from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime import xlsxwriter import simplejson from generic import * # Imports for pandas and plotly are because of performance reasons in the function that uses these libraries. def generate_data_sources_layer(filename, output_filename, layer_name, platform=None): """ Generates a generic layer for data sources. :param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration :param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user :param layer_name: the name of the Navigator layer :param platform: one or multiple values from PLATFORMS constant :return: """ my_data_sources, name, platform_yaml, exceptions = _load_data_sources(filename) platform = set_platform(platform_yaml, platform) # Do the mapping between my data sources and MITRE data sources: my_techniques = _map_and_colorize_techniques(my_data_sources, platform, exceptions) if not layer_name: layer_name = 'Data sources ' + name layer = get_layer_template_data_sources(layer_name, 'description', platform) layer['techniques'] = my_techniques json_string = simplejson.dumps(layer).replace('}, ', '},\n') if not output_filename: output_filename = create_output_filename('data_sources', name) write_file(output_filename, json_string) def plot_data_sources_graph(filename, output_filename): """ Generates a line graph which shows the improvements on numbers of data sources through time. :param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration :param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user :return: """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable my_data_sources, name, platform, exceptions = _load_data_sources(filename) graph_values = [] for t in my_data_sources.values(): if t['date_connected']: yyyymm = t['date_connected'].strftime('%Y-%m') graph_values.append({'date': yyyymm, 'count': 1}) import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(graph_values).groupby('date', as_index=False)[['count']].sum() df['cumcount'] = df['count'].cumsum() if not output_filename: output_filename = 'graph_data_sources' elif output_filename.endswith('.html'): output_filename = output_filename.replace('.html', '') output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'html') import plotly import plotly.graph_objs as go plotly.offline.plot( {'data': [go.Scatter(x=df['date'], y=df['cumcount'])], 'layout': go.Layout(title="# of data sources for " + name)}, filename=output_filename, auto_open=False ) print("File written: " + output_filename) def export_data_source_list_to_excel(filename, output_filename, eql_search=False): """ Makes an overview of all MITRE ATT&CK data sources (via techniques) and lists which data sources are present in the YAML administration including all properties and data quality score. :param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration :param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user :param eql_search: specify if an EQL search was performed which may have resulted in missing ATT&CK data sources :return: """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable my_data_sources, name, platforms, exceptions = _load_data_sources(filename, filter_empty_scores=False) if not output_filename: output_filename = 'data_sources' elif output_filename.endswith('.xlsx'): output_filename = output_filename.replace('.xlsx', '') excel_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'xlsx') workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(excel_filename) worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Data sources') # Formatting: format_bold_left = workbook.add_format({'align': 'left', 'bold': True}) format_title = workbook.add_format({'align': 'left', 'bold': True, 'font_size': '14'}) format_center_valign_top = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center', 'valign': 'top'}) wrap_text = workbook.add_format({'text_wrap': True, 'valign': 'top'}) valign_top = workbook.add_format({'valign': 'top'}) no_score = workbook.add_format({'valign': 'top', 'align': 'center'}) dq_score_1 = workbook.add_format({'valign': 'top', 'align': 'center', 'bg_color': COLOR_DS_25p}) dq_score_2 = workbook.add_format({'valign': 'top', 'align': 'center', 'bg_color': COLOR_DS_50p}) dq_score_3 = workbook.add_format({'valign': 'top', 'align': 'center', 'bg_color': COLOR_DS_75p, 'font_color': '#ffffff'}) dq_score_4 = workbook.add_format({'valign': 'top', 'align': 'center', 'bg_color': COLOR_DS_99p, 'font_color': '#ffffff'}) dq_score_5 = workbook.add_format({'valign': 'top', 'align': 'center', 'bg_color': COLOR_DS_100p, 'font_color': '#ffffff'}) # Title worksheet.write(0, 0, 'Data sources for ' + name, format_title) # Header columns worksheet.write(2, 0, 'Data source name', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 1, 'Date registered', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 2, 'Date connected', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 3, 'Products', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 4, 'Comment', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 5, 'Available for data analytics', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 