import argparse from interactive_menu import * import os import signal def init_menu(): """ Initialise the command line parameter menu. :return: """ menu_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Detect Tactics, Techniques & Combat Threats', epilog='Source:') menu_parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION) menu_parser.add_argument('-i', '--interactive', help='launch the interactive menu, which has support for all modes', action='store_true') # add subparsers subparsers = menu_parser.add_subparsers(title='MODE', description='Select the mode to use. Every mode has its own arguments and ' 'help info displayed using: {visibility, detection, group, ' 'generic} --help', metavar='', dest='subparser') # create the data source parser parser_data_sources = subparsers.add_parser('datasource', help='data source mapping and quality', aliases=['ds'], description='Create a heat map based on data sources, output data ' 'sources to Excel or generate a data source improvement ' 'graph.') parser_data_sources.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='path to the data source administration YAML file', required=True) parser_data_sources.add_argument('-l', '--layer', help='generate a data source layer for the ATT&CK navigator', action='store_true') parser_data_sources.add_argument('-e', '--excel', help='generate an Excel sheet with all data source', action='store_true') parser_data_sources.add_argument('-g', '--graph', help='generate a graph with data sources added through time', action='store_true') parser_data_sources.add_argument('-y', '--yaml', help='generate a technique administration YAML file with ' 'visibility scores based on the number of available data ' 'sources', action='store_true') # create the visibility parser parser_visibility = subparsers.add_parser('visibility', aliases=['v'], help='visibility coverage mapping based on techniques and data sources', description='Create a heat map based on visibility scores or overlay ' 'visibility with detections.') parser_visibility.add_argument('-ft', '--file-tech', help='path to the technique administration YAML file (used to ' 'score the level of visibility)', required=True) parser_visibility.add_argument('-fd', '--file-ds', help='path to the data source administration YAML file (used to ' 'add metadata on the involved data sources)') parser_visibility.add_argument('-a', '--applicable', help='filter techniques based on the \'applicable_to\' field ' 'in the technique administration YAML file. ' 'Not supported for Excel output', default='all') parser_visibility.add_argument('-l', '--layer', help='generate a visibility layer for the ATT&CK navigator', action='store_true') parser_visibility.add_argument('-e', '--excel', help='generate an Excel sheet with all administrated techniques', action='store_true') parser_visibility.add_argument('-o', '--overlay', help='generate a visibility layer overlayed with detections for ' 'the ATT&CK navigator', action='store_true') # create the detection parser parser_detection = subparsers.add_parser('detection', aliases=['d'], help='detection coverage mapping based on techniques', description='Create a heat map based on detection scores, overlay ' 'detections with visibility or generate a detection ' 'improvement graph.') parser_detection.add_argument('-ft', '--file-tech', help='path to the technique administration YAML file (used to ' 'score the level of visibility)', required=True) parser_detection.add_argument('-fd', '--file-ds', help='path to the data source administration YAML file (used in ' 'the overlay with visibility to add metadata on the ' 'involved data sources)') parser_detection.add_argument('-a', '--applicable', help='filter techniques based on the \'applicable_to\' field ' 'in the technique administration YAML file. ' 'Not supported for Excel output', default='all') parser_detection.add_argument('-l', '--layer', help='generate detection layer for the ATT&CK navigator', action='store_true') parser_detection.add_argument('-e', '--excel', help='generate an Excel sheet with all administrated techniques', action='store_true') parser_detection.add_argument('-o', '--overlay', help='generate a detection layer overlayed with visibility for ' 'the ATT&CK navigator', action='store_true') parser_detection.add_argument('-g', '--graph', help='generate a graph with detections added through time', action='store_true') # create the group parser parser_group = subparsers.add_parser('group', aliases=['g'], description='Create threat actor group heat maps, compare group(s) and ' 'compare group(s) with visibility and detection coverage.', help='threat actor group mapping') parser_group.add_argument('-g', '--groups', help='specify the groups to include separated using commas. ' 'Group can be their ID, name or alias (default is all groups). ' 'Other option is to provide a YAML file with a custom group(s) ' '(default = all)', default='all') parser_group.add_argument('-o', '--overlay', help='specify what to overlay on the group(s) (provided using the ' 'arguments \'-g/--groups\'): group(s), visibility or detection. ' 'When overlaying a GROUP: the group can be their ID, name or ' 'alias separated using commas. Or provide a file path of a YAML ' 'file with a custom group(s). When overlaying DETECTION or ' 'VISIBILITY provide a YAML with the technique administration.') parser_group.add_argument('-t', '--overlay-type', help='specify the type of overlay (default = group)', choices=['group', 'visibility', 'detection'], default='group') parser_group.add_argument('--software-group', help='add techniques to the heat map by checking which software is ' 'used by group(s), and hence which techniques the software ' 'supports (does not influence the scores). If overlay group(s) ' 'are provided, only software related to those group(s) are ' 'included', action='store_true', default=False) parser_group.add_argument('-p', '--platform', help='specify the platform (default = Windows)', choices=['all', 'Linux', 'macOS', 'Windows'], default='Windows') parser_group.add_argument('-s', '--stage', help='specify the stage (default = attack)', choices=['attack', 'pre-attack'], default='attack') # create the generic parser parser_generic = subparsers.add_parser('generic', description='Generic functions which will output to stdout.', help='includes: statistics on ATT&CK data source and updates on techniques' ', groups and software', aliases=['ge']) parser_generic.add_argument('-s', '--statistics', help='get a sorted count on how much techniques are covered by a ' 'particular data source', action='store_true') parser_generic.add_argument('-u', '--updates', help='get a sorted list for when updates were released for ' 'techniques, groups or software', choices=['techniques', 'groups', 'software']) parser_generic.add_argument('--sort', help='sorting of the output from \'-u/--update\' on modified or creation ' 'date (default = modified)', choices=['modified', 'created'], default='modified') return menu_parser def menu(menu_parser): """ Parser for the command line parameter menu and calls the appropriate functions. :param menu_parser: the argparse menu as created with 'init_menu()' :return: """ args = menu_parser.parse_args() if args.interactive: interactive_menu() elif args.subparser in ['datasource', 'ds']: if check_file_type(args.file, FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION): if args.layer: generate_data_sources_layer(args.file) if args.excel: export_data_source_list_to_excel(args.file) if args.graph: plot_data_sources_graph(args.file) if args.yaml: generate_technique_administration_file(args.file) elif args.subparser in ['visibility', 'v']: if args.layer or args.overlay: if not args.file_ds: print('[!] Generating a visibility layer or doing an overlay requires adding the data source' 'administration YAML file (\'--file-ds\')') quit() if check_file_type(args.file_tech, FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION) and \ check_file_type(args.file_ds, FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION): if args.layer: generate_visibility_layer(args.file_tech, args.file_ds, False, args.applicable) if args.overlay: generate_visibility_layer(args.file_tech, args.file_ds, True, args.applicable) if args.excel and check_file_type(args.file_tech, FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION) and args.applicable == 'all': export_techniques_list_to_excel(args.file_tech) else: print("[!] Filtering on 'applicable_to' is not supported for Excel output") elif args.subparser in ['group', 'g']: generate_group_heat_map(args.groups, args.overlay, args.overlay_type, args.stage, args.platform, args.software_group) elif args.subparser in ['detection', 'd']: if args.overlay: if not args.file_ds: print('[!] Doing an overlay requires adding the data source administration YAML file (\'--file-ds\')') quit() if not check_file_type(args.file_ds, FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION): quit() if check_file_type(args.file_tech, FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION): if args.layer: generate_detection_layer(args.file_tech, args.file_ds, False, args.applicable) if args.overlay and check_file_type(args.file_ds, FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION): generate_detection_layer(args.file_tech, args.file_ds, True, args.applicable) if args.graph: plot_detection_graph(args.file_tech, args.applicable) if args.excel and args.applicable == 'all': export_techniques_list_to_excel(args.file_tech) else: print("[!] Filtering on 'applicable_to' is not supported for Excel output") elif args.subparser in ['generic', 'ge']: if args.statistics: get_statistics() elif args.updates: get_updates(args.updates, args.sort) def prepare_folders(): """ Create the folders 'cache' and 'output' if they do not exist. :return: """ if not os.path.exists('cache'): os.mkdir('cache') if not os.path.exists('output'): os.mkdir('output') def signal_handler(signum, frame): """ Function to handles exiting via Ctrl+C. :param signum: :param frame: :return: """ sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) prepare_folders() menu(init_menu())