
141 lines
6.5 KiB

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "QualityOfService.h"
#include "RouteId.h"
#include "Common/FSecure/CppTools/ScopeGuard.h"
uint32_t FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::GetOutgouingPacketId()
return m_OutgouingPacketId++;
FSecure::ByteVector FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::GetNextPacket()
auto it = std::find_if(m_ReciveQueue.begin(), m_ReciveQueue.end(), [](auto& e) {return e.second.IsReady(); });
if (it == m_ReciveQueue.end())
return {};
auto ret = it->second.Read();
return ret;
bool FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::PushReceivedChunk(ByteView chunkWithHeader)
if (chunkWithHeader.size() <= QualityOfService::s_HeaderSize) // Data is to short to even be chunk of packet.
return false; // skip this chunk. there is nothing that can be done with it. If sender knows it pushed chunk to short it will retransmit it.
auto [mId, cId, expectedSize] = chunkWithHeader.Read<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t>();
return PushReceivedChunk(mId, cId, expectedSize, chunkWithHeader);
bool FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::PushReceivedChunk(uint32_t packetId, uint32_t chunkId, uint32_t expectedSize, ByteView chunk)
if (chunk.size() < QualityOfService::s_MinBodySize && chunk.size() != expectedSize)
return false;
auto it = m_ReciveQueue.find(packetId);
if (it == m_ReciveQueue.end())
it = m_ReciveQueue.emplace(packetId, Packet{ chunkId, expectedSize, ByteVector{ chunk } }).first;
it->second.PushNextChunk(chunkId, expectedSize, ByteVector{ chunk });
if (chunkId == 0)
return true;
FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::Packet::Packet(uint32_t chunkId, uint32_t expectedSize, ByteVector chunk)
m_Size += static_cast<uint32_t>(chunk.size());
m_Chunks.emplace(chunkId, std::move(chunk));
void FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::Packet::PushNextChunk(uint32_t chunkId, uint32_t expectedSize, ByteVector chunk)
if (auto it = m_Chunks.find(chunkId); it != m_Chunks.end())
throw std::runtime_error{ OBF("QoS error. Received chunk of packet was already set") };
m_Size += static_cast<uint32_t>(chunk.size());
m_Chunks.emplace(chunkId, std::move(chunk));
FSecure::ByteVector FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::Packet::Read()
if (!IsReady())
throw std::runtime_error{ OBF("QoS error. Packet is not ready") };
ByteVector ret;
auto data = ret.data();
for (auto&& e : m_Chunks)
memcpy(data, e.second.data(), e.second.size());
data += e.second.size();
return ret;
bool FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::Packet::IsReady()
if (m_ExpectedSize == 0) // packet nr 0 was not set.
return false;
if (m_Size > m_ExpectedSize) // sanity check
throw std::runtime_error{ OBF("QoS error. Packet size is longer than expected, wrong chunks must been set.") };
return m_Size == m_ExpectedSize;
void FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::Packet::SetExpectedSize(uint32_t size)
m_ExpectedSize = size;
FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::PacketSplitter FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::GetPacketSplitter(ByteView data)
return { data, GetOutgouingPacketId() };
FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::PacketSplitter::PacketSplitter(ByteView data, uint32_t id)
: m_Data{ data }, m_PacketId{ id }, m_ChunkId{ 0 }
bool FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::PacketSplitter::Update(size_t sent)
auto dataSent = sent - QualityOfService::s_HeaderSize;
if (sent < QualityOfService::s_MinFrameSize && dataSent != m_Data.size() )
return false;
return true;
FSecure::ByteVector FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::PacketSplitter::NextChunk() const
return ByteVector::Create(m_PacketId, m_ChunkId, static_cast<uint32_t>(m_Data.size())).Concat(m_Data);
bool FSecure::C3::QualityOfService::PacketSplitter::HasMore() const
return !m_Data.empty();