
2101 lines
102 KiB

# This file is part of Invoke-Obfuscation.
# Copyright 2017 Daniel Bohannon <@danielhbohannon>
# while at Mandiant <http://www.mandiant.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Function Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand
Master function that orchestrates the tokenization and application of all token-based obfuscation functions to provided PowerShell script.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand orchestrates the tokenization and application of all token-based obfuscation functions to provided PowerShell script and places obfuscated tokens back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. If no $TokenTypeToObfuscate is defined then Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will automatically perform ALL token obfuscation functions in random order at the highest obfuscation level.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Specifies a scriptblock containing your payload.
Specifies the path to your payload.
.PARAMETER TokenTypeToObfuscate
(Optional) Specifies the token type to obfuscate ('Command', 'CommandArgument', 'Comment', 'Member', 'String', 'Type', 'Variable', 'RandomWhitespace'). If not defined then Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will automatically perform ALL token obfuscation functions in random order at the highest obfuscation level.
.PARAMETER ObfuscationLevel
(Optional) Specifies the obfuscation level for the given TokenTypeToObfuscate. If not defined then Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will automatically perform obfuscation function at the highest available obfuscation level.
Each token has different available obfuscation levels:
'Argument' 1-4
'Command' 1-3
'Comment' 1
'Member' 1-4
'String' 1-2
'Type' 1-2
'Variable' 1
'Whitespace' 1
'All' 1
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green}
.( "{0}{2}{1}" -f'Write','t','-Hos' ) ( 'Hell' + 'o ' +'Wor'+ 'ld!' ) -ForegroundColor ( "{1}{0}" -f 'een','Gr') ; .( "{1}{2}{0}"-f'ost','Writ','e-H' ) ( 'O' + 'bfusca'+ 't' + 'ion Rocks' + '!') -ForegroundColor ( "{1}{0}"-f'een','Gr' )
Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand orchestrates the tokenization and application of all token-based obfuscation functions to provided PowerShell script and places obfuscated tokens back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. If no $TokenTypeToObfuscate is defined then Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will automatically perform ALL token obfuscation functions in random order at the highest obfuscation level.
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'FilePath')] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'FilePath')]
[ValidateSet('Member', 'Command', 'CommandArgument', 'String', 'Variable', 'Type', 'RandomWhitespace', 'Comment')]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Position = 2)]
$ObfuscationLevel = 10 # Default to highest obfuscation level if $ObfuscationLevel isn't defined
# Either convert ScriptBlock to a String or convert script at $Path to a String.
Get-ChildItem $Path -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$ScriptString = [IO.File]::ReadAllText((Resolve-Path $Path))
$ScriptString = [String]$ScriptBlock
# If $TokenTypeToObfuscate was not defined then we will automate randomly calling all available obfuscation functions in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.
If($TokenTypeToObfuscate.Length -eq 0)
# All available obfuscation token types (minus 'String') currently supported in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.
# 'Comment' and 'String' will be manually added first and second respectively for reasons defined below.
# 'RandomWhitespace' will be manually added last for reasons defined below.
$ObfuscationChoices = @()
$ObfuscationChoices += 'Member'
$ObfuscationChoices += 'Command'
$ObfuscationChoices += 'CommandArgument'
$ObfuscationChoices += 'Variable'
$ObfuscationChoices += 'Type'
# Create new array with 'String' plus all obfuscation types above in random order.
$ObfuscationTypeOrder = @()
# Run 'Comment' first since it will be the least number of tokens to iterate through, and comments may be introduced as obfuscation technique in future revisions.
$ObfuscationTypeOrder += 'Comment'
# Run 'String' second since otherwise we will have unnecessary command bloat since other obfuscation functions create additional strings.
$ObfuscationTypeOrder += 'String'
$ObfuscationTypeOrder += (Get-Random -Input $ObfuscationChoices -Count $ObfuscationChoices.Count)
# Apply each randomly-ordered $ObfuscationType from above step.
ForEach($ObfuscationType in $ObfuscationTypeOrder)
$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand ([ScriptBlock]::Create($ScriptString)) $ObfuscationType $ObfuscationLevel
Return $ScriptString
# Parse out and obfuscate tokens (in reverse to make indexes simpler for adding in obfuscated tokens).
$Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null)
# Handle fringe case of retrieving count of all tokens used when applying random whitespace.
$TokenCount = ([System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $TokenTypeToObfuscate}).Count
$TokensForInsertingWhitespace = @('Operator','GroupStart','GroupEnd','StatementSeparator')
# Script-wide variable ($Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth) to speed up Type token obfuscation by avoiding having to re-tokenize ScriptString for every token.
# This is because we are appending variable instantiation at the beginning of each iteration of ScriptString.
# Additional script-wide variable ($Script:TypeTokenVariableArray) allows each unique Type token to only be set once per command/script for efficiency and to create less items to create indicators off of.
$Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth = 0
$Script:TypeTokenVariableArray = @()
If($TokenTypeToObfuscate -eq 'RandomWhitespace')
# If $TokenTypeToObfuscate='RandomWhitespace' then calculate $TokenCount for output by adding token count for all tokens in $TokensForInsertingWhitespace.
$TokenCount = 0
ForEach($TokenForInsertingWhitespace in $TokensForInsertingWhitespace)
$TokenCount += ([System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq $TokenForInsertingWhitespace}).Count
# Handle fringe case of outputting verbiage consistent with options presented in Invoke-Obfuscation.
If($TokenCount -gt 0)
# To be consistent with verbiage in Invoke-Obfuscation we will print Argument/Whitespace instead of CommandArgument/RandomWhitespace.
$TokenTypeToObfuscateToPrint = $TokenTypeToObfuscate
If($TokenTypeToObfuscateToPrint -eq 'CommandArgument') {$TokenTypeToObfuscateToPrint = 'Argument'}
If($TokenTypeToObfuscateToPrint -eq 'RandomWhitespace') {$TokenTypeToObfuscateToPrint = 'Whitespace'}
If($TokenCount -gt 1) {$Plural = 's'}
Else {$Plural = ''}
# Output verbiage concerning which $TokenType is currently being obfuscated and how many tokens of each type are left to obfuscate.
# This becomes more important when obfuscated large scripts where obfuscation can take several minutes due to all of the randomization steps.
Write-Host "`n[*] Obfuscating $($TokenCount)" -NoNewLine
Write-Host " $TokenTypeToObfuscateToPrint" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " token$Plural."
# Variables for outputting status of token processing for large token counts when obfuscating large scripts.
$Counter = $TokenCount
$OutputCount = 0
$IterationsToOutputOn = 100
$DifferenceForEvenOutput = $TokenCount % $IterationsToOutputOn
For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--)
$Token = $Tokens[$i]
# Extra output for large scripts with several thousands tokens (like Invoke-Mimikatz).
If(($TokenCount -gt $IterationsToOutputOn*2) -AND ((($TokenCount-$Counter)-($OutputCount*$IterationsToOutputOn)) -eq ($IterationsToOutputOn+$DifferenceForEvenOutput)))
$ExtraWhitespace = ' '*(([String]($TokenCount)).Length-([String]$Counter).Length)
If($Counter -gt 0)
Write-Host "[*] $ExtraWhitespace$Counter" -NoNewLine
Write-Host " $TokenTypeToObfuscateToPrint" -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host " tokens remaining to obfuscate."
