#!/bin/bash # Shark Jack # # sharkjack.sh - Helper script for linux/OSX for convenient interaction with your Hak5 Shark Jack # (C) Hak5 2019 #VERSION=1.0.0 function exitscript(){ echo -e "\nExited\n" exit $1 } function err() { echo -e "\n[FATAL] $1\n" exitscript 1 } function cleart() { printf "\033c" } function banner(){ cleart echo -e "\n\n\n\n########################################################\n\n\n" printf "\ \_____)\_____ Shark Jack _____/(_____/ /--v____ __°< by Hak5 >°__ ____v--\\ )/ \( " echo -e "\n\n########################################################\n\n" } function iptables_check() { if [[ -z $(which iptables) ]]; then err "[!] iptables required to detect Shark on linux" fi } function os_check() { if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then echo -e "\nOSX Detected\n" OS=1 elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then err "Cygwin not supported" else OS=0 iptables_check fi } function root_check() { if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then printf "\n%s\n" "Please re-run as root" usage exitscript 1 fi } function connection_error(){ IFACE='' printf "\n%s\n" "[!] error communicating with the Shark Jack" } function connection_check(){ sleep 1 ping -c 1 &>/dev/null && echo -e " [+] Shark Jack Detected..." && return 0 connection_error && return 1 } function locate_interface_to_shark() { printf "\n%s" 'Waiting for a Shark Jack to be connected..' while [[ -z $IFACE ]]; do printf "%s" . IFACE=$(ip route show to match 2>/dev/null| grep -i | cut -d ' ' -f3 | grep -v sleep 1 done echo -e "\n" connection_check || locate_interface_to_shark } function osx_locate_interface_to_shark(){ printf "\n%s" 'Waiting for a Shark Jack to be connected..' while [[ -z $IFACE ]]; do printf "%s" . IFACE=$(ifconfig |cut -d ' ' -f1 |grep en|cut -d ':' -f1 | xargs -I {} sh -c "ipconfig getifaddr {}|grep -i 172.16.24 &>/dev/null && echo {}") sleep 1 done echo -e "\n" connection_check || osx_locate_interface_to_shark } function locate_shark(){ if [[ $OS -eq 1 ]]; then osx_locate_interface_to_shark else locate_interface_to_shark fi } function ssh_connect(){ printf "\n\tLogging into Shark Jack...\n\n" printf "\n\t[!] Ensure Shark Jack is in Arming Mode (middle switch position) or connection will be refused...\n\n\n" ssh root@ || return 1 } function connect() { locate_shark printf "\n\tAttempting to establish SSH connection...\n" ssh_connect || return 1 } function check_ip6tables_rule_exists(){ if [[ -z $(ip6tables -vL|grep $IFACE) ]];then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } function cleanup() { printf "\n%s\n" "[!] Cleaning up..." } function get_payload_path(){ read -p "FULL PATH to payload (q to return to menu): " PAYLOADPATH if [[ $PAYLOADPATH == "q" ]]; then cleart printf "\n%s\n" "[!] Returning to main menu..." sleep 2 main_menu else [[ ! -e $PAYLOADPATH ]] && printf "\n%s\n" "[!] $PAYLOADPATH does not exist" && sleep 2 && main_menu fi } function push_payload(){ echo -e "\n [+] Push Payload to Shark Jack" echo -e "\n----------------------------------------" get_payload_path locate_shark echo -e "\n [+] Pushing payload to device..." EXPANDEDPATH=$(echo $PAYLOADPATH |cd) scp -r $EXPANDEDPATH root@ && echo -e "\n [+] Payload copied to Shark" || echo -e "\n [!] ERROR copying paylod to Shark" exitscript 0 } function connect_and_upgrade(){ echo -e "\n [+] Upgrading Shark Jack firmware" echo -e "\n----------------------------------------" locate_shark upgrade_firmware } function path_firmware_upgrade(){ read -p "Path (including filename) to Shark Jack firmware file (q to return to menu): " FWFILEPATH if [[ $FWFILEPATH == "q" ]]; then cleart printf "\n%s\n" "[!] Returning to main menu..." sleep 2 main_menu else [[ -z $FWFILEPATH ]] && printf "\n%s\n" "[!] $FWFILEPATH does not exist" && sleep 2&& local_file_menu && main_menu || connect_and_upgrade fi } function download_latest_fw(){ echo -e "\n Downloading latest Shark Jack firmware\n" echo -e "\n----------------------------------------\n" curl -L https://downloads.hak5.org/api/devices/sharkjack/firmwares/latest --output shark-upgrade.bin && echo -e "\n [+] Firmware download complete!\n\n" || err "[!] Firmware Download Failed" FWFILEPATH="shark-upgrade.bin" connect_and_upgrade } function ls_cwd(){ banner echo -e "\n Listing .bin files in current working directory: $(pwd) \n" ls -l $(pwd) |grep -i '.bin' echo -e "\n----------------------------------------\n" local_file_menu } function local_file_menu(){ echo -e "\n Upgrade Shark Jack firmware using local file" echo -e "\n----------------------------------------" echo -e "\n Where is the new Shark Jack firmware file located? " printf "\n\ [$(tput bold)L$(tput sgr0)]ist bins in current directory\n\ \n\ [$(tput bold)P$(tput sgr0)]rovide path to file\n\n\ [$(tput bold)M$(tput sgr0)]ain Menu\n\ [$(tput bold)Q$(tput sgr0)]uit\n\n" read -r -sn1 key case "$key" in [lL]) ls_cwd;; [pP]) path_firmware_upgrade;; [mM]) main_menu;; [qQ]) exitscript 0;; *) local_file_menu;; esac } function reset_key(){ printf "\n\tRemoving Shark Jack key from known_hosts file...\n\n" HOMEDIR=$(eval echo "~$USER") ssh-keygen -f "$HOMEDIR/.ssh/known_hosts" -R } function do_sysupgrade(){ printf "\n%s\n" "User Confirmed Power Source, continuing with upgrade..." echo -e "\n Shark Jack Firmware Upgrade" echo -e "\n----------------------------------------" printf "\n%s\n\n" "Logging into Shark Jack to Start Upgrade..." ssh root@ -t 'sysupgrade -n /tmp/upgrade.bin' trap '' SIGINT banner printf "\n%s\n" "[!] DO NOT UNPLUG THE DEVICE UNTIL IT HAS REBOOTED" printf "\n%s\n" "[!] Shark Jack Firmware Upgrading..." COUNT=0 while [[ $COUNT -lt 146 ]]; do printf "%s" . COUNT=($COUNT+1) sleep 1 done trap - SIGINT reset_key printf "\n%s\n" "Ready to attempt reconnection to your newly upgraded Shark Jack..." exitscript 0 } function upgrade_firmware(){ printf "\n%s\n\n" "Copying Firmware to Shark Jack..." scp $FWFILEPATH root@ cleart printf "\n%s\n" "ONCE STARTED - DO NOT UNPLUG THE DEVICE FROM NETWORK OR POWER" printf "\n%s\n" "[!] SHARK JACK MUST BE POWERED OVER USB-C [!]" printf "\n%s\n" "[!][!] Attempting Firmware Upgrade ON BATTERY will likely brick your device. [!][!]" echo -e "\nFirmware File to Flash: $FWFILEPATH" ls -lah $FWFILEPATH echo "Checksum:" sha256sum $FWