Blue ATT&CK # Blue ATT&CK #### Mapping your blue team to ATT&CK To get started with Blue ATT&CK, check out the [Wiki]( Blue ATT&CK will help blue teams in scoring and comparing data source quality, visibility coverage, detection coverage and threat actor behaviours. The Blue ATT&CK framework consists of a Python tool, YAML administration files and [scoring tables]( for the different aspects. Blue ATT&CK will help you to: - Administrate and score the quality of your data sources. - Get insight on the visibility you have on for example endpoints. - Map your detection coverage. - Map threat actor behaviours. - Compare visibility, detections and threat actor behaviours in order to uncover possible improvements in detection and visibility. This can help you to prioritise your blue teaming efforts. ## Authors and contribution This project is developed and maintained by [Marcus Bakker]( (Twitter: [@bakker3m]( and [Ruben Bouman]( (Twitter: [@rubenb_2]( Feel free to contact, DMs are open. We welcome contributions! Contributions can be both in code, as well as in ideas you might have for further development, usability improvements, etc. ### Work of others Some functionality within Blue ATT&CK was inspired by work of others: - Roberto Rodriguez's work on data quality and scoring of ATT&CK techniques ([How Hot Is Your Hunt Team?](, [Ready to hunt? First, Show me your data!]( - The MITRE ATT&CK Mapping project on GitHub: ## Example YAML files are used for administrating scores and relevant metadata. All of which can be visualised by loading JSON layer files into the [ATT&CK Navigator]( (some types of scores and metadata can also be written to Excel). See below an example of mapping your data sources to ATT&CK which gives you a rough overview of your visibility coverage: Blue ATT&CK
## Installation and requirements See our GitHub Wiki: [Installation and requirements]( ## Future developments - Add more graphs: - [ ] Detections: improvement based on newly added detections and improvements on the level/score of existing detections. Possibly with a changelog with support for comments. - [ ] Visibility: improvement in the quality of an existing data source. - Groups: - [ ] Have groups YAML file type that contains a count on how popular a certain technique is. This can be very useful to map things such as Red Canary's [Threat Detection Report 2019]( - Excel output for: - [ ] Techniques administration YAML file: visibility coverage - [ ] Techniques administration YAML file: detection coverage - Data quality Excel sheet: - [ ] Add colors to the data quality scores in the Excel sheet. - YAML files: - [ ] Create an option within the tool to migrate an old administration YAML file version to a new version (such as adding specific key-value pairs). - MITRE ATT&CK updates - [ ] Have a smart way of knowing what to update in your data source and technique administration files once MITRE releases updates. - [ ] Data sources: check for missing data sources in data sources administration files. - Minimal visibility - [ ] Integrate information into the framework on what a minimal set of visibility for a technique should be, before you can say to have useful visibility (e.g. technique X requires at least to have visibility on process monitoring, process command line monitoring and DLL monitoring.) ## License: GPL-3.0 [Blue ATT&CK's GNU General Public License v3.0](