6, 'DQ: device completeness', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 7, 'DQ: data field completeness', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 8, 'DQ: timeliness', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 9, 'DQ: consistency', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 10, 'DQ: retention', format_bold_left) worksheet.write(2, 11, 'DQ: score', format_bold_left) worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 35) worksheet.set_column(1, 2, 15) worksheet.set_column(3, 3, 35) worksheet.set_column(4, 4, 50) worksheet.set_column(5, 5, 24) worksheet.set_column(6, 7, 25) worksheet.set_column(8, 10, 15) worksheet.set_column(11, 11, 10) # Putting the data sources data: y = 3 # check if an ATT&CK data source is missing from the data source YAML administration file if eql_search: ds_miss_text = 'ATT&CK data source is missing from the YAML file or was excluded by an EQL search' else: ds_miss_text = 'ATT&CK data source is missing from the YAML file' # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary my_ds_list = [ds.lower() for ds in my_data_sources.keys()] applicable_data_sources = get_applicable_data_sources_platform(platforms) for ds in applicable_data_sources: if ds.lower() not in my_ds_list: ds_obj = deepcopy(YAML_OBJ_DATA_SOURCE) ds_obj['data_source_name'] = ds ds_obj['comment'] = ds_miss_text my_data_sources[ds] = ds_obj for d in sorted(my_data_sources.keys()): ds = my_data_sources[d] worksheet.write(y, 0, d, valign_top) date_registered = ds['date_registered'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if isinstance(ds['date_registered'], datetime) else ds['date_registered'] date_connected = ds['date_connected'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if isinstance(ds['date_connected'], datetime) else ds['date_connected'] worksheet.write(y, 1, str(date_registered).replace('None', ''), valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 2, str(date_connected).replace('None', ''), valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 3, ', '.join(ds['products']).replace('None', ''), valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 4, ds['comment'][:-1] if ds['comment'].endswith('\n') else ds['comment'], wrap_text) worksheet.write(y, 5, str(ds['available_for_data_analytics']), valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 6, ds['data_quality']['device_completeness'], format_center_valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 7, ds['data_quality']['data_field_completeness'], format_center_valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 8, ds['data_quality']['timeliness'], format_center_valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 9, ds['data_quality']['consistency'], format_center_valign_top) worksheet.write(y, 10, ds['data_quality']['retention'], format_center_valign_top) score = 0 score_count = 0 for k, v in ds['data_quality'].items(): # the below DQ dimensions are given more weight in the calculation of the DQ score. if k in ['device_completeness', 'data_field_completeness', 'retention']: score += (v * 2) score_count += 2 else: score += v score_count += 1 if score > 0: score = score / score_count worksheet.write(y, 11, score, dq_score_1 if score < 2 else dq_score_2 if score < 3 else dq_score_3 if score < 4 else dq_score_4 if score < 5 else dq_score_5 if score < 6 else no_score) # noqa y += 1 worksheet.autofilter(2, 0, 2, 11) worksheet.freeze_panes(3, 0) try: workbook.close() print("File written: " + excel_filename) except Exception as e: print('[!] Error while writing Excel file: %s' % str(e)) def _load_data_sources(file, filter_empty_scores=True): """ Loads the data sources (including all properties) from the given YAML file. :param file: the file location of the YAML file containing the data sources administration or a dict :return: dictionary with data sources, name, platform and exceptions list. """ my_data_sources = {} if isinstance(file, dict): # file is a dict created due to the use of an EQL query by the user yaml_content = file else: # file is a file location on disk _yaml = init_yaml() with open(file, 'r') as yaml_file: yaml_content = _yaml.load(yaml_file) for d in yaml_content['data_sources']: d['comment'] = d.get('comment', '') dq = d['data_quality'] if not filter_empty_scores: my_data_sources[d['data_source_name']] = d elif dq['device_completeness'] > 0 or dq['data_field_completeness'] > 0 or dq['timeliness'] > 0 or dq['consistency'] > 0 or dq['retention'] > 0: my_data_sources[d['data_source_name']] = d name = yaml_content['name'] platform = get_platform_from_yaml(yaml_content) exceptions = [] if 'exceptions' in yaml_content: exceptions = [t['technique_id'] for t in yaml_content['exceptions'] if t['technique_id'] is not None] return my_data_sources, name, platform, exceptions def _count_applicable_data_sources(technique, applicable_data_sources): """ get the count of applicable data sources for the provided technique. This takes into account which data sources are applicable for a platform(s) :param technique: ATT&CK CTI technique object :param