2015-08-05 18:36:39 +00:00
2016-03-22 21:06:18 +00:00
import sqlite3, argparse, sys, argparse, logging, json, string, os, re, time, signal
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, make_response, abort
from time import localtime, strftime
from OpenSSL import SSL
from Crypto.Random import random
2015-08-05 18:36:39 +00:00
# Empire imports
from lib.common import empire
2016-03-22 21:06:18 +00:00
# Database interaction methods for the RESTful API
def database_connect():
Connect with the backend ./empire.db sqlite database and return the
connection object.
# set the database connectiont to autocommit w/ isolation level
conn = sqlite3.connect('./data/empire.db', check_same_thread=False)
conn.text_factory = str
conn.isolation_level = None
return conn
except Exception as e:
print helpers.color("[!] Could not connect to database")
print helpers.color("[!] Please run database_setup.py")
def execute_db_query(conn, query, args=None):
Execute the supplied query on the provided db conn object
with optional args for a paramaterized query.
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute(query, args)
results = cur.fetchall()
return results
def refresh_api_token(conn):
Generates a randomized RESTful API token and updates the value
in the config stored in the backend database.
# generate a randomized API token
apiToken = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for x in range(40))
execute_db_query(conn, "UPDATE config SET api_token=?", [apiToken])
return apiToken
# The Empire RESTful API.
# Adapted from http://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/designing-a-restful-api-with-python-and-flask
# example code at https://gist.github.com/miguelgrinberg/5614326
# Verb URI Action
# ---- --- ------
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/version return the current Empire version
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/config return the current default config
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/stagers return all current stagers
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/stagers/X return the stager with name X
# POST http://localhost:1337/empire/api/stagers generate a stager given supplied options (need to implement)
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/modules return all current modules
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/listeners return all current listeners
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/listeners/Y return the listener with id Y
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/listeners/options return all listener options
# POST http://localhost:1337/empire/api/listeners starts a new listener with the specified options
# DELETE http://localhost:1337/empire/api/listeners/Y kills listener Y
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/agents return all current agents
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/agents/Y return the agent with name Y
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/agents/Y/results return tasking results for the agent with name Y
# POST http://localhost:1337/empire/api/agents/Y modify or task agent with Y
# DELETE http://localhost:1337/empire/api/agents/Y removes agent Y from the database
# DELETE http://localhost:1337/empire/api/agents/stale removes stale agents from the database
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/reporting return all logged events
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/reporting/agent/X return all logged events for the given agent name X
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/reporting/type/Y return all logged events of type Y (checkin, task, result, rename)
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/reporting/msg/Z return all logged events matching message Z, wildcards accepted
# GET http://localhost:1337/empire/api/admin/shutdown shutdown the RESTful API
def start_restful_api(startEmpire=False, suppress=False, port=1337):
app = Flask(__name__)
class Namespace:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# instantiate an Empire instance in case we need to interact with stagers or listeners
args = Namespace(debug=None, listener=None, stager=None, stager_options=None, version=False)
print ""
if startEmpire:
# if we want to start a full-running empire instance
print " * Starting a full Empire instance"
main = empire.MainMenu(args=args)
# if we just want the RESTful API, i.e. no listener/etc. startup
main = empire.MainMenu(args=args, restAPI=True)
conn = database_connect()
print " * Starting Empire RESTful API on port: %s" %(port)
# refresh the token for the RESTful API
apiToken = refresh_api_token(conn)
print " * RESTful API token: %s" %(apiToken)
tokenAllowed = re.compile("^[0-9a-z]{40}")
oldStdout = sys.stdout
if suppress:
# suppress the normal Flask output
log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')
# suppress all stdout and don't initiate the main cmdloop
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
# validate API token before every request
def check_token():
token = request.args.get('token')
if (not token) or (not tokenAllowed.match(token)):
return make_response('', 403)
if token != apiToken:
return make_response('', 403)
def exception_handler(error):
return repr(error)
def not_found(error):
return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': 'Not found' } ), 404)
@app.route('/empire/api/version', methods=['GET'])
def get_version():
Returns the current Empire version.
