POST /api/agents/<string:agent_name>/shell now tasks an agent to execute a shell command
POST /api/agents/<string:agent_name>/rename now renames an agent
GET/POST /api/agents/<string:agent_name>/clear now clears an agent task buffer
GET/POST /api/agents/<string:agent_name>/kill now kills an agent
DELETE /api/agents/<string:agent_name>/results now clears agent result buffer
The api username defaults to 'empireadmin' and the password is randomly generated and stored in empire.db
The username/password can be modified with the ./empire --username X --password Y flags
Added new ./empire options: --rest to run just the RESTful API, --headless to run the RESTful API and a full Empire instance
Added /empire/api/admin/shutdown to API to shut the server down
Added proper shutdown functionality
Added hooks for CTRL+C to shut everything down gracefully
Cleaned up some SQL calls
Moved tasking/results into database fields for agents, instead of being kept in memory on the client
Added --headless option to ./empire