692 lines
32 KiB

import os
import pickle
from datetime import datetime as dt
import yaml
from upgrade import upgrade_yaml_file
from constants import *
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
# Due to performance reasons the import of attackcti is within the function that makes use of this library.
def try_get_key(dictionary, key):
Return None if the key does not exists within the provided dict
:param dictionary: dictionary
:param key: key
:return: key value or None
if key in dictionary:
return dictionary[key]
return None
def try_except(self, stix_objects, object_type, nested_value=None):
if object_type in stix_objects:
specific_stix_object = stix_objects[object_type]
if isinstance(specific_stix_object, list):
if nested_value is None:
lists = self.handle_list(stix_objects, object_type)
return lists
nested_result = self.handle_nested(stix_objects, object_type, nested_value)
return nested_result
return stix_objects[object_type]
return None
def save_attack_data(data, path):
Save ATT&CK data to disk for the purpose of caching. Data can be STIX objects our a custom schema.
:param data: the MITRE ATT&CK data to save
:param path: file path to write to, including filename
if not os.path.exists('cache/'):
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([data,], f)
def load_attack_data(data_type):
Load the cached ATT&CK data from disk, if not expired (data file on disk is older then EXPIRE_TIME seconds).
:param data_type: the desired data type, see DATATYPE_XX constants.
:return: MITRE ATT&CK data object (STIX or custom schema)
if os.path.exists("cache/" + data_type):
with open("cache/" + data_type, 'rb') as f:
cached = pickle.load(f)
write_time = cached[1]
if not ( - write_time).total_seconds() >= EXPIRE_TIME:
# the first item in the list contains the ATT&CK data
return cached[0]
from attackcti import attack_client
mitre = attack_client()
attack_data = None
attack_data = mitre.get_all_relationships()
attack_data = mitre.get_all_enterprise_techniques()
# First we need to know which technique references (STIX Object type 'attack-pattern') we have for all
# groups. This results in a dict: {group_id: Gxxxx, technique_ref/attack-pattern_ref: ...}
groups = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_GROUPS)
relationships = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_RELATIONSHIPS)
all_groups_relationships = []
for g in groups:
for r in relationships:
if g['id'] == r['source_ref'] and r['relationship_type'] == 'uses' and \
# much more information on the group can be added. Only the minimal required data is now added.
'group_id': get_attack_id(g),
'name': g['name'],
'aliases': try_get_key(g, 'aliases'),
'technique_ref': r['target_ref']
# Now we start resolving this part of the dict created above: 'technique_ref/attack-pattern_ref'.
# and we add some more data to the final result.
all_group_use = []
techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH)
for gr in all_groups_relationships:
for t in techniques:
if t['id'] == gr['technique_ref']:
'group_id': gr['group_id'],
'name': gr['name'],
'aliases': gr['aliases'],
'technique_id': get_attack_id(t),
'x_mitre_platforms': try_get_key(t, 'x_mitre_platforms'),
'matrix': t['external_references'][0]['source_name']
attack_data = all_group_use
elif data_type == DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH:
attack_data = mitre.get_all_techniques()
elif data_type == DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_GROUPS:
attack_data = mitre.get_all_groups()
elif data_type == DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_SOFTWARE:
attack_data = mitre.get_all_software()
# First we need to know which technique references (STIX Object type 'attack-pattern') we have for all software
# This results in a dict: {software_id: Sxxxx, technique_ref/attack-pattern_ref: ...}
software = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_SOFTWARE)
relationships = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_RELATIONSHIPS)
all_software_relationships = []
for s in software:
for r in relationships:
if s['id'] == r['source_ref'] and r['relationship_type'] == 'uses' and \
# much more information (e.g. description, aliases, platform) on the software can be added to the
# dict if necessary. Only the minimal required data is now added.
all_software_relationships.append({'software_id': get_attack_id(s), 'technique_ref': r['target_ref']})
# Now we start resolving this part of the dict created above: 'technique_ref/attack-pattern_ref'
techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH)
all_software_use = []
for sr in all_software_relationships:
for t in techniques:
if t['id'] == sr['technique_ref']:
# much more information on the technique can be added to the dict. Only the minimal required data
# is now added (i.e. resolving the technique ref to an actual ATT&CK ID)
all_software_use.append({'software_id': sr['software_id'], 'technique_id': get_attack_id(t)})
attack_data = all_software_use
# First we need to know which software references (STIX Object type 'malware' or 'tool') we have for all
# groups. This results in a dict: {group_id: Gxxxx, software_ref/malware-tool_ref: ...}
groups = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_GROUPS)
relationships = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_RELATIONSHIPS)
all_groups_relationships = []
for g in groups:
for r in relationships:
if g['id'] == r['source_ref'] and r['relationship_type'] == 'uses' and \
(r['target_ref'].startswith('tool--') or r['target_ref'].startswith('malware--')):
