function Set-MacAttribute { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the modified, accessed and created (Mac) attributes for a file based on another file or input. PowerSploit Function: Set-MacAttribute Author: Chris Campbell (@obscuresec) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: None Optional Dependencies: None Version: 1.0.0 .DESCRIPTION Set-MacAttribute sets one or more Mac attributes and returns the new attribute values of the file. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-MacAttribute -FilePath c:\test\newfile -OldFilePath c:\test\oldfile .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-MacAttribute -FilePath c:\demo\test.xt -All "01/03/2006 12:12 pm" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Set-MacAttribute -FilePath c:\demo\test.txt -Modified "01/03/2006 12:12 pm" -Accessed "01/03/2006 12:11 pm" -Created "01/03/2006 12:10 pm" .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Touch')] Param ( [Parameter(Position = 1,Mandatory = $True)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $FilePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Touch')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $OldFilePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [DateTime] $Modified, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [DateTime] $Accessed, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Individual')] [DateTime] $Created, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'All')] [DateTime] $AllMacAttributes ) Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 #Helper function that returns an object with the MAC attributes of a file. function Get-MacAttribute { param($OldFileName) if (!(Test-Path $OldFileName)){Throw "File Not Found"} $FileInfoObject = (Get-Item $OldFileName) $ObjectProperties = @{'Modified' = ($FileInfoObject.LastWriteTime); 'Accessed' = ($FileInfoObject.LastAccessTime); 'Created' = ($FileInfoObject.CreationTime)}; $ResultObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties Return $ResultObject } #test and set variables if (!(Test-Path $FilePath)){Throw "$FilePath not found"} $FileInfoObject = (Get-Item $FilePath) if ($PSBoundParameters['AllMacAttributes']){ $Modified = $AllMacAttributes $Accessed = $AllMacAttributes $Created = $AllMacAttributes } if ($PSBoundParameters['OldFilePath']){ if (!(Test-Path $OldFilePath)){Write-Error "$OldFilePath not found."} $CopyFileMac = (Get-MacAttribute $OldFilePath) $Modified = $CopyFileMac.Modified $Accessed = $CopyFileMac.Accessed $Created = $CopyFileMac.Created } if ($Modified) {$FileInfoObject.LastWriteTime = $Modified} if ($Accessed) {$FileInfoObject.LastAccessTime = $Accessed} if ($Created) {$FileInfoObject.CreationTime = $Created} Return (Get-MacAttribute $FilePath) }