$ObfuscatedToken = ""
If(($Token.Type -eq 'String') -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'string'))
# If String $Token immediately follows a period (and does not begin $ScriptString) then do not obfuscate as a String.
# In this scenario $Token is originally a Member token that has quotes added to it.
# E.g. both InvokeCommand and InvokeScript in $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript
If(($Token.Start -gt 0) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-1,1) -eq '.'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1,2)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
# The below Parameter Binding Validation Attributes cannot have their string values formatted with the -f format operator unless treated as a scriptblock.
# When we find strings following these Parameter Binding Validation Attributes then if we are using a -f format operator we will treat the result as a scriptblock.
# Source: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847743.aspx
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock = @()
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'alias'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'allownull'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'allowemptystring'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'allowemptycollection'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validatecount'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validatelength'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validatepattern'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validaterange'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validatescript'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validateset'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validatenotnull'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'validatenotnullorempty'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'helpmessage'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'outputtype'
$ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock += 'diagnostics.codeanalysis.suppressmessageattribute'
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedStringTokenLevel1 $ScriptString $Token 1}
2 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedStringTokenLevel1 $ScriptString $Token 2}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
ElseIf(($Token.Type -eq 'Member') -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'member'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1,2,3,4)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
# The below Parameter Attributes cannot be obfuscated like other Member Tokens, so we will only randomize the case of these tokens.
# Source 1: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847743.aspx
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase = @()
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'mandatory'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'position'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'parametersetname'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'valuefrompipeline'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'valuefrompipelinebypropertyname'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'valuefromremainingarguments'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'helpmessage'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'alias'
# Source 2: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847872.aspx
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'confirmimpact'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'defaultparametersetname'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'helpuri'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'supportspaging'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'supportsshouldprocess'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'positionalbinding'
$MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase += 'ignorecase'
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-RandomCaseToken $ScriptString $Token}
2 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ScriptString $Token}
3 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedMemberTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Tokens $i 1}
4 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedMemberTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Tokens $i 2}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
ElseIf(($Token.Type -eq 'CommandArgument') -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'commandargument'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1,2,3,4)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-RandomCaseToken $ScriptString $Token}
2 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ScriptString $Token}
3 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandArgumentTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Token 1}
4 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandArgumentTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Token 2}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
ElseIf(($Token.Type -eq 'Command') -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'command'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1,2,3)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
# If a variable is encapsulated in curly braces (e.g. ${ExecutionContext}) then the string inside is treated as a Command token.
# So we will force tick obfuscation (option 1) instead of splatting (option 2) as that would cause errors.
If(($Token.Start -gt 1) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-1,1) -eq '{') -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length,1) -eq '}'))
$ObfuscationLevel = 1
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ScriptString $Token}
2 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandTokenLevel2 $ScriptString $Token 1}
3 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandTokenLevel2 $ScriptString $Token 2}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
ElseIf(($Token.Type -eq 'Variable') -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'variable'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedVariableTokenLevel1 $ScriptString $Token}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
ElseIf(($Token.Type -eq 'Type') -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'type'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1,2)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
# The below Type value substrings are part of Types that cannot be direct Type casted, so we will not perform direct Type casting on Types containing these values.
$TypesThatCannotByDirectTypeCasted = @()
$TypesThatCannotByDirectTypeCasted += 'directoryservices.accountmanagement.'
$TypesThatCannotByDirectTypeCasted += 'windows.clipboard'
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedTypeToken $ScriptString $Token 1}
2 {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedTypeToken $ScriptString $Token 2}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
ElseIf(($TokensForInsertingWhitespace -Contains $Token.Type) -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'randomwhitespace'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-RandomWhitespace $ScriptString $Tokens $i}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
ElseIf(($Token.Type -eq 'Comment') -AND ($TokenTypeToObfuscate.ToLower() -eq 'comment'))
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-RemoveComments $ScriptString $Token}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for token type $($Token.Type)."; Exit;}
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ObfuscatedStringTokenLevel1
Obfuscates string token by randomly concatenating the string in-line.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedStringTokenLevel1
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated, Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered (both located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedStringTokenLevel1 obfuscates a given string token and places it back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
.PARAMETER ObfuscationLevel
Specifies whether to 1) Concatenate or 2) Reorder the String token value.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'String'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedStringTokenLevel1 $ScriptString $Token 1}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
Write-Host ('Hello'+' W'+'orl'+'d!') -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host ('Obfuscation R'+'oc'+'k'+'s'+'!') -ForegroundColor Green
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'String'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedStringTokenLevel1 $ScriptString $Token 2}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
Write-Host ("{2}{3}{0}{1}" -f 'Wo','rld!','Hel','lo ') -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host ("{4}{0}{3}{2}{1}"-f 'bfusca','cks!','Ro','tion ','O') -ForegroundColor Green
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 'String' 1
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateSet(1, 2)]
$EncapsulateAsScriptBlockInsteadOfParentheses = $FALSE
# Extract substring to look for parameter binding values to check against $ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock set in the beginning of this script.
$SubStringLength = 25
If($Token.Start -lt $SubStringLength)
$SubStringLength = $Token.Start
$SubString = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-$SubStringLength,$SubStringLength).Replace(' ','').Replace("`t",'').Replace("`n",'')
$SubStringLength = 5
If($SubString.Length -lt $SubStringLength)
$SubStringLength = $SubString.Length
$SubString = $SubString.SubString($SubString.Length-$SubStringLength,$SubStringLength)
# If dealing with ObfuscationLevel -gt 1 (e.g. -f format operator), perform check to see if we're dealing with a string that is part of a Parameter Binding.
If(($ObfuscationLevel -gt 1) -AND ($Token.Start -gt 5) -AND ($SubString.Contains('(') -OR $SubString.Contains(',')) -AND $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start).Contains('[') -AND $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start).Contains('('))
# Gather substring preceding the current String token to see if we need to treat the obfuscated string as a scriptblock.
$ParameterBindingName = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start)
$ParameterBindingName = $ParameterBindingName.SubString(0,$ParameterBindingName.LastIndexOf('('))
$ParameterBindingName = $ParameterBindingName.SubString($ParameterBindingName.LastIndexOf('[')+1).Trim()
# Filter out values that are not Parameter Binding due to contain whitespace, some special characters, etc.
If(!$ParameterBindingName.Contains(' ') -AND !$ParameterBindingName.Contains(']') -AND !($ParameterBindingName.Length -eq 0))
# If we have a match then set boolean to True so result will be encapsulated with curly braces at the end of this function.
If($ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock -Contains $ParameterBindingName.ToLower())
$EncapsulateAsScriptBlockInsteadOfParentheses = $TRUE
ElseIf(($ObfuscationLevel -gt 1) -AND ($Token.Start -gt 5) -AND $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-5,5).Contains('='))
# If dealing with ObfuscationLevel -gt 1 (e.g. -f format operator), perform check to see if we're dealing with a string that is part of a Parameter Binding.
