
166 lines
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Credential handling functionality for Empire.
import helpers
import os
# import sqlite3
class Credentials:
Class that handles interaction with the backend credential model
(adding creds, displaying, etc.).
def __init__(self, MainMenu, args=None):
# pull out the controller objects
self.mainMenu = MainMenu
self.conn = MainMenu.conn
self.installPath = self.mainMenu.installPath
self.args = args
# credential database schema:
# (ID, credtype, domain, username, password, host, OS, notes, sid)
# credtype = hash or plaintext
# sid is stored for krbtgt
def is_credential_valid(self, credentialID):
Check if this credential ID is valid.
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE id=? limit 1', [credentialID])
results = cur.fetchall()
return len(results) > 0
def get_credentials(self, filterTerm=None, credtype=None, note=None, os=None):
Return credentials from the database.
'credtype' can be specified to return creds of a specific type.
Values are: hash, plaintext, and token.
cur = self.conn.cursor()
# if we're returning a single credential by ID
if self.is_credential_valid(filterTerm):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE id=? limit 1", [filterTerm])
# if we're filtering by host/username
elif filterTerm and filterTerm != '':
filterTerm = filterTerm.replace('*', '%')
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE LOWER(domain) LIKE LOWER(?) or LOWER(username) like LOWER(?) or LOWER(host) like LOWER(?) or LOWER(password) like LOWER(?)", [filterTerm, filterTerm, filterTerm, filterTerm])
# if we're filtering by credential type (hash, plaintext, token)
elif credtype and credtype != "":
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE LOWER(credtype) LIKE LOWER(?)", [credtype])
# if we're filtering by content in the note field
elif note and note != "":
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE LOWER(note) LIKE LOWER(%?%)", [note])
# if we're filtering by content in the OS field
elif os and os != "":
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE LOWER(os) LIKE LOWER(%?%)", [os])
# otherwise return all credentials
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM credentials")
results = cur.fetchall()
return results
def get_krbtgt(self):
Return all krbtgt credentials from the database.
return self.get_credentials(credtype="hash", filterTerm="krbtgt")
def add_credential(self, credtype, domain, username, password, host, os='', sid='', notes=''):
Add a credential with the specified information to the database.
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE LOWER(credtype) LIKE LOWER(?) AND LOWER(domain) LIKE LOWER(?) AND LOWER(username) LIKE LOWER(?) AND password LIKE ?", [credtype, domain, username, password])
results = cur.fetchall()
if results == []:
# only add the credential if the (credtype, domain, username, password) tuple doesn't already exist
cur.execute("INSERT INTO credentials (credtype, domain, username, password, host, os, sid, notes) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [credtype, domain, username, password, host, os, sid, notes])
def add_credential_note(self, credentialID, note):
Update a note to a credential in the database.
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("UPDATE credentials SET note = ? WHERE id=?", [note, credentialID])
def remove_credentials(self, credIDs):
Removes a list of IDs from the database
for credID in credIDs:
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DELETE FROM credentials WHERE id=?", [credID])
def remove_all_credentials(self):
Remove all credentials from the database.
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DELETE FROM credentials")
def export_credentials(self, export_path=''):
Export the credentials in the database to an output file.
if export_path == '':
print helpers.color("[!] Export path cannot be ''")
export_path += ".csv"
if os.path.exists(export_path):
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("\n[>] File %s already exists, overwrite? [y/N] " % (export_path), "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
creds = self.get_credentials()
if len(creds) == 0:
print helpers.color("[!] No credentials in the database.")
output_file = open(export_path, 'w')
for cred in creds:
output_file.write("\"%s\"\n" % ('","'.join([str(x) for x in cred])))
print "\n" + helpers.color("[*] Credentials exported to %s\n" % (export_path))