903 lines
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903 lines
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# This file is part of Invoke-Obfuscation.
# Copyright 2017 Daniel Bohannon <@danielhbohannon>
# while at Mandiant <http://www.mandiant.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Function Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand
Master function that orchestrates the application of all string-based obfuscation functions to provided PowerShell script.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression (located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand orchestrates the application of all string-based obfuscation functions (casting ENTIRE command to a string a performing string obfuscation functions) to provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. If no $ObfuscationLevel is defined then Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand will automatically choose a random obfuscation level.
The available ObfuscationLevel/function mappings are:
1 --> Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated
2 --> Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered
3 --> Out-StringReversed
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Specifies a scriptblock containing your payload.
Specifies the path to your payload.
.PARAMETER ObfuscationLevel
(Optional) Specifies the obfuscation level for the given input PowerShell payload. If not defined then Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand will automatically choose a random obfuscation level.
The available ObfuscationLevel/function mappings are:
1 --> Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated
2 --> Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered
3 --> Out-StringReversed
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 1
IEX ((('Write-H'+'ost x'+'lcHello'+' Wor'+'ld!xlc -F'+'oregroundC'+'o'+'lor Gre'+'en'+'; Write-Host '+'xlcObf'+'u'+'sc'+'ation '+'Rocks!xl'+'c'+' '+'-'+'Foregrou'+'nd'+'C'+'olor Green') -Replace 'xlc',[Char]39) )
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 2
IEX( (("{17}{1}{6}{19}{14}{3}{5}{13}{16}{11}{20}{15}{10}{12}{2}{4}{8}{18}{7}{9}{0}" -f ' Green','-H',' ',' ','R','-Foregr','ost qR9He','!qR9 -Foregr','o','oundColor','catio',' ','n','oundColor','qR9','bfus',' Green; Write-Host','Write','cks','llo World!','qR9O')).Replace('qR9',[String][Char]39))
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 3
$I4 ="noisserpxE-ekovnI|)93]rahC[]gnirtS[,'1Yp'(ecalpeR.)'ne'+'erG roloCd'+'nuo'+'rgero'+'F- 1'+'Y'+'p!s'+'kcoR'+' noit'+'a'+'cs'+'ufbO'+'1'+'Yp '+'tsoH'+'-etirW'+' ;'+'neer'+'G '+'rol'+'oCdnu'+'orger'+'o'+'F'+'-'+' 1'+'Yp'+'!dlroW '+'olleH1Yp '+'t'+'s'+'oH-et'+'irW'( " ;$I4[ -1 ..- ($I4.Length ) ] -Join '' | Invoke-Expression
Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand orchestrates the application of all string-based obfuscation functions (casting ENTIRE command to a string a performing string obfuscation functions) to provided PowerShell script to evade detection by simple IOCs and process execution monitoring relying solely on command-line arguments. If no $ObfuscationLevel is defined then Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand will automatically choose a random obfuscation level.
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'FilePath')] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')]
[Parameter(Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'FilePath')]
[ValidateSet('1', '2', '3')]
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
$ObfuscationLevel = (Get-Random -Input @(1..3)) # Default to random obfuscation level if $ObfuscationLevel isn't defined
# Either convert ScriptBlock to a String or convert script at $Path to a String.
Get-ChildItem $Path -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$ScriptString = [IO.File]::ReadAllText((Resolve-Path $Path))
$ScriptString = [String]$ScriptBlock
# Set valid obfuscation levels for current token type.
$ValidObfuscationLevels = @(0,1,2,3)
# If invalid obfuscation level is passed to this function then default to highest obfuscation level available for current token type.
If($ValidObfuscationLevels -NotContains $ObfuscationLevel) {$ObfuscationLevel = $ValidObfuscationLevels | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1}
0 {Continue}
1 {$ScriptString = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $ScriptString}
2 {$ScriptString = Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered $ScriptString}
3 {$ScriptString = Out-StringReversed $ScriptString}
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$ObfuscationLevel value ($ObfuscationLevel) was passed to switch block for String Obfuscation."; Exit}
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated
Generates delimited and concatenated version of input PowerShell command.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-ConcatenatedString (located in Out-ObfuscatedTokenCommand.ps1), Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression (located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1), Out-RandomCase (located in Out-ObfuscatedToken.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated delimits and concatenates an input PowerShell command. The purpose is to highlight to the Blue Team that there are more novel ways to encode a PowerShell command other than the most common Base64 approach.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
(Optional) Outputs the option to not encapsulate the result in an invocation command.