# much more information on the group can be added. Only the minimal required data is now added.
'group_id': get_attack_id(g),
'name': g['name'],
'aliases': try_get_key(g, 'aliases'),
'software_ref': r['target_ref']
# Now we start resolving this part of the dict created above: 'software_ref/malware-tool_ref'.
# and we add some more data to the final result.
all_group_use = []
software = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_SOFTWARE)
for gr in all_groups_relationships:
for s in software:
if s['id'] == gr['software_ref']:
'group_id': gr['group_id'],
'name': gr['name'],
'aliases': gr['aliases'],
'software_id': get_attack_id(s),
'x_mitre_platforms': try_get_key(s, 'x_mitre_platforms'),
'matrix': s['external_references'][0]['source_name']
attack_data = all_group_use
save_attack_data(attack_data, "cache/" + data_type)
return attack_data
def _get_base_template(name, description, stage, platform, sorting):
Prepares a base template for the json layer file that can be loaded into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator.
More information on the version 2.1 layer format:
:param name: name
:param description: description
:param stage: stage (act | prepare)
:param platform: platform
:param sorting: sorting
:return: layer template dictionary
layer = {}
layer['name'] = name
layer['version'] = '2.1'
layer['domain'] = 'mitre-enterprise'
layer['description'] = description
if platform == 'all':
platform = ['windows', 'linux', 'mac']
platform = [platform.lower()]
if stage == 'attack':
layer['filters'] = {'stages': ['act'], 'platforms': platform}
layer['filters'] = {'stages': ['prepare'], 'platforms': platform}
layer['sorting'] = sorting
layer['viewMode'] = 0
layer['hideDisable'] = False
layer['techniques'] = []
layer['showTacticRowBackground'] = False
layer['tacticRowBackground'] = COLOR_TACTIC_ROW_BACKGRND
layer['selectTechniquesAcrossTactics'] = True
return layer
def get_layer_template_groups(name, max_count, description, stage, platform, overlay_type):
Prepares a base template for the json layer file that can be loaded into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator.
More information on the version 2.1 layer format:
:param name: name
:param max_count: the sum of all count values
:param description: description
:param stage: stage (act | prepare)
:param platform: platform
:param overlay_type: group, visibility or detection
:return: layer template dictionary
layer = _get_base_template(name, description, stage, platform, 3)
layer['gradient'] = {'colors': [COLOR_GRADIENT_MIN, COLOR_GRADIENT_MAX], 'minValue': 0, 'maxValue': max_count}
layer['legendItems'] = []
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Tech. not often used', 'color': COLOR_GRADIENT_MIN})
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Tech. used frequently', 'color': COLOR_GRADIENT_MAX})
if overlay_type == OVERLAY_TYPE_GROUP:
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Groups overlay: tech. in group + overlay', 'color': COLOR_GROUP_OVERLAY_MATCH})
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Groups overlay: tech. in overlay', 'color': COLOR_GROUP_OVERLAY_NO_MATCH})
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Src. of tech. is only software', 'color': COLOR_SOFTWARE})
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Src. of tech. is group(s)/overlay + software', 'color': COLOR_GROUP_AND_SOFTWARE})
elif overlay_type == OVERLAY_TYPE_DETECTION:
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Tech. in group + detection', 'color': COLOR_GROUP_OVERLAY_MATCH})
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Tech. in detection', 'color': COLOR_GROUP_OVERLAY_ONLY_DETECTION})
elif overlay_type == OVERLAY_TYPE_VISIBILITY:
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Tech. in group + visibility', 'color': COLOR_GROUP_OVERLAY_MATCH})
layer['legendItems'].append({'label': 'Tech. in visibility', 'color': COLOR_GROUP_OVERLAY_ONLY_VISIBILITY})
return layer
def get_layer_template_detections(name, description, stage, platform):
Prepares a base template for the json layer file that can be loaded into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator.
