mirror of https://github.com/infosecn1nja/C3.git
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285 lines
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#pragma once
#include "Procedures.h"
/// Gateway -> X [Agent|Route]
namespace FSecure::C3::Core::ProceduresG2X
/// Base for Gateway -> [Agent|Route] Queries.
struct QueryG2X : BaseQuery
/// Create Query from received packet.
/// @param sender device that received query.
/// @param destinationRid - destination route Id from packet.
/// @param procedureNo number identifying procedure.
/// @param packetAfterProcedureNumber body of query.
QueryG2X(std::weak_ptr<DeviceBridge> sender, RouteId destinationRid, ProceduresUnderlyingType procedureNo, ByteView packetAfterProcedureNumber)
: BaseQuery{ sender }
, m_GatewayPrivateSignature{nullptr}
, m_QueryPacketBody{ packetAfterProcedureNumber }
, m_ReceiverRid{ destinationRid }
// In the future - parse packet. Currently it's not used anywhere.
/// Creates Query that is empty and should be filled then sent.
/// @param propagation - type of propagation for this query
/// @param receiverRid - the route to propagate this message through
/// @param gatewayPrivateSignature - gateway's signature, used to encrypt and sign the message
/// @param responseType - requested response type [Not used]
QueryG2X(Propagation propagation, RouteId receiverRid, Crypto::PrivateSignature const& gatewayPrivateSignature, ResponseType responseType = ResponseType::None)
: BaseQuery{ responseType }
, m_GatewayPrivateSignature{ &gatewayPrivateSignature }
, m_Propagation{ propagation }
, m_ReceiverRid{ receiverRid }
/// @returns destination route Id
RouteId GetRecipientRouteId()
return m_ReceiverRid;
/// @returns packet body
ByteVector const& GetPacketBody()
return m_QueryPacketBody;
/// Constructs the following header: [G2X|(Signed[AID.IID|ProcedureNo|QueryBody])].
/// @return buffer containing whole packet.
ByteVector ComposeQueryPacket() const override
return CompileProtocolHeader().Concat(Crypto::SignMessage(m_ReceiverRid.ToByteVector().Concat(GetQueryHeader()).Concat(m_QueryPacketBody), *m_GatewayPrivateSignature));
const Crypto::PrivateSignature* const m_GatewayPrivateSignature; ///< Gateway signature used to sign the query.
ByteVector m_QueryPacketBody; ///< Whole Query packet along with all the headers.
/// Constructs the following header: [G2A/G2R].
/// @return buffer containing composed header.
ByteVector CompileProtocolHeader() const override
return ByteVector{}.Write(static_cast<ProtocolsUnderlyingType>(GetProtocol()));
/// @return Protocol type for propagation type.
Protocols GetProtocol() const
switch (m_Propagation)
case Propagation::Agent: return Protocols::G2A;
case Propagation::Route: return Protocols::G2R;
default: throw std::logic_error(OBF("Invalid propagation mode"));
/// @return Buffer with query header appropriate to propagation
ByteVector GetQueryHeader() const
switch (m_Propagation)
case Propagation::Agent: return {};
case Propagation::Route: return CompileQueryHeader();
default: throw std::logic_error(OBF("Invalid propagation mode"));
Propagation m_Propagation; ///< Propagation type for query
RouteId m_ReceiverRid; ///< This Query receiver RouteId
/// Helper to template creating Queries.
/// @tparam ProcedureNumber identifier for each query. Assure that only one type inherits from Query<> with unique identifier.
template<ProceduresUnderlyingType ProcedureNumber>
struct Query : QueryG2X
/// Get underlying number of procedure.
static constexpr ProceduresUnderlyingType GetProcedureNumberConstexpr() { return ProcedureNumber; }
/// Get underlying number of procedure.
ProceduresUnderlyingType GetProcedureNumber() const override { return GetProcedureNumberConstexpr(); }
/// Forwarded constructors.
using QueryG2X::QueryG2X;
/// Helper to template creating Queries to Agent
/// @tparam ProcedureNumber identifier for each query. Assure that only one type inherits from Query<> with unique identifier.
template<ProceduresUnderlyingType ProcedureNumber>
struct QueryToAgent : Query<ProcedureNumber>
/// Encrypts and sets query body
/// @param queryPacketBody plaintext body of query
/// @param agentPublicKey - recipient agent's public key
/// @param gatewayPrivateKey - gateawy private key
void EncrpytQueryWithBody(ByteView queryPacketBody, Crypto::PublicKey const& agentPublicKey, Crypto::PrivateKey const& gatewayPrivateKey)
m_QueryPacketBody = Crypto::EncryptAndAuthenticate(CompileQueryHeader().Concat(queryPacketBody), agentPublicKey, gatewayPrivateKey);
/// Forwarded constructors.
using Query<ProcedureNumber>::Query;
using Query<ProcedureNumber>::CompileQueryHeader;
using Query<ProcedureNumber>::m_QueryPacketBody;
/// Helper to template creating Queries to Route
/// @tparam ProcedureNumber identifier for each query. Assure that only one type inherits from Query<> with unique identifier.
template<ProceduresUnderlyingType ProcedureNumber>
struct QueryToRoute : Query<ProcedureNumber>
/// Forwarded constructors.
using Query<ProcedureNumber>::Query;
/// Query agent to run a command
struct RunCommandOnAgentQuery final : QueryToAgent<0>
/// Create new instance.
/// @param receiverRid - destination route id
/// @param gatewayPrivateSignature - gateway's private signature
/// @param agentPublicKey - destination agent's public key
/// @param gatewayPrivateKey - gateway's private key
/// @param commandWithArguments - plaintext command with it's arguments in binary form
/// @param responseType - [Not used]
/// @returns a new query instance
static std::unique_ptr<RunCommandOnAgentQuery> Create(RouteId receiverRid, Crypto::PrivateSignature const& gatewayPrivateSignature, Crypto::PublicKey const& agentPublicKey, Crypto::PrivateKey const& gatewayPrivateKey, ByteView commandWithArguments, ResponseType responseType = ResponseType::None)
auto query = std::make_unique<RunCommandOnAgentQuery>(Propagation::Agent, receiverRid, gatewayPrivateSignature, responseType);
query->EncrpytQueryWithBody(commandWithArguments, agentPublicKey, gatewayPrivateKey);
return query;
/// Inherit Constructors.
using QueryToAgent::QueryToAgent;
/// Query to add a new route (eg. to new agent)
struct AddRoute final : QueryToRoute<1>
/// Create new instance.
/// @param receiverRid - destination route id
/// @param gatewayPrivateSignature - gateway's private signature
/// @param commandWithArguments - plaintext command with it's arguments in binary form
/// @param responseType - [Not used]
/// @returns a new query instance
static std::unique_ptr<AddRoute> Create(RouteId receiverRid, Crypto::PrivateSignature const& gatewayPrivateSignature, ByteView commandWithArguments, ResponseType responseType = ResponseType::None)
auto query = std::make_unique<AddRoute>(Propagation::Route, receiverRid, gatewayPrivateSignature, responseType);
query->m_QueryPacketBody = commandWithArguments;
return query;
/// Inherit Constructors.
using QueryToRoute::QueryToRoute;
/// Query agent to run command on it's device
struct RunCommandOnDeviceQuery final : QueryToAgent<2>
/// Create new instance.
/// @param receiverRid - destination route id
/// @param gatewayPrivateSignature - gateway's private signature
/// @param agentPublicKey - destination agent's public key
/// @param gatewayPrivateKey - gateway's private key
/// @param deviceToRunOn - device which should execute command
/// @param commandWithArguments - plaintext command with it's arguments in binary form
/// @param responseType - [Not used]
/// @returns a new query instance
static std::unique_ptr<RunCommandOnDeviceQuery> Create(RouteId receiverRid, Crypto::PrivateSignature const& gatewayPrivateSignature, Crypto::PublicKey const& agentPublicKey, Crypto::PrivateKey const& gatewayPrivateKey, DeviceId deviceToRunOn, ByteView commandWithArguments, ResponseType responseType = ResponseType::None)
auto query = std::make_unique<RunCommandOnDeviceQuery>(Propagation::Agent, receiverRid, gatewayPrivateSignature, responseType);
query->EncrpytQueryWithBody(deviceToRunOn.ToByteVector().Concat(commandWithArguments), agentPublicKey, gatewayPrivateKey);
return query;
/// Inherit Constructors.