C:\PS> Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
(('Write-Ho'+'s'+'t'+' {'+'0'+'}'+'Hell'+'o Wor'+'l'+'d!'+'{'+'0'+'} -Foreground'+'Color G'+'ree'+'n; Writ'+'e-'+'H'+'ost {0}Obf'+'usc'+'a'+'tion R'+'o'+'ck'+'s!{'+'0} -Fo'+'reg'+'ro'+'undColor'+' '+'Gree'+'n')-F[Char]39) | Invoke-Expression
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand function with the corresponding obfuscation level since Out-Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand will handle calling this current function where necessary.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 1
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
# Characters we will substitute (in random order) with randomly generated delimiters.
$CharsToReplace = @('$','|','`','\','"',"'")
$CharsToReplace = (Get-Random -Input $CharsToReplace -Count $CharsToReplace.Count)
# If $ScriptString does not contain any characters in $CharsToReplace then simply return as is.
$ContainsCharsToReplace = $FALSE
ForEach($CharToReplace in $CharsToReplace)
$ContainsCharsToReplace = $TRUE
# Concatenate $ScriptString as a string and then encapsulate with parentheses.
$ScriptString = Out-ConcatenatedString $ScriptString "'"
$ScriptString = '(' + $ScriptString + ')'
# Encapsulate in necessary IEX/Invoke-Expression(s).
$ScriptString = Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression $ScriptString
Return $ScriptString
# Characters we will use to generate random delimiters to replace the above characters.
# For simplicity do NOT include single- or double-quotes in this array.
$CharsToReplaceWith = @(0..9)
$CharsToReplaceWith += @('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z')
$CharsToReplaceWith += @('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')
$DelimiterLength = 3
# Multi-dimensional table containing delimiter/replacement key pairs for building final command to reverse substitutions.
$DelimiterTable = @()
# Iterate through and replace each character in $CharsToReplace in $ScriptString with randomly generated delimiters.
ForEach($CharToReplace in $CharsToReplace)
# Create random delimiter of length $DelimiterLength with characters from $CharsToReplaceWith.
If($CharsToReplaceWith.Count -lt $DelimiterLength) {$DelimiterLength = $CharsToReplaceWith.Count}
$Delim = (Get-Random -Input $CharsToReplaceWith -Count $DelimiterLength) -Join ''
# Keep generating random delimiters until we find one that is not a substring of $ScriptString.
$Delim = (Get-Random -Input $CharsToReplaceWith -Count $DelimiterLength) -Join ''
If($DelimiterLength -lt $CharsToReplaceWith.Count)
# Add current delimiter/replacement key pair for building final command to reverse substitutions.
$DelimiterTable += , @($Delim,$CharToReplace)
# Replace current character to replace with the generated delimiter
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.Replace($CharToReplace,$Delim)
# Add random quotes to delimiters in $DelimiterTable.
$DelimiterTableWithQuotes = @()
ForEach($DelimiterArray in $DelimiterTable)
$Delimiter = $DelimiterArray[0]
$OriginalChar = $DelimiterArray[1]
# Randomly choose between a single quote and double quote.
$RandomQuote = Get-Random -InputObject @("'","`"")
# Make sure $RandomQuote is opposite of $OriginalChar contents if it is a single- or double-quote.
If($OriginalChar -eq "'") {$RandomQuote = '"'}
Else {$RandomQuote = "'"}
# Add quotes.
$Delimiter = $RandomQuote + $Delimiter + $RandomQuote
$OriginalChar = $RandomQuote + $OriginalChar + $RandomQuote
# Add random quotes to delimiters in $DelimiterTable.
$DelimiterTableWithQuotes += , @($Delimiter,$OriginalChar)
# Reverse the delimiters when building back out the reversing command.
# Select random method for building command to reverse the above substitutions to execute the original command.
# Avoid using the -f format operator (switch option 3) if curly braces are found in $ScriptString.
If(($ScriptString.Contains('{')) -AND ($ScriptString.Contains('}')))
$RandomInput = Get-Random -Input (1..2)
$RandomInput = Get-Random -Input (1..3)
