
164 lines
6.0 KiB

from lib.common import helpers
class Module:
def __init__(self, mainMenu, params=[]):
self.info = {
'Name': 'Invoke-FileFinder',
'Author': ['@harmj0y'],
'Description': ('Finds sensitive files on the domain.'),
'Background' : True,
'OutputExtension' : None,
'NeedsAdmin' : False,
'OpsecSafe' : True,
'MinPSVersion' : '2',
'Comments': [
# any options needed by the module, settable during runtime
self.options = {
# format:
# value_name : {description, required, default_value}
'Agent' : {
'Description' : 'Agent to run module on.',
'Required' : True,
'Value' : ''
'ComputerName' : {
'Description' : 'Hosts to enumerate.',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'ComputerFilter' : {
'Description' : 'Host filter name to query AD for, wildcards accepted.',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'ShareList' : {
'Description' : "List of '\\\\HOST\shares' (on the target) to search through.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'Terms' : {
'Description' : "Comma-separated terms to search for (overrides defaults).",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'OfficeDocs' : {
'Description' : "Switch. Return only office documents.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'FreshEXES' : {
'Description' : "Switch. Find .EXEs accessed in the last week.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'LastAccessTime' : {
'Description' : "Only return files with a LastAccessTime greater than this date value.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'CreationTime' : {
'Description' : "Only return files with a CreationDate greater than this date value.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'FreshEXES' : {
'Description' : "Switch. Find .EXEs accessed in the last week.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'ExcludeHidden' : {
'Description' : "Switch. Exclude hidden files and folders from the search results.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'CheckWriteAccess' : {
'Description' : "Switch. Only returns files the current user has write access to.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'NoPing' : {
'Description' : "Switch. Don't ping each host to ensure it's up before enumerating.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'Delay' : {
'Description' : "Delay between enumerating hosts, defaults to 0.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'Domain' : {
'Description' : "Domain to query for machines.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'SearchSYSVOL' : {
'Description' : "Switch. Search for login scripts on the SYSVOL of the primary DCs for each specified domain.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'Threads' : {
'Description' : "The maximum concurrent threads to execute.",
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
# save off a copy of the mainMenu object to access external functionality
# like listeners/agent handlers/etc.
self.mainMenu = mainMenu
for param in params:
# parameter format is [Name, Value]
option, value = param
if option in self.options:
self.options[option]['Value'] = value
def generate(self):
moduleName = self.info["Name"]
# read in the common powerview.ps1 module source code
moduleSource = self.mainMenu.installPath + "/data/module_source/situational_awareness/network/powerview.ps1"
f = open(moduleSource, 'r')
print helpers.color("[!] Could not read module source path at: " + str(moduleSource))
return ""
moduleCode = f.read()
# get just the code needed for the specified function
script = helpers.generate_dynamic_powershell_script(moduleCode, moduleName)
script += moduleName + " "
for option,values in self.options.iteritems():
if option.lower() != "agent":
if values['Value'] and values['Value'] != '':
if values['Value'].lower() == "true":
# if we're just adding a switch
script += " -" + str(option)
script += " -" + str(option) + " " + str(values['Value'])
script += ' | Out-String | %{$_ + \"`n\"};"`n'+str(moduleName)+' completed!"'
return script