2017-03-11 23:35:17 +00:00
# This file is part of Invoke-Obfuscation.
# Copyright 2017 Daniel Bohannon <@danielhbohannon>
# while at Mandiant <http://www.mandiant.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Function Out-EncodedHexCommand
Generates hexadecimal encoded payload for a PowerShell command or script . Optionally it adds command line output to final command .
Invoke-Obfuscation Function : Out-EncodedHexCommand
Author : Daniel Bohannon ( @danielhbohannon )
License : Apache License , Version 2.0
Required Dependencies : None
Optional Dependencies : None
Out-EncodedHexCommand encodes an input PowerShell scriptblock or path as a hexadecimal payload . It randomly chooses between . Split / -Split / array syntax to store the encoded payload in the final output . The purpose is to highlight to the Blue Team that there are more novel ways to encode a PowerShell command other than the most common Base64 approach .
. PARAMETER ScriptBlock
Specifies a scriptblock containing your payload .
Specifies the path to your payload .
Outputs the option to not exit after running startup commands .
Outputs the option to not load the Windows PowerShell profile .
. PARAMETER NonInteractive
Outputs the option to not present an interactive prompt to the user .
Outputs the option to not present the logo to the user .
Calls the x86 ( Wow64 ) version of PowerShell on x86_64 Windows installations .
Outputs the option to execute the specified commands ( and any parameters ) as though they were typed at the Windows PowerShell command prompt .
. PARAMETER WindowStyle
Outputs the option to set the window style to Normal , Minimized , Maximized or Hidden .
. PARAMETER ExecutionPolicy
Outputs the option to set the default execution policy for the current session .
( Optional ) Avoids applying final command line syntax if you want to apply more obfuscation function s ( or a different launcher function ) to the final output .
C: \ PS > Out-EncodedHexCommand -ScriptBlock { Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green ; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green } -NoProfile -NonInteractive
powershell -NonInt -NoPr " ('57_72}69R74u65P2dR48T6fu73_74;20_27R48T65R6cR6c;6fT20;57}6fP72}6cT64u21;27}20}2dP46T6f}72u65{67T72}6f_75}6e{64P43_6f_6cR6f{72u20;47T72{65T65}6eT3b}20T57_72P69u74u65P2dT48T6fR73;74;20P27T4fu62;66P75{73R63}61}74{69R6fu6eT20T52u6fT63u6b;73u21;27}20;2d;46R6fT72T65P67P72R6fP75{6e}64T43_6fP6cR6f{72;20T47T72T65{65}6e'-SPLiT'P'-SpliT'}'-SPLIt 'u'-SpLIt'{'-SPLit'R' -SplIT '_'-SpliT'T' -SplIt';'| ForEach-Object { ([Convert]::ToInt16(( $_ .ToString()),16)-AS[Char]) }) -Join ''|Invoke-Expression "
C: \ PS > Out-EncodedHexCommand -ScriptBlock { Write-Host 'Hello World!' -ForegroundColor Green ; Write-Host 'Obfuscation Rocks!' -ForegroundColor Green } -NoProfile -NonInteractive -PassThru
-Join ( ( 57 , 72 , 69 , 74 , 65 , '2d' , 48 , '6f' , 73 , 74 , 20 , 27 , 48 , 65 , '6c' , '6c' , '6f' , 20 , 57 , '6f' , 72 , '6c' , 64 , 21 , 27 , 20 , '2d' , 46 , '6f' , 72 , 65 , 67 , 72 , '6f' , 75 , '6e' , 64 , 43 , '6f' , '6c' , '6f' , 72 , 20 , 47 , 72 , 65 , 65 , '6e' , '3b' , 20 , 57 , 72 , 69 , 74 , 65 , '2d' , 48 , '6f' , 73 , 74 , 20 , 27 , '4f' , 62 , 66 , 75 , 73 , 63 , 61 , 74 , 69 , '6f' , '6e' , 20 , 52 , '6f' , 63 , '6b' , 73 , 21 , 27 , 20 , '2d' , 46 , '6f' , 72 , 65 , 67 , 72 , '6f' , 75 , '6e' , 64 , 43 , '6f' , '6c' , '6f' , 72 , 20 , 47 , 72 , 65 , 65 , '6e' ) | ForEach-Object { ( [ Char ] ( [ Convert ] :: ToInt16 ( ( [ String ] $_ ) , 16 ) ) ) } ) | IEX
Inspiration for this encoding technique came from : https : / / blogs . technet . microsoft . com / heyscriptingguy / 2011 / 09 / 09 / convert-hexadecimal -to -ascii -using -powershell /
This is a personal project developed by Daniel Bohannon while an employee at MANDIANT , A FireEye Company .
