from constants import * import simplejson from io import StringIO import os def _load_techniques(yaml_file_lines): """ Loads the techniques (including detection and visibility properties) from the given YAML file. :param yaml_file_lines: list with the YAML file lines containing the techniques administration :return: dictionary with techniques (incl. properties) """ from generic import add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary, init_yaml, set_yaml_dv_comments my_techniques = {} _yaml = init_yaml() yaml_content = _yaml.load(''.join(yaml_file_lines)) for d in yaml_content['techniques']: # Add detection items if isinstance(d['detection'], dict): # There is just one detection entry d['detection'] = set_yaml_dv_comments(d['detection']) add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'detection', d['detection']) elif isinstance(d['detection'], list): # There are multiple detection entries for de in d['detection']: de = set_yaml_dv_comments(de) add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'detection', de) # Add visibility items if isinstance(d['visibility'], dict): # There is just one visibility entry d['visibility'] = set_yaml_dv_comments(d['visibility']) add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'visibility', d['visibility']) elif isinstance(d['visibility'], list): # There are multiple visibility entries for de in d['visibility']: de = set_yaml_dv_comments(de) add_entry_to_list_in_dictionary(my_techniques, d['technique_id'], 'visibility', de) return my_techniques def _create_upgrade_text(file_type, file_version): """ Create text on the upgrades to be performed on the YAML file. :param file_type: YAML file type :param file_version: version of the YAML file :return: upgrade text to be displayed in the console """ if file_type == FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION: text = 'You are using an old version of the YAML file.\n' \ 'The following upgrades will be performed on the techniques administration file:\n' for version in FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION_UPGRADE_TEXT: if file_version < version: text += '- Version: ' + str(version) + '\n' text += FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION_UPGRADE_TEXT[version] + '\n' return text def _get_indent_chars(file_lines): """ Identify and return the characters that are used to indent the YAML file :param file_lines: List of lines in the YAML file :return: indent characters """ indent_chars = ' ' for l in file_lines: if REGEX_YAML_TECHNIQUE_ID.match(l): indent_chars =[0] indent_chars = len(indent_chars) * ' ' break return indent_chars # noinspection PyDictCreation def upgrade_yaml_file(filename, file_type, file_version, attack_tech_data): """ Main function to upgrade the YAML file to a new version :param filename: YAML administration file :param file_type: YAML file type :param file_version: version of the YAML file :param attack_tech_data: ATT&CK data on techniques :return: """ from generic import ask_yes_no, backup_file is_upgraded = False tech_upgrade_func = {} tech_upgrade_func[1.1] = _upgrade_technique_yaml_10_to_11 tech_upgrade_func[1.2] = _upgrade_technique_yaml_11_to_12 with open(filename, 'r') as file: file_new_lines = file.readlines() if file_type == FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION: if file_version < FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION_VERSION: upgrade_text = _create_upgrade_text(file_type, file_version) print(upgrade_text) upgrade_question = 'Do you want to upgrade the below file. A backup will be created of the current file.\n' + \ '[!] Not upgrading the file will brake functionality within DeTT&CT.\n' + \ ' - ' + filename if ask_yes_no(upgrade_question): is_upgraded = True # create backup of the non-upgraded file backup_file(filename) for tech_f in tech_upgrade_func.keys(): if file_version < tech_f: file_new_lines = tech_upgrade_func[tech_f](file_new_lines, attack_tech_data) else: print('Upgrade cancelled\n') print('-' * 80) return if is_upgraded: # write the upgraded file to disk with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(file_new_lines) print('Written upgraded file: ' + filename) print('\nUpgrade complete') print('-' * 80) def _upgrade_technique_yaml_10_to_11(file_lines, attack_tech_data): """ Upgrade the YAML technique administration file from 1.0 to 1.1. :param file_lines: list containing the lines within the tech. admin. file :param attack_tech_data: ATT&CK