
465 lines
16 KiB

Common terminal messages used across Empire.
Titles, agent displays, listener displays, etc.
import os
import time
import textwrap
# Empire imports
import helpers
# Messages
def title(version):
Print the tool title, with version.
print "================================================================"
# print ' [Empire] PowerShell/Python post-exploitation framework'
print " [Empire] Post-Exploitation Framework"
print '================================================================'
print " [Version] %s | [Web] https://github.com/empireProject/Empire" % (version)
print '================================================================'
print """
_______ .___ ___. .______ __ .______ _______
| ____|| \/ | | _ \ | | | _ \ | ____|
| |__ | \ / | | |_) | | | | |_) | | |__
| __| | |\/| | | ___/ | | | / | __|
| |____ | | | | | | | | | |\ \----.| |____
|_______||__| |__| | _| |__| | _| `._____||_______|
def loading():
Print and ascii loading screen.
print """
````:sdyyydy` ```:mNNNNM
````-hmmdhdmm:` ``.+hNNNNNNM
Welcome to the Empire"""
def wrap_string(data, width=40, indent=32, indentAll=False, followingHeader=None):
Print a option description message in a nicely
wrapped and formatted paragraph.
followingHeader -> text that also goes on the first line
data = str(data)
if len(data) > width:
lines = textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(data).strip(), width=width)
if indentAll:
returnString = ' ' * indent + lines[0]
if followingHeader:
returnString += " " + followingHeader
returnString = lines[0]
if followingHeader:
returnString += " " + followingHeader
i = 1
while i < len(lines):
returnString += "\n" + ' ' * indent + (lines[i]).strip()
i += 1
return returnString
return data.strip()
def wrap_columns(col1, col2, width1=24, width2=40, indent=31):
Takes two strings of text and turns them into nicely formatted column output.
Used by display_module()
lines1 = textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(col1).strip(), width=width1)
lines2 = textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(col2).strip(), width=width2)
result = ''
limit = max(len(lines1), len(lines2))
for x in xrange(limit):
if x < len(lines1):
if x != 0:
result += ' ' * indent
result += '{line: <0{width}s}'.format(width=width1, line=lines1[x])
if x == 0:
result += ' ' * width1
result += ' ' * (indent + width1)
if x < len(lines2):
result += ' ' + '{line: <0{width}s}'.format(width=width2, line=lines2[x])
if x != limit-1:
result += "\n"
return result
def display_options(options, color=True):
Take a dictionary and display it nicely.
for key in options:
if color:
print "\t%s\t%s" % (helpers.color('{0: <16}'.format(key), "green"), wrap_string(options[key]))
print "\t%s\t%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format(key), wrap_string(options[key]))
def display_agents(agents):
Take a dictionary of agents and build the display for the main menu.
if len(agents) > 0:
print ''
print helpers.color("[*] Active agents:\n")
print " Name Lang Internal IP Machine Name Username Process Delay Last Seen"
print " --------- ---- ----------- ------------ --------- ------- ----- --------------------"
for agent in agents:
if str(agent['high_integrity']) == '1':
# add a * to the username if it's high integrity
agent['username'] = '*' + str(agent['username'])
if not agent['language'] or agent['language'] == '':
agent['language'] = 'X'
elif agent['language'].lower() == 'powershell':
agent['language'] = 'ps'
elif agent['language'].lower() == 'python':
agent['language'] = 'py'
agent['language'] = 'X'
print " %.16s%.6s%.16s%.16s%.20s%.20s%.9s%.20s" % ('{0: <16}'.format(agent['name']), '{0: <6}'.format(agent['language']), '{0: <16}'.format(agent['internal_ip']), '{0: <16}'.format(agent['hostname']), '{0: <20}'.format(agent['username']), '{0: <20}'.format(str(agent['process_name']) + "/" + str(agent['process_id'])), '{0: <9}'.format(str(agent['delay']) + "/" +str(agent['jitter'])), agent['lastseen_time'])
print ''
print helpers.color('[!] No agents currently registered')
def display_agent(agent, returnAsString=False):
Display an agent all nice-like.
Takes in the tuple of the raw agent database results.
if returnAsString:
agentString = "\n[*] Agent info:\n"
for key, value in agent.iteritems():
if key != 'functions' and key != 'takings' and key != 'results':
agentString += " %s\t%s\n" % ('{0: <16}'.format(key), wrap_string(value, width=70))
return agentString + '\n'
print helpers.color("\n[*] Agent info:\n")
for key, value in agent.iteritems():
if key != 'functions' and key != 'takings' and key != 'results':
print "\t%s\t%s" % (helpers.color('{0: <16}'.format(key), "blue"), wrap_string(value, width=70))
print ''
def display_active_listeners(listeners):
Take an active listeners list and display everything nicely.
if len(listeners) > 0:
print ''
print helpers.color("[*] Active listeners:\n")
print " Name Module Host Delay/Jitter KillDate"
print " ---- ------ ---- ------------ --------"
for listenerName, listener in listeners.iteritems():
moduleName = listener['moduleName']
if 'Host' in listener['options']:
host = listener['options']['Host']['Value']
host = ''
if 'DefaultDelay' in listener['options']:
defaultDelay = listener['options']['DefaultDelay']['Value']
defaultDelay = 'n/a'
if 'DefaultJitter' in listener['options']:
defaultJitter = listener['options']['DefaultJitter']['Value']
defaultJitter = ''
if defaultDelay == 'n/a':
connectInterval = 'n/a'
connectInterval = "%s/%s" % (defaultDelay, defaultJitter)
if 'KillDate' in listener['options']:
killDate = listener['options']['KillDate']['Value']
killDate = 'n/a'
print " %s%s%s%s%s" % ('{0: <18}'.format(listenerName), '{0: <16}'.format(moduleName), '{0: <37}'.format(host), '{0: <15}'.format(connectInterval), '{0: <12}'.format(killDate))
print ''
print helpers.color("[!] No listeners currently active ")
def display_active_listener(listener):
Displays an active listener's information structure.
print "\n%s Options:\n" % (listener['options']['Name']['Value'])
print " Name Required Value Description"
print " ---- -------- ------- -----------"
for option, values in listener['options'].iteritems():
# if there's a long value length, wrap it
if len(str(values['Value'])) > 33:
print " %s%s%s" % ('{0: <18}'.format(option), '{0: <12}'.format(("True" if values['Required'] else "False")), '{0: <33}'.format(wrap_string(values['Value'], width=32, indent=32, followingHeader=values['Description'])))
print " %s%s%s%s" % ('{0: <18}'.format(option), '{0: <12}'.format(("True" if values['Required'] else "False")), '{0: <33}'.format(values['Value']), values['Description'])
print "\n"
def display_listener_module(listener):
Displays a listener module's information structure.
print '\n{0: >10}'.format("Name: ") + str(listener.info['Name'])
print '{0: >10}'.format("Category: ") + str(listener.info['Category'])
print "\nAuthors:"
for author in listener.info['Author']:
print " " +author
print "\nDescription:"
desc = wrap_string(listener.info['Description'], width=60, indent=2, indentAll=True)
if len(desc.splitlines()) == 1:
print " " + str(desc)
print desc
if 'Comments' in listener.info:
comments = listener.info['Comments']
if isinstance(comments, list):
comments = ' '.join(comments)
if comments.strip() != '':
print "\nComments:"
if isinstance(comments, list):
comments = ' '.join(comments)
comment = wrap_string(comments, width=60, indent=2, indentAll=True)
if len(comment.splitlines()) == 1:
print " " + str(comment)
print comment
print "\n%s Options:\n" % (listener.info['Name'])
print " Name Required Value Description"
print " ---- -------- ------- -----------"
for option, values in listener.options.iteritems():
# if there's a long value length, wrap it
if len(str(values['Value'])) > 33:
print " %s%s%s" % ('{0: <18}'.format(option), '{0: <12}'.format(("True" if values['Required'] else "False")), '{0: <33}'.format(wrap_string(values['Value'], width=32, indent=32, followingHeader=values['Description'])))
print " %s%s%s%s" % ('{0: <18}'.format(option), '{0: <12}'.format(("True" if values['Required'] else "False")), '{0: <33}'.format(values['Value']), values['Description'])
print "\n"
def display_stager(stager):
Displays a stager's information structure.