ForEach($Parameter in $ParameterValidationAttributesToTreatStringAsScriptblock)
$SubStringLength = $Parameter.Length
# Add 10 more to $SubStringLength in case there is excess whitespace between the = sign.
$SubStringLength += 10
# Shorten substring length in case there is not enough room depending on the location of the token in the $ScriptString.
If($Token.Start -lt $SubStringLength)
$SubStringLength = $Token.Start
# Extract substring to compare against $EncapsulateAsScriptBlockInsteadOfParentheses.
$SubString = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-$SubStringLength,$SubStringLength+1).Trim()
# If we have a match then set boolean to True so result will be encapsulated with curly braces at the end of this function.
If($SubString -Match "$Parameter.*=")
$EncapsulateAsScriptBlockInsteadOfParentheses = $TRUE
# Do nothing if the token has length <= 1 (e.g. Write-Host "", single-character tokens, etc.).
If($Token.Content.Length -le 1) {Return $ScriptString}
# Do nothing if the token has length <= 3 and $ObfuscationLevel is 2 (reordering).
If(($Token.Content.Length -le 3) -AND $ObfuscationLevel -eq 2) {Return $ScriptString}
# Do nothing if $Token.Content already contains a { or } to avoid parsing errors when { and } are introduced into substrings.
If($Token.Content.Contains('{') -OR $Token.Content.Contains('}')) {Return $ScriptString}
# If the Token is 'invoke' then do nothing. This is because .invoke() is treated as a member but ."invoke"() is treated as a string.
If($Token.Content.ToLower() -eq 'invoke') {Return $ScriptString}
# Set $Token.Content in a separate variable so it can be modified since Content is a ReadOnly property of $Token.
$TokenContent = $Token.Content
# Tokenizer removes ticks from strings, but we want to keep them. So we will replace the contents of $Token.Content with the manually extracted token data from the original $ScriptString.
$TokenContent = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+1,$Token.Length-2)
# If a variable is present in a string, more work needs to be done to extract from string. Warning maybe should be thrown either way.
# Must come back and address this after vacation.
# Variable can be displaying or setting: "setting var like $($var='secret') and now displaying $var"
# For now just split on whitespace instead of passing to Out-Concatenated
If($TokenContent.Contains('$') -OR $TokenContent.Contains('`'))
$ObfuscatedToken = ''
$Counter = 0
# If special use case is met then don't substring the current Token to avoid errors.
# The special cases involve a double-quoted string containing a variable or a string-embedded-command that contains whitespace in it.
# E.g. "string ${var name with whitespace} string" or "string $(gci *whitespace_in_command*) string"
$TokenContentSplit = $TokenContent.Split(' ')
$ContainsVariableSpecialCases = (($TokenContent.Contains('$(') -OR $TokenContent.Contains('${')) -AND ($ScriptString[$Token.Start] -eq '"'))
$TokenContentSplit = $TokenContent
ForEach($SubToken in $TokenContentSplit)
$ObfuscatedSubToken = $SubToken
# Determine if use case of variable inside of double quotes is present as this will be handled differently below.
$SpecialCaseContainsVariableInDoubleQuotes = (($ObfuscatedSubToken.Contains('$') -OR $ObfuscatedSubToken.Contains('`')) -AND ($ScriptString[$Token.Start] -eq '"'))
# Since splitting on whitespace removes legitimate whitespace we need to add back whitespace for all but the final subtoken.
If($Counter -lt $TokenContent.Split(' ').Count)
$ObfuscatedSubToken = $ObfuscatedSubToken + ' '
# Concatenate $SubToken if it's long enough to be concatenated.
If(($ObfuscatedSubToken.Length -gt 1) -AND !($SpecialCaseContainsVariableInDoubleQuotes))
# Concatenate each $SubToken via Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated so it will handle any replacements for special characters.
# Define -PassThru flag so an invocation is not added to $ObfuscatedSubToken.
$ObfuscatedSubToken = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $ObfuscatedSubToken -PassThru
# Evenly trim leading/trailing parentheses.
While($ObfuscatedSubToken.StartsWith('(') -AND $ObfuscatedSubToken.EndsWith(')'))
$ObfuscatedSubToken = ($ObfuscatedSubToken.SubString(1,$ObfuscatedSubToken.Length-2)).Trim()
$ObfuscatedSubToken = '"' + $ObfuscatedSubToken + '"'
ElseIf($ObfuscatedSubToken.Contains("'") -OR $ObfuscatedSubToken.Contains('$'))
$ObfuscatedSubToken = '"' + $ObfuscatedSubToken + '"'
$ObfuscatedSubToken = "'" + $ObfuscatedSubToken + "'"
# Add obfuscated/trimmed $SubToken back to $ObfuscatedToken if a Replace operation was used.
If($ObfuscatedSubToken -eq $PreObfuscatedSubToken)
# Same, so don't encapsulate. And maybe take off trailing whitespace?
$ObfuscatedToken += ( '(' + $ObfuscatedSubToken + ')' + '+' )
$ObfuscatedToken += ($ObfuscatedSubToken + '+' )
# Trim extra whitespace and trailing + from $ObfuscatedToken.
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken.Trim(' + ')
# For Parameter Binding the value has to either be plain concatenation or must be a scriptblock in which case we will encapsulate with {} instead of ().
# The encapsulation will occur later in the function. At this point we're just setting the boolean variable $EncapsulateAsScriptBlockInsteadOfParentheses.
# Actual error that led to this is: "Attribute argument must be a constant or a script block."
# ALLOWED :: [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName={"{1}{0}{2}"-f'd','DumpCre','s'})]
# NOT ALLOWED :: [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName=("{1}{0}{2}"-f'd','DumpCre','s'))]
$SubStringStart = 30
If($Token.Start -lt $SubStringStart)
$SubStringStart = $Token.Start
$SubString = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-$SubStringStart,$SubStringStart).ToLower()
If($SubString.Contains('defaultparametersetname') -AND $SubString.Contains('='))
$EncapsulateAsScriptBlockInsteadOfParentheses = $TRUE
If($SubString.Contains('parametersetname') -OR $SubString.Contains('confirmimpact') -AND !$SubString.Contains('defaultparametersetname') -AND $SubString.Contains('='))
# For strings in ParameterSetName parameter binding (but not DefaultParameterSetName) then we will only obfuscate with tick marks.
# Otherwise we may get errors depending on the version of PowerShell being run.
$ObfuscatedToken = $Token.Content
$TokenForTicks = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ObfuscatedToken,[ref]$null)
$ObfuscatedToken = '"' + (Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ObfuscatedToken $TokenForTicks[0]) + '"'
# User input $ObfuscationLevel (1-2) will choose between concatenating String token value string or reordering it with the -f format operator.
# I am leaving out Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand's option 3 since that may introduce a Type token unnecessarily ([Regex]).
