- Added output_filename as option for datasource, visbility, detection and group modes.

- Fixed bug when having both dates and datetimes in techniques YAML file.
Ruben Bouman 2020-05-25 11:44:13 +02:00
parent a8d0c3759c
commit 1ac6a4ce78
6 changed files with 138 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ from generic import *
# Imports for pandas and plotly are because of performance reasons in the function that uses these libraries.
def generate_data_sources_layer(filename):
def generate_data_sources_layer(filename, output_filename):
Generates a generic layer for data sources.
:param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
my_data_sources, name, platform, exceptions = _load_data_sources(filename)
@ -23,13 +24,16 @@ def generate_data_sources_layer(filename):
layer['techniques'] = my_techniques
json_string = simplejson.dumps(layer).replace('}, ', '},\n')
write_file('data_sources', name, json_string)
if not output_filename:
output_filename = create_output_filename('data_sources', name)
write_file(output_filename, json_string)
def plot_data_sources_graph(filename):
def plot_data_sources_graph(filename, output_filename):
Generates a line graph which shows the improvements on numbers of data sources through time.
:param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
@ -45,7 +49,11 @@ def plot_data_sources_graph(filename):
df = pd.DataFrame(graph_values).groupby('date', as_index=False)[['count']].sum()
df['cumcount'] = df['count'].cumsum()
output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/graph_data_sources', 'html')
if not output_filename:
output_filename = 'graph_data_sources'
elif output_filename.endswith('.html'):
output_filename = output_filename.replace('.html', '')
output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'html')
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
@ -57,18 +65,22 @@ def plot_data_sources_graph(filename):
print("File written: " + output_filename)
def export_data_source_list_to_excel(filename, eql_search=False):
def export_data_source_list_to_excel(filename, output_filename, eql_search=False):
Makes an overview of all MITRE ATT&CK data sources (via techniques) and lists which data sources are present
in the YAML administration including all properties and data quality score.
:param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
:param eql_search: specify if an EQL search was performed which may have resulted in missing ATT&CK data sources
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
my_data_sources, name, platforms, exceptions = _load_data_sources(filename, filter_empty_scores=False)
excel_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/data_sources', 'xlsx')
if not output_filename:
output_filename = 'data_sources'
elif output_filename.endswith('.xlsx'):
output_filename = output_filename.replace('.xlsx', '')
excel_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'xlsx')
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(excel_filename)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Data sources')
@ -307,7 +319,7 @@ def update_technique_administration_file(file_data_sources, file_tech_admin):
# first we generate the new visibility scores contained within a temporary tech. admin YAML 'file'
new_visibility_scores = generate_technique_administration_file(file_data_sources, write_file=False)
new_visibility_scores = generate_technique_administration_file(file_data_sources, None, write_file=False)
# we get the date to remove the single quotes at the end of the code
today = new_visibility_scores['techniques'][0]['visibility']['score_logbook'][0]['date']
@ -509,10 +521,11 @@ def update_technique_administration_file(file_data_sources, file_tech_admin):
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
def generate_technique_administration_file(filename, write_file=True, all_techniques=False):
def generate_technique_administration_file(filename, output_filename, write_file=True, all_techniques=False):
Generate a technique administration file based on the data source administration YAML file
:param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
:param write_file: by default the file is written to disk
:param all_techniques: include all ATT&CK techniques in the generated YAML file that are applicable to the
platform(s) specified in the data source YAML file
@ -575,8 +588,11 @@ def generate_technique_administration_file(filename, write_file=True, all_techni
# remove the single quotes from the date
yaml_file_lines = fix_date_and_remove_null(file_lines, today, input_type='list')
output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/techniques-administration-' +
normalize_name_to_filename(name + '-' + platform_to_name(platform)), 'yaml')
if not output_filename:
output_filename = 'techniques-administration-' + normalize_name_to_filename(name + '-' + platform_to_name(platform))
elif output_filename.endswith('.yaml'):
output_filename = output_filename.replace('.yaml', '')
output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'yaml')
with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
print("File written: " + output_filename)