http : / / www . danielbohannon . com
[ CmdletBinding ( DefaultParameterSetName = 'FilePath' ) ] Param (
[ Parameter ( Position = 0 , ValueFromPipeline = $True , ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock' ) ]
[ ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ( ) ]
[ ScriptBlock ]
$ScriptBlock ,
[ Parameter ( Position = 0 , ParameterSetName = 'FilePath' ) ]
[ ValidateNotNullOrEmpty ( ) ]
[ String ]
$Path ,
[ Switch ]
$NoExit ,
[ Switch ]
$NoProfile ,
[ Switch ]
$NonInteractive ,
[ Switch ]
$NoLogo ,
[ Switch ]
$Wow64 ,
[ Switch ]
$Command ,
[ ValidateSet ( 'Normal' , 'Minimized' , 'Maximized' , 'Hidden' ) ]
[ String ]
$WindowStyle ,
[ ValidateSet ( 'Bypass' , 'Unrestricted' , 'RemoteSigned' , 'AllSigned' , 'Restricted' ) ]
[ String ]
$ExecutionPolicy ,
[ Switch ]
# Encoding base values: 16=Hex, 8=Octal, 2=Binary
$EncodingBase = 16
# Either convert ScriptBlock to a String or convert script at $Path to a String.
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'Path' ] )
Get-ChildItem $Path -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$ScriptString = [ IO.File ] :: ReadAllText ( ( Resolve-Path $Path ) )
$ScriptString = [ String ] $ScriptBlock
# Create list of random delimiters $RandomDelimiters.
# Avoid using . * ' " [ ] ( ) etc. as delimiters as these will cause problems in the -Split command syntax.
$RandomDelimiters = @ ( '_' , '-' , ',' , '{' , '}' , '~' , '!' , '@' , '%' , '&' , '<' , '>' , ';' , ':' )
# Add letters g-z with random case to $RandomDelimiters (avoiding a-f as it will be used for Hexadecimal values).
@ ( 'g' , 'h' , 'i' , 'j' , 'k' , 'l' , 'm' , 'n' , 'o' , 'p' , 'q' , 'r' , 's' , 't' , 'u' , 'v' , 'w' , 'x' , 'y' , 'z' ) | ForEach-Object { $UpperLowerChar = $_ ; If ( ( ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 . .2 ) ) -1 -eq 0 ) ) { $UpperLowerChar = $UpperLowerChar . ToUpper ( ) } $RandomDelimiters + = $UpperLowerChar }
# Only use a subset of current delimiters to randomize what you see in every iteration of this script's output.
$RandomDelimiters = ( Get-Random -Input $RandomDelimiters -Count ( $RandomDelimiters . Count / 4 ) )
# Convert $ScriptString to delimited Hex values in [Char] array separated by random delimiter from defined list $RandomDelimiters.
$DelimitedEncodedArray = ''
( [ Char[] ] $ScriptString ) | ForEach-Object { $DelimitedEncodedArray + = ( [ Convert ] :: ToString ( ( [ Int][Char ] $_ ) , $EncodingBase ) + ( Get-Random -Input $RandomDelimiters ) ) }
# Remove trailing delimiter from $DelimitedEncodedArray.
$DelimitedEncodedArray = $DelimitedEncodedArray . SubString ( 0 , $DelimitedEncodedArray . Length - 1 )
# Create printable version of $RandomDelimiters in random order to be used by final command.
$RandomDelimitersToPrint = ( Get-Random -Input $RandomDelimiters -Count $RandomDelimiters . Length ) -Join ''
# Generate random case versions for necessary operations.
$ForEachObject = Get-Random -Input @ ( 'ForEach' , 'ForEach-Object' , '%' )
$StrJoin = ( [ Char[] ] '[String]::Join' | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$StrStr = ( [ Char[] ] '[String]' | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$Join = ( [ Char[] ] '-Join' | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$CharStr = ( [ Char[] ] 'Char' | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$Int = ( [ Char[] ] 'Int' | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$ForEachObject = ( [ Char[] ] $ForEachObject | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$ToInt16 = ( [ Char[] ] '[Convert]::ToInt16(' | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
# Create printable version of $RandomDelimiters in random order to be used by final command specifically for -Split syntax.
$RandomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit = ''
ForEach ( $RandomDelimiter in $RandomDelimiters )
# Random case 'split' string.
$Split = ( [ Char[] ] 'Split' | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$RandomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit + = ( '-' + $Split + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + " ' " + $RandomDelimiter + " ' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) )
$RandomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit = $RandomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit . Trim ( )
# Randomly select between various conversion syntax options.
$RandomStringSyntax = ( [ Char[] ] ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '[String]$_' , '$_.ToString()' ) ) | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$RandomConversionSyntax = @ ( )
$RandomConversionSyntax + = " [ $CharStr ] " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $ToInt16 + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $RandomStringSyntax + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ',' + $EncodingBase + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')'
$RandomConversionSyntax + = $ToInt16 + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $RandomStringSyntax + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ',' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $EncodingBase + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '-as' , '-As' , '-aS' , '-AS' ) ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + " [ $CharStr ] "
$RandomConversionSyntax = ( Get-Random -Input $RandomConversionSyntax )
# Create array syntax for encoded $ScriptString as alternative to .Split/-Split syntax.
$EncodedArray = ''
( [ Char[] ] $ScriptString ) | ForEach-Object {
# Encapsulate current item with single quote if it contains a non-integer.
If ( [ Convert ] :: ToString ( ( [ Int][Char ] $_ ) , $EncodingBase ) . Trim ( '0123456789' ) . Length -gt 0 ) { $Quote = " ' " }
Else { $Quote = '' }
$EncodedArray + = ( $Quote + [ Convert ] :: ToString ( ( [ Int][Char ] $_ ) , $EncodingBase ) + $Quote + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ',' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) )
# Remove trailing comma from $EncodedArray.
$EncodedArray = ( '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $EncodedArray . Trim ( ) . Trim ( ',' ) + ')' )
# Generate random syntax to create/set OFS variable ($OFS is the Output Field Separator automatic variable).
# Using Set-Item and Set-Variable/SV/SET syntax. Not using New-Item in case OFS variable already exists.
# If the OFS variable did exists then we could use even more syntax: $varname, Set-Variable/SV, Set-Item/SET, Get-Variable/GV/Variable, Get-ChildItem/GCI/ChildItem/Dir/Ls
# For more info: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/reference/5.1/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_automatic_variables
$SetOfsVarSyntax = @ ( )
$SetOfsVarSyntax + = 'Set-Item' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " 'Variable:OFS' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " '' "
$SetOfsVarSyntax + = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 'Set-Variable' , 'SV' , 'SET' ) ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " 'OFS' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " '' "
$SetOfsVar = ( Get-Random -Input $SetOfsVarSyntax )
$SetOfsVarBackSyntax = @ ( )
$SetOfsVarBackSyntax + = 'Set-Item' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " 'Variable:OFS' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " ' ' "
$SetOfsVarBackSyntax + = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 'Set-Variable' , 'SV' , 'SET' ) ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " 'OFS' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 1 , 2 ) ) + " ' ' "
$SetOfsVarBack = ( Get-Random -Input $SetOfsVarBackSyntax )
# Randomize case of $SetOfsVar and $SetOfsVarBack.
$SetOfsVar = ( [ Char[] ] $SetOfsVar | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
$SetOfsVarBack = ( [ Char[] ] $SetOfsVarBack | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
# Generate the code that will decrypt and execute the payload and randomly select one.
$BaseScriptArray = @ ( )
$BaseScriptArray + = '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + " ' " + $DelimitedEncodedArray + " '. " + $Split + " ( " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + " ' " + $RandomDelimitersToPrint + " ' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '|' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $ForEachObject + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '{' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $RandomConversionSyntax + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '}' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')'
$BaseScriptArray + = '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + " ' " + $DelimitedEncodedArray + " ' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $RandomDelimitersToPrintForDashSplit + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '|' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $ForEachObject + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '{' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $RandomConversionSyntax + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '}' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')'
$BaseScriptArray + = '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $EncodedArray + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '|' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $ForEachObject + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '{' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $RandomConversionSyntax + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '}' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')'
# Generate random JOIN syntax for all above options.
$NewScriptArray = @ ( )
$NewScriptArray + = ( Get-Random -Input $BaseScriptArray ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $Join + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + " '' "
$NewScriptArray + = $Join + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ( Get-Random -Input $BaseScriptArray )
$NewScriptArray + = $StrJoin + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + " '' " + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ',' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ( Get-Random -Input $BaseScriptArray ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')'
$NewScriptArray + = '"' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '$(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $SetOfsVar + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '"' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '+' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $StrStr + ( Get-Random -Input $BaseScriptArray ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '+' + '"' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '$(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $SetOfsVarBack + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '"'
# Randomly select one of the above commands.
$NewScript = ( Get-Random -Input $NewScriptArray )
# Generate random invoke operation syntax.
# Below code block is a copy from Out-ObfuscatedStringCommand.ps1. It is copied into this encoding function so that this will remain a standalone script without dependencies.
