import os import pickle from difflib import SequenceMatcher from constants import * def _print_error_msg(msg, print_error): if print_error: print(msg) return True def _update_health_state(current, update): if current or update: return True else: return update def _is_file_modified(filename): """ Check if the provided file was modified since the last check :param filename: file location :return: true when modified else false """ last_modified_file = 'cache/last-modified_' + os.path.basename(filename).rstrip('.yaml') def _update_modified_date(date): with open(last_modified_file, 'wb') as fd: pickle.dump(date, fd) if not os.path.exists(last_modified_file): last_modified = os.path.getmtime(filename) _update_modified_date(last_modified) return True else: with open(last_modified_file, 'rb') as f: last_modified_cache = pickle.load(f) last_modified_current = os.path.getmtime(filename) if last_modified_cache != last_modified_current: _update_modified_date(last_modified_current) return True else: return False def _get_health_state_cache(filename): """ Get file health state from disk :param filename: file location :return: the cached error state """ last_error_file = 'cache/last-error-state_' + os.path.basename(filename).rstrip('.yaml') if os.path.exists(last_error_file): with open(last_error_file, 'rb') as f: last_error_state_cache = pickle.load(f) return last_error_state_cache def _update_health_state_cache(filename, has_error): """ Write the file health state to disk if changed :param filename: file location """ # the function 'check_health_data_sources' will call this function without providing a filename when # 'check_health_data_sources' is called from '_events_to_yaml' within '' if filename: last_error_file = 'cache/last-error-state_' + os.path.basename(filename).rstrip('.yaml') def _update(error): with open(last_error_file, 'wb') as fd: pickle.dump(error, fd) if not os.path.exists(last_error_file): _update(has_error) else: error_state_cache = _get_health_state_cache(filename) if error_state_cache != has_error: _update(has_error) def check_health_data_sources(filename, ds_content, health_is_called, no_print=False, src_eql=False): """ Check on errors in the provided data sources administration YAML file. :param filename: YAML file location :param ds_content: content of the YAML file in a list of dicts :param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed to stdout :param no_print: specifies if the non-detailed error message is printed to stdout or not :param src_eql: if True, skip certain checks that can fail because EQL filtered out some data source and the ATT&CK Platform is not part of the EQL search result :return: False if no errors have been found, otherwise True """ from generic import get_applicable_data_sources_platform has_error = False platform = ds_content.get('platform', None) if not src_eql: if platform != 'all' and platform != ['all']: if isinstance(platform, str): platform = [platform] if platform is None or len(platform) == 0 or platform == '': platform = ['empty'] for p in platform: if p.lower() not in PLATFORMS.keys(): has_error = _print_error_msg( '[!] EMPTY or INVALID value for \'platform\' within the data source admin. ' 'file: %s (should be value(s) of: [%s] or all)' % (p, ', '.join(list(PLATFORMS.values()))), health_is_called) ds_list = [kv['data_source_name'].lower() for kv in ds_content['data_sources']] # For using the platform variable, we need first-letter-capital values and we don't need the 'empty' value from the check above. valid_platform_list = [] for p in platform: if p.lower() in PLATFORMS.keys(): valid_platform_list.append(PLATFORMS[p.lower()]) applicable_data_sources = get_applicable_data_sources_platform(valid_platform_list) for ds in applicable_data_sources: if ds.lower() not in ds_list: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds + '\' is MISSING from the YAML file', health_is_called) for ds in ds_content['data_sources']: # check for missing keys for key in ['data_source_name', 'date_registered', 'date_connected', 'products', 'available_for_data_analytics', 'comment', 'data_quality']: if key not in ds: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] + '\' is MISSING a key-value pair: ' + key, health_is_called) for key in ['date_registered', 'date_connected']: if key in ds and not ds[key] is None: try: # pylint: disable=pointless-statement ds[key].year # pylint: disable=pointless-statement ds[key].month # pylint: disable=pointless-statement ds[key].day except AttributeError: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] + '\' has an INVALID data format for the key-value pair \'' + key + '\': ' + ds[key] + ' (should be YYYY-MM-DD without quotes)', health_is_called) if 'available_for_data_analytics' in ds: if not isinstance(ds['available_for_data_analytics'], bool): has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] + '\' has