return jsonify({'version': empire.VERSION})
@app.route('/empire/api/config', methods=['GET'])
def get_config():
Returns JSON of the current Empire config.
configRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM config')
[staging_key, stage0_uri, stage1_uri, stage2_uri, default_delay, default_jitter, default_profile, default_cert_path, default_port, install_path, server_version, ip_whitelist, ip_blacklist, default_lost_limit, autorun_command, autorun_data, api_token] = configRaw[0]
config = {"version":empire.VERSION, "staging_key":staging_key, "stage0_uri":stage0_uri, "stage1_uri":stage1_uri, "stage2_uri":stage2_uri, "default_delay":default_delay, "default_jitter":default_jitter, "default_profile":default_profile, "default_cert_path":default_cert_path, "default_port":default_port, "install_path":install_path, "server_version":server_version, "ip_whitelist":ip_whitelist, "ip_blacklist":ip_blacklist, "default_lost_limit":default_lost_limit, "autorun_command":autorun_command, "autorun_data":autorun_data, "api_token":api_token}
return jsonify({'config': config})
@app.route('/empire/api/stagers', methods=['GET'])
def get_stagers():
Returns JSON describing all stagers.
stagerInfo = {}
for stagerName,stager in main.stagers.stagers.iteritems():
info = stager.info
info['options'] = stager.options
stagerInfo[stagerName] = info
return jsonify({'stagers': stagerInfo})
@app.route('/empire/api/stagers/<string:stager_name>', methods=['GET'])
def get_stagers_name(stager_name):
Returns JSON describing the specified stager_name passed.
stagerInfo = {}
for stagerName,stager in main.stagers.stagers.iteritems():
if(stagerName == stager_name):
info = stager.info
info['options'] = stager.options
stagerInfo[stagerName] = info
return jsonify({'stagers': stagerInfo})
@app.route('/empire/api/stagers', methods=['POST'])
def generate_stager():
Generates a stager with the supplied config and returns JSON information
describing the generated stager, with 'Output' being the stager output.
Required JSON args:
StagerName - the stager name to generate
Listener - the Listener name to use for the stager
if not request.json or not 'StagerName' in request.json or not 'Listener' in request.json:
stagerName = request.json['StagerName']
listener = request.json['Listener']
if stagerName not in main.stagers.stagers:
return jsonify({'error': 'StagerName invalid'})
if not main.listeners.is_listener_valid(listener):
return jsonify({'error': 'invalid listener ID or name'})
stager = main.stagers.stagers[stagerName]
# set all passed options
for option,values in request.json.iteritems():
if option != 'StagerName':
if(option not in stager.options):
return jsonify({'error': 'Invalid option %s, check capitalization.' %(option)})
stager.options[option]['Value'] = values
# validate stager options
for option,values in stager.options.iteritems():
if values['Required'] and ((not values['Value']) or (values['Value'] == '')):
return jsonify({'error': 'required stager options missing'})
stagerOut = stager.options
stagerOut['Output'] = stager.generate()
return jsonify({stagerName: stagerOut})
@app.route('/empire/api/modules', methods=['GET'])
def get_modules():
Returns JSON describing all currently loaded modules.
moduleInfo = {}
for moduleName,module in main.modules.modules.iteritems():
info = module.info
info['options'] = module.options
moduleInfo[moduleName] = info
return jsonify({'modules': moduleInfo})
@app.route('/empire/api/listeners', methods=['GET'])
def get_listeners():
Returns JSON describing all currently registered listeners.
activeListenersRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM listeners')
activeListeners = {}
for activeListener in activeListenersRaw:
[ID,name,host,port,cert_path,staging_key,default_delay,default_jitter,default_profile,kill_date,working_hours,listener_type,redirect_target,default_lost_limit] = activeListener
activeListeners[name] = {'ID':ID, 'name':name, 'host':host, 'port':port, 'cert_path':cert_path, 'staging_key':staging_key, 'default_delay':default_delay, 'default_jitter':default_jitter, 'default_profile':default_profile, 'kill_date':kill_date, 'working_hours':working_hours, 'listener_type':listener_type, 'redirect_target':redirect_target, 'default_lost_limit':default_lost_limit}
return jsonify({'listeners' : activeListeners})
@app.route('/empire/api/listeners/<string:listener_name>', methods=['GET'])
def get_listener_name(listener_name):
Returns JSON describing the listener specified by listener_name.
activeListenersRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM listeners')
activeListeners = {}
for activeListener in activeListenersRaw:
[ID,name,host,port,cert_path,staging_key,default_delay,default_jitter,default_profile,kill_date,working_hours,listener_type,redirect_target,default_lost_limit] = activeListener
if name == listener_name:
activeListeners[name] = {'ID':ID, 'name':name, 'host':host, 'port':port, 'cert_path':cert_path, 'staging_key':staging_key, 'default_delay':default_delay, 'default_jitter':default_jitter, 'default_profile':default_profile, 'kill_date':kill_date, 'working_hours':working_hours, 'listener_type':listener_type, 'redirect_target':redirect_target, 'default_lost_limit':default_lost_limit}
return jsonify({'listeners' : activeListeners})
@app.route('/empire/api/listeners/<string:listener_name>', methods=['DELETE'])
def kill_listener(listener_name):
Kills the listener specified by listener_name.
if listener_name.lower() == "all":
activeListenersRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM listeners')
for activeListener in activeListenersRaw:
[ID,name,host,port,cert_path,staging_key,default_delay,default_jitter,default_profile,kill_date,working_hours,listener_type,redirect_target,default_lost_limit] = activeListener
return jsonify({'result': True})
if listener_name != "" and main.listeners.is_listener_valid(listener_name):
return jsonify({'result': True})
return jsonify({'error': 'invalid listener name: %s' %(listener_name)})
@app.route('/empire/api/listeners/options', methods=['GET'])
def get_listener_options():
Returns JSON describing the current listener options.
return jsonify({'ListenerOptions' : main.listeners.options})
@app.route('/empire/api/listeners', methods=['POST'])
def start_listener():
Starts a listener with options supplied in the POST.
# set all passed options
for option,values in request.json.iteritems():
returnVal = main.listeners.set_listener_option(option, values)
if not returnVal:
return jsonify({'error': 'Error setting listener value %s with option %s' %(option, values)})
valid = main.listeners.validate_listener_options()
if not valid:
return jsonify({'error': 'Error validating listener options'})
return jsonify({'result': True})
@app.route('/empire/api/agents', methods=['GET'])
def get_agents():
Returns JSON describing all currently registered agents.
activeAgentsRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM agents')
activeAgents = {}
for activeAgent in activeAgentsRaw:
[ID, sessionID, listener, name, delay, jitter, external_ip, internal_ip, username, high_integrity, process_name, process_id, hostname, os_details, session_key, checkin_time, lastseen_time, parent, children, servers, uris, old_uris, user_agent, headers, functions, kill_date, working_hours, ps_version, lost_limit, taskings, results] = activeAgent
activeAgents[name] = {"ID":ID, "sessionID":sessionID, "listener":listener, "name":name, "delay":delay, "jitter":jitter, "external_ip":external_ip, "internal_ip":internal_ip, "username":username, "high_integrity":high_integrity, "process_name":process_name, "process_id":process_id, "hostname":hostname, "os_details":os_details, "session_key":session_key, "checkin_time":checkin_time, "lastseen_time":lastseen_time, "parent":parent, "children":children, "servers":servers, "uris":uris, "old_uris":old_uris, "user_agent":user_agent, "headers":headers, "functions":functions, "kill_date":kill_date, "working_hours":working_hours, "ps_version":ps_version, "lost_limit":lost_limit, "taskings":taskings, "results":results}
return jsonify({'agents' : activeAgents})
@app.route('/empire/api/agents/<string:agent_name>', methods=['GET'])
def get_agents_name(agent_name):
Returns JSON describing the agent specified by agent_name.
activeAgentsRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM agents WHERE name=? OR session_id=?', [agent_name, agent_name])
activeAgents = {}
for activeAgent in activeAgentsRaw:
[ID, sessionID, listener, name, delay, jitter, external_ip, internal_ip, username, high_integrity, process_name, process_id, hostname, os_details, session_key, checkin_time, lastseen_time, parent, children, servers, uris, old_uris, user_agent, headers, functions, kill_date, working_hours, ps_version, lost_limit, taskings, results] = activeAgent
activeAgents[name] = {"ID":ID, "sessionID":sessionID, "listener":listener, "name":name, "delay":delay, "jitter":jitter, "external_ip":external_ip, "internal_ip":internal_ip, "username":username, "high_integrity":high_integrity, "process_name":process_name, "process_id":process_id, "hostname":hostname, "os_details":os_details, "session_key":session_key, "checkin_time":checkin_time, "lastseen_time":lastseen_time, "parent":parent, "children":children, "servers":servers, "uris":uris, "old_uris":old_uris, "user_agent":user_agent, "headers":headers, "functions":functions, "kill_date":kill_date, "working_hours":working_hours, "ps_version":ps_version, "lost_limit":lost_limit, "taskings":taskings, "results":results}
return jsonify({'agents' : activeAgents})
@app.route('/empire/api/agents/<string:agent_name>/results', methods=['GET'])
def get_agent_results(agent_name):
Returns JSON describing the agent's results and removes the result field
from the backend database.
agentResults = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT results FROM agents WHERE name=? OR session_id=?', [agent_name, agent_name])[0]
if agentResults and agentResults[0] and agentResults[0] != '':
out = json.loads(agentResults[0])
agentResults = "\n".join(out)
agentResults = ''
agentResults = ''
execute_db_query(conn, 'UPDATE agents SET results=? WHERE name=? OR session_id=?', ['', agent_name, agent_name])
return jsonify({agent_name : {'Results': agentResults}})
# TODO: add get /name/results to get/clear results from DB
@app.route('/empire/api/agents/<string:agent_name>', methods=['POST'])
def modify_agent(agent_name):
Modifies an agent with name agent_name.
Used for tasking, clearing tasking, setting sleep, renaming, and killing.
if 'Task' in request.json.keys():
if agent_name.lower() == "all":
agent_name = '%'
taskName = request.json['Task']['TaskName']
task = request.json['Task']['Task']
# get existing agent taskings
agentTasks = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT taskings FROM agents WHERE name like ? OR session_id like ?', [agent_name, agent_name])[0]
if(agentTasks and agentTasks[0]):
agentTasks = json.loads(agentTasks[0])
agentTasks = []
# append our new json-ified task and update the backend
agentTasks.append([taskName, task])
execute_db_query(conn, "UPDATE agents SET taskings=? WHERE name=? OR session_id=?", [json.dumps(agentTasks), agent_name, agent_name])
timeStamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime())
execute_db_query(conn, "INSERT INTO reporting (name,event_type,message,time_stamp) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", (agent_name,"task",taskName + " - " + task[0:50], timeStamp ))
return jsonify({'AgentName':agent_name, 'TaskType':'Task', 'TaskName':taskName, 'Task':task})
elif 'Clear' in request.json.keys():
if agent_name.lower() == "all":
agent_name = '%'
execute_db_query(conn, "UPDATE agents SET taskings=? WHERE name like ? OR session_id like ?", ['', agent_name, agent_name])
return jsonify({'AgentName':agent_name, 'TaskType':'Clear', 'TaskName':'', 'Task':''})
elif 'Rename' in request.json.keys():
oldName = request.json['Rename']['OldName']
newName = request.json['Rename']['NewName']
main.agents.rename_agent(oldName, newName)
return jsonify({'result': True})
return jsonify({'error': 'error in renaming %s to %s' %(oldName, newName)})
return jsonify({'error':'error in tasking agent %s' % (agent_name)})
@app.route('/empire/api/agents/<string:agent_name>', methods=['DELETE'])
def remove_agent(agent_name):
Removes an agent from the controller specified by agent_name.