1 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $TokenContent -PassThru}
2 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered $TokenContent -PassThru}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for String Token Obfuscation."; Exit}
# Evenly trim leading/trailing parentheses.
While($ObfuscatedToken.StartsWith('(') -AND $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith(')'))
$TrimmedObfuscatedToken = ($ObfuscatedToken.SubString(1,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-2)).Trim()
# Check if the parentheses are balanced before permenantly trimming
$Balanced = $True
$Counter = 0
ForEach($char in $TrimmedObfuscatedToken.ToCharArray()) {
If($char -eq '(') {
$Counter = $Counter + 1
ElseIf($char -eq ')') {
If($Counter -eq 0) {
$Balanced = $False
Else {
$Counter = $Counter - 1
# If parantheses are balanced, we can safely trim the parentheses
If($Balanced -and $Counter -eq 0) {
$ObfuscatedToken = $TrimmedObfuscatedToken
# If parentheses cannot be trimmed, break out of loop
Else {
# Encapsulate concatenated string with parentheses to avoid garbled string in scenarios like Write-* methods.
If($ObfuscatedToken.Length -ne ($TokenContent.Length + 2))
# For Parameter Binding the value has to either be plain concatenation or must be a scriptblock in which case we will encapsulate with {} instead of ().
# Actual error that led to this is: "Attribute argument must be a constant or a script block."
# ALLOWED :: [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName={"{1}{0}{2}"-f'd','DumpCre','s'})]
# NOT ALLOWED :: [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName=("{1}{0}{2}"-f'd','DumpCre','s'))]
$ObfuscatedToken = '{' + $ObfuscatedToken + '}'
ElseIf(($ObfuscatedToken.Length -eq $TokenContent.Length + 5) -AND $ObfuscatedToken.SubString(2,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-4) -eq ($TokenContent + ' '))
If($ContainsVariableSpecialCases) {
$ObfuscatedToken = '"' + $TokenContent + '"'
Else {
$ObfuscatedToken = $TokenContent
ElseIf($ObfuscatedToken.StartsWith('"') -AND $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith('"') -AND !$ObfuscatedToken.Contains('+') -AND !$ObfuscatedToken.Contains('-f'))
# No encapsulation is needed for string obfuscation that is only double quotes and tick marks for ParameterSetName (and not DefaultParameterSetName).
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken
ElseIf($ObfuscatedToken.Length -ne $TokenContent.Length + 2)
$ObfuscatedToken = '(' + $ObfuscatedToken + ')'
# Remove redundant blank string concatenations introduced by special use case of $ inside double quotes.
If($ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith("+''") -OR $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith('+""'))
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken.SubString(0,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-3)
# Handle dangling ticks from string concatenation where a substring ends in a tick. Move this tick to the beginning of the following substring.
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken.Replace('`"+"','"+"`')
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken.Replace("``'+'","'+'``")
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
# If string is preceded by a . or :: and followed by ( then it is a Member token encapsulated by quotes and now treated as a string.
# We must add a .Invoke to the concatenated Member string to avoid syntax errors.
If((($Token.Start -gt 0) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-1,1) -eq '.')) -OR (($Token.Start -gt 1) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-2,2) -eq '::')) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length,1) -eq '('))
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + '.Invoke' + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ObfuscatedCommandTokenLevel2
Obfuscates command token by converting it to a concatenated string and using splatting to invoke the command.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedCommandTokenLevel2
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated, Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered (both located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedCommandTokenLevel2 obfuscates a given command token and places it back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
.PARAMETER ObfuscationLevel
Specifies whether to 1) Concatenate or 2) Reorder the splatted Command token value.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Command'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandTokenLevel2 $ScriptString $Token 1}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
&('Wr'+'itE-'+'HOSt') 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; .('WrITe-Ho'+'s'+'t') 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Command'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandTokenLevel2 $ScriptString $Token 1}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
&("{1}{0}{2}"-f'h','wRiTE-','ost') 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; .("{2}{1}{0}" -f'ost','-h','wrIte') 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 'Command' 2
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateSet(1, 2)]
# Set $Token.Content in a separate variable so it can be modified since Content is a ReadOnly property of $Token.
$TokenContent = $Token.Content
# If ticks are already present in current Token then remove so they will not interfere with string concatenation.
If($TokenContent.Contains('`')) {$TokenContent = $TokenContent.Replace('`','')}
# Convert $Token to character array for easier manipulation.
$TokenArray = [Char[]]$TokenContent
# Randomly upper- and lower-case characters in current token.
$ObfuscatedToken = Out-RandomCase $TokenArray
# User input $ObfuscationLevel (1-2) will choose between concatenating Command token value string (after trimming square brackets) or reordering it with the -F format operator.
# I am leaving out Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand's option 3 since that may introduce a Type token unnecessarily ([Regex]).
1 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $TokenContent -PassThru}
2 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered $TokenContent -PassThru}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for Command Token Obfuscation."; Exit}
# Evenly trim leading/trailing parentheses.
While($ObfuscatedToken.StartsWith('(') -AND $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith(')'))
$ObfuscatedToken = ($ObfuscatedToken.SubString(1,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-2)).Trim()
# Encapsulate $ObfuscatedToken with parentheses.
$ObfuscatedToken = '(' + $ObfuscatedToken + ')'
# Check if the command is already prepended with an invocation operator. If it is then do not add an invocation operator.
# E.g. & powershell -Sta -Command $cmd
# E.g. https://github.com/adaptivethreat/Empire/blob/master/data/module_source/situational_awareness/host/Invoke-WinEnum.ps1#L139
$SubStringLength = 15
If($Token.Start -lt $SubStringLength)
$SubStringLength = $Token.Start
# Extract substring leading up to the current token.
$SubString = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-$SubStringLength,$SubStringLength).Trim()
# Set $InvokeOperatorAlreadyPresent boolean variable to TRUE if the substring ends with invocation operators . or &
$InvokeOperatorAlreadyPresent = $FALSE
If($SubString.EndsWith('.') -OR $SubString.EndsWith('&'))
$InvokeOperatorAlreadyPresent = $TRUE
# Randomly choose between the & and . Invoke Operators.
# In certain large scripts where more than one parameter are being passed into a custom function
# (like Add-SignedIntAsUnsigned in Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1) then using . will cause errors but & will not.
# For now we will default to only & if $ScriptString.Length -gt 10000
If($ScriptString.Length -gt 10000) {$RandomInvokeOperator = '&'}
Else {$RandomInvokeOperator = Get-Random -InputObject @('&','.')}
# Add invoke operator (and potentially whitespace) to complete splatting command.
$ObfuscatedToken = $RandomInvokeOperator + $ObfuscatedToken
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks
HELPER FUNCTION :: Obfuscates any token by randomizing its case and randomly adding ticks. It takes PowerShell special characters into account so you will get `N instead of `n, `T instead of `t, etc.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks obfuscates given input as a helper function to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Command'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ScriptString $Token}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
WrI`Te-Ho`sT 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; WrIte-`hO`S`T 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 'Command' 2
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
# If ticks are already present in current Token then Return $ScriptString as is.
Return $ScriptString
# The Parameter Attributes in $MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase (defined at beginning of script) cannot be obfuscated like other Member Tokens
# For these tokens we will only randomize the case and then return as is.
# Source: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/15994.powershell-advanced-function-parameter-attributes.aspx
If($MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase -Contains $Token.Content.ToLower())
