChecker tool could
be useful for this (accessible at https://github.com/stufus/egresscheck-framework) or any
other method of identifying incoming connections will be fine.
The IP address of the target endpoint.
Example: -ip ""
.PARAMETER portrange
The ports to try. This accepts comma-separated individual port numbers, ranges
or both.
Example: -portrange "22-25,53,80,443,445,3306,3389"
Default: "22-25,53,80,443,445,3306,3389"
.PARAMETER protocol
The IP protocol to use. This can be one of TCP, UDP or ALL.
Example: -protocol "TCP"
Default: TCP
.PARAMETER verbose
The verbosity of the console output.
If this is unset, there is no intentional verbosity.
If this is set, it will output:
't/port' - Sending a TCP packet
'u/port' - Sending a UDP packet
'W/tcp' - Waiting (i.e. sleep/delay) after a TCP connection was attempted
'W/udp' - Waiting (i.e. sleep/delay) after a UDP connection was attempted
Example: -verbose
Default: Not verbose
The delay between sending packets. This injects a delay in milliseconds between
packets generated on a per-port per-protocol basis.
Example: -delay 100
Default: 100
Invoke-EgressCheck -ip -portrange "22-25,53,80,443,445,3306,3389" -protocol ALL -delay 100 -verbose
param([string] $ip, [string] $portrange = "22-25,53,80,443,445,3306,3389", [string] $protocol = "TCP", [int] $delay=100)
if ($ip -NotMatch '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$') {
Write-Error "IP not specified"
Write-Output "EgressCheck started"
$pr_split = $portrange -split ','
foreach ($p in $pr_split) {
if ($p -match '^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$') {
$prange = $p -split '-'
$s = [convert]::ToInt32($prange[0])
$e = [convert]::ToInt32($prange[1])
Write-Verbose "Now generating traffic on ports $s - $e"
for ($c = $s;$c -le $e;$c++) {
egress -ip $ip -port $c -delay $delay -protocol $protocol
} elseif ($p -match '^[0-9]+$') {
$c = [convert]::ToInt32($p)
Write-Verbose "Now generating traffic on port $c"
egress -ip $ip -port $c -delay $delay -protocol $protocol
} else {
Write-Error "Bad port range"
Write-Output "EgressCheck completed"
function egress {
param([string]$ip, [int]$port, [int]$delay, [string]$protocol)
$protocol_case = $protocol.ToUpper()
if ($protocol_case -eq "TCP" -Or $protocol_case -eq "ALL") {
generate_tcp -ip $ip -port $port
if ($delay -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -m ($delay)
Write-Verbose "W/tcp"
if ($protocol_case -eq "UDP" -Or $protocol_case -eq "ALL") {
generate_udp -ip $ip -port $port
if ($delay -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -m ($delay)
Write-Verbose "W/udp"
# Send the TCP packet
function generate_tcp {
param([string]$ip, [int]$port)
try {
$t = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient
$t.BeginConnect($ip, $port, $null, $null) | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "t/$port"
catch { }
# Send the UDP packet
function generate_udp {
param([string]$ip, [int]$port)
$d = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(".")
try {
$t = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.UDPClient
$t.Send($d, $d.Length, $ip, $port) | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "u/$port"
catch { }