# Randomize the case of selected variable syntaxes.
$StringStr = Out-RandomCase 'string'
$CharStr = Out-RandomCase 'char'
$ReplaceStr = Out-RandomCase 'replace'
$CReplaceStr = Out-RandomCase 'creplace'
Switch($RandomInput) {
1 {
# 1) .Replace
$ScriptString = "'" + $ScriptString + "'"
$ReversingCommand = ""
ForEach($DelimiterArray in $DelimiterTableWithQuotes)
$Delimiter = $DelimiterArray[0]
$OriginalChar = $DelimiterArray[1]
# Randomly decide if $OriginalChar will be displayed in ASCII representation or plaintext in $ReversingCommand.
# This is to allow for simpler string manipulation on the command line.
# Place priority on handling if $OriginalChar is a single- and double-quote.
If($OriginalChar[1] -eq "'")
$OriginalChar = "[$StringStr][$CharStr]39"
$Delimiter = "'" + $Delimiter.SubString(1,$Delimiter.Length-2) + "'"
ElseIf($OriginalChar[1] -eq '"')
$OriginalChar = "[$StringStr][$CharStr]34"
If(Get-Random -Input (0..1))
$OriginalChar = "[$StringStr][$CharStr]" + [Int][Char]$OriginalChar[1]
# Randomly select if $Delimiter will be displayed in ASCII representation instead of plaintext in $ReversingCommand.
If(Get-Random -Input (0..1))
# Convert $Delimiter string into a concatenation of [Char] representations of each characters.
# This is to avoid redundant replacement of single quotes if this function is run numerous times back-to-back.
$DelimiterCharSyntax = ""
For($i=1; $i -lt $Delimiter.Length-1; $i++)
$DelimiterCharSyntax += "[$CharStr]" + [Int][Char]$Delimiter[$i] + '+'
$Delimiter = '(' + $DelimiterCharSyntax.Trim('+') + ')'
# Add reversing commands to $ReversingCommand.
$ReversingCommand = ".$ReplaceStr($Delimiter,$OriginalChar)" + $ReversingCommand
# Concatenate $ScriptString as a string and then encapsulate with parentheses.
$ScriptString = Out-ConcatenatedString $ScriptString "'"
$ScriptString = '(' + $ScriptString + ')'
# Add reversing commands to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString + $ReversingCommand
2 {
# 2) -Replace/-CReplace
$ScriptString = "'" + $ScriptString + "'"
$ReversingCommand = ""
ForEach($DelimiterArray in $DelimiterTableWithQuotes)
$Delimiter = $DelimiterArray[0]
$OriginalChar = $DelimiterArray[1]
# Randomly decide if $OriginalChar will be displayed in ASCII representation or plaintext in $ReversingCommand.
# This is to allow for simpler string manipulation on the command line.
# Place priority on handling if $OriginalChar is a single- or double-quote.
If($OriginalChar[1] -eq '"')
$OriginalChar = "[$CharStr]34"
ElseIf($OriginalChar[1] -eq "'")
$OriginalChar = "[$CharStr]39"; $Delimiter = "'" + $Delimiter.SubString(1,$Delimiter.Length-2) + "'"
$OriginalChar = "[$CharStr]" + [Int][Char]$OriginalChar[1]
# Randomly select if $Delimiter will be displayed in ASCII representation instead of plaintext in $ReversingCommand.
If(Get-Random -Input (0..1))
# Convert $Delimiter string into a concatenation of [Char] representations of each characters.
# This is to avoid redundant replacement of single quotes if this function is run numerous times back-to-back.
$DelimiterCharSyntax = ""
For($i=1; $i -lt $Delimiter.Length-1; $i++)
$DelimiterCharSyntax += "[$CharStr]" + [Int][Char]$Delimiter[$i] + '+'
$Delimiter = '(' + $DelimiterCharSyntax.Trim('+') + ')'
# Randomly choose between -Replace and the lesser-known case-sensitive -CReplace.
$Replace = (Get-Random -Input @("-$ReplaceStr","-$CReplaceStr"))
# Add reversing commands to $ReversingCommand. Whitespace before and after $Replace is optional.
$ReversingCommand = ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $Replace + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + "$Delimiter,$OriginalChar" + $ReversingCommand
# Concatenate $ScriptString as a string and then encapsulate with parentheses.
$ScriptString = Out-ConcatenatedString $ScriptString "'"
$ScriptString = '(' + $ScriptString + ')'