print "\nName: " + stager.info['Name']
print "\nDescription:"
desc = wrap_string(stager.info['Description'], width=50, indent=2, indentAll=True)
if len(desc.splitlines()) == 1:
print " " + str(desc)
print desc
# print out any options, if present
if stager.options:
print "\nOptions:\n"
print " Name Required Value Description"
print " ---- -------- ------- -----------"
for option, values in stager.options.iteritems():
print " %s%s%s%s" % ('{0: <17}'.format(option), '{0: <12}'.format(("True" if values['Required'] else "False")), '{0: <18}'.format(values['Value']), wrap_string(values['Description'], indent=49))
print "\n"
def display_module(moduleName, module):
Displays a module's information structure.
print '\n{0: >20}'.format("Name: ") + str(module.info['Name'])
print '{0: >20}'.format("Module: ") + str(moduleName)
if 'NeedsAdmin' in module.info:
print '{0: >20}'.format("NeedsAdmin: ") + ("True" if module.info['NeedsAdmin'] else "False")
if 'OpsecSafe' in module.info:
print '{0: >20}'.format("OpsecSafe: ") + ("True" if module.info['OpsecSafe'] else "False")
if 'Language' in module.info:
print '{0: >20}'.format("Language: ") + str(module.info['Language'])
if 'MinLanguageVersion' in module.info:
print '{0: >20}'.format("MinLanguageVersion: ") + str(module.info['MinLanguageVersion'])
if 'Background' in module.info:
print '{0: >20}'.format("Background: ") + ("True" if module.info['Background'] else "False")
if 'OutputExtension' in module.info:
print '{0: >20}'.format("OutputExtension: ") + (str(module.info['OutputExtension']) if module.info['OutputExtension'] else "None")
print "\nAuthors:"
for author in module.info['Author']:
print " " +author
print "\nDescription:"
desc = wrap_string(module.info['Description'], width=60, indent=2, indentAll=True)
if len(desc.splitlines()) == 1:
print " " + str(desc)
print desc
if 'Comments' in module.info:
comments = module.info['Comments']
if isinstance(comments, list):
comments = ' '.join(comments)
if comments.strip() != '':
print "\nComments:"
if isinstance(comments, list):
comments = ' '.join(comments)
comment = wrap_string(comments, width=60, indent=2, indentAll=True)
if len(comment.splitlines()) == 1:
print " " + str(comment)
print comment
# print out any options, if present
if module.options:
# get the size for the first column
maxNameLen = len(max(module.options.keys(), key=len))
print "\nOptions:\n"
print " %sRequired Value Description" %('{:<{}s}'.format("Name", maxNameLen+1))
print " %s-------- ------- -----------" %('{:<{}s}'.format("----", maxNameLen+1))
for option, values in module.options.iteritems():
print " %s%s%s" % ('{:<{}s}'.format(str(option), maxNameLen+1), '{0: <12}'.format(("True" if values['Required'] else "False")), wrap_columns(str(values['Value']), str(values['Description']), indent=(31 + (maxNameLen-16))))
print ''
def display_module_search(moduleName, module):
Displays the name/description of a module for search results.
# Suffix modules requring elevated context with '*'
if module.info['NeedsAdmin']:
print " %s*\n" % (helpers.color(moduleName, 'blue'))
print " %s\n" % (helpers.color(moduleName, 'blue'))
# width=40, indent=32, indentAll=False,
lines = textwrap.wrap(textwrap.dedent(module.info['Description']).strip(), width=70)
for line in lines:
print "\t" + line
print "\n"
def display_credentials(creds):
Take a credential array and display everything nicely.
print helpers.color("\nCredentials:\n", "blue")
print " CredID CredType Domain UserName Host Password"
print " ------ -------- ------ -------- ---- --------"
for cred in creds:
# (id, credtype, domain, username, password, host, notes, sid)
credID = cred[0]
credType = cred[1]
domain = cred[2]
username = cred[3]
password = cred[4]
host = cred[5]
print " %s%s%s%s%s%s" % ('{0: <8}'.format(credID), '{0: <11}'.format(credType), '{0: <25}'.format(domain), '{0: <17}'.format(username), '{0: <17}'.format(host), password)
print ''