# Aggressor Scripts Collection of Aggressor scripts for Cobalt Strike 3.0+ pulled from multiple sources * All_In_One.cna v1 * All purpose script to enhance the user's experience with cobaltstrike. Custom menu creation, Logging, Persistence, Enumeration, and 3rd party script integration. * Thanks to @rsmudge, @enigma0x3, @harmj0y, PowerShell Mafia folks, Nathan Wray, @Und3rFl0w, @oldb00t, bluescreenofjeff for all the help and code snippets. * Script must reside in /opt/cobaltstrike/ directory. (Location can be changed inside the script) **All_In_One.cna Dependencies:** Parent Folder/Files: /opt/cobaltstrike/All_In_One.cna /opt/cobaltstrike/av_hips_executables.txt /opt/cobaltstrike/logs.py Sub Folders: /opt/cobaltstrike/scripts/ /opt/cobaltstrike/Payloads/ /opt/cobaltstrike/modules/ Elevate Kit (Licensed Users Only) * Logger.cna * Logging script that captures all the Beacon outputs. Formats the Beacon input line to display timestamps. Use with logs.py to export all the logs for each operator. * All logs will be created inside the /opt/cobaltstrike/logs/ directory ![logs](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/27856212/25580186/b85454fe-2e4c-11e7-91e1-10ab88d4e3fe.png) ![logs1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/27856212/25580187/ba60dbbe-2e4c-11e7-8a37-7cfb124d99e9.png) **Logger.cna Dependencies:** Parent Folder: /opt/cobaltstrike/Logger.cna /opt/cobaltstrike/av_hips_executables.txt /opt/cobaltstrike/logs.py * logs.py * Author: Matthew Merrill @merrillmatt011 * Python Script to parse all cobalt input/output logs and export into a HTML document * *Still in Beta Stage * Syntax: ./logs.py [Teamserver NickName] * ArtifactPayloadGenerator.cna * Generates every type of Stageless/Staged Payload based off a HTTP/HTTPS Listener * Creates /opt/cobaltstrike/Staged_Payloads, /opt/cobaltstrike/Stageless_Payloads