# Add reversing commands to $ScriptString.
$ScriptString = '(' + $ScriptString + $ReversingCommand + ')'
3 {
# 3) -f format operator
$ScriptString = "'" + $ScriptString + "'"
$ReversingCommand = ""
$Counter = 0
# Iterate delimiters in reverse for simpler creation of the proper order for $ReversingCommand.
For($i=$DelimiterTableWithQuotes.Count-1; $i -ge 0; $i--)
$DelimiterArray = $DelimiterTableWithQuotes[$i]
$Delimiter = $DelimiterArray[0]
$OriginalChar = $DelimiterArray[1]
$DelimiterNoQuotes = $Delimiter.SubString(1,$Delimiter.Length-2)
# Randomly decide if $OriginalChar will be displayed in ASCII representation or plaintext in $ReversingCommand.
# This is to allow for simpler string manipulation on the command line.
# Place priority on handling if $OriginalChar is a single- or double-quote.
If($OriginalChar[1] -eq '"')
$OriginalChar = "[$CharStr]34"
ElseIf($OriginalChar[1] -eq "'")
$OriginalChar = "[$CharStr]39"; $Delimiter = "'" + $Delimiter.SubString(1,$Delimiter.Length-2) + "'"
$OriginalChar = "[$CharStr]" + [Int][Char]$OriginalChar[1]
# Build out delimiter order to add as arguments to the final -f format operator.
$ReversingCommand = $ReversingCommand + ",$OriginalChar"
# Substitute each delimited character with placeholder for -f format operator.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.Replace($DelimiterNoQuotes,"{$Counter}")
# Trim leading comma from $ReversingCommand.
$ReversingCommand = $ReversingCommand.Trim(',')
# Concatenate $ScriptString as a string and then encapsulate with parentheses.
$ScriptString = Out-ConcatenatedString $ScriptString "'"
$ScriptString = '(' + $ScriptString + ')'
# Add reversing commands to $ScriptString. Whitespace before and after -f format operator is optional.
$FormatOperator = (Get-Random -Input @('-f','-F'))
$ScriptString = '(' + $ScriptString + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $FormatOperator + ' '*(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3) + $ReversingCommand + ')'
default {Write-Error "An invalid `$RandomInput value ($RandomInput) was passed to switch block."; Exit;}
# Encapsulate $ScriptString in necessary IEX/Invoke-Expression(s) if -PassThru switch was not specified.
$ScriptString = Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression $ScriptString
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered
Generates delimited, concatenated and reordered version of input PowerShell command.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated (located in Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered delimits, concatenates and reorders the concatenated substrings of an input PowerShell command. The purpose is to highlight to the Blue Team that there are more novel ways to encode a PowerShell command other than the most common Base64 approach.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
(Optional) Outputs the option to not encapsulate the result in an invocation command.
C:\PS> Out-StringDelimitedConcatenatedAndReordered "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
(("{16}{5}{6}{14}{3}{19}{15}{10}{18}{17}{0}{2}{7}{8}{12}{9}{11}{4}{13}{1}"-f't','en','ion R','9 -Fore','Gr','e-Host 0i9Hello W','or','ocks!0i9 -Fo','regroun','olo','ite-Hos','r ','dC','e','ld!0i','; Wr','Writ','sca','t 0i9Obfu','groundColor Green')).Replace('0i9',[String][Char]39) |IEX
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand function with the corresponding obfuscation level since Out-Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand will handle calling this current function where necessary.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 2
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
# Convert $ScriptString to delimited and concatenated string and encapsulate with invocation.
$ScriptString = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $ScriptString
# Convert $ScriptString to delimited and concatenated string and do no encapsulate with invocation.
$ScriptString = Out-StringDelimitedAndConcatenated $ScriptString -PassThru
# Parse out concatenated strings to re-order them.
$Tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($ScriptString,[ref]$null)
$GroupStartCount = 0
$ConcatenatedStringsIndexStart = $NULL
$ConcatenatedStringsIndexEnd = $NULL
$ConcatenatedStringsArray = @()
For($i=0; $i -le $Tokens.Count-1; $i++) {
$Token = $Tokens[$i]
If(($Token.Type -eq 'GroupStart') -AND ($Token.Content -eq '('))
$GroupStartCount = 1
$ConcatenatedStringsIndexStart = $Token.Start+1
ElseIf(($Token.Type -eq 'GroupEnd') -AND ($Token.Content -eq ')') -OR ($Token.Type -eq 'Operator') -AND ($Token.Content -ne '+'))
$ConcatenatedStringsIndexEnd = $Token.Start
# Stop parsing concatenated string.
If(($GroupStartCount -eq 0) -AND ($ConcatenatedStringsArray.Count -gt 0))
ElseIf(($GroupStartCount -gt 0) -AND ($Token.Type -eq 'String'))
$ConcatenatedStringsArray += $Token.Content
ElseIf($Token.Type -ne 'Operator')
# If something other than a string or operator appears then we're not dealing with a pure string concatenation. Thus we reset the group start and the concatenated strings array.
# This only became an issue once the invocation syntax went from IEX/Invoke-Expression to concatenations like .($ShellId[1]+$ShellId[13]+'x')
$GroupStartCount = 0
$ConcatenatedStringsArray = @()
$ConcatenatedStrings = $ScriptString.SubString($ConcatenatedStringsIndexStart,$ConcatenatedStringsIndexEnd-$ConcatenatedStringsIndexStart)
# Return $ScriptString as-is if there is only one substring as it would gain nothing to "reorder" a single substring.
If($ConcatenatedStringsArray.Count -le 1)
Return $ScriptString
# Randomize the order of the concatenated strings.
$RandomIndexes = (Get-Random -Input (0..$($ConcatenatedStringsArray.Count-1)) -Count $ConcatenatedStringsArray.Count)
$Arguments1 = ''
$Arguments2 = @('')*$ConcatenatedStringsArray.Count
For($i=0; $i -lt $ConcatenatedStringsArray.Count; $i++)
$RandomIndex = $RandomIndexes[$i]
$Arguments1 += '{' + $RandomIndex + '}'
$Arguments2[$RandomIndex] = "'" + $ConcatenatedStringsArray[$i] + "'"
# Whitespace is not required before or after the -f operator.
$ScriptStringReordered = '(' + '"' + $Arguments1 + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..1)) + '-f' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..1)) + ($Arguments2 -Join ',') + ')'
# Add re-ordered $ScriptString back into the original $ScriptString context.
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.SubString(0,$ConcatenatedStringsIndexStart) + $ScriptStringReordered + $ScriptString.SubString($ConcatenatedStringsIndexEnd)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-StringReversed
Generates concatenated and reversed version of input PowerShell command.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-StringReversed
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: Out-ConcatenatedString, Out-RandomCase (both are located in Out-ObfuscatedToken.ps1)
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-StringReversed concatenates and reverses an input PowerShell command. The purpose is to highlight to the Blue Team that there are more novel ways to encode a PowerShell command other than the most common Base64 approach.
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
C:\PS> Out-StringReversed "Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green"
sv 6nY ("XEI | )93]rahC[ f-)'n'+'eer'+'G'+' roloC'+'dnuo'+'rgeroF-'+' '+'}0{!sk'+'co'+'R '+'noitacsufb'+'O'+'}0'+'{ ts'+'oH-'+'etirW ;neer'+'G'+' rolo'+'C'+'dnu'+'orgeroF- }0{!d'+'l'+'roW'+' olleH}0{ tsoH-et'+'ir'+'W'(( ");IEX ( ( gcI vARiaBlE:6ny ).valUE[ -1..-( ( gcI vARiaBlE:6ny ).valUE.Length ) ]-Join '' )
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand function with the corresponding obfuscation level since Out-Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand will handle calling this current function where necessary.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 3
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
# Remove any special characters to simplify dealing with the reversed $ScriptString on the command line.
$ScriptString = Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand ([ScriptBlock]::Create($ScriptString)) 1
# Reverse $ScriptString.
$ScriptStringReversed = $ScriptString[-1..-($ScriptString.Length)] -Join ''
# Characters we will use to generate random variable names.
# For simplicity do NOT include single- or double-quotes in this array.
$CharsToRandomVarName = @(0..9)
$CharsToRandomVarName += @('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z')
# Randomly choose variable name starting length.
$RandomVarLength = (Get-Random -Input @(3..6))
# Create random variable with characters from $CharsToRandomVarName.
If($CharsToRandomVarName.Count -lt $RandomVarLength) {$RandomVarLength = $CharsToRandomVarName.Count}
$RandomVarName = ((Get-Random -Input $CharsToRandomVarName -Count $RandomVarLength) -Join '').Replace(' ','')
# Keep generating random variables until we find one that is not a substring of $ScriptString.
$RandomVarName = ((Get-Random -Input $CharsToRandomVarName -Count $RandomVarLength) -Join '').Replace(' ','')
# Randomly decide if the variable name will be concatenated inline or not.
# Handle both <varname> and <variable:varname> syntaxes depending on which option is chosen concerning GET variable syntax.