$ObfuscatedToken = Out-RandomCase $Token.Content
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
# Set boolean variable to encapsulate member with double quotes if it is setting a value like below.
# E.g. New-Object PSObject -Property @{ "P`AY`LOaDS" = $Payload }
$EncapsulateWithDoubleQuotes = $FALSE
If($ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start).Contains('@{') -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length).Trim()[0] -eq '='))
$EncapsulateWithDoubleQuotes = $TRUE
# Convert $Token to character array for easier manipulation.
$TokenArray = [Char[]]$Token.Content
# Randomly upper- and lower-case characters in current token.
$TokenArray = Out-RandomCase $TokenArray
# Choose a random percentage of characters to obfuscate with ticks in current token.
$ObfuscationPercent = Get-Random -Minimum 15 -Maximum 30
# Convert $ObfuscationPercent to the exact number of characters to obfuscate in the current token.
$NumberOfCharsToObfuscate = [int]($Token.Length*($ObfuscationPercent/100))
# Guarantee that at least one character will be obfuscated.
If($NumberOfCharsToObfuscate -eq 0) {$NumberOfCharsToObfuscate = 1}
# Select random character indexes to obfuscate with ticks (excluding first and last character in current token).
$CharIndexesToObfuscate = (Get-Random -InputObject (1..($TokenArray.Length-2)) -Count $NumberOfCharsToObfuscate)
# Special characters in PowerShell must be upper-cased before adding a tick before the character.
$SpecialCharacters = @('a','b','f','n','r','u','t','v','0')
# Remove the possibility of a single tick being placed only before the token string.
# This would leave the string value completely intact, thus defeating the purpose of the tick obfuscation.
$ObfuscatedToken = '' #$NULL
$ObfuscatedToken += $TokenArray[0]
For($i=1; $i -le $TokenArray.Length-1; $i++)
$CurrentChar = $TokenArray[$i]
If($CharIndexesToObfuscate -Contains $i)
# Set current character to upper case in case it is in $SpecialCharacters (i.e., `N instead of `n so it's not treated as a newline special character)
If($SpecialCharacters -Contains $CurrentChar) {$CurrentChar = ([string]$CurrentChar).ToUpper()}
# Skip adding a tick if character is a special character where case does not apply.
If($CurrentChar -eq '0') {$ObfuscatedToken += $CurrentChar; Continue}
# Add tick.
$ObfuscatedToken += '`' + $CurrentChar
$ObfuscatedToken += $CurrentChar
# If $Token immediately follows a . or :: (and does not begin $ScriptString) then encapsulate with double quotes so ticks are valid.
# E.g. both InvokeCommand and InvokeScript in $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript
If((($Token.Start -gt 0) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-1,1) -eq '.')) -OR (($Token.Start -gt 1) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-2,2) -eq '::')))
# Encapsulate the obfuscated token with double quotes since ticks were introduced.
$ObfuscatedToken = '"' + $ObfuscatedToken + '"'
# Encapsulate the obfuscated token with double quotes since ticks were introduced.
$ObfuscatedToken = '"' + $ObfuscatedToken + '"'
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ObfuscatedMemberTokenLevel3
Obfuscates member token by randomizing its case, randomly concatenating the member as a string and adding the .invoke operator. This enables us to treat a member token as a string to gain the obfuscation benefits of a string.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedMemberTokenLevel3
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated, Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered (both located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedMemberTokenLevel3 obfuscates a given token and places it back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token array containing the token we will obfuscate.
Specifies the index of the token to obfuscate.
.PARAMETER ObfuscationLevel
Specifies whether to 1) Concatenate or 2) Reorder the Member token value.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "[console]::WriteLine('Hello World!'); [console]::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null)
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {If($Tokens[$i].Type -eq 'Member') {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedMemberTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Tokens $i 1}}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
[console]::('wR'+'It'+'eline').Invoke('Hello World!'); [console]::('wrItEL'+'IN'+'E').Invoke('Obfuscation Rocks!')
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "[console]::WriteLine('Hello World!'); [console]::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null)
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {If($Tokens[$i].Type -eq 'Member') {$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedMemberTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Tokens $i 2}}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
[console]::("{0}{2}{1}"-f 'W','ITEline','r').Invoke('Hello World!'); [console]::("{2}{1}{0}" -f 'liNE','RITE','W').Invoke('Obfuscation Rocks!')
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {[console]::WriteLine('Hello World!'); [console]::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')} 'Member' 3
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateSet(1, 2)]
$Token = $Tokens[$Index]
# The Parameter Attributes in $MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase (defined at beginning of script) cannot be obfuscated like other Member Tokens
# For these tokens we will only randomize the case and then return as is.
# Source: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/15994.powershell-advanced-function-parameter-attributes.aspx
If($MemberTokensToOnlyRandomCase -Contains $Token.Content.ToLower())
$ObfuscatedToken = Out-RandomCase $Token.Content
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
# If $Token immediately follows a . or :: (and does not begin $ScriptString) of if followed by [] type cast within
# parentheses then only allow Member token to be obfuscated with ticks and quotes.
# The exception to this is when the $Token is immediately followed by an opening parenthese, like in .DownloadString(
# E.g. both InvokeCommand and InvokeScript in $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript
# E.g. If $Token is 'Invoke' then concatenating it and then adding .Invoke() would be redundant.
$RemainingSubString = 50
If($RemainingSubString -gt $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length).Length)
$RemainingSubString = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length).Length
# Parse out $SubSubString to make next If block a little cleaner for handling fringe cases in which we will revert to ticks instead of concatenation or reordering of the Member token value.
$SubSubString = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length,$RemainingSubString)
If(($Token.Content.ToLower() -eq 'invoke') `
-OR ($Token.Content.ToLower() -eq 'computehash') `
-OR ($Token.Content.ToLower() -eq 'tobase64string') `
-OR ($Token.Content.ToLower() -eq 'getstring') `
-OR ($Token.Content.ToLower() -eq 'getconstructor') `
-OR (((($Token.Start -gt 0) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-1,1) -eq '.')) `
-OR (($Token.Start -gt 1) -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-2,2) -eq '::'))) `
-AND (($ScriptString.Length -ge $Token.Start+$Token.Length+1) -AND (($SubSubString.SubString(0,1) -ne '(') -OR (($SubSubString.Contains('[')) -AND !($SubSubString.SubString(0,$SubSubString.IndexOf('[')).Contains(')')))))))
# We will use the scriptString length prior to obfuscating 'invoke' to help extract the this token after obfuscation so we can add quotes before re-inserting it.
$PrevLength = $ScriptString.Length
# Obfuscate 'invoke' token with ticks.
$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ScriptString $Token
#$TokenLength = 'invoke'.Length + ($ScriptString.Length - $PrevLength)
$TokenLength = $Token.Length + ($ScriptString.Length - $PrevLength)
# Encapsulate obfuscated and extracted token with double quotes if it is not already.
$ObfuscatedTokenExtracted = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start,$TokenLength)
If($ObfuscatedTokenExtracted.StartsWith('"') -AND $ObfuscatedTokenExtracted.EndsWith('"'))
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedTokenExtracted + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$TokenLength)
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + '"' + $ObfuscatedTokenExtracted + '"' + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$TokenLength)
Return $ScriptString
# Set $Token.Content in a separate variable so it can be modified since Content is a ReadOnly property of $Token.
$TokenContent = $Token.Content
# If ticks are already present in current Token then remove so they will not interfere with string concatenation.
If($TokenContent.Contains('`')) {$TokenContent = $TokenContent.Replace('`','')}
# Convert $Token to character array for easier manipulation.
$TokenArray = [Char[]]$TokenContent
# Randomly upper- and lower-case characters in current token.
$TokenArray = Out-RandomCase $TokenArray
# User input $ObfuscationLevel (1-2) will choose between concatenating Member token value string or reordering it with the -F format operator.