$InvokeExpressionSyntax = @ ( )
$InvokeExpressionSyntax + = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 'IEX' , 'Invoke-Expression' ) )
# Added below slightly-randomized obfuscated ways to form the string 'iex' and then invoke it with . or &.
# Though far from fully built out, these are included to highlight how IEX/Invoke-Expression is a great indicator but not a silver bullet.
# These methods draw on common environment variable values and PowerShell Automatic Variable values/methods/members/properties/etc.
$InvocationOperator = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '.' , '&' ) ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) )
$InvokeExpressionSyntax + = $InvocationOperator + " ( `$ ShellId[1]+ `$ ShellId[13]+'x') "
$InvokeExpressionSyntax + = $InvocationOperator + " ( `$ PSHome[ " + ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 4 , 21 ) ) + " ]+ `$ PSHome[ " + ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 30 , 34 ) ) + " ]+'x') "
$InvokeExpressionSyntax + = $InvocationOperator + " ( `$ env:Public[13]+ `$ env:Public[5]+'x') "
$InvokeExpressionSyntax + = $InvocationOperator + " ( `$ env:ComSpec[4, " + ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 15 , 24 , 26 ) ) + " ,25]-Join'') "
$InvokeExpressionSyntax + = $InvocationOperator + " (( " + ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 'Get-Variable' , 'GV' , 'Variable' ) ) + " '*mdr*').Name[3,11,2]-Join'') "
$InvokeExpressionSyntax + = $InvocationOperator + " ( " + ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '$VerbosePreference.ToString()' , '([String]$VerbosePreference)' ) ) + " [1,3]+'x'-Join'') "
# Randomly choose from above invoke operation syntaxes.
$InvokeExpression = ( Get-Random -Input $InvokeExpressionSyntax )
# Randomize the case of selected invoke operation.
$InvokeExpression = ( [ Char[] ] $InvokeExpression | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
# Choose random Invoke-Expression/IEX syntax and ordering: IEX ($ScriptString) or ($ScriptString | IEX)
$InvokeOptions = @ ( )
$InvokeOptions + = ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $InvokeExpression + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '(' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $NewScript + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + ')' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) )
$InvokeOptions + = ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $NewScript + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + '|' + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 , 1 ) ) + $InvokeExpression
$NewScript = ( Get-Random -Input $InvokeOptions )
# If user did not include -PassThru flag then continue with adding execution flgs and powershell.exe to $NewScript.
If ( ! $PSBoundParameters [ 'PassThru' ] )
# Array to store all selected PowerShell execution flags.
$PowerShellFlags = @ ( )
# Build the PowerShell execution flags by randomly selecting execution flags substrings and randomizing the order.
# This is to prevent Blue Team from placing false hope in simple signatures for common substrings of these execution flags.
$CommandlineOptions = New-Object String [ ] ( 0 )
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'NoExit' ] )
$FullArgument = " -NoExit " ;
$CommandlineOptions + = $FullArgument . SubString ( 0 , ( Get-Random -Minimum 4 -Maximum ( $FullArgument . Length + 1 ) ) )
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'NoProfile' ] )
$FullArgument = " -NoProfile " ;
$CommandlineOptions + = $FullArgument . SubString ( 0 , ( Get-Random -Minimum 4 -Maximum ( $FullArgument . Length + 1 ) ) )
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'NonInteractive' ] )
$FullArgument = " -NonInteractive " ;
$CommandlineOptions + = $FullArgument . SubString ( 0 , ( Get-Random -Minimum 5 -Maximum ( $FullArgument . Length + 1 ) ) )
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'NoLogo' ] )
$FullArgument = " -NoLogo " ;
$CommandlineOptions + = $FullArgument . SubString ( 0 , ( Get-Random -Minimum 4 -Maximum ( $FullArgument . Length + 1 ) ) )
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'WindowStyle' ] -OR $WindowsStyle )
$FullArgument = " -WindowStyle "
