Takes too long to generate the array when scanning 1-65535 so work as we go along

Stuart Morgan 2015-12-10 19:19:24 +00:00
parent 36644c2a85
commit a39f7f1753
1 changed files with 14 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -56,31 +56,36 @@ function Invoke-EgressCheck {
param([string] $ip, [string] $portrange = "22-25,53,80,443,445,3306,3389", [string] $protocol = "TCP", [int] $verbosity=0, [int] $delay=100)
$pr_split = $portrange -split ','
$ports = @()
foreach ($p in $pr_split) {
if ($p -match '^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$') {
$prange = $p -split '-'
for ($c = [convert]::ToInt32($prange[0]);$c -le [convert]::ToInt32($prange[1]);$c++) {
$ports += $c
egress -ip $ip -port $c -verbosity $verbosity -delay $delay -protocol $protocol
} elseif ($p -match '^[0-9]+$') {
$ports += $p
egress -ip $ip -port $c -verbosity $verbosity -delay $delay -protocol $protocol
} else {
foreach ($eachport in $ports) {
if ($protocol -eq "TCP" -Or $protocol -eq "ALL") {
generate_tcp -ip $ip -port $eachport -verbosity $verbosity
function egress {
param([string]$ip, [int]$port, [int]$verbosity, [int]$delay, [string]$protocol) {
if ($protocol -eq "TCP" -Or $protocol -eq "ALL") {
generate_tcp -ip $ip -port $port -verbosity $verbosity
if ($delay -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -m ($delay)
if ($verbosity -gt 0) { Write-Host -NoNewLine "W" }
if ($protocol -eq "UDP" -Or $protocol -eq "ALL") {
generate_udp -ip $ip -port $eachport -verbosity $verbosity
if ($protocol -eq "UDP" -Or $protocol -eq "ALL") {
generate_udp -ip $ip -port $port -verbosity $verbosity
if ($delay -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -m ($delay)
if ($verbosity -gt 0) { Write-Host -NoNewLine "W" }