data on techniques :return: array with new lines to be written to disk """ from generic import get_technique # identify the indent characters used indent_chars = _get_indent_chars(file_lines) file_new_lines = [] x = 0 for l in file_lines: if REGEX_YAML_VERSION_10.match(l): file_new_lines.append(l.replace('1.0', '1.1')) elif REGEX_YAML_TECHNIQUE_ID.match(l): file_new_lines.append(l) tech_id = tech_name = get_technique(attack_tech_data, tech_id)['name'] file_new_lines.append(indent_chars + 'technique_name: ' + tech_name + '\n') elif REGEX_YAML_DETECTION.match(l): file_new_lines.append(l) file_new_lines.append((indent_chars * 2) + "applicable_to: ['all']\n") elif REGEX_YAML_VISIBILITY.match(l): file_new_lines.append(l) file_new_lines.append((indent_chars * 2) + "applicable_to: ['all']\n") else: file_new_lines.append(l) x += 1 return file_new_lines def _print_error_msg(msg): print(msg) return True def _check_yaml_file_health_v11(file_lines): """ Check on error in the provided YAML file version 1.1 :param file_lines: YAML file lines :return: True for a healthy file, and False when encountering health issues. """ from generic import init_yaml has_error = False # check for duplicate tech IDs _yaml = init_yaml() yaml_content = _yaml.load(''.join(file_lines)) tech_ids = list(map(lambda x: x['technique_id'], yaml_content['techniques'])) tech_dup = [] for tech in tech_ids: if tech not in tech_dup: tech_dup.append(tech) else: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Duplicate technique ID: ' + tech) # checks on: # - empty key-value pairs: 'date_implemented', 'location', 'applicable_to', 'score' # - invalid date format for: 'date_implemented' # - detection or visibility score out-of-range # - missing key-value pairs: 'applicable_to', 'date_implemented', 'score', 'location', 'comment' # - check on 'applicable_to' values which are very similar dict_yaml_techniques = _load_techniques(file_lines) all_applicable_to = set() for tech, v in dict_yaml_techniques.items(): for key in ['detection', 'visibility']: if key not in v: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING ' + key) elif 'applicable_to' in v: # create at set containing all values for 'applicable_to' all_applicable_to.update([a for v in v[key] for a in v['applicable_to']]) for detection in v['detection']: for key in ['applicable_to', 'date_implemented', 'score', 'location', 'comment']: if key not in detection: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING the key-value pair in detection: ' + key) try: # noinspection PyChainedComparisons if detection['score'] is None: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: score') elif not (detection['score'] >= -1 and detection['score'] <= 5): has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an INVALID detection score: ' + str(detection['score']) + ' (should be between -1 and 5)') elif detection['score'] > -1: if not detection['date_implemented']: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + 'date_implemented') break try: # noinspection PyStatementEffect detection['date_implemented'].year # noinspection PyStatementEffect detection['date_implemented'].month # noinspection PyStatementEffect detection['date_implemented'].day except AttributeError: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an INVALID data format for the key-value pair in detection: ' + 'date_implemented (should be YYYY-MM-DD)') for key in ['location', 'applicable_to']: if not isinstance(detection[key], list): has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has for the key-value pair \'' + key + '\' a string value assigned (should be a list)') else: try: if detection[key][0] is None: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + key) except TypeError: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in detection: ' + key) except KeyError: pass for visibility in v['visibility']: for key in ['applicable_to', 'score', 'comment']: if key not in visibility: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING the key-value pair in visibility: ' + key) try: if visibility['score'] is None: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in visibility: score') elif not (0 <= visibility['score'] <= 4): # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' has an INVALID visibility score: ' + str(detection['score']) + ' (should be between 0 and 4)') except KeyError: pass if has_error: print('') return False else: return True def _upgrade_technique_yaml_11_to_12(file_lines, attack_tech_data): """ Upgrade the YAML technique administration file from 1.1 to 1.2. :param file_lines: array containing the lines within the tech. admin. file :param attack_tech_data: Not used, but necessary to be compatible with other upgrade methods. :return: array with new lines to be written to disk """ from generic import ask_yes_no, fix_date_and_remove_null, init_yaml # we will first do a health check on the tech. admin file version 1.1. Having health issues in the file could # result in an upgraded file with errors. print('Checking the health of the file before we to the upgrade from version 1.1 to 1.2') healthy_file = _check_yaml_file_health_v11(file_lines) if not healthy_file: print('[!] Health issues found. It is advisable first to fix the health issues before continuing the upgrade.') if not ask_yes_no('Are you sure that you want to continue the upgrade?'): print('Upgrade cancelled') quit() else: print(' - No health issues found. We continue the upgrade to version 1.2\n') keep_date_registered = ask_yes_no("Do you want to keep the key-value pair 'date_registered' in your technique " "administration file even though DeTT&CT no longer makes use of it?") date_for_visibility = '' print("Which date do you want to fill in for the visibility scores already present in the new key-value pair 'date'?") while not REGEX_YAML_VALID_DATE.match(date_for_visibility): date_for_visibility = input(' >> YYYY-MM-DD: ') if not REGEX_YAML_VALID_DATE.match(date_for_visibility): print(' Invalid date format') print('') auto_generated = ask_yes_no('Are ALL of the current visibility scores within the technique administration file directly derived from the nr. of data sources?\n' ' * Generated using the option \'-y, --yaml\' from the \'datasoure\' mode in\n' ' * Which means NONE of them have been scored manually?') _yaml = init_yaml() yaml_file = _yaml.load(''.join(file_lines)) yaml_file['version'] = 1.2 # upgrade to the new v1.2 tech. admin file for tech in yaml_file['techniques']: if isinstance(tech['detection'], list): detections = tech['detection'] else: detections = [tech['detection']] for d in detections: score = d['score'] date = d['date_implemented'] try: if not keep_date_registered: del d['date_registered'] del d['date_implemented'] del d['score'] except KeyError: pass d['score_logbook'] = [{'date': date, 'score': score, 'comment': ''}] if isinstance(tech['visibility'], list): visibility = tech['visibility'] else: visibility = [tech['visibility']] for v in visibility: score = v['score'] try: del v['score'] except KeyError: pass v['score_logbook'] = [{'date': date_for_visibility, 'score': score, 'comment': ''}] if auto_generated: v['score_logbook'][0]['auto_generated'] = True # remove the single quotes around the date new_lines = fix_date_and_remove_null(yaml_file, date_for_visibility, input_type='ruamel') return new_lines def check_yaml_updated_to_sub_techniques(filename): """ Checks if the YAML technique administration file is already updated to ATT&CK with sub-techniques by comparing the techniques to the the crosswalk file. :param filename: YAML administration file :return: return False if an update is required, otherwise True """ from generic import init_yaml, backup_file, fix_date_and_remove_null, load_attack_data, get_technique, get_technique_from_yaml, remove_technique_from_yaml # Open the crosswalk file from MITRE: conversion_table = None with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'mitre-data/subtechniques-crosswalk.json'), 'r') as f: conversion_table = simplejson.load(f) # Open the techniques YAML file: _yaml = init_yaml() with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file: yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file) # Keep track which techniques can be auto updated and which need manual updating auto_updatable_techniques = [] manual_update_techniques = [] for item in conversion_table: for element in item: if element.startswith('T'): for migrate_item in item[element]: # Check if technique is in YAML file: yaml_technique = get_technique_from_yaml(yaml_content, element) if yaml_technique is None: break else: # Possible types of changes: # - Remains Technique # - Became a Sub-Technique # - Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique # - One or More Techniques Became New Technique # - Merged into Existing Technique # - Deprecated # - Became Multiple Sub-Techniques if item['change-type'] == 'Became