If ( $WindowsStyle ) { $ArgumentValue = $WindowsStyle }
Else { $ArgumentValue = $PSBoundParameters [ 'WindowStyle' ] }
# Randomly decide to write WindowStyle value with flag substring or integer value.
Switch ( $ArgumentValue . ToLower ( ) )
2017-03-12 22:16:54 +00:00
'normal' { If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $ArgumentValue = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '0' , 'n' , 'no' , 'nor' , 'norm' , 'norma' ) ) } }
'hidden' { If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $ArgumentValue = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '1' , 'h' , 'hi' , 'hid' , 'hidd' , 'hidde' ) ) } }
'minimized' { If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $ArgumentValue = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '2' , 'mi' , 'min' , 'mini' , 'minim' , 'minimi' , 'minimiz' , 'minimize' ) ) } }
'maximized' { If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $ArgumentValue = ( Get-Random -Input @ ( '3' , 'ma' , 'max' , 'maxi' , 'maxim' , 'maximi' , 'maximiz' , 'maximize' ) ) } }
2017-03-11 23:35:17 +00:00
default { Write-Error " An invalid `$ ArgumentValue value ( $ArgumentValue ) was passed to switch block for Out-PowerShellLauncher. " ; Exit ; }
$PowerShellFlags + = $FullArgument . SubString ( 0 , ( Get-Random -Minimum 2 -Maximum ( $FullArgument . Length + 1 ) ) ) + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 3 ) + $ArgumentValue
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'ExecutionPolicy' ] -OR $ExecutionPolicy )
$FullArgument = " -ExecutionPolicy "
If ( $ExecutionPolicy ) { $ArgumentValue = $ExecutionPolicy }
Else { $ArgumentValue = $PSBoundParameters [ 'ExecutionPolicy' ] }
# Take into account the shorted flag of -EP as well.
$ExecutionPolicyFlags = @ ( )
$ExecutionPolicyFlags + = '-EP'
For ( $Index = 3 ; $Index -le $FullArgument . Length ; $Index + + )
$ExecutionPolicyFlags + = $FullArgument . SubString ( 0 , $Index )
$ExecutionPolicyFlag = Get-Random -Input $ExecutionPolicyFlags
$PowerShellFlags + = $ExecutionPolicyFlag + ' ' * ( Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 3 ) + $ArgumentValue
# Randomize the order of the execution flags.
# This is to prevent the Blue Team from placing false hope in simple signatures for ordering of these flags.
If ( $CommandlineOptions . Count -gt 1 )
$CommandlineOptions = Get-Random -InputObject $CommandlineOptions -Count $CommandlineOptions . Count
# If selected then the -Command flag needs to be added last.
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'Command' ] )
$FullArgument = " -Command "
$CommandlineOptions + = $FullArgument . SubString ( 0 , ( Get-Random -Minimum 2 -Maximum ( $FullArgument . Length + 1 ) ) )
# Randomize the case of all command-line arguments.
For ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $PowerShellFlags . Count ; $i + + )
$PowerShellFlags [ $i ] = ( [ Char[] ] $PowerShellFlags [ $i ] | ForEach-Object { $Char = $_ . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) ; If ( Get-Random -Input @ ( 0 . .1 ) ) { $Char = $Char . ToUpper ( ) } $Char } ) -Join ''
# Random-sized whitespace between all execution flags and encapsulating final string of execution flags.
$CommandlineOptions = ( $CommandlineOptions | ForEach-Object { $_ + " " * ( Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 3 ) } ) -Join ''
$CommandlineOptions = " " * ( Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3 ) + $CommandlineOptions + " " * ( Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 3 )
# Build up the full command-line string.
If ( $PSBoundParameters [ 'Wow64' ] )
$CommandLineOutput = " C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe $( $CommandlineOptions ) `" $NewScript `" "
# Obfuscation isn't about saving space, and there are reasons you'd potentially want to fully path powershell.exe (more info on this soon).
#$CommandLineOutput = "$($Env:windir)\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe $($CommandlineOptions) `"$NewScript`""
$CommandLineOutput = " powershell $( $CommandlineOptions ) `" $NewScript `" "
# Make sure final command doesn't exceed cmd.exe's character limit.
$CmdMaxLength = 8190
If ( $CommandLineOutput . Length -gt $CmdMaxLength )
Write-Warning " This command exceeds the cmd.exe maximum allowed length of $CmdMaxLength characters! Its length is $( $CmdLineOutput . Length ) characters. "
$NewScript = $CommandLineOutput
Return $NewScript