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated = $RandomVarName
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenatedWithVariablePrepended = 'variable:' + $RandomVarName
If((Get-Random -Input @(0..1)) -eq 0)
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated = '(' + (Out-ConcatenatedString $RandomVarName (Get-Random -Input @('"',"'"))) + ')'
$RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenatedWithVariablePrepended = '(' + (Out-ConcatenatedString "variable:$RandomVarName" (Get-Random -Input @('"',"'"))) + ')'
# Placeholder for values to be SET in variable differently in each Switch statement below.
$RandomVarValPlaceholder = '<[)(]>'
# Generate random variable SET syntax.
$RandomVarSetSyntax = @()
$RandomVarSetSyntax += '$' + $RandomVarName + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + '=' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + $RandomVarValPlaceholder
$RandomVarSetSyntax += (Get-Random -Input @('Set-Variable','SV','Set')) + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + $RandomVarValPlaceholder + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ')'
# Randomly choose from above variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarSet = (Get-Random -Input $RandomVarSetSyntax)
# Randomize the case of selected variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarSet = Out-RandomCase $RandomVarSet
# Generate random variable GET syntax.
$RandomVarGetSyntax = @()
$RandomVarGetSyntax += '$' + $RandomVarName
$RandomVarGetSyntax += '(' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + (Get-Random -Input @('Get-Variable','Variable')) + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenated + (Get-Random -Input ((' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ').Value'),(' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + ('-ValueOnly'.SubString(0,(Get-Random -Minimum 3 -Maximum ('-ValueOnly'.Length+1)))) + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ')')))
$RandomVarGetSyntax += '(' + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + (Get-Random -Input @('DIR','Get-ChildItem','GCI','ChildItem','LS','Get-Item','GI','Item')) + ' '*(Get-Random @(1..2)) + $RandomVarNameMaybeConcatenatedWithVariablePrepended + ' '*(Get-Random @(0..2)) + ').Value'
# Randomly choose from above variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarGet = (Get-Random -Input $RandomVarGetSyntax)
# Randomize the case of selected variable syntaxes.
$RandomVarGet = Out-RandomCase $RandomVarGet
# Generate random syntax to create/set OFS variable ($OFS is the Output Field Separator automatic variable).
# Using Set-Item and Set-Variable/SV/SET syntax. Not using New-Item in case OFS variable already exists.
# If the OFS variable did exists then we could use even more syntax: $varname, Set-Variable/SV, Set-Item/SET, Get-Variable/GV/Variable, Get-ChildItem/GCI/ChildItem/Dir/Ls
# For more info: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/reference/5.1/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_automatic_variables
$SetOfsVarSyntax = @()
$SetOfsVarSyntax += '$OFS' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '=' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "''"
$SetOfsVarSyntax += 'Set-Item' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "'Variable:OFS'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "''"
$SetOfsVarSyntax += (Get-Random -Input @('Set-Variable','SV','SET')) + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "'OFS'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "''"
$SetOfsVar = (Get-Random -Input $SetOfsVarSyntax)
$SetOfsVarBackSyntax = @()
$SetOfsVarBackSyntax += 'Set-Item' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "'Variable:OFS'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "' '"
$SetOfsVarBackSyntax += (Get-Random -Input @('Set-Variable','SV','SET')) + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "'OFS'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(1,2)) + "' '"
$SetOfsVarBack = (Get-Random -Input $SetOfsVarBackSyntax)
# Randomize the case of selected variable syntaxes.
$SetOfsVar = Out-RandomCase $SetOfsVar
$SetOfsVarBack = Out-RandomCase $SetOfsVarBack
$StringStr = Out-RandomCase 'string'
$JoinStr = Out-RandomCase 'join'
$LengthStr = Out-RandomCase 'length'
$ArrayStr = Out-RandomCase 'array'
$ReverseStr = Out-RandomCase 'reverse'
$CharStr = Out-RandomCase 'char'
$RightToLeftStr = Out-RandomCase 'righttoleft'
$RegexStr = Out-RandomCase 'regex'
$MatchesStr = Out-RandomCase 'matches'
$ValueStr = Out-RandomCase 'value'
$ForEachObject = Out-RandomCase (Get-Random -Input @('ForEach-Object','ForEach','%'))
