REM Example FUNCTION with RETURN ATTACKMODE HID DELAY 2000 BUTTON_DEF STRING ! END_BUTTON FUNCTION TEST_BUTTON() STRING Press the button within the next 5 seconds. VAR $TIMER = 5 WHILE ($TIMER > 0) STRING . DELAY 1000 $TIMER = ($TIMER - 1) END_WHILE ENTER IF ($_BUTTON_PUSH_RECEIVED == TRUE) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE IF ($_BUTTON_PUSH_RECEIVED == FALSE) THEN RETURN FALSE END_IF END_FUNCTION IF (TEST_BUTTON() == TRUE) THEN STRINGLN The button was pressed! ELSE STRINGLN The button was not pressed! END_IF REM When the IF statement on line 26 checks the condition of the function TEST_BUTTON, the function is called and executed. REM Based on whether or not the button is pressed, the RETURN value (lines 19 and 21) will be set to TRUE or FALSE. REM The IF statement on line 26 evaluates the RETURN of the function TEST_BUTTON and types the result accordingly.