from generic import * import datetime import sys from pprint import pprint import eql from copy import deepcopy def _traverse_dict(obj, callback=None): """ Traverse all items in a dictionary :param obj: dictionary, list or value :param callback: a function that will be called to modify a value :return: value or call callback function """ if isinstance(obj, dict): value = {k: _traverse_dict(v, callback) for k, v in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list): value = [_traverse_dict(elem, callback) for elem in obj] else: value = obj if callback is None: # if a callback is provided, call it to get the new value return value else: return callback(value) def _traverse_modify_date(obj): """ Modifies a object to a string value :param obj: dictionary :return: function call """ # This will get called for every value in the structure def _transformer(value): if isinstance(value, return str(value) else: return value return _traverse_dict(obj, callback=_transformer) def _techniques_to_events(techniques, obj_type, include_all_score_objs): """ Transform visibility or detection objects into EQL 'events' :param techniques: visibility or detection YAML objects within a list :param obj_type: 'visibility' or 'detection' :param include_all_score_objs: include all score objects within the score_logbook for the EQL query :return: EQL 'events' """ technique_events = [] techniques = techniques['techniques'] for tech in techniques: tech_id = tech['technique_id'] tech_name = tech['technique_name'] # first we will make events from detections if not isinstance(tech[obj_type], list): tech[obj_type] = [tech[obj_type]] # loop over all visibility or detection objects for d in tech[obj_type]: app_to = d['applicable_to'] g_comment = d['comment'] if obj_type == 'detection': location = d['location'] # latest can be set by the user using the '--latest' argument if not isinstance(d['score_logbook'], list): d['score_logbook'] = [d['score_logbook']] if not include_all_score_objs: d['score_logbook'] = [get_latest_score_obj(d)] # loop over all scores (if we have multiple) create the actual events for EQL for scr_log in d['score_logbook']: event_lvl_3 = {'comment': scr_log['comment'], 'date': scr_log['date'], 'score': scr_log['score']} event_lvl_2 = {'applicable_to': app_to, 'comment': g_comment, 'score_logbook': event_lvl_3} if obj_type == 'detection': # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable event_lvl_2['location'] = location event_lvl_1 = {'event_type': 'techniques', 'technique_id': tech_id, 'technique_name': tech_name, obj_type: event_lvl_2} technique_events.append(event_lvl_1) return technique_events def _object_in_technique(obj_event, technique_yaml, obj_type): """ Check if the detection/visibility object already exists within the provided technique object ('technique_yaml') :param obj_event: visibility or detection EQL 'event' :param technique_yaml: technique object :param obj_type: 'visibility' or 'detection' :return: -1 if it does not exists, otherwise the index within the list (this is needed for techniques which have multiple vicinities or detection objects due to applicable_to) """ app_to = obj_event['applicable_to'] comment = obj_event['comment'] if obj_type == 'detection': location = obj_event['location'] idx = 0 for obj in technique_yaml[obj_type]: if obj_type == 'detection': # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable if obj['applicable_to'] == app_to and obj['comment'] == comment and obj['location'] == location: return idx else: if obj['applicable_to'] == app_to and obj['comment'] == comment: return idx idx += 1 # detection not in technique object return -1 def _value_in_dict_list(dict_list, dict_key, dict_value): """ Checks if the provided value is present within a certain dict key against a list of dictionaries :param dict_list: list of dictionaries :param dict_key: key name :param dict_value: key value to match on :return: true or false """ items = set(map(lambda k: k[dict_key], dict_list)) if dict_value in items: return True else: return False def _get_technique_from_list(techniques, tech_id): """ Get a technique object from a list of techniques objects that matches the provided technique ID :param techniques: list of techniques :param tech_id: technique_id :return: technique object or None of no match is found """ for tech in techniques: if tech['technique_id'] == tech_id: return tech return None def _events_to_yaml(query_results, obj_type): """ Transform the EQL 'events' back to valid YAML objects :param query_results: list with EQL 'events :param obj_type: data_sources, detection or visibility EQL 'events' :return: list containing YAML objects or None when the events could not be turned into a valid YAML object """ if obj_type == 'data_sources': try: # Remove the event_type key. We no longer need this. # todo implement a check to see if the returned data from the EQL query is to the schema of data_sources for r in query_results: del r['event_type'] if r['date_registered'] and isinstance(r['date_registered'], str): r['date_registered'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(r['date_registered'], '%Y-%m-%d') if r['date_connected'] and isinstance(r['date_connected'], str): r['date_connected'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(r['date_connected'], '%Y-%m-%d') except KeyError: print(EQL_INVALID_RESULT_DS) pprint(query_results) # when using an EQL query that does not result in a dict having valid YAML 'data_source' objects. return None return query_results elif obj_type in ['visibility', 'detection']: try: techniques_yaml = [] # loop over all events and reconstruct the YAML file for tech_event in query_results: tech_id = tech_event['technique_id'] tech_name = tech_event['technique_name'] obj_event = tech_event[obj_type] score_logbook_event = tech_event[obj_type]['score_logbook'] if score_logbook_event['date'] and isinstance(score_logbook_event['date'], str): score_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(score_logbook_event['date'], '%Y-%m-%d') else: score_date = None # create the technique dict if not already created if not _value_in_dict_list(techniques_yaml, 'technique_id', tech_id): tech_yaml = { 'technique_id': tech_id, 'technique_name': tech_name, 'detection': [], 'visibility': [] } techniques_yaml.append(tech_yaml) else: # The technique dict was already created. Get a tech. dict from the list with a specific tech. ID tech_yaml = _get_technique_from_list(techniques_yaml, tech_id) # figure out if the detection/visibility dict already exists obj_idx = _object_in_technique(obj_event, tech_yaml, obj_type) score_obj_yaml = {'date': score_date, 'score': score_logbook_event['score'], 'comment': score_logbook_event['comment']} # The detection/visibility dict is missing. Create it. if obj_idx == -1: yaml_object = { 'applicable_to': obj_event['applicable_to'], 'comment': obj_event['comment'], 'score_logbook': [score_obj_yaml] } if obj_type == 'detection': yaml_object['location'] = obj_event['location'] tech_yaml[obj_type].append(yaml_object) else: # add the a score object to the score_logbook within the proper detection object using 'obj_idx' tech_yaml[obj_type][obj_idx]['score_logbook'].append(score_obj_yaml) return techniques_yaml except KeyError: print(EQL_INVALID_RESULT_TECH + obj_type + ' object(s):') pprint(query_results) # when using an EQL query that does not in a valid technique administration file. return None def _merge_yaml(yaml_content_org, yaml_content_visibility=None, yaml_content_detection=None): """ Merge possible filtered detection and visibility objects into a valid technique administration YAML 'file' :param yaml_content_org: original, untouched, technique administration 'file' :param yaml_content_visibility: list of visibility YAML objects :param yaml_content_detection: list of detection YAML objects :return: technique administration YAML 'file' (i.e. dict) """ # for both a visibility and detection objects an EQL query was provided if yaml_content_visibility and yaml_content_detection: techniques_yaml = [] # combine visibility objects with detection objects for tech_vis in yaml_content_visibility: detection = _get_technique_from_list(yaml_content_detection, tech_vis['technique_id']) if detection: detection = detection['detection'] else: detection = deepcopy(YAML_OBJ_DETECTION) new_tech = tech_vis new_tech['detection'] = detection techniques_yaml.append(new_tech) # merge detection objects into 'techniques_yaml' which were not already added by the previous step for tech_d in yaml_content_detection: if not _value_in_dict_list(techniques_yaml, 'technique_id', tech_d['technique_id']): visibility = deepcopy(YAML_OBJ_VISIBILITY) new_tech = tech_d new_tech['visibility'] = visibility techniques_yaml.append(new_tech) # only a visibility EQL query was provided elif yaml_content_visibility: techniques_yaml = yaml_content_visibility for tech_yaml in techniques_yaml: tech_org = _get_technique_from_list(yaml_content_org['techniques'], tech_yaml['technique_id']) tech_yaml['detection'] = tech_org['detection'] # only a detection EQL query was provided elif yaml_content_detection: techniques_yaml = yaml_content_detection for tech_yaml in techniques_yaml: tech_org = _get_technique_from_list(yaml_content_org['techniques'], tech_yaml['technique_id']) tech_yaml['visibility'] = tech_org['visibility'] # create the final technique administration YAML 'file'/dict techniques_yaml_final = yaml_content_org techniques_yaml_final['techniques'] = techniques_yaml return techniques_yaml_final def _prepare_yaml_file(filename, obj_type, include_all_score_objs): """ Prepare the YAML file such that it can be used for EQL :param filename: file location of the YAML file :param obj_type: technique administration file ('techniques') or data source administration file ('data_sources') :return: A dict with date fields compatible for JSON and a new key-value pair event-type for the EQL engine """ _yaml = init_yaml() with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file: yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file) yaml_content_eql = _traverse_modify_date(yaml_content) # add the event type for EQL if obj_type == 'data_sources': for item in yaml_content_eql[obj_type]: item['event_type'] = obj_type yaml_content_eql = yaml_content_eql['data_sources'] # flatten the technique administration file to events elif obj_type in ['visibility', 'detection']: yaml_content_eql = _techniques_to_events(yaml_content_eql, obj_type, include_all_score_objs) return yaml_content_eql, yaml_content def _check_query_results(query_results, obj_type): """ Check if the EQL query provided results that :param query_results: EQL events :param obj_type: 'data_sources', 'visibility' or 'detection' :return: """ # the EQL query was not compatible with the schema if query_results is None: return False # show an error to the user when the query resulted on zero results result_len = len(query_results) if result_len == 0: error = '[!] The search returned 0 ' + obj_type + ' objects. Refine your search to return 1 or more ' \ + obj_type + ' objects.' print(error) return False else: if result_len == 1: msg = 'The ' + obj_type + ' query executed successfully and provided ' + str(len(query_results)) + ' result.' else: msg = 'The ' + obj_type + ' query executed successfully and provided ' + str(len(query_results)) + ' results.' print(msg) return True def _execute_eql_query(events, query): """ Execute an EQL query against the provided events :param events: events :param query: EQL query :return: the query results (i.e. filtered events) or None when the query did not match the schema """ # learn and load the schema schema = eql.Schema.learn(events) schema.default(schema) query_results = [] def callback(results): for event in query_results.append( # create the engine and parse the query engine = eql.PythonEngine() with engine.schema: try: eql_query = eql.parse_query(query, implied_any=True, implied_base=True) engine.add_query(eql_query) except eql.EqlError as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) print('\nTake into account the following schema:') pprint(eql.Schema.current().schema) # when using an EQL query that does not match the schema, return None. return None engine.add_output_hook(callback) # execute the query engine.stream_events(events) return query_results def techniques_search(filename, query_visibility=None, query_detection=None, include_all_score_objs=False): """ Perform an EQL search on the technique administration file. :param filename: file location of the YAML file on disk :param query_visibility: EQL query for the visibility YAML objects :param query_detection: EQL query for the detection YAML objects :param include_all_score_objs: include all score objects within the score_logbook for the EQL query :return: a filtered technique administration YAML 'file' (i.e. dict) or None when the query was not successful """ results_visibility_yaml = None results_detection_yaml = None if query_visibility: visibility_events, yaml_content_org = _prepare_yaml_file(filename, 'visibility', include_all_score_objs=include_all_score_objs) results_visibility = _execute_eql_query(visibility_events, query_visibility) if not _check_query_results(results_visibility, 'visibility'): return None # the EQL query was not compatible with the schema results_visibility_yaml = _events_to_yaml(results_visibility, 'visibility') if query_detection: detection_events, yaml_content_org = _prepare_yaml_file(filename, 'detection', include_all_score_objs=include_all_score_objs) results_detection = _execute_eql_query(detection_events, query_detection) if not _check_query_results(results_detection, 'detection'): return None # the EQL query was not compatible with the schema results_detection_yaml = _events_to_yaml(results_detection, 'detection') if (query_visibility and not results_visibility_yaml) or (query_detection and not results_detection_yaml): # when using an EQL query that does not result in a dict having a valid technique administration YAML content return None if query_visibility and query_detection: yaml_content = _merge_yaml(yaml_content_org, results_visibility_yaml, results_detection_yaml) elif results_visibility_yaml: yaml_content = _merge_yaml(yaml_content_org, yaml_content_visibility=results_visibility_yaml) elif results_detection_yaml: yaml_content = _merge_yaml(yaml_content_org, yaml_content_detection=results_detection_yaml) else: return filename return yaml_content def search(filename, file_type, query='', include_all_score_objs=False): """ Perform an EQL search on the provided YAML file :param filename: file location of the YAML file on disk :param file_type: data source administration file, ... :param query: EQL query :param include_all_score_objs: include all score objects within the score_logbook for the EQL query :return: a filtered YAML 'file' (i.e. dict) or None when the query was not successful """ if file_type == FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION: obj_type = 'data_sources' else: return filename yaml_content_eql, yaml_content_org = _prepare_yaml_file(filename, obj_type, include_all_score_objs=include_all_score_objs) query_results = _execute_eql_query(yaml_content_eql, query) if not _check_query_results(query_results, obj_type): return # the EQL query was not compatible with the schema query_results_yaml = _events_to_yaml(query_results, obj_type) if query_results_yaml: yaml_content = yaml_content_org yaml_content[obj_type] = query_results_yaml return yaml_content else: # when using an EQL query that does not result in a dict having valid YAML objects, return None return None