applicable_data_sources: a list of applicable ATT&CK data sources :return: a count of the applicable data sources for this technique """ applicable_ds_count = 0 for ds in technique['x_mitre_data_sources']: if ds in applicable_data_sources: applicable_ds_count += 1 return applicable_ds_count def _map_and_colorize_techniques(my_ds, platforms, exceptions): """ Determine the color of the techniques based on how many data sources are available per technique. :param my_ds: the configured data sources :param platforms: the configured platform(s) :param exceptions: the list of ATT&CK technique exception within the data source YAML file :return: a dictionary with techniques that can be used in the layer's output file """ techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH) applicable_data_sources = get_applicable_data_sources_platform(platforms) technique_colors = {} # Color the techniques based on how many data sources are available. for t in techniques: if 'x_mitre_data_sources' in t: total_ds_count = _count_applicable_data_sources(t, applicable_data_sources) ds_count = 0 for ds in t['x_mitre_data_sources']: if ds in my_ds.keys() and ds in applicable_data_sources: ds_count += 1 if total_ds_count > 0: result = (float(ds_count) / float(total_ds_count)) * 100 color = COLOR_DS_25p if result <= 25 else COLOR_DS_50p if result <= 50 else COLOR_DS_75p \ if result <= 75 else COLOR_DS_99p if result <= 99 else COLOR_DS_100p technique_colors[get_attack_id(t)] = color my_techniques = map_techniques_to_data_sources(techniques, my_ds) output_techniques = [] for t, v in my_techniques.items(): if t not in exceptions and t in technique_colors: d = dict() d['techniqueID'] = t d['color'] = technique_colors[t] d['comment'] = '' d['enabled'] = True d['metadata'] = [{'name': 'Available data sources', 'value': ', '.join(v['my_data_sources'])}, {'name': 'ATT&CK data sources', 'value': ', '.join(get_applicable_data_sources_technique(v['data_sources'], applicable_data_sources))}, {'name': 'Products', 'value': ', '.join(v['products'])}] d['metadata'] = make_layer_metadata_compliant(d['metadata']) output_techniques.append(d) determine_and_set_show_sub_techniques(output_techniques) return output_techniques def _indent_comment(comment, indent): """ Indent a multiline general, visibility, detection comment by x spaces :param comment: The comment to indent :param indent: The number of spaces to use in the indent :return: indented comment or the original """ if '\n' in comment: new_comment = comment.replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * indent) return new_comment else: return comment def _get_technique_yaml_obj(techniques, tech_id): """ Get at technique YAML obj from the provided list of techniques YAML objects which as the provided technique ID :param techniques: list of technique YAML objects :param tech_id: ATT&CK ID :return: technique YAML obj """ for tech in techniques: if tech['technique_id'] == tech_id: return tech def update_technique_administration_file(file_data_sources, file_tech_admin): """ Update the visibility scores in the provided technique administration file :param file_data_sources: file location of the data source admin. file :param file_tech_admin: file location of the tech. admin. file :return: """ # first we generate the new visibility scores contained within a temporary tech. admin YAML 'file' new_visibility_scores = generate_technique_administration_file(file_data_sources, None, write_file=False) # we get the date to remove the single quotes at the end of the code today = new_visibility_scores['techniques'][0]['visibility']['score_logbook'][0]['date'] # next we load the current visibility scores from the tech. admin file cur_visibility_scores, _, platform_tech_admin = load_techniques(file_tech_admin) # if the platform does not match between the data source and tech. admin file we return if set(new_visibility_scores['platform']) != set(platform_tech_admin): print('[!] The MITRE ATT&CK platform key-value pair in the data source administration and technique ' 'administration file do not match.\n Visibility update canceled.') return # we did not return, so init _yaml = init_yaml() with open(file_tech_admin) as fd: yaml_file_tech_admin = _yaml.load(fd) # check if we have tech IDs for which we now have visibility, but which were not yet part of the tech. admin file cur_tech_ids = cur_visibility_scores.keys() new_tech_ids = list(map(lambda k: k['technique_id'], new_visibility_scores['techniques'])) tech_ids_new = [] for tid in new_tech_ids: if tid not in cur_tech_ids: tech_ids_new.append(tid) # Add the new tech. to the ruamel instance: 'yaml_file_tech_admin' are_scores_updated = False tech_new_print = [] if len(tech_ids_new) > 0: # do we want fill in a comment for all updated visibility scores? comment = '' if ask_yes_no('\nDo you want to fill in the visibility comment for the updated scores?'): comment = input(' >> Visibility comment for in the new \'score\' object: ') print('') # add new techniques and set the comment x = 0 for new_tech in new_visibility_scores['techniques']: # set the comment for all new visibility scores # we will