# I am leaving out Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand's option 3 since that may introduce a Type token unnecessarily ([Regex]).
1 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $TokenContent -PassThru}
2 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered $TokenContent -PassThru}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for Member Token Obfuscation."; Exit}
# Evenly trim leading/trailing parentheses -- .Trim does this unevenly.
While($ObfuscatedToken.StartsWith('(') -AND $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith(')'))
$ObfuscatedToken = ($ObfuscatedToken.SubString(1,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-2)).Trim()
# Encapsulate $ObfuscatedToken with parentheses.
$ObfuscatedToken = '(' + $ObfuscatedToken + ')'
# Retain current token before re-tokenizing if 'invoke' member was introduced (see next For loop below)
$InvokeToken = $Token
# Retain how much the token has increased during obfuscation process so far.
$TokenLengthIncrease = $ObfuscatedToken.Length - $Token.Content.Length
# Add .Invoke if Member token was originally immediately followed by '('
If(($Index -lt $Tokens.Count) -AND ($Tokens[$Index+1].Content -eq '(') -AND ($Tokens[$Index+1].Type -eq 'GroupStart'))
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken + '.Invoke'
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ObfuscatedCommandArgumentTokenLevel3
Obfuscates command argument token by randomly concatenating the command argument as a string and encapsulating it with parentheses.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedCommandArgumentTokenLevel3
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated, Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered (both located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedCommandArgumentTokenLevel3 obfuscates a given token and places it back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
.PARAMETER ObfuscationLevel
Specifies whether to 1) Concatenate or 2) Reorder the Argument token value.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'CommandArgument'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandArgumentTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Token 1}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor ('Gr'+'een'); Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor ("Gree"+"n")
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'CommandArgument'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedCommandArgumentTokenLevel3 $ScriptString $Token 2}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor ("{1}{0}"-f 'een','Gr'); Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor ("{0}{1}" -f 'Gre','en')
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 'CommandArgument' 3
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateSet(1, 2)]
# Function name declarations are CommandArgument tokens that cannot be obfuscated with concatenations.
# For these we will obfuscated them with ticks because this changes the string from AMSI's perspective but not the final functionality.
If($ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start-1).Trim().ToLower().EndsWith('function') -or $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start-1).Trim().ToLower().EndsWith('filter'))
$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ScriptString $Token
Return $ScriptString
# Set $Token.Content in a separate variable so it can be modified since Content is a ReadOnly property of $Token.
$TokenContent = $Token.Content
# If ticks are already present in current Token then remove so they will not interfere with string concatenation.
If($TokenContent.Contains('`')) {$TokenContent = $TokenContent.Replace('`','')}
# User input $ObfuscationLevel (1-2) will choose between concatenating CommandArgument token value string or reordering it with the -F format operator.
# I am leaving out Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand's option 3 since that may introduce a Type token unnecessarily ([Regex]).
1 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $TokenContent -PassThru}
2 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered $TokenContent -PassThru}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for Argument Token Obfuscation."; Exit}
# Evenly trim leading/trailing parentheses -- .Trim does this unevenly.
While($ObfuscatedToken.StartsWith('(') -AND $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith(')'))
$ObfuscatedToken = ($ObfuscatedToken.SubString(1,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-2)).Trim()
# Encapsulate $ObfuscatedToken with parentheses.
$ObfuscatedToken = '(' + $ObfuscatedToken + ')'
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ObfuscatedTypeToken
Obfuscates type token by using direct type cast syntax and concatenating or reordering the Type token value.
This function only applies to Type tokens immediately followed by . or :: operators and then a Member token.
E.g. [Char][Int]'123' will not be obfuscated by this function, but [Console]::WriteLine will be obfuscated.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedTypeToken
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated, Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered (both located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedTypeToken obfuscates a given token and places it back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
.PARAMETER ObfuscationLevel
Specifies whether to 1) Concatenate or 2) Reorder the Type token value.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "[console]::WriteLine('Hello World!'); [console]::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Type'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedTypeToken $ScriptString $Token 1}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
sET EOU ( [TYPe]('CO'+'NS'+'oLe')) ; ( CHILdiTEM VariablE:EOU ).VALUE::WriteLine('Hello World!'); $eoU::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "[console]::WriteLine('Hello World!'); [console]::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Type'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedTypeToken $ScriptString $Token 2}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
SET-vAriablE BVgz6n ([tYpe]("{2}{1}{0}" -f'sOle','On','C') ) ; $BVGz6N::WriteLine('Hello World!'); ( cHilDItem vAriAbLE:bVGZ6n ).VAlue::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {[console]::WriteLine('Hello World!'); [console]::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')} 'Type' 1
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {[console]::WriteLine('Hello World!'); [console]::WriteLine('Obfuscation Rocks!')} 'Type' 2
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateSet(1, 2)]
# If we are dealing with a Type that is found in $TypesThatCannotByDirectTypeCasted then return as is since it will error if we try to direct Type cast.
ForEach($Type in $TypesThatCannotByDirectTypeCasted)
Return $ScriptString
# If we are dealing with a Type that is NOT immediately followed by a Member token (denoted by . or :: operators) then we won't obfuscated.
# This is for Type tokens like: [Char][Int]'123' etc.
If(($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth+$Token.Length,1) -ne '.') -AND ($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth+$Token.Length,2) -ne '::'))
Return $ScriptString
# This variable will be used to track the growth in length of $ScriptString since we'll be appending variable creation at the beginning of $ScriptString.
# This will allow us to avoid tokenizing $ScriptString for every single Type token that is present.
$PrevLength = $ScriptString.Length
# See if we've already set another instance of this same Type token previously in this obfsucation iteration.
$RandomVarName = $NULL
$UsingPreviouslyDefinedVarName = $FALSE
ForEach($DefinedTokenVariable in $Script:TypeTokenVariableArray)
If($Token.Content.ToLower() -eq $DefinedTokenVariable[0])
$RandomVarName = $DefinedTokenVariable[1]
$UsingPreviouslyDefinedVarName = $TRUE
# If we haven't already defined a random variable for this Token type then we will do that. Otherwise we will use the previously-defined variable.
# User input $ObfuscationLevel (1-2) will choose between concatenating Type token value string (after trimming square brackets) or reordering it with the -F format operator.
# I am leaving out Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand's option 3 since that may introduce another Type token unnecessarily ([Regex]).