# Select random method for building command to reverse the now-reversed $ScriptString to execute the original command.
Switch(Get-Random -Input (1..3)) {
1 {
# 1) $StringVar = $String; $StringVar[-1..-($StringVar.Length)] -Join ''
# Replace placeholder with appropriate value for this Switch statement.
$RandomVarSet = $RandomVarSet.Replace($RandomVarValPlaceholder,('"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $ScriptStringReversed + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"'))
# Set $ScriptStringReversed as environment variable $Random.
$ScriptString = $RandomVarSet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ';' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1))
$RandomVarGet = $RandomVarGet + '[' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '-' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '1' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '..' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '-' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RandomVarGet + ".$LengthStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ']'
# Build out random syntax depending on whether -Join is prepended or -Join '' is appended.
# Now also includes [String]::Join .Net syntax and [String] syntax after modifying $OFS variable to ''.
$JoinOptions = @()
$JoinOptions += "-$JoinStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RandomVarGet
$JoinOptions += $RandomVarGet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "-$JoinStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "''"
$JoinOptions += "[$StringStr]::$JoinStr" + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "''" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + (Get-Random -Input $RandomVarGet) + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')'
$JoinOptions += '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $SetOfsVar + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '+' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$StringStr]" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RandomVarGet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '+' + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $SetOfsVarBack + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"'
$JoinOption = (Get-Random -Input $JoinOptions)
# Encapsulate in necessary IEX/Invoke-Expression(s).
$JoinOption = Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression $JoinOption
$ScriptString = $ScriptString + $JoinOption
2 {
# 2) $StringVar = [Char[]]$String; [Array]::Reverse($StringVar); $StringVar -Join ''
# Replace placeholder with appropriate value for this Switch statement.
$RandomVarSet = $RandomVarSet.Replace($RandomVarValPlaceholder,("[$CharStr[" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ']' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ']' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + $ScriptStringReversed + '"'))
# Set $ScriptStringReversed as environment variable $Random.
$ScriptString = $RandomVarSet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ';' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1))
$ScriptString = $ScriptString + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$ArrayStr]::$ReverseStr(" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RandomVarGet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ';'
# Build out random syntax depending on whether -Join is prepended or -Join '' is appended.
# Now also includes [String]::Join .Net syntax and [String] syntax after modifying $OFS variable to ''.
$JoinOptions = @()
$JoinOptions += "-$JoinStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RandomVarGet
$JoinOptions += $RandomVarGet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "-$JoinStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "''"
$JoinOptions += "[$StringStr]::$JoinStr" + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "''" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RandomVarGet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')'
$JoinOptions += '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $SetOfsVar + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '+' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$StringStr]" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RandomVarGet + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '+' + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $SetOfsVarBack + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"'
$JoinOption = (Get-Random -Input $JoinOptions)
# Encapsulate in necessary IEX/Invoke-Expression(s).
$JoinOption = Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression $JoinOption
$ScriptString = $ScriptString + $JoinOption
3 {
# 3) -Join[Regex]::Matches($String,'.','RightToLeft')
# Randomly choose to use 'RightToLeft' or concatenated version of this string in $JoinOptions below.
If(Get-Random -Input (0..1))
$RightToLeft = Out-ConcatenatedString $RightToLeftStr "'"
$RightToLeft = "'$RightToLeftStr'"
# Build out random syntax depending on whether -Join is prepended or -Join '' is appended.
# Now also includes [String]::Join .Net syntax and [String] syntax after modifying $OFS variable to ''.
$JoinOptions = @()
$JoinOptions += ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "-$JoinStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$RegexStr]::$MatchesStr(" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + $ScriptStringReversed + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "'.'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RightToLeft + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1))
$JoinOptions += ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$RegexStr]::$MatchesStr(" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + $ScriptStringReversed + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "'.'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RightToLeft + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "-$JoinStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "''" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1))
$JoinOptions += ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$StringStr]::$JoinStr(" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "''" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$RegexStr]::$MatchesStr(" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + $ScriptStringReversed + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "'.'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RightToLeft + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ")" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '|' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $ForEachObject + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '{' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$_' + ".$ValueStr" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '}' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1))
$JoinOptions += '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $SetOfsVar + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '+' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$StringStr]" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "[$RegexStr]::$MatchesStr(" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"' + $ScriptStringReversed + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + "'.'" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ',' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $RightToLeft + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ")" + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '|' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $ForEachObject + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '{' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$_' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '}' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '+' + '"' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '$(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $SetOfsVarBack + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '"'
$ScriptString = (Get-Random -Input $JoinOptions)