More information on the version 2.1 layer format:
:param name: name
:param description: description
:param stage: stage (act | prepare)
:param platform: platform
:return: layer template dictionary
layer = _get_base_template(name, description, stage, platform, 0)
layer['legendItems'] = \
{'label': 'Detection score 0: Forensics/Context', 'color': COLOR_D_0},
{'label': 'Detection score 1: Basic', 'color': COLOR_D_1},
{'label': 'Detection score 2: Fair', 'color': COLOR_D_2},
{'label': 'Detection score 3: Good', 'color': COLOR_D_3},
{'label': 'Detection score 4: Very good', 'color': COLOR_D_4},
{'label': 'Detection score 5: Excellent', 'color': COLOR_D_5}
return layer
def get_layer_template_data_sources(name, description, stage, platform):
Prepares a base template for the json layer file that can be loaded into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator.
More information on the version 2.1 layer format:
:param name: name
:param description: description
:param stage: stage (act | prepare)
:param platform: platform
:return: layer template dictionary
layer = _get_base_template(name, description, stage, platform, 0)
layer['legendItems'] = \
{'label': '1-25% of data sources available', 'color': COLOR_DS_25p},
{'label': '26-50% of data sources available', 'color': COLOR_DS_50p},
{'label': '51-75% of data sources available', 'color': COLOR_DS_75p},
{'label': '76-99% of data sources available', 'color': COLOR_DS_99p},
{'label': '100% of data sources available', 'color': COLOR_DS_100p}
return layer
def get_layer_template_visibility(name, description, stage, platform):
Prepares a base template for the json layer file that can be loaded into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator.
More information on the version 2.1 layer format:
:param name: name
:param description: description
:param stage: stage (act | prepare)
:param platform: platform
:return: layer template dictionary
layer = _get_base_template(name, description, stage, platform, 0)
layer['legendItems'] = \
{'label': 'Visibility score 1: Minimal', 'color': COLOR_V_1},
{'label': 'Visibility score 2: Medium', 'color': COLOR_V_2},
{'label': 'Visibility score 3: Good', 'color': COLOR_V_3},
{'label': 'Visibility score 4: Excellent', 'color': COLOR_V_4}
return layer
def get_layer_template_layered(name, description, stage, platform):
Prepares a base template for the json layer file that can be loaded into the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator.
More information on the version 2.1 layer format:
:param name: name
:param description: description
:param stage: stage (act | prepare)
:param platform: platform
:return: layer template dictionary
layer = _get_base_template(name, description, stage, platform, 0)
layer['legendItems'] = \
{'label': 'Visibility', 'color': COLOR_OVERLAY_VISIBILITY},
{'label': 'Detection', 'color': COLOR_OVERLAY_DETECTION},
{'label': 'Visibility and detection', 'color': COLOR_OVERLAY_BOTH}
return layer
def get_attack_id(stix_obj):
Get the Technique, Group or Software ID from the STIX object
:param stix_obj: STIX object (Technique, Software or Group)
:return: ATT&CK ID
for ext_ref in stix_obj['external_references']:
if ext_ref['source_name'] in ['mitre-attack', 'mitre-mobile-attack', 'mitre-pre-attack']:
return ext_ref['external_id']
def get_tactics(technique):
Get all tactics from a given technique
:param technique: technique STIX object
:return: list with tactics
tactics = []
if 'kill_chain_phases' in technique:
for phase in technique['kill_chain_phases']:
return tactics
def get_technique(techniques, technique_id):
Generic function to lookup a specific technique_id in a list of dictionaries with techniques.
:param techniques: list with all techniques
:param technique_id: technique_id to look for
:return: the technique you're searching for. None if not found.
for tech in techniques:
if technique_id == get_attack_id(tech):
return tech
return None
def normalize_name_to_filename(name):
Normalize the input filename to a lowercase filename and replace spaces with dashes.
:param name: input filename
:return: normalized filename
return name.lower().replace(' ', '-')
def map_techniques_to_data_sources(techniques, my_data_sources):
This function maps the MITRE ATT&CK techniques to your data sources.