using QueryToAgent::QueryToAgent;
/// Query agent to run command on it's device
struct DeliverToBinder final : QueryToAgent<3>
/// Create new instance.
/// @param receiverRid - destination route id
/// @param gatewayPrivateSignature - gateway's private signature
/// @param agentPublicKey - destination agent's public key
/// @param gatewayPrivateKey - gateway's private key
/// @param deliverTo - device to deliver message to
/// @param commandWithArguments - message to binder
/// @param responseType - [Not used]
/// @returns a new query instance
static std::unique_ptr<DeliverToBinder> Create(RouteId receiverRid, Crypto::PrivateSignature const& gatewayPrivateSignature, Crypto::PublicKey const& agentPublicKey, Crypto::PrivateKey const& gatewayPrivateKey, DeviceId deliverTo, ByteView commandWithArguments, ResponseType responseType = ResponseType::None)
auto query = std::make_unique<DeliverToBinder>(Propagation::Agent, receiverRid, gatewayPrivateSignature, responseType);
query->EncrpytQueryWithBody(deliverTo.ToByteVector().Concat(commandWithArguments), agentPublicKey, gatewayPrivateKey);
return query;
/// Inherit Constructors.
using QueryToAgent::QueryToAgent;
/// Base class for G2X queries request handler
struct RequestHandler
/// Destructor
virtual ~RequestHandler() = default;
/// empty RunCommandOnAgentQuery handler
virtual void On(RunCommandOnAgentQuery) {};
/// empty AddRoute handler
virtual void On(AddRoute) {};
/// empty RunCommandOnDeviceQuery handler
virtual void On(RunCommandOnDeviceQuery) {};
/// empty DeliverToBinder handler
virtual void On(DeliverToBinder) {};
/// Dispatch the query packet to suitable handler
/// @param sender - device that originally received packet
/// @param destinationRoute - destination route of this packet
/// @param packetAtProcedureNumber - query packet starting with procedure number
void ParseRequestAndHandleIt(std::weak_ptr<DeviceBridge> sender, RouteId destinationRoute, ByteView packetAtProcedureNumber)
auto procedureNo = ReadProcedureNo(packetAtProcedureNumber);
HandleQuery(sender, destinationRoute, procedureNo, packetAtProcedureNumber);
/// Dispatch the query packet to suitable handler
/// @param sender - device that originally received packet
/// @param destinationRoute - destination route of this packet
/// @param procedureNo - query procedure number
/// @param packetAfterProcedureNumber - query packet without procedure number
void HandleQuery(std::weak_ptr<DeviceBridge> sender, RouteId destinationRoute, ProceduresUnderlyingType procedureNo, ByteView packetAfterProcedureNumber)
switch (procedureNo)
case RunCommandOnAgentQuery::GetProcedureNumberConstexpr():
return On(RunCommandOnAgentQuery{ sender, destinationRoute, procedureNo, packetAfterProcedureNumber });
case AddRoute::GetProcedureNumberConstexpr():
return On(AddRoute{sender, destinationRoute, procedureNo, packetAfterProcedureNumber});
case RunCommandOnDeviceQuery::GetProcedureNumberConstexpr():
return On(RunCommandOnDeviceQuery{sender, destinationRoute, procedureNo, packetAfterProcedureNumber});
case DeliverToBinder::GetProcedureNumberConstexpr():
return On(DeliverToBinder{ sender, destinationRoute, procedureNo, packetAfterProcedureNumber });
throw std::invalid_argument{ OBF("Unknown G2X Query Procedure number: ") + std::to_string(procedureNo) + '.' };