Finalize Pycrypto removal
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ Includes:
depad() - Performs PKCS#7 depadding
rsa_xml_to_key() - parses a PowerShell RSA xml import and builds a M2Crypto object
rsa_encrypt() - encrypts data using the M2Crypto crypto object
aes_encrypt() - encrypts data using a pyCrypto AES object
aes_encrypt_then_hmac() - encrypts and SHA256 HMACs data using a pyCrypto AES object
aes_decrypt() - decrypts data using a pyCrypto AES object
aes_encrypt() - encrypts data using a Cryptography AES object
aes_encrypt_then_hmac() - encrypts and SHA256 HMACs data using a Cryptography AES object
aes_decrypt() - decrypts data using a Cryptography AES object
verify_hmac() - verifies a SHA256 HMAC for a data blob
aes_decrypt_and_verify() - AES decrypts data if the HMAC is validated
generate_aes_key() - generates a ranodm AES key using pyCrypto's Random functionality
generate_aes_key() - generates a ranodm AES key using the OS' Random functionality
rc4() - encrypt/decrypt a data blob using an RC4 key
DiffieHellman() - Mark Loiseau's DiffieHellman implementation, see ./data/licenses/ for license info
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ if lsb_release -d | grep -q "Fedora"; then
dnf install -y make g++ python-devel m2crypto python-m2ext swig python-iptools python3-iptools libxml2-devel default-jdk openssl-devel libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev
pip install --upgrade urllib3
pip install setuptools
pip install pycrypto
pip install cryptography
pip install iptools
pip install pydispatcher
Reference in New Issue