# Encapsulate in necessary IEX/Invoke-Expression(s).
$ScriptString = Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression $ScriptString
default {Write-Error "An invalid value was passed to switch block."; Exit;}
# Perform final check to remove ticks if they now precede lowercase special characters after the string is reversed.
# E.g. "testin`G" in reverse would be "G`nitset" where `n would be interpreted as a newline character.
$SpecialCharacters = @('a','b','f','n','r','u','t','v','0')
ForEach($SpecialChar in $SpecialCharacters)
$ScriptString = $ScriptString.Replace("``"+$SpecialChar,$SpecialChar)
Return $ScriptString
Function Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression
HELPER FUNCTION :: Generates random syntax for invoking input PowerShell command.
Invoke-Obfuscation Function: Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression
Author: Daniel Bohannon (@danielhbohannon)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression generates random syntax for invoking input PowerShell command. It uses a combination of IEX and Invoke-Expression as well as ordering (IEX $Command , $Command | IEX).
.PARAMETER ScriptString
Specifies the string containing your payload.
C:\PS> Out-EncapsulatedInvokeExpression {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green}
Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green|Invoke-Expression
This cmdlet is most easily used by passing a script block or file path to a PowerShell script into the Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand function with the corresponding obfuscation level since Out-Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand will handle calling this current function where necessary.
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 1
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 2
C:\PS> Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand {Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green} 3
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT, A FireEye Company.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
# The below code block is copy/pasted into almost every encoding function so they can maintain zero dependencies and work on their own (I admit using this bad coding practice).
# Changes to below InvokeExpressionSyntax block should also be copied to those functions.
# Generate random invoke operation syntax.
$InvokeExpressionSyntax = @()
$InvokeExpressionSyntax += (Get-Random -Input @('IEX','Invoke-Expression'))
# Added below slightly-randomized obfuscated ways to form the string 'iex' and then invoke it with . or &.
# Though far from fully built out, these are included to highlight how IEX/Invoke-Expression is a great indicator but not a silver bullet.
# These methods draw on common environment variable values and PowerShell Automatic Variable values/methods/members/properties/etc.
$InvocationOperator = (Get-Random -Input @('.','&')) + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1))
$InvokeExpressionSyntax += $InvocationOperator + "( `$ShellId[1]+`$ShellId[13]+'x')"
$InvokeExpressionSyntax += $InvocationOperator + "( `$PSHome[" + (Get-Random -Input @(4,21)) + "]+`$PSHome[" + (Get-Random -Input @(30,34)) + "]+'x')"
$InvokeExpressionSyntax += $InvocationOperator + "( `$env:Public[13]+`$env:Public[5]+'x')"
$InvokeExpressionSyntax += $InvocationOperator + "( `$env:ComSpec[4," + (Get-Random -Input @(15,24,26)) + ",25]-Join'')"
$InvokeExpressionSyntax += $InvocationOperator + "((" + (Get-Random -Input @('Get-Variable','GV','Variable')) + " '*mdr*').Name[3,11,2]-Join'')"
$InvokeExpressionSyntax += $InvocationOperator + "( " + (Get-Random -Input @('$VerbosePreference.ToString()','([String]$VerbosePreference)')) + "[1,3]+'x'-Join'')"
# Randomly choose from above invoke operation syntaxes.
$InvokeExpression = (Get-Random -Input $InvokeExpressionSyntax)
# Randomize the case of selected invoke operation.
$InvokeExpression = Out-RandomCase $InvokeExpression
# Choose random Invoke-Expression/IEX syntax and ordering: IEX ($ScriptString) or ($ScriptString | IEX)
$InvokeOptions = @()
$InvokeOptions += ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $InvokeExpression + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '(' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $ScriptString + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + ')' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1))
$InvokeOptions += ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $ScriptString + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + '|' + ' '*(Get-Random -Input @(0,1)) + $InvokeExpression
$ScriptString = (Get-Random -Input $InvokeOptions)
Return $ScriptString
} |