View File

@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ def _init_menu():
'not updated without your approval. The updated visibility '
'scores are calculated in the same way as with the option: '
'-y, --yaml', action='store_true')
parser_data_sources.add_argument('-of', '--output-filename', help='define the output filename')
parser_data_sources.add_argument('--health', help='check the YAML file(s) for errors', action='store_true')
# create the visibility parser
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ def _init_menu():
'the ATT&CK navigator', action='store_true')
parser_visibility.add_argument('-g', '--graph', help='generate a graph with visibility added through time',
parser_visibility.add_argument('-of', '--output-filename', help='define the output filename')
parser_visibility.add_argument('--health', help='check the YAML file for errors', action='store_true')
# create the detection parser
@ -117,6 +119,7 @@ def _init_menu():
'the ATT&CK navigator', action='store_true')
parser_detection.add_argument('-g', '--graph', help='generate a graph with detections added through time',
parser_detection.add_argument('-of', '--output-filename', help='define the output filename')
parser_detection.add_argument('--health', help='check the YAML file(s) for errors', action='store_true')
# create the group parser
@ -154,6 +157,7 @@ def _init_menu():
'the EQL search. The default behaviour is to only include the '
'most recent \'score\' objects',
action='store_true', default=False)
parser_group.add_argument('-of', '--output-filename', help='define the output filename')
parser_group.add_argument('--health', help='check the YAML file(s) for errors', action='store_true')
# create the generic parser
@ -202,13 +206,13 @@ def _menu(menu_parser):
if args.update and check_file(args.file_tech, FILE_TYPE_TECHNIQUE_ADMINISTRATION, args.health):
update_technique_administration_file(file_ds, args.file_tech)
if args.layer:
generate_data_sources_layer(file_ds, args.output_filename)
if args.excel:
export_data_source_list_to_excel(file_ds, eql_search=args.search)
export_data_source_list_to_excel(file_ds, args.output_filename, eql_search=args.search)
if args.graph:
plot_data_sources_graph(file_ds, args.output_filename)
if args.yaml:
generate_technique_administration_file(file_ds, all_techniques=args.yaml_all_techniques)
generate_technique_administration_file(file_ds, args.output_filename, all_techniques=args.yaml_all_techniques)
elif args.subparser in ['visibility', 'v']:
if args.layer or args.overlay:
@ -228,19 +232,19 @@ def _menu(menu_parser):
if not file_tech:
quit() # something went wrong in executing the search or 0 results where returned
if args.layer:
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, False)
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, False, args.output_filename)
if args.overlay:
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, True)
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, True, args.output_filename)
if args.graph:
plot_graph(file_tech, 'visibility')
plot_graph(file_tech, 'visibility', args.output_filename)
if args.excel:
export_techniques_list_to_excel(file_tech, args.output_filename)
# todo add search capabilities
elif args.subparser in ['group', 'g']:
if not generate_group_heat_map(args.groups, args.overlay, args.overlay_type, args.stage, args.platform,
args.software_group, args.search_visibility, args.search_detection, args.health,
args.output_filename, include_all_score_objs=args.all_scores):
quit() # something went wrong in executing the search or 0 results where returned
elif args.subparser in ['detection', 'd']:
@ -260,13 +264,13 @@ def _menu(menu_parser):
if not file_tech:
quit() # something went wrong in executing the search or 0 results where returned
if args.layer:
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, False)
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, False, args.output_filename)
if args.overlay and check_file(args.file_ds, FILE_TYPE_DATA_SOURCE_ADMINISTRATION, args.health):
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, True)
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, args.file_ds, True, args.output_filename)
if args.graph:
plot_graph(file_tech, 'detection')
plot_graph(file_tech, 'detection', args.output_filename)
if args.excel:
export_techniques_list_to_excel(file_tech, args.output_filename)
elif args.subparser in ['generic', 'ge']:
if args.datasources:

View File

@ -342,16 +342,25 @@ def get_layer_template_layered(name, description, stage, platform):
return layer
def write_file(filename_prefix, filename, content):
def create_output_filename(filename_prefix, filename):
Creates a filename using pre determined convention.
:param filename_prefix: prefix part of the filename
:param filename: filename
return '%s_%s' % (filename_prefix, normalize_name_to_filename(filename))
def write_file(filename, content):
Writes content to a file and ensures if the file already exists it won't be overwritten by appending a number
as suffix.
:param filename_prefix: prefix part of the filename
:param filename: filename
:param content: the content of the file that needs to be written to the file
output_filename = 'output/%s_%s' % (filename_prefix, normalize_name_to_filename(filename))
output_filename = 'output/%s' % clean_filename(filename)
output_filename = get_non_existing_filename(output_filename, 'json')
with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
@ -367,6 +376,8 @@ def get_non_existing_filename(filename, extension):
:param extension:
if filename.endswith('.' + extension):
filename = filename.replace('.' + extension, '')
if os.path.exists('%s.%s' % (filename, extension)):
suffix = 1
while os.path.exists('%s_%s.%s' % (filename, suffix, extension)):
@ -514,8 +525,15 @@ def get_latest_score_obj(yaml_object):
newest_score_obj = None
newest_date = None
for score_obj in yaml_object['score_logbook']:
if not newest_score_obj or score_obj['date'] > newest_date:
newest_date = score_obj['date']
# Scores in the score_logbook can be dates (yyyy-mm-dd) but also datetimes (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ffffff).
# So convert the datetimes to dates to make it possible to compare.
if type(score_obj['date']) == dt: # dt is the name of the datetime class (see import table)
score_obj_date = score_obj['date'].date()
score_obj_date = score_obj['date']
if not newest_score_obj or score_obj_date > newest_date:
newest_date = score_obj_date
newest_score_obj = score_obj
return newest_score_obj
@ -1003,3 +1021,12 @@ def get_platform_from_yaml(yaml_content):
platform = valid_platform_list
return platform
def clean_filename(filename):
Remove invalid characters from filename and maximize it to 200 characters
:param filename: Input filename
:return: sanitized filename
return filename.replace('/', '').replace('\\', '').replace(':', '')[:200]

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def _get_software_techniques(groups, stage, platform):
# software matches the ATT&CK Matrix and platform
# and the group is a group we are interested in
if s['x_mitre_platforms']: # there is software that do not have a platform, skip those
if s['matrix'] == 'mitre-'+stage and (platform == 'all' or len(set(s['x_mitre_platforms']).intersection(set(platform))) > 0) and \
if s['matrix'] == 'mitre-' + stage and (platform == 'all' or len(set(s['x_mitre_platforms']).intersection(set(platform))) > 0) and \
(groups[0] == 'all' or s['group_id'].lower() in groups or _is_in_group(s['aliases'], groups)):
if s['group_id'] not in groups_dict:
groups_dict[s['group_id']] = {'group_name': s['name']}
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def _get_group_techniques(groups, stage, platform, file_type):
platforms = 'Windows'
# group matches the: matrix/stage, platform and the group(s) we are interested in
if gr['matrix'] == 'mitre-'+stage and (platform == 'all' or len(set(platforms).intersection(set(platform))) > 0) and \
if gr['matrix'] == 'mitre-' + stage and (platform == 'all' or len(set(platforms).intersection(set(platform))) > 0) and \
(groups[0] == 'all' or gr['group_id'].lower() in groups or _is_in_group(gr['aliases'], groups)):
if gr['group_id'] not in groups_dict:
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ def _get_group_list(groups, file_type):
def generate_group_heat_map(groups, overlay, overlay_type, stage, platform, software_groups,
search_visibility, search_detection, health_is_called, include_all_score_objs=False):
search_visibility, search_detection, health_is_called, output_filename, include_all_score_objs=False):
Calls all functions that are necessary for the generation of the heat map and write a json layer to disk.
:param groups: threat actor groups
@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ def generate_group_heat_map(groups, overlay, overlay_type, stage, platform, soft
:param search_visibility: visibility EQL search query
:param search_detection: detection EQL search query
:param health_is_called: boolean that specifies if detailed errors in the file will be printed
:param output_filename: output filename defined by the user
:param include_all_score_objs: include all score objects within the score_logbook for the EQL query
:return: returns nothing when something's wrong
@ -574,11 +575,15 @@ def generate_group_heat_map(groups, overlay, overlay_type, stage, platform, soft
json_string = simplejson.dumps(layer).replace('}, ', '},\n')
if stage == 'pre-attack':
filename = '_'.join(groups_list)
elif overlay:
filename = platform_to_name(platform) + '_' + '_'.join(groups_list) + '-overlay_' + '_'.join(overlay_list)
filename = platform_to_name(platform) + '_' + '_'.join(groups_list)
if not output_filename:
if stage == 'pre-attack':
filename = '_'.join(groups_list)
elif overlay:
filename = platform_to_name(platform) + '_' + '_'.join(groups_list) + '-overlay_' + '_'.join(overlay_list)
filename = platform_to_name(platform) + '_' + '_'.join(groups_list)
write_file(stage, filename[:255], json_string)
filename = create_output_filename(stage, filename)
write_file(filename, json_string)
write_file(output_filename, json_string)