:param techniques: list with all MITRE ATT&CK techniques
:param my_data_sources: your configured data sources
:return: a dictionary containing techniques that can be used in the layer output file.
my_techniques = {}
for i_ds in my_data_sources.keys():
# Loop through all techniques, to find techniques using that data source:
for t in techniques:
# If your data source is in the list of data sources for this technique AND if the
# technique isn't added yet (by an other data source):
tech_id = get_attack_id(t)
if 'x_mitre_data_sources' in t:
if i_ds in t['x_mitre_data_sources'] and tech_id not in my_techniques.keys():
my_techniques[tech_id] = {}
my_techniques[tech_id]['my_data_sources'] = [i_ds, ]
my_techniques[tech_id]['data_sources'] = t['x_mitre_data_sources']
# create a list of tactics
my_techniques[tech_id]['tactics'] = list(map(lambda k: k['phase_name'], try_get_key(t, 'kill_chain_phases')))
my_techniques[tech_id]['products'] = set(my_data_sources[i_ds]['products'])
elif t['x_mitre_data_sources'] and i_ds in t['x_mitre_data_sources'] and tech_id in my_techniques.keys():
return my_techniques
def get_all_mitre_data_sources():
Gets all the data sources from the techniques and make a unique sorted list of it.
:return: a sorted list with all data sources
techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH)
data_sources = set()
for t in techniques:
if 'x_mitre_data_sources' in t.keys():
for ds in t['x_mitre_data_sources']:
return sorted(data_sources)
def calculate_score(l, zero_value=0):
Calculates the average score in the given list which contains dictionaries with 'score' field.
:param l: list
:param zero_value: the value when no scores are there, default 0
:return: average score
s = 0
number = 0
for v in l:
if v['score'] >= 0:
s += v['score']
number += 1
s = int(round(s / number, 0) if number > 0 else zero_value)
return s
def _add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(dict, technique_id, key, entry):
Ensures a list will be created if it doesn't exist in the given dict[technique_id][key] and adds the entry to the
list. If the dict[technique_id] doesn't exist yet, it will be created.
:param dict: the dictionary
:param technique_id: the id of the technique in the main dict
:param key: the key where the list in the dictionary resides
:param entry: the entry to add to the list
if technique_id not in dict.keys():
dict[technique_id] = {}
if not key in dict[technique_id].keys():
dict[technique_id][key] = []
def load_techniques(filename, detection_or_visibility='all', filter_applicable_to='all'):
Loads the techniques (including detection and visibility properties) from the given yaml file.
:param filename: the filename of the yaml file containing the techniques administration
:param detection_or_visibility: used to indicate to filter applicable_to field for detection or visibility. When
using 'all' no filtering will be applied.
:param filter_applicable_to: filter techniques based on applicable_to field in techniques administration YAML file
:return: dictionary with techniques (incl. properties), name and platform
my_techniques = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file:
yaml_content = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
for d in yaml_content['techniques']:
# Add detection items:
if type(d['detection']) == dict: # There is just one detection entry
if detection_or_visibility == 'all' or filter_applicable_to == 'all' or filter_applicable_to in d[detection_or_visibility]['applicable_to'] or 'all' in d[detection_or_visibility]['applicable_to']:
_add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'detection', d['detection'])
elif type(d['detection']) == list: # There are multiple detection entries
for de in d['detection']:
if detection_or_visibility == 'all' or filter_applicable_to == 'all' or filter_applicable_to in de['applicable_to'] or 'all' in de['applicable_to']:
_add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'detection', de)
# Add visibility items
if type(d['visibility']) == dict: # There is just one visibility entry
if detection_or_visibility == 'all' or filter_applicable_to == 'all' or filter_applicable_to in d[detection_or_visibility]['applicable_to'] or 'all' in d[detection_or_visibility]['applicable_to']:
_add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'visibility', d['visibility'])
elif type(d['visibility']) == list: # There are multiple visibility entries
for de in d['visibility']:
if detection_or_visibility == 'all' or filter_applicable_to == 'all' or filter_applicable_to in de['applicable_to'] or 'all' in de['applicable_to']:
_add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'visibility', de)
name = yaml_content['name']
platform = yaml_content['platform']
return my_techniques, name, platform
def _print_error_msg(msg, print_error):
if print_error:
return True
def check_yaml_file_health(filename, file_type, health_is_called):
Check on error in the provided YAML file.
:param filename: YAML file location
:param file_type: currently only 'FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION' is being supported
:param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed and then quit()
has_error = False
# check for duplicate tech IDs
with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file:
yaml_content = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
tech_ids = list(map(lambda x: x['technique_id'], yaml_content['techniques']))
tech_dup = []
for tech in tech_ids:
if tech not in tech_dup:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Duplicate technique ID: ' + tech, health_is_called)
# checks on:
# - empty key-value pairs: 'date_implemented', 'date_registered', 'location', 'applicable_to', 'score'
# - invalid date format for: 'date_implemented', 'date_registered'
# - detection or visibility score out-of-range
# - missing key-value pairs: 'applicable_to', 'date_registered', 'date_implemented', 'score', 'location', 'comment'
# - check on 'applicable_to' values which are very similar
all_applicable_to = set()
techniques = load_techniques(filename)
for tech, v in techniques[0].items():
for key in ['detection', 'visibility']:
if key not in v:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING ' + key, health_is_called)
# create at set containing all values for 'applicable_to'
all_applicable_to.update([a for v in v[key] for a in v['applicable_to']])
for detection in v['detection']:
for key in ['applicable_to', 'date_registered', 'date_implemented', 'score', 'location', 'comment']:
if key not in detection:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING the key-value pair in detection: ' + key, health_is_called)
if detection['score'] is None:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: score', health_is_called)
elif not (detection['score'] >= -1 and detection['score'] <= 5):
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an INVALID detection score: '
+ str(detection['score']) + ' (should be between -1 and 5)', health_is_called)
elif detection['score'] > -1:
for key in ['date_implemented', 'date_registered']:
if not detection[key]:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + key, health_is_called)
except AttributeError:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech +
' has an INVALID data format for the key-value pair in detection: ' +
key + ' (should be YYYY-MM-DD)', health_is_called)
for key in ['location', 'applicable_to']:
if not isinstance(detection[key], list):
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has for the key-value pair \''
+ key + '\' a string value assigned (should be a list)', health_is_called)
if detection[key][0] is None:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + key, health_is_called)
except TypeError:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + key, health_is_called)
except KeyError:
for visibility in v['visibility']:
for key in ['applicable_to', 'score', 'comment']:
if key not in visibility:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING the key-value pair in visibility: ' + key, health_is_called)
if visibility['score'] is None:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is has an EMPTY key-value pair in visibility: score', health_is_called)
elif not (visibility['score'] >= 0 and visibility['score'] <= 4):
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an INVALID visibility score: '
+ str(detection['score']) + ' (should be between 0 and 4)', health_is_called)
except KeyError:
# get values within the key-value pair 'applicable_to' which are a very close match
similar = set()
for i1 in all_applicable_to:
for i2 in all_applicable_to:
match_value = SequenceMatcher(None, i1, i2).ratio()
if match_value > 0.8 and match_value != 1:
if len(similar) > 0:
has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] There are values in the key-value pair \'applicable_to\' which are very similar. Correct where necessary:', health_is_called)
for s in similar:
_print_error_msg(' - ' + s, health_is_called)
if has_error and not health_is_called:
print('[!] The below YAML file contains possible errors. It\'s recommended to check via the \'--health\' '
'argument or using the option in the interactive menu: \n - ' + filename)
if has_error:
print('') # print a newline
def check_file_type(filename, file_type=None):
Check if the provided YAML file has the key 'file_type' and possible if that key matches a specific value.
:param filename: path to a YAML file
:param file_type: value to check against the 'file_type' key in the YAML file
:return: the file_type if present, else None is returned
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print('[!] File: \'' + filename + '\' does not exist')
return None
with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file:
yaml_content = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
except Exception as e:
print('[!] File: \'' + filename + '\' is not a valid YAML file.')
print(' ' + str(e)) # print more detailed error information to help the user in fixing the error.
return None
# This check is performed because a text file will also be considered to be valid YAML. But, we are using
# key-value pairs within the YAML files.
if not hasattr(yaml_content, 'keys'):
print('[!] File: \'' + filename + '\' is not a valid YAML file.')
return None
if 'file_type' not in yaml_content.keys():
print('[!] File: \'' + filename + '\' does not contain a file_type key.')
return None
elif file_type:
if file_type != yaml_content['file_type']:
print('[!] File: \'' + filename + '\' is not a file type of: \'' + file_type + '\'')
return None
return yaml_content
return yaml_content
def check_file(filename, file_type=None, health_is_called=False):
Calls three functions to perform the following checks: is the file a valid YAML file, needs the file to be upgrade,
does the file contain errors.
:param filename: path to a YAML file
:param file_type: value to check against the 'file_type' key in the YAML file
:param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed by the function 'check_yaml_file_health' and then quit()
:return: the file_type if present, else None is returned
yaml_content = check_file_type(filename, file_type)
# if the file is a valid YAML, continue. Else, return None
if yaml_content:
upgrade_yaml_file(filename, file_type, yaml_content['version'], load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH))
check_yaml_file_health(filename, file_type, health_is_called)
return yaml_content['file_type']
return yaml_content # value is None