WARNING: doesn't kill the agent first! Ensure the agent is dead.
if agent_name.lower() == "all":
agent_name = '%'
agentsRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM agents WHERE name like ? OR session_id like ?', [agent_name, agent_name])
removedAgents = {}
for agent in agentsRaw:
[ID, sessionID, listener, name, delay, jitter, external_ip, internal_ip, username, high_integrity, process_name, process_id, hostname, os_details, session_key, checkin_time, lastseen_time, parent, children, servers, uris, old_uris, user_agent, headers, functions, kill_date, working_hours, ps_version, lost_limit, taskings, results] = agent
execute_db_query(conn, "DELETE FROM agents WHERE session_id LIKE ?", [sessionID])
removedAgents[name] = {"ID":ID, "sessionID":sessionID, "listener":listener, "name":name, "delay":delay, "jitter":jitter, "external_ip":external_ip, "internal_ip":internal_ip, "username":username, "high_integrity":high_integrity, "process_name":process_name, "process_id":process_id, "hostname":hostname, "os_details":os_details, "session_key":session_key, "checkin_time":checkin_time, "lastseen_time":lastseen_time, "parent":parent, "children":children, "servers":servers, "uris":uris, "old_uris":old_uris, "user_agent":user_agent, "headers":headers, "functions":functions, "kill_date":kill_date, "working_hours":working_hours, "ps_version":ps_version, "lost_limit":lost_limit, "taskings":taskings, "results":results}
return jsonify({'RemovedAgents': removedAgents})
@app.route('/empire/api/agents/stale', methods=['DELETE'])
def remove_stale_agent():
Removes stale agents from the controller.
WARNING: doesn't kill the agent first! Ensure the agent is dead.
agentsRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM agents')
removedAgents = {}
for agent in agentsRaw:
[ID, sessionID, listener, name, delay, jitter, external_ip, internal_ip, username, high_integrity, process_name, process_id, hostname, os_details, session_key, checkin_time, lastseen_time, parent, children, servers, uris, old_uris, user_agent, headers, functions, kill_date, working_hours, ps_version, lost_limit, taskings, results] = agent
intervalMax = (delay + delay * jitter)+30
# get the agent last check in time
agentTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(lastseen_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
if agentTime < time.mktime(time.localtime()) - intervalMax:
execute_db_query(conn, "DELETE FROM agents WHERE session_id LIKE ?", [sessionID])
removedAgents[name] = {"ID":ID, "sessionID":sessionID, "listener":listener, "name":name, "delay":delay, "jitter":jitter, "external_ip":external_ip, "internal_ip":internal_ip, "username":username, "high_integrity":high_integrity, "process_name":process_name, "process_id":process_id, "hostname":hostname, "os_details":os_details, "session_key":session_key, "checkin_time":checkin_time, "lastseen_time":lastseen_time, "parent":parent, "children":children, "servers":servers, "uris":uris, "old_uris":old_uris, "user_agent":user_agent, "headers":headers, "functions":functions, "kill_date":kill_date, "working_hours":working_hours, "ps_version":ps_version, "lost_limit":lost_limit, "taskings":taskings, "results":results}
return jsonify({'RemovedAgents': removedAgents})
@app.route('/empire/api/reporting', methods=['GET'])
def get_reporting():
Returns JSON describing the reporting events from the backend database.
reportingRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM reporting')
reportingEvents = {}
for reportingEvent in reportingRaw:
[ID, name, eventType, message, timestamp] = reportingEvent
reportingEvents[ID] = {"ID":ID, "name":name, "event_type":eventType, "message":message, "timestamp":timestamp}
return jsonify({'reporting' : reportingEvents})
@app.route('/empire/api/reporting/agent/<string:reporting_agent>', methods=['GET'])
def get_reporting_agent(reporting_agent):
Returns JSON describing the reporting events from the backend database for
the agent specified by reporting_agent.