an INVALID \'available_for_data_analytics\' value: should be set to \'true\' or \'false\'', health_is_called) if 'data_quality' in ds: if isinstance(ds['data_quality'], dict): for dimension in ['device_completeness', 'data_field_completeness', 'timeliness', 'consistency', 'retention']: if dimension not in ds['data_quality']: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] + '\' is MISSING a key-value pair in \'data_quality\': ' + dimension, health_is_called) else: if isinstance(ds['data_quality'][dimension], int): if not 0 <= ds['data_quality'][dimension] <= 5: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] + '\' has an INVALID data quality score for the dimension \'' + dimension + '\': ' + str(ds['data_quality'][dimension]) + ' (should be between 0 and 5)', health_is_called) else: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] + '\' has an INVALID data quality score for the dimension \'' + dimension + '\': ' + str(ds['data_quality'][dimension]) + ' (should be an an integer)', health_is_called) else: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Data source: \'' + ds['data_source_name'] + '\' the key-value pair \'data_quality\' is NOT a dictionary with data quality dimension scores', health_is_called) if 'exceptions' in ds_content: for tech in ds_content['exceptions']: tech_id = str(tech['technique_id']) if not REGEX_YAML_TECHNIQUE_ID_FORMAT.match(tech_id) and tech_id != 'None': has_error = _print_error_msg( '[!] INVALID technique ID in the \'exceptions\' list of data source admin. file: ' + tech_id, health_is_called) if has_error and not health_is_called and not no_print: print(HEALTH_ERROR_TXT + filename) _update_health_state_cache(filename, has_error) return has_error def _check_health_score_object(yaml_object, object_type, tech_id, health_is_called): """ Check the health of a score_logbook inside a visibility or detection YAML object :param yaml_object: YAML file lines :param object_type: 'detection' or 'visibility' :param tech_id: ATT&CK technique ID :param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed :return: True if the YAML file is unhealthy, otherwise False """ has_error = False min_score = None max_score = None if object_type == 'detection': min_score = -1 max_score = 5 elif object_type == 'visibility': min_score = 0 max_score = 4 if not isinstance(yaml_object['score_logbook'], list): yaml_object['score_logbook'] = [yaml_object['score_logbook']] try: for score_obj in yaml_object['score_logbook']: for key in ['date', 'score', 'comment']: if key not in score_obj: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' is MISSING a key-value pair in a ' + object_type + ' score object within the \'score_logbook\': ' + key, health_is_called) if score_obj['score'] is None: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in a ' + object_type + ' score object within the \'score_logbook\': score', health_is_called) elif not isinstance(score_obj['score'], int): has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' has an INVALID score format in a ' + object_type + ' score object within the \'score_logbook\': ' + score_obj['score'] + ' (should be an integer)', health_is_called) if 'auto_generated' in score_obj: if not isinstance(score_obj['auto_generated'], bool): has_error = _print_error_msg( '[!] Technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' has an INVALID \'auto_generated\' value in a ' + object_type + ' score object within the \'score_logbook\': should be set to \'true\' or \'false\'', health_is_called) if isinstance(score_obj['score'], int): if score_obj['date'] is None and ((score_obj['score'] > -1 and object_type == 'detection') or (score_obj['score'] > 0 and object_type == 'visibility')): has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' has an EMPTY key-value pair in a ' + object_type + ' score object within the \'score_logbook\': date', health_is_called) if not (score_obj['score'] >= min_score and score_obj['score'] <= max_score): has_error = _print_error_msg( '[!] Technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' has an INVALID ' + object_type + ' score in a score object within the \'score_logbook\': ' + str(score_obj['score']) + ' (should be between ' + str(min_score) + ' and ' + str(max_score) + ')', health_is_called) if not score_obj['date'] is None: try: # pylint: disable=pointless-statement score_obj['date'].year # pylint: disable=pointless-statement score_obj['date'].month # pylint: disable=pointless-statement score_obj['date'].day except AttributeError: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' has an INVALID data format in a ' + object_type + ' score object within the \'score_logbook\': ' + score_obj['date'] + ' (should be YYYY-MM-DD without quotes)', health_is_called) except KeyError: pass return has_error def _check_health_techniques(filename, technique_content, health_is_called): """ Check on errors in the provided technique administration YAML file. :param filename: YAML file location :param technique_content: content of the YAML file in a list of dicts :param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed to stdout :return: """ from generic import load_techniques has_error = False platform = technique_content.get('platform', None) if platform != 'all' and platform != ['all']: if isinstance(platform, str): platform = [platform] if platform is None or len(platform) == 0 or platform == '': platform = ['empty'] for p in platform: if p.lower() not in PLATFORMS.keys(): has_error = _print_error_msg( '[!] EMPTY or INVALID value for \'platform\' within the data source admin. ' 'file: %s (should be value(s) of: [%s] or all)' % (p, ', '.join(list(PLATFORMS.values()))), health_is_called) # create a list of ATT&CK technique IDs and check for duplicates tech_ids = list(map(lambda x: x['technique_id'], technique_content['techniques'])) tech_dup = set() for tech in tech_ids: if tech not in tech_dup: tech_dup.add(tech) else: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Duplicate technique ID: ' + tech, health_is_called) # check if the technique has a valid format if not REGEX_YAML_TECHNIQUE_ID_FORMAT.match(tech): has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Invalid technique ID: ' + tech, health_is_called) all_applicable_to = set() techniques = load_techniques(filename) for tech, v in techniques[0].items(): for obj_type in ['detection', 'visibility']: if obj_type not in v: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING a key-value pair: ' + obj_type, health_is_called) else: for obj in v[obj_type]: obj_keys = ['applicable_to', 'comment', 'score_logbook'] obj_keys_list = ['applicable_to'] obj_keys_not_none = [] obj_keys_not_none.append('applicable_to') if obj_type == 'detection': obj_keys.append('location') obj_keys_list.append('location') obj_keys_not_none.append('location') for okey in obj_keys: if okey not in obj: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' is MISSING a key-value pair in \'' + obj_type + '\': ' + okey, health_is_called) for okey in obj_keys_list: if okey in obj: if not isinstance(obj[okey], list): has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' the key-value pair \'' + okey + '\' in \'' + obj_type + '\' is NOT a list', health_is_called) for okey in obj_keys_not_none: if okey in obj: none_count = 0 for item in obj[okey]: if item is None: none_count += 1 if none_count == 1: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' the key-value pair \'' + okey + '\' in \'' + obj_type + '\' has an EMPTY value (an empty string is allowed: \'\')', health_is_called) elif none_count > 1: has_error = _print_error_msg('[!] Technique ID: ' + tech + ' the key-value pair \'' + okey + '\' in \'' + obj_type + '\' has multiple EMPTY values (an empty string is allowed: \'\')', health_is_called) health = _check_health_score_object(obj, obj_type, tech, health_is_called) has_error = _update_health_state(has_error, health) if 'applicable_to' in obj and isinstance(obj['applicable_to'], list): all_applicable_to.update(obj['applicable_to']) # get values within the key-value pair 'applicable_to' and 'location' which are a very close match similar = set() for i1 in all_applicable_to: for i2 in all_applicable_to: match_value = SequenceMatcher(None, i1, i2).ratio() if match_value > 0.8 and match_value != 1: similar.add(i1) similar.add(i2) if len(similar) > 0: has_error = _print_error_msg( '[!] There are values in the key-value pairs for \'applicable_to\' which are very similar. Correct where necessary:', health_is_called) for s in similar: _print_error_msg(' - ' + s, health_is_called) if has_error and not health_is_called: print(HEALTH_ERROR_TXT + filename) _update_health_state_cache(filename, has_error) def check_yaml_file_health(filename, file_type, health_is_called): """ Check on errors in the provided YAML file. :param filename: YAML file location :param file_type: currently FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION and FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION is supported :param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed to stdout :return: """ from generic import init_yaml # first we check if the file was modified. Otherwise, the health check is skipped for performance reasons if _is_file_modified(filename) or health_is_called: _yaml = init_yaml() with open(filename, 'r') as yaml_file: yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file) if file_type == FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION: check_health_data_sources(filename, yaml_content, health_is_called) elif file_type == FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION: _check_health_techniques(filename, yaml_content, health_is_called) elif _get_health_state_cache(filename): print(HEALTH_ERROR_TXT + filename)