# Trim of encapsulating square brackets before obfuscating the string value of the Type token.
$TokenContent = $Token.Content.Trim('[]')
1 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $TokenContent -PassThru}
2 {$ObfuscatedToken = Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered $TokenContent -PassThru}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for Type Token Obfuscation."; Exit}
# Evenly trim leading/trailing parentheses.
While($ObfuscatedToken.StartsWith('(') -AND $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith(')'))
$ObfuscatedToken = ($ObfuscatedToken.SubString(1,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-2)).Trim()
# Add syntax for direct type casting.
$ObfuscatedTokenTypeCast = '[type]' + '(' + $ObfuscatedToken + ')'
# Characters we will use to generate random variable names.
# For simplicity do NOT include single- or double-quotes in this array.
$CharsToRandomVarName = @(0..9)
$CharsToRandomVarName += @('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')
# Randomly choose variable name starting length.
$RandomVarLength = (Get-Random -Input @(3..6))
# Create random variable with characters from $CharsToRandomVarName.
If($CharsToRandomVarName.Count -lt $RandomVarLength) {$RandomVarLength = $CharsToRandomVarName.Count}
$RandomVarName = ((Get-Random -Input $CharsToRandomVarName -Count $RandomVarLength) -Join '').Replace(' ','')
# Keep generating random variables until we find one that is not a substring of $ScriptString.
$RandomVarName = ((Get-Random -Input $CharsToRandomVarName -Count $RandomVarLength) -Join '').Replace(' ','')
# Track this variable name and Type token so we can reuse this variable name for future uses of this same Type token in this obfuscation iteration.
$Script:TypeTokenVariableArray += , @($Token.Content,$RandomVarName)
# Randomly decide if the variable name will be concatenated inline or not.
# Handle both <varname> and <variable:varname> syntaxes depending on which option is chosen concerning GET variable syntax.
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated = $RandomVarName
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenatedWithVariablePrepended = 'variable:' + $RandomVarName
If((Get-Random -Input @(0..1)) -eq 0)
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated = '(' + (Out-ConcatenatedString $RandomVarName (Get-Random -Input @('"',"'"))) + ')'
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenatedWithVariablePrepended = '(' + (Out-ConcatenatedString "variable:$RandomVarName" (Get-Random -Input @('"',"'"))) + ')'
# Generate random variable SET syntax.
$RandomVarSetSyntax = @()
$RandomVarSetSyntax += '$' + $RandomVarName + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + '=' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + $ObfuscatedTokenTypeCast
$RandomVarSetSyntax += (Get-Random -Input @('Set-Variable','SV','Set')) + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + $ObfuscatedTokenTypeCast + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ')'
$RandomVarSetSyntax += 'Set-Item' + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenatedWithVariablePrepended + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + $ObfuscatedTokenTypeCast + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ')'
# Randomly choose from above variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarSet = (Get-Random -Input $RandomVarSetSyntax)
# Randomize the case of selected variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarSet = Out-RandomCase $RandomVarSet
# Generate random variable GET syntax.
$RandomVarGetSyntax = @()
$RandomVarGetSyntax += '$' + $RandomVarName
$RandomVarGetSyntax += '(' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + (Get-Random -Input @('Get-Variable','Variable')) + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated + (Get-Random -Input ((' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ').Value'),(' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + ('-ValueOnly'.SubString(0,(Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum ('-ValueOnly'.Length+1)))) + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ')')))
$RandomVarGetSyntax += '(' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + (Get-Random -Input @('DIR','Get-ChildItem','GCI','ChildItem','LS','Get-Item','GI','Item')) + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenatedWithVariablePrepended + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ').Value'
# Randomly choose from above variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarGet = (Get-Random -Input $RandomVarGetSyntax)
# Randomize the case of selected variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarGet = Out-RandomCase $RandomVarGet
# If we're using an existing variable already set in ScriptString for the current Type token then we don't need to prepend an additional SET variable syntax.
$PortionToPrependToScriptString = ''
$PortionToPrependToScriptString = ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + $RandomVarSet + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ';' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2))
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $PortionToPrependToScriptString + $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start+$Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth) + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarGet + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length+$Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth)
# Keep track how much $ScriptString grows for each Type token obfuscation iteration.
$Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth = $Script:TypeTokenScriptStringGrowth + $PortionToPrependToScriptString.Length
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ObfuscatedVariableTokenLevel1
Obfuscates variable token by randomizing its case, randomly adding ticks and wrapping it in curly braces.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedVariableTokenLevel1
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedVariableTokenLevel1 obfuscates a given token and places it back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "`$Message1 = 'Hello World!'; Write-Host `$Message1 -ForegroundColor Green; `$Message2 = 'Obfuscation Rocks!'; Write-Host `$Message2 -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Variable'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedVariableTokenLevel1 $ScriptString $Token}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
${m`e`ssAge1} = 'Hello World!'; Write-Host ${MEss`Ag`e1} -ForegroundColor Green; ${meSsAg`e`2} = 'Obfuscation Rocks!'; Write-Host ${M`es`SagE2} -ForegroundColor Green
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {$Message1 = 'Hello World!'; Write-Host $Message1 -ForegroundColor Green; $Message2 = 'Obfuscation Rocks!'; Write-Host $Message2 -ForegroundColor Green} 'Variable' 1
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
# Return as-is if the variable is already encapsulated with ${}. Otherwise you will get errors if you have something like ${var} turned into ${${var}}
If($ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start,2) -eq '${' -OR $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start,1) -eq '@')
Return $ScriptString
# Length of pre-obfuscated ScriptString will be important in extracting out the obfuscated token before we add curly braces.
$PrevLength = $ScriptString.Length
$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedWithTicks $ScriptString $Token
# Pull out ObfuscatedToken from ScriptString and add curly braces around obfuscated variable token.
$ObfuscatedToken = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start,$Token.Length+($ScriptString.Length-$PrevLength))
$ObfuscatedToken = '${' + $ObfuscatedToken.Trim('"') + '}'
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length+($ScriptString.Length-$PrevLength))
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-RandomCaseToken
HELPER FUNCTION :: Obfuscates any token by randomizing its case and reinserting it into the ScriptString input variable.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-RandomCaseToken
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-RandomCaseToken obfuscates given input as a helper function to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'CommandArgument'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-RandomCaseToken $ScriptString $Token}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor GREeN; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor gReeN
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 'CommandArgument' 1
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
# Convert $Token to character array for easier manipulation.
$TokenArray = [Char[]]$Token.Content
# Randomly upper- and lower-case characters in current token.
$TokenArray = Out-RandomCase $TokenArray
# Convert character array back to string.
$ObfuscatedToken = $TokenArray -Join ''
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-ConcatenatedString
HELPER FUNCTION :: Obfuscates any string by randomly concatenating it and encapsulating the result with input single- or double-quotes.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ConcatenatedString
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ConcatenatedString obfuscates given input as a helper function to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
Specifies the string to obfuscate.
Specifies the single- or double-quote used to encapsulate the concatenated string.
