REM Example Random Keys ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE DELAY 2000 BUTTON_DEF RANDOM_CHARACTER END_BUTTON STRINGLN Here are 10 random lowercase letters: VAR $TIMES = 10 WHILE ($TIMES > 0) RANDOM_LOWERCASE_LETTER $TIMES = ($TIMES - 1) END_WHILE ENTER ENTER STRINGLN Here are 20 random numbers: VAR $TIMES = 20 WHILE ($TIMES > 0) RANDOM_NUMBER $TIMES = ($TIMES - 1) END_WHILE ENTER ENTER STRINGLN Here are 3 random special characters: RANDOM_SPECIAL RANDOM_SPECIAL RANDOM_SPECIAL STRINGLN Press the button for a random character: REM This payload will type: REM 10 random lowercase letters, per the while loop. REM 20 random numbers, per the while loop. REM 3 random special characters. REM The payload will then instruct the user to press the button. REM On each press of the button, the BUTTON_DEF will execute. REM This special functions contains the RANDOM_CHARACTER command, and thus a random character will be typed.