a Sub-Technique': auto_updatable_techniques.append(element) elif item['change-type'] == 'Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique': manual_update_techniques.append(element) elif item['change-type'] == 'One or More Techniques Became New Technique': manual_update_techniques.append(element) elif item['change-type'] == 'Merged into Existing Technique': manual_update_techniques.append(element) elif item['change-type'] == 'Deprecated': auto_updatable_techniques.append(element) elif item['change-type'] == 'Became Multiple Sub-Techniques': manual_update_techniques.append(element) if len(auto_updatable_techniques) > 0: print('[!] File: \'' + filename + '\' needs to be updated to ATT&CK with sub-techniques. Use the option \'--update-to-sub-techniques\' to perform the update.') return False elif len(auto_updatable_techniques) == 0 and len(manual_update_techniques) > 0: print('[!] File: \'' + filename + '\' needs some manual work to upgrade to ATT&CK with sub-techniques. See the list below on what needs to be changed.\n') upgrade_to_sub_techniques(filename, notify_only=True) return False elif len(auto_updatable_techniques) == 0 and len(manual_update_techniques) == 0: return True else: return False def upgrade_to_sub_techniques(filename, notify_only=False): """ Upgrade the YAML technique administration file to ATT&CK with sub-techniques :param filename: YAML administration file :param notify_only: set to True by 'check_yaml_updated_to_sub_techniques' when no automatic upgrade of techniques can be performed because these require manual action :return: """ from generic import init_yaml, backup_file, load_attack_data, get_technique, get_technique_from_yaml, remove_technique_from_yaml, ask_yes_no, local_stix_path, get_latest_score, get_latest_auto_generated if not notify_only and not ask_yes_no('DeTT&CT is going to update \'' + filename + '\' to ATT&CK with sub-techniques. A backup of this file will be generated. Do you want to continue:'): quit() # Open the crosswalk file from MITRE: conversion_table = None with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'mitre-data/subtechniques-crosswalk.json'), 'r') as f: conversion_table = simplejson.load(f) # Open the techniques YAML file: _yaml = init_yaml() with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file: yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file) # Get the MITRE ATT&CK techniques (e.g. to get the new name for renamed techniques): techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH_ENTERPRISE) # Check if STIX object collection (TAXII server or local STIX objects) contain sub-techniques, by checking the existence of the first sub-technique (T1001.001) stix_sub_tech_check = get_technique(techniques, 'T1001.001') if stix_sub_tech_check is None: if local_stix_path: print('[!] The local STIX repository \'' + local_stix_path + '\' doesn\'t contain ATT&CK sub-techniques. This is necessary to perform the update.') else: print('[!] The TAXII server doesn\'t contain ATT&CK sub-techniques. This is necessary to perform the update.') quit() # Keep an ignore list for techniques that are already been taken care of: ignore_list = [] # Collect messages and show them at the end grouped by comparable messages: become_subtech_msgs = [] deprecated_msgs = [] renamed_msgs = [] subtech_added_msgs = [] warning_msgs = [] for item in conversion_table: for element in item: if element.startswith('T'): for migrate_item in item[element]: # Check if technique is in YAML file: yaml_technique = get_technique_from_yaml(yaml_content, element) # Only apply changes to techniques that are in the YAML file: if yaml_technique is not None and element not in ignore_list: change_name = False # Possible types of changes: # - Remains Technique # - Became a Sub-Technique # - Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique # - One or More Techniques Became New Technique # - Merged into Existing Technique # - Deprecated # - Became Multiple Sub-Techniques if item['change-type'] == 'Remains Technique': # No upgrade necessary because techniques "Remains Technique". Only name changes can occur, these will be handled beneath. change_name = True # Only check if "new sub-techniques added" is within the explanation: if 'new sub-techniques added' in migrate_item['explanation'].lower(): has_detection = False is_auto_generated = False if isinstance(yaml_technique['detection'], dict): # There is just one detection entry has_detection = get_latest_score(yaml_technique['detection']) >= 0 is_auto_generated = get_latest_auto_generated(yaml_technique['visibility']) elif isinstance(yaml_technique['detection'], list): # There are multiple detection entries has_detection = len([d for d in yaml_technique['detection'] if get_latest_score(d) >= 0]) > 0 is_auto_generated = any([get_latest_auto_generated(v) for v in yaml_technique['visibility']]) if has_detection or not is_auto_generated: subtech_added_msgs.append(migrate_item['id']) elif item['change-type'] == 'Became a Sub-Technique': # Conversion from technique to sub-technique: yaml_technique['technique_id'] = migrate_item['id'] become_subtech_msgs.append('[i] Technique ' + element + ' has become sub-technique: ' + migrate_item['id'] + '. Change applied in the YAML file.') change_name = True elif item['change-type'] == 'Multiple Techniques Became New Sub-Technique': # No conversion possible: Multiple techniques became new sub-technique: warning_msgs.append( '[!] Technique ' + element + ' has been consolidated with multiple other techniques into one sub-technique: ' + migrate_item['id'] + '. You need to migrate this technique manually.') elif item['change-type'] == 'One or More Techniques Became New Technique': # No conversion possible: One or more techniques became new technique: warning_msgs.append( '[!] Technique ' + element + ' has been consolidated (with multiple other techniques) into one technique: ' + migrate_item['id'] + '. You need to migrate this technique manually.') elif item['change-type'] == 'Merged into Existing Technique': # No conversion possible: Technique merged into existing technique: warning_msgs.append('[!] Technique ' + element + ' is merged with ' + migrate_item['id'] + '. You need to migrate this technique manually.') elif item['change-type'] == 'Deprecated': # Remove deprecated items: remove_technique_from_yaml(yaml_content, element) deprecated_msgs.append('[i] Technique ' + element + ' is deprecated. Technique bas been removed from the YAML file.') elif item['change-type'] == 'Became Multiple Sub-Techniques': # No conversion: One technique became multiple sub techniques: sub_ids = [] for i in item[element]: sub_ids.append(i['id']) warning_msgs.append('[!] Technique ' + element + ' is deprecated and split into multiple sub-techniques: ' + ', '.join(sub_ids) + '. You need to migrate this technique manually.') ignore_list.append(element) # Get the latest description from ATT&CK: if change_name and migrate_item['id'] != 'N/A': new_name = get_technique(techniques, migrate_item['id'])['name'] if yaml_technique['technique_name'] != new_name: renamed_msgs.append('[i] Technique ' + element + ' is renamed from \'' + yaml_technique['technique_name'] + '\' to \'' + new_name + '\'.') yaml_technique['technique_name'] = new_name # Print the results: if len(become_subtech_msgs + deprecated_msgs + renamed_msgs) > 0: print('Informational messages (no action needed):') for item in become_subtech_msgs: print(item) for item in deprecated_msgs: print(item) for item in renamed_msgs: print(item) print('') if len(warning_msgs) > 0: print('Messages that need your attention:') for item in warning_msgs: print(item) print('') if len(become_subtech_msgs + deprecated_msgs + renamed_msgs + warning_msgs) == 0: print('[i] No techniques found that need to be updated to ATT&CK sub-techniques.\n') else: if len(subtech_added_msgs) > 0: print('The following techniques remained the same technique. However, to multiple techniques, sub-techniques were added. Please review the following list as there might be a sub-technique that fits better. Techniques: ' + ', '.join(subtech_added_msgs)) print('') if not notify_only: # Create backup of the YAML file: backup_file(filename) with open(filename, 'w') as fd: # ruamel does not support output to a variable. Therefore we make use of StringIO. string_io = StringIO() _yaml.dump(yaml_content, string_io) new_lines = string_io.readlines() fd.writelines(new_lines) print('File written: ' + filename + '\n') print('Some last notes before you continue:') print('- Please read MITRE\'s blog for more information on how to migrate techniques that need to be migrated manually:') print('- It is recommended to run the \'--update function\' in the datasource (ds) mode, to update the visibility scores for all new techniques, new sub-techniques and changed techniques.') print('') # Quit DeTT&CT when manual work needs to be done: if len(warning_msgs) > 0: quit()