# first resolve the supplied name to a sessionID
results = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT session_id FROM agents WHERE name=?', [reporting_agent])
sessionID = results[0][0]
return jsonify({'reporting' : ''})
reportingRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM reporting WHERE name=?', [sessionID])
reportingEvents = {}
for reportingEvent in reportingRaw:
[ID, name, eventType, message, timestamp] = reportingEvent
reportingEvents[ID] = {"ID":ID, "name":name, "event_type":eventType, "message":message, "timestamp":timestamp}
return jsonify({'reporting' : reportingEvents})
@app.route('/empire/api/reporting/type/<string:event_type>', methods=['GET'])
def get_reporting_type(event_type):
Returns JSON describing the reporting events from the backend database for
the event type specified by event_type.
reportingRaw = execute_db_query(conn, 'SELECT * FROM reporting WHERE event_type=?', [event_type])
reportingEvents = {}
for reportingEvent in reportingRaw:
[ID, name, eventType, message, timestamp] = reportingEvent
reportingEvents[ID] = {"ID":ID, "name":name, "event_type":eventType, "message":message, "timestamp":timestamp}
return jsonify({'reporting' : reportingEvents})
@app.route('/empire/api/reporting/msg/<string:msg>', methods=['GET'])
def get_reporting_msg(msg):
Returns JSON describing the reporting events from the backend database for
the any messages with *msg* specified by msg.
reportingRaw = execute_db_query(conn, "SELECT * FROM reporting WHERE message like ?", ['%'+msg+'%'])
reportingEvents = {}
for reportingEvent in reportingRaw:
[ID, name, eventType, message, timestamp] = reportingEvent
reportingEvents[ID] = {"ID":ID, "name":name, "event_type":eventType, "message":message, "timestamp":timestamp}
return jsonify({'reporting' : reportingEvents})
@app.route('/empire/api/admin/shutdown', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT'])
def shutdown_server():
Signal a shutdown for the Flask server and any Empire server.
return jsonify({'result': True})
if not os.path.exists('./data/empire.pem'):
print "[!] Error: cannot find certificate ./data/empire.pem"
def shutdown_server():
Shut down the Flask server and any Empire server gracefully.
if suppress:
# repair stdout
sys.stdout = oldStdout
print "\n[*]Shutting down Empire RESTful API"
func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
if func is not None:
if conn: conn.close()
if startEmpire:
print "Shutting down the Empire instance"
# override the keyboardinterrupt signal handler so we can gracefully shut everything down
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
with app.test_request_context():
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
# wrap the Flask connection in SSL and start it
context = ('./data/empire.pem', './data/empire.pem')
app.run(host='', port=port, ssl_context=context, threaded=True)
2015-08-05 18:36:39 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
2016-02-18 01:06:33 +00:00
parser.add_argument('--debug', nargs='?', const='1', help='Debug level for output (default of 1).')
2016-02-16 06:52:32 +00:00
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stager', nargs='?', const="list", help='Specify a stager to generate. Lists all stagers if none is specified.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--stager-options', nargs='*', help="Supply options to set for a stager in OPTION=VALUE format. Lists options if nothing is specified.")
2016-02-16 07:02:18 +00:00
parser.add_argument('-l', '--listener', nargs='?', const="list", help='Display listener options. Displays all listeners if nothing is specified.')
2016-02-16 07:27:37 +00:00
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='Display current Empire version.')
2016-03-22 21:06:18 +00:00
parser.add_argument('--rest', action='store_true', help='Run the Empire RESTful API.')
2016-03-22 00:20:03 +00:00
parser.add_argument('--headless', action='store_true', help='Run Empire and the RESTful API headless without the usual interface.')
2016-02-16 06:52:32 +00:00
2015-08-05 18:36:39 +00:00
args = parser.parse_args()
2016-02-16 06:52:32 +00:00
2016-02-16 07:27:37 +00:00
if args.version:
2016-02-18 01:06:33 +00:00
print empire.VERSION
2016-03-22 00:20:03 +00:00
2016-03-22 21:06:18 +00:00
elif args.rest:
# start just the RESTful API
start_restful_api(startEmpire=False, suppress=False, port=1337)
2016-03-22 00:20:03 +00:00
2016-03-22 21:06:18 +00:00
elif args.headless:
# start an Empire instance and RESTful API and suppress output
start_restful_api(startEmpire=True, suppress=True, port=1337)
2016-03-22 00:20:03 +00:00
2016-03-22 21:06:18 +00:00
# normal execution
main = empire.MainMenu(args=args)