View File

@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ def _clear():
name = '-= %s =-' % APP_NAME
desc = '-- %s --' % APP_DESC
version = 'version %s' % VERSION
print(' ' * int((len(desc)-len(name))/2) + name)
print(' ' * int((len(desc) - len(name)) / 2) + name)
print(' ' * int((len(desc)-len(version))/2) + version)
print(' ' * int((len(desc) - len(version)) / 2) + version)
@ -273,19 +273,19 @@ def _menu_data_source(filename_ds):
if choice == '3':
print('Writing data sources layer...')
generate_data_sources_layer(file_ds, None)
elif choice == '4':
print('Drawing the graph...')
plot_data_sources_graph(file_ds, None)
elif choice == '5':
print('Generating Excel file...')
export_data_source_list_to_excel(file_ds, eql_search=eql_query_data_sources)
export_data_source_list_to_excel(file_ds, None, eql_search=eql_query_data_sources)
elif choice == '6':
print('Generating YAML file...')
generate_technique_administration_file(file_ds, all_techniques=yaml_all_techniques)
generate_technique_administration_file(file_ds, None, all_techniques=yaml_all_techniques)
elif choice == '7':
filename_t = _select_file(MENU_NAME_DETECTION_COVERAGE_MAPPING, 'techniques (used to score the level of visibility)',
@ -352,22 +352,22 @@ def _menu_detection(filename_t):
if choice == '4':
print('Writing detection coverage layer...')
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, None, False)
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, None, False, None)
elif choice == '5':
filename_ds = _select_file(MENU_NAME_DETECTION_COVERAGE_MAPPING, 'data sources (used to add metadata on the '
'involved data sources to the heat map)',
print('Writing detection coverage layer with visibility as overlay...')
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, filename_ds, True)
generate_detection_layer(file_tech, filename_ds, True, None)
elif choice == '6':
print('Drawing the graph...')
plot_graph(file_tech, 'detection')
plot_graph(file_tech, 'detection', None)
elif choice == '7':
print('Generating Excel file...')
export_techniques_list_to_excel(file_tech, None)
elif choice == '8':
print('Checking the technique YAML file for errors...')
@ -430,19 +430,19 @@ def _menu_visibility(filename_t, filename_ds):
_menu_visibility(filename_t, filename_ds)
if choice == '4':
print('Writing visibility coverage layer...')
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, filename_ds, False)
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, filename_ds, False, None)
elif choice == '5':
print('Writing visibility coverage layer overlaid with detections...')
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, filename_ds, True)
generate_visibility_layer(file_tech, filename_ds, True, None)
elif choice == '6':
print('Drawing the graph...')
plot_graph(file_tech, 'visibility')
plot_graph(file_tech, 'visibility', None)
elif choice == '7':
print('Generating Excel file...')
export_techniques_list_to_excel(file_tech, None)
elif choice == '8':
print('Checking the technique YAML file for errors...')
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ def _menu_groups():
elif choice == '7':
if not generate_group_heat_map(groups, groups_overlay, overlay_type, default_stage, default_platform,
software_group, eql_query_visibility, eql_query_detection, False,
None, include_all_score_objs=eql_all_scores):

View File

@ -5,33 +5,35 @@ from datetime import datetime
# Imports for pandas and plotly are because of performance reasons in the function that uses these libraries.
def generate_detection_layer(filename_techniques, filename_data_sources, overlay):
def generate_detection_layer(filename_techniques, filename_data_sources, overlay, output_filename):
Generates layer for detection coverage and optionally an overlaid version with visibility coverage.
:param filename_techniques: the filename of the YAML file containing the techniques administration
:param filename_data_sources: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration
:param overlay: boolean value to specify if an overlay between detection and visibility should be generated
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
if not overlay:
my_techniques, name, platform = load_techniques(filename_techniques)
mapped_techniques_detection = _map_and_colorize_techniques_for_detections(my_techniques)
layer_detection = get_layer_template_detections('Detections ' + name, 'description', 'attack', platform)
_write_layer(layer_detection, mapped_techniques_detection, 'detection', name)
_write_layer(layer_detection, mapped_techniques_detection, 'detection', name, output_filename)
my_techniques, name, platform = load_techniques(filename_techniques)
my_data_sources = _load_data_sources(filename_data_sources)
mapped_techniques_both = _map_and_colorize_techniques_for_overlaid(my_techniques, my_data_sources, platform)
layer_both = get_layer_template_layered('Visibility and Detection ' + name, 'description', 'attack', platform)
_write_layer(layer_both, mapped_techniques_both, 'visibility_and_detection', name)
_write_layer(layer_both, mapped_techniques_both, 'visibility_and_detection', name, output_filename)
def generate_visibility_layer(filename_techniques, filename_data_sources, overlay):
def generate_visibility_layer(filename_techniques, filename_data_sources, overlay, output_filename):
Generates layer for visibility coverage and optionally an overlaid version with detection coverage.
:param filename_techniques: the filename of the YAML file containing the techniques administration
:param filename_data_sources: the filename of the YAML file containing the data sources administration
:param overlay: boolean value to specify if an overlay between detection and visibility should be generated
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
my_data_sources = _load_data_sources(filename_data_sources)
@ -40,19 +42,20 @@ def generate_visibility_layer(filename_techniques, filename_data_sources, overla
my_techniques, name, platform = load_techniques(filename_techniques)
mapped_techniques_visibility = _map_and_colorize_techniques_for_visibility(my_techniques, my_data_sources, platform)
layer_visibility = get_layer_template_visibility('Visibility ' + name, 'description', 'attack', platform)
_write_layer(layer_visibility, mapped_techniques_visibility, 'visibility', name)
_write_layer(layer_visibility, mapped_techniques_visibility, 'visibility', name, output_filename)
my_techniques, name, platform = load_techniques(filename_techniques)
mapped_techniques_both = _map_and_colorize_techniques_for_overlaid(my_techniques, my_data_sources, platform)
layer_both = get_layer_template_layered('Visibility and Detection ' + name, 'description', 'attack', platform)
_write_layer(layer_both, mapped_techniques_both, 'visibility_and_detection', name)
_write_layer(layer_both, mapped_techniques_both, 'visibility_and_detection', name, output_filename)
def plot_graph(filename, type_graph):
def plot_graph(filename, type_graph, output_filename):
Generates a line graph which shows the improvements on detections through the time.
:param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the techniques administration
:param type_graph: indicates the type of the graph: detection or visibility
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
@ -70,7 +73,11 @@ def plot_graph(filename, type_graph):
df = pd.DataFrame(graph_values).groupby('date', as_index=False)[['count']].sum()
df['cumcount'] = df['count'].cumsum()
output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/graph_%s' % type_graph, 'html')
if not output_filename:
output_filename = 'graph_' + type_graph
elif output_filename.endswith('.html'):
output_filename = output_filename.replace('.html', '')
output_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'html')
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
@ -108,19 +115,26 @@ def _load_data_sources(file):
return my_data_sources
def _write_layer(layer, mapped_techniques, filename_prefix, name):
def _write_layer(layer, mapped_techniques, filename_prefix, name, output_filename):
Writes the json layer file to disk.
:param layer: the prepped layer dictionary
:param mapped_techniques: the techniques section that will be included in the layer
:param filename_prefix: the prefix for the output filename
:param name: the name that will be used in the filename together with the prefix
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
layer['techniques'] = mapped_techniques
json_string = simplejson.dumps(layer).replace('}, ', '},\n')
write_file(filename_prefix, name, json_string)
if not output_filename:
output_filename = create_output_filename(filename_prefix, name)
if output_filename.endswith('.json'):
output_filename = output_filename.replace('.json', '')
if filename_prefix == 'visibility_and_detection':
output_filename += '_overlay'
write_file(output_filename, json_string)
def _map_and_colorize_techniques_for_detections(my_techniques):
@ -336,10 +350,11 @@ def _map_and_colorize_techniques_for_overlaid(my_techniques, my_data_sources, pl
return mapped_techniques
def export_techniques_list_to_excel(filename):
def export_techniques_list_to_excel(filename, output_filename):
Makes an overview of the MITRE ATT&CK techniques from the YAML administration file.
:param filename: the filename of the YAML file containing the techniques administration
:param output_filename: the output filename defined by the user
# pylint: disable=unused-variable
@ -347,7 +362,11 @@ def export_techniques_list_to_excel(filename):
my_techniques = dict(sorted(my_techniques.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0], reverse=False))
mitre_techniques = load_attack_data(DATA_TYPE_STIX_ALL_TECH)
excel_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/techniques', 'xlsx')
if not output_filename:
output_filename = 'techniques'
elif output_filename.endswith('.xlsx'):
output_filename = output_filename.replace('.xlsx', '')
excel_filename = get_non_existing_filename('output/' + output_filename, 'xlsx')
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(excel_filename)
worksheet_detections = workbook.add_worksheet('Detections')
worksheet_visibility = workbook.add_worksheet('Visibility')