import base64 import random # Empire imports from lib.common import helpers from lib.common import agents from lib.common import encryption from lib.common import packets from lib.common import messages class Listener: def __init__(self, mainMenu, params=[]): = { 'Name': 'Template', 'Author': ['@harmj0y'], 'Description': ("Listener template"), # categories - client_server, peer_to_peer, broadcast, third_party 'Category' : ('client_server'), 'Comments': [] } # any options needed by the stager, settable during runtime self.options = { # format: # value_name : {description, required, default_value} 'Name' : { 'Description' : 'Listener name.', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : 'http_foreign' }, 'Host' : { 'Description' : 'Hostname/IP for staging.', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : "http://%s:%s" % (helpers.lhost(), 80) }, 'Port' : { 'Description' : 'Port for the listener.', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : 80 }, 'StagingKey' : { 'Description' : 'Staging key for initial agent negotiation.', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : '2c103f2c4ed1e59c0b4e2e01821770fa' }, 'DefaultDelay' : { 'Description' : 'Agent delay/reach back interval (in seconds).', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : 5 }, 'DefaultJitter' : { 'Description' : 'Jitter in agent reachback interval (0.0-1.0).', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : 0.0 }, 'DefaultLostLimit' : { 'Description' : 'Number of missed checkins before exiting', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : 60 }, 'DefaultProfile' : { 'Description' : 'Default communication profile for the agent.', 'Required' : True, 'Value' : "/admin/get.php,/news.php,/login/process.php|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" }, 'KillDate' : { 'Description' : 'Date for the listener to exit (MM/dd/yyyy).', 'Required' : False, 'Value' : '' }, 'WorkingHours' : { 'Description' : 'Hours for the agent to operate (09:00-17:00).', 'Required' : False, 'Value' : '' } } # required: self.mainMenu = mainMenu self.threads = {} # used to keep track of any threaded instances of this server # optional/specific for this module # set the default staging key to the controller db default self.options['StagingKey']['Value'] = str(helpers.get_config('staging_key')[0]) def default_response(self): """ If there's a default response expected from the server that the client needs to ignore, (i.e. a default HTTP page), put the generation here. """ print helpers.color("[!] default_response() not implemented for listeners/template") return '' def validate_options(self): """ Validate all options for this listener. """ for key in self.options: if self.options[key]['Required'] and (str(self.options[key]['Value']).strip() == ''): print helpers.color("[!] Option \"%s\" is required." % (key)) return False return True def generate_launcher(self, encode=True, userAgent='default', proxy='default', proxyCreds='default', stagerRetries='0', language=None, safeChecks='', listenerName=None): """ Generate a basic launcher for the specified listener. """ if not language: print helpers.color('[!] listeners/template generate_launcher(): no language specified!') return None if listenerName and (listenerName in self.mainMenu.listeners.activeListeners): # extract the set options for this instantiated listener listenerOptions = self.mainMenu.listeners.activeListeners[listenerName]['options'] host = listenerOptions['Host']['Value'] stagingKey = listenerOptions['StagingKey']['Value'] profile = listenerOptions['DefaultProfile']['Value'] uris = [a.strip('/') for a in profile.split('|')[0].split(',')] stage0 = random.choice(uris) launchURI = "%s/%s" % (host, stage0) if language.startswith('po'): # PowerShell return '' if language.startswith('py'): # Python return '' else: print helpers.color("[!] listeners/template generate_launcher(): invalid language specification: only 'powershell' and 'python' are current supported for this module.") else: print helpers.color("[!] listeners/template generate_launcher(): invalid listener name specification!") def generate_stager(self, listenerOptions, encode=False, encrypt=True, language=None): """ If you want to support staging for the listener module, generate_stager must be implemented to return the stage1 key-negotiation stager code. """ print helpers.color("[!] generate_stager() not implemented for listeners/template") return '' def generate_agent(self, listenerOptions, language=None): """ If you want to support staging for the listener module, generate_agent must be implemented to return the actual staged agent code. """ print helpers.color("[!] generate_agent() not implemented for listeners/template") return '' def generate_comms(self, listenerOptions, language=None): """ Generate just the agent communication code block needed for communications with this listener. This is so agents can easily be dynamically updated for the new listener. This should be implemented for the module. """ if language: if language.lower() == 'powershell': updateServers = """ $Script:ControlServers = @("%s"); $Script:ServerIndex = 0; """ % (listenerOptions['Host']['Value']) getTask = """ function script:Get-Task { } """ sendMessage = """ function script:Send-Message { param($Packets) if($Packets) { } } """ return updateServers + getTask + sendMessage + "\n'New agent comms registered!'" elif language.lower() == 'python': # send_message() pass else: print helpers.color("[!] listeners/template generate_comms(): invalid language specification, only 'powershell' and 'python' are current supported for this module.") else: print helpers.color('[!] listeners/template generate_comms(): no language specified!') def start(self, name=''): """ If a server component needs to be started, implement the kick off logic here and the actual server code in another function to facilitate threading (i.e. start_server() in the http listener). """ # listenerOptions = self.options # if name and name != '': # self.threads[name] = helpers.KThread(target=self.start_server, args=(listenerOptions,)) # self.threads[name].start() # time.sleep(1) # # returns True if the listener successfully started, false otherwise # return self.threads[name].is_alive() # else: # name = listenerOptions['Name']['Value'] # self.threads[name] = helpers.KThread(target=self.start_server, args=(listenerOptions,)) # self.threads[name].start() # time.sleep(1) # # returns True if the listener successfully started, false otherwise # return self.threads[name].is_alive() return True def shutdown(self, name=''): """ If a server component was started, implement the logic that kills the particular named listener here. """ # if name and name != '': # print helpers.color("[!] Killing listener '%s'" % (name)) # self.threads[name].kill() # else: # print helpers.color("[!] Killing listener '%s'" % (self.options['Name']['Value'])) # self.threads[self.options['Name']['Value']].kill() pass