also be needing this later in the code to update the scores of already present techniques new_visibility_scores['techniques'][x]['visibility']['score_logbook'][0]['comment'] = comment if new_tech['technique_id'] in tech_ids_new: are_scores_updated = True yaml_file_tech_admin['techniques'].append(new_tech) tech_new_print.append(' - ' + new_tech['technique_id'] + '\n') x += 1 print('The following new technique IDs are added to the technique administration file with a visibility ' 'score derived from the nr. of data sources:') print(''.join(tech_new_print)) else: print(' - No new techniques, for which we now have visibility, have been added to the techniques administration file.') # determine how visibility scores have been assigned in the current YAML file (auto, manually or mixed) # also determine if we have any scores that can be updated manually_scored = False auto_scored = False mix_scores = False updated_vis_score_cnt = 0 for cur_tech, cur_values in cur_visibility_scores.items(): new_tech = _get_technique_yaml_obj(new_visibility_scores['techniques'], cur_tech) if new_tech: # new_tech will be None if technique_id is part of the 'exception' list within the # data source administration file new_score = new_tech['visibility']['score_logbook'][0]['score'] for cur_obj in cur_values['visibility']: old_score = get_latest_score(cur_obj) if get_latest_auto_generated(cur_obj) and old_score != new_score: auto_scored = True updated_vis_score_cnt += 1 elif old_score != new_score: manually_scored = True updated_vis_score_cnt += 1 if manually_scored and auto_scored: mix_scores = True # stop if none of the present visibility scores are eligible for an update if not mix_scores and not manually_scored and not auto_scored: print(' - None of the already present techniques has a visibility score that is eligible for an update.') else: print('\nA total of ' + str(updated_vis_score_cnt) + ' visibility scores are eligible for an update.\n') # ask how the score should be updated answer = 0 if mix_scores: answer = ask_multiple_choice(V_UPDATE_Q_MIXED, [V_UPDATE_ANSWER_3, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_4, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_1, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_2, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_CANCEL]) elif manually_scored: answer = ask_multiple_choice(V_UPDATE_Q_ALL_MANUAL, [V_UPDATE_ANSWER_1, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_2, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_CANCEL]) elif auto_scored: answer = ask_multiple_choice(V_UPDATE_Q_ALL_AUTO, [V_UPDATE_ANSWER_1, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_2, V_UPDATE_ANSWER_CANCEL]) if answer == V_UPDATE_ANSWER_CANCEL: return # identify which visibility scores have changed and set the action to perform on the score # tech_update {tech_id: ..., {obj_idx: { action: 1|2|3, score_obj: {...} } } } tech_update = dict() for new_tech in new_visibility_scores['techniques']: tech_id = new_tech['technique_id'] new_score_obj = new_tech['visibility']['score_logbook'][0] new_score = new_score_obj['score'] if tech_id in cur_visibility_scores: old_visibility_objects = cur_visibility_scores[tech_id]['visibility'] obj_idx = 0 for old_vis_obj in old_visibility_objects: old_score = get_latest_score(old_vis_obj) auto_gen = get_latest_auto_generated(old_vis_obj) # continue if score can be updated if old_score != new_score: if tech_id not in tech_update: tech_update[tech_id] = dict() if (answer == V_UPDATE_ANSWER_1) or (answer == V_UPDATE_ANSWER_3 and auto_gen): tech_update[tech_id][obj_idx] = {'action': V_UPDATE_ACTION_AUTO, 'score_obj': new_score_obj} elif answer == V_UPDATE_ANSWER_2: tech_update[tech_id][obj_idx] = {'action': V_UPDATE_ACTION_DIFF, 'score_obj': new_score_obj} elif answer == V_UPDATE_ANSWER_4: if auto_gen: tech_update[tech_id][obj_idx] = {'action': V_UPDATE_ACTION_AUTO, 'score_obj': new_score_obj} else: tech_update[tech_id][obj_idx] = {'action': V_UPDATE_ACTION_DIFF, 'score_obj': new_score_obj} obj_idx += 1 # perform the above set actions score_updates_handled = 0 for old_tech in yaml_file_tech_admin['techniques']: tech_id = old_tech['technique_id'] tech_name = old_tech['technique_name'] obj_idx = 0 if tech_id in tech_update: if isinstance(old_tech['visibility'], list): old_vis_obj = old_tech['visibility'] else: old_vis_obj = [old_tech['visibility']] while obj_idx <= len(tech_update[tech_id]): # continue if an action has been set for this visibility object if obj_idx in tech_update[tech_id]: update_action = tech_update[tech_id][obj_idx]['action'] new_score_obj = tech_update[tech_id][obj_idx]['score_obj'] if update_action == V_UPDATE_ACTION_AUTO: are_scores_updated = True old_vis_obj[obj_idx]['score_logbook'].insert(0, new_score_obj) print(' - Updated a score in technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' (applicable to: ' + ', '.join(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]['applicable_to']) + ')') elif update_action == V_UPDATE_ACTION_DIFF: print('-' * 80) tmp_txt = '[updates remaining: ' + str(updated_vis_score_cnt - score_updates_handled) + ']' print(' ' * (80 - len(tmp_txt)) + tmp_txt) print('') print('Visibility object:') print(' - ATT&CK ID/name ' + tech_id + ' / ' + tech_name) print(' - Applicable to: ' + ', '.join(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]['applicable_to'])) print(' - Technique comment: ' + _indent_comment(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]['comment'], 23)) print('') print('OLD score object:') old_score_date = get_latest_date(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]) old_score_date = old_score_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if old_score_date is not None else '' print(' - Date: ' + old_score_date) print(' - Score: ' + str(get_latest_score(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]))) print(' - Visibility comment: ' + _indent_comment(get_latest_comment(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]), 23)) print(' - Auto generated: ' + str(get_latest_score_obj(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]).get('auto_generated', 'False'))) print('NEW score object:') print(' - Date: ' + str(new_score_obj['date'])) print(' - Score: ' + str(new_score_obj['score'])) print(' - Visibility comment: ' + _indent_comment(new_score_obj['comment'], 23)) print(' - Auto generated: True') print('') if ask_yes_no('Update the score?'): are_scores_updated = True old_vis_obj[obj_idx]['score_logbook'].insert(0, new_score_obj) print(' - Updated a score in technique ID: ' + tech_id + ' (applicable to: ' + ', '.join(old_vis_obj[obj_idx]['applicable_to']) + ')') score_updates_handled += 1 obj_idx += 1 # create backup of the current tech. admin YAML file if are_scores_updated: print('') backup_file(file_tech_admin) yaml_file_tech_admin = fix_date_and_remove_null(yaml_file_tech_admin, today, input_type='ruamel') with open(file_tech_admin, 'w') as fd: fd.writelines(yaml_file_tech_admin) print('File written: ' + file_tech_admin) else: print('No visibility scores have been updated.') # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name def generate_technique_administration_file(filename, output_filename, write_file=True, all_techniques=False): """ Generate a technique administration file based on the data source administration YAML file :param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration :param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user :param write_file: by default the file is written to disk :param all_techniques: include all ATT&CK techniques in the generated YAML file that are applicable to the platform(s) specified in the data source YAML file :return: """ my_data_sources, name, platform, exceptions = _load_data_sources(filename) techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH_ENTERPRISE) applicable_data_sources = get_applicable_data_sources_platform(platform) yaml_file = dict() yaml_file['version'] = FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION_VERSION yaml_file['file_type'] = FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION yaml_file['name'] = name yaml_file['platform'] = platform yaml_file['techniques'] = [] today = # Score visibility based on the number of available data sources and the exceptions for t in techniques: platforms = t.get('x_mitre_platforms', None) if len(set(platforms).intersection(set(platform))) > 0: # not every technique has data source listed if 'x_mitre_data_sources' in t: total_ds_count = _count_applicable_data_sources(t, applicable_data_sources) ds_count = 0 for ds in t['x_mitre_data_sources']: if ds in my_data_sources.keys() and ds in applicable_data_sources: ds_count += 1 if total_ds_count > 0: result = (float(ds_count) / float(total_ds_count)) * 100 score = 0 if result == 0 else 1 if result <= 49 else 2 if result <= 74 else 3 if result <= 99 else 4 else: score = 0 # Do not add technique if score == 0 or part of the exception list techniques_upper = list(map(lambda x: x.upper(), exceptions)) tech_id = get_attack_id(t) if (score > 0 or all_techniques) and tech_id not in techniques_upper: tech = deepcopy(YAML_OBJ_TECHNIQUE) tech['technique_id'] = tech_id tech['technique_name'] = t['name'] tech['visibility']['score_logbook'][0]['score'] = score tech['visibility']['score_logbook'][0]['date'] = today yaml_file['techniques'].append(tech) yaml_file['techniques'] = sorted(yaml_file['techniques'], key=lambda k: k['technique_id']) if write_file: # remove the single quotes around the date key-value pair _yaml = init_yaml() file = StringIO() # create the file lines by writing it to memory _yaml.dump(yaml_file, file) file_lines = file.readlines() # remove the single quotes from the date yaml_file_lines = fix_date_and_remove_null(file_lines, today, input_type='list') if not output_filename: output_filename = 'techniques-administration-' + normalize_name_to_filename(name + '-' + platform_to_name(platform)) elif output_filename.endswith('.yaml'): output_filename = output_filename.replace('.yaml', '') output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'yaml') with open(output_filename, 'w') as f: f.writelines(yaml_file_lines) print("File written: " + output_filename) else: return yaml_file