C:\PS> Out-ConcatenatedString "String to be concatenated" '"'
"String "+"to be "+"co"+"n"+"c"+"aten"+"at"+"ed
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 'CommandArgument' 3
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
# Strip leading and trailing single- or double-quotes if there are no more quotes of the same kind in $InputVal.
# E.g. 'stringtoconcat' will have the leading and trailing quotes removed and will use $Quote.
# But a string "'G'+'" passed to this function as 'G'+' will have all quotes remain as part of the $InputVal string.
If($InputVal.Contains("'")) {$InputVal = $InputVal.Replace("'","`'")}
If($InputVal.Contains('"')) {$InputVal = $InputVal.Replace('"','`"')}
# Do nothing if string is of length 2 or less
$ObfuscatedToken = ''
If($InputVal.Length -le 2)
$ObfuscatedToken = $Quote + $InputVal + $Quote
Return $ObfuscatedToken
# Choose a random percentage of characters to have concatenated in current token.
# If the current token is greater than 1000 characters (as in SecureString or Base64 strings) then set $ConcatPercent much lower
If($InputVal.Length -gt 25000)
$ConcatPercent = Get-Random -Minimum 0.05 -Maximum 0.10
ElseIf($InputVal.Length -gt 1000)
$ConcatPercent = Get-Random -Minimum 2 -Maximum 4
$ConcatPercent = Get-Random -Minimum 15 -Maximum 30
# Convert $ConcatPercent to the exact number of characters to concatenate in the current token.
$ConcatCount = [Int]($InputVal.Length*($ConcatPercent/100))
# Guarantee that at least one concatenation will occur.
If($ConcatCount -eq 0)
$ConcatCount = 1
# Select random indexes on which to concatenate.
$CharIndexesToConcat = (Get-Random -InputObject (1..($InputVal.Length-1)) -Count $ConcatCount) | Sort-Object
# Perform inline concatenation.
$LastIndex = 0
ForEach($IndexToObfuscate in $CharIndexesToConcat)
# Extract substring to concatenate with $ObfuscatedToken.
$SubString = $InputVal.SubString($LastIndex,$IndexToObfuscate-$LastIndex)
# Concatenate with quotes and addition operator.
$ObfuscatedToken += $SubString + $Quote + "+" + $Quote
$LastIndex = $IndexToObfuscate
# Add final substring.
$ObfuscatedToken += $InputVal.SubString($LastIndex)
$ObfuscatedToken += $FinalSubString
# Add final quotes if necessary.
If(!($ObfuscatedToken.StartsWith($Quote) -AND $ObfuscatedToken.EndsWith($Quote)))
$ObfuscatedToken = $Quote + $ObfuscatedToken + $Quote
# Remove any existing leading or trailing empty string concatenation.
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken.SubString(3)
$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken.SubString(0,$ObfuscatedToken.Length-3)
Return $ObfuscatedToken
Function Out-RandomCase
HELPER FUNCTION :: Obfuscates any string or char[] by randomizing its case.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-RandomCase
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-RandomCase obfuscates given input as a helper function to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
Specifies the string to obfuscate.
Specifies the char[] to obfuscate.
C:\PS> Out-RandomCase "String to have case randomized"
STrINg to haVe caSe RAnDoMIzeD
C:\PS> Out-RandomCase ([char[]]"String to have case randomized")
StrING TO HavE CASE randOmIzeD
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 'Command' 3
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'InputVal')] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = 'InputValStr')]
[Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'InputVal')]
# Convert string to char array for easier manipulation.
$InputVal = [Char[]]$InputValStr
# Randomly convert each character to upper- or lower-case.
$OutputVal = ($InputVal | ForEach-Object {If((Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 2) -eq 0) {([String]$_).ToUpper()} Else {([String]$_).ToLower()}}) -Join ''
Return $OutputVal
Function Out-RandomWhitespace
Obfuscates operator/groupstart/groupend/statementseparator token by adding random amounts of whitespace before/after the token depending on the token value and its immediate surroundings in the input script.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-RandomWhitespace
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-RandomWhitespace adds random whitespace before/after a given token and places it back into the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token array containing the token we will obfuscate.
Specifies the index of the token to obfuscate.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "Write-Host ('Hel'+'lo Wo'+'rld!') -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host ('Obfu'+'scation Ro'+'cks!') -ForegroundColor Green"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null)
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {If(($Tokens[$i].Type -eq 'Operator') -OR ($Tokens[$i].Type -eq 'GroupStart') -OR ($Tokens[$i].Type -eq 'GroupEnd')) {$ScriptString = Out-RandomWhitespace $ScriptString $Tokens $i}}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
Write-Host ('Hel'+ 'lo Wo' + 'rld!') -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host ( 'Obfu' +'scation Ro' + 'cks!') -ForegroundColor Green
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {Write-Host ('Hel'+'lo Wo'+'rld!') -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host ('Obfu'+'scation Ro'+'cks!') -ForegroundColor Green} 'RandomWhitespace' 1
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
$Token = $Tokens[$Index]
$ObfuscatedToken = $Token.Content
# Do not add DEFAULT setting in below Switch block.
Switch($Token.Content) {
'(' {$ObfuscatedToken = $ObfuscatedToken + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3)}
')' {$ObfuscatedToken = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ObfuscatedToken}
';' {$ObfuscatedToken = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ObfuscatedToken + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3)}
'|' {$ObfuscatedToken = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ObfuscatedToken + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3)}
'+' {$ObfuscatedToken = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ObfuscatedToken + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3)}
'=' {$ObfuscatedToken = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ObfuscatedToken + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3)}
'&' {$ObfuscatedToken = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ObfuscatedToken + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3)}
'.' {
# Retrieve character in script immediately preceding the current token
If($Index -eq 0) {$PrevChar = ' '}
Else {$PrevChar = $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start-1,1)}
# Only add randomized whitespace to . if it is acting as a standalone invoke operator (either at the beginning of the script or immediately preceded by ; or whitespace)
If(($PrevChar -eq ' ') -OR ($PrevChar -eq ';')) {$ObfuscatedToken = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ObfuscatedToken + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3)}
# Add the obfuscated token back to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ObfuscatedToken + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-RemoveComments
Obfuscates variable token by removing all comment tokens. This is primarily since A/V uses strings in comments as part of many of their signatures for well known PowerShell scripts like Invoke-Mimikatz.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-RemoveComments
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-RemoveComments obfuscates a given token by removing all comment tokens from the provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs or A/V signatures based on strings in PowerShell script comments. For the most complete obfuscation all tokens in a given PowerShell script or script block (cast as a string object) should be obfuscated via the corresponding obfuscation functions and desired obfuscation levels in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
Specifies the token to obfuscate.
C:\PS> $ScriptString = "`$Message1 = 'Hello World!'; Write-Host `$Message1 -ForegroundColor Green; `$Message2 = 'Obfuscation Rocks!'; Write-Host `$Message2 -ForegroundColor Green #COMMENT"
C:\PS> $Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null) | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Comment'}
C:\PS> For($i=$Tokens.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {$Token = $Tokens[$i]; $ScriptString = Out-RemoveComments $ScriptString $Token}
C:\PS> $ScriptString
$Message1 = 'Hello World!'; Write-Host $Message1 -ForegroundColor Green; $Message2 = 'Obfuscation Rocks!'; Write-Host $Message2 -ForegroundColor Green
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand function with the corresponding token type and obfuscation level since Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand will handle token parsing, reverse iterating and passing tokens into this current function.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand {$Message1 = 'Hello World!'; Write-Host $Message1 -ForegroundColor Green; $Message2 = 'Obfuscation Rocks!'; Write-Host $Message2 -ForegroundColor Green #COMMENT} 'Comment' 1
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
# Remove current Comment token.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$Token.Start) + $ScriptString.SubString($Token.Start+$Token.Length)
Return $ScriptString