REM Assign $FOO to 42 VAR $FOO = 42 REM The variable is now 42. REM Let’s add it by 1. $FOO = ( $FOO + 1 ) REM The variable is now 43: the sum of 42 and 1. REM Let’s subtract it by 1. $FOO = ( $FOO - 1 ) REM The variable is now 42 (again): REM the difference of 42 and 1. REM Let’s multiply it by 2. $FOO = ( $FOO * 2 ) REM The variable is now 84: REM the product of 42 and 2. REM Let’s divide it by 2. $FOO = ( $FOO / 2 ) REM The variable is now 42 (again): REM the quotient of 82 and 2. REM Let’s modulus it by 4. $FOO = ( $FOO % 4 ) REM The variable is now 2: REM the signed remainder of 42 and 4. REM Let’s raise it to the power of 6. $FOO = ( $FOO ^ 6 ) REM Our variable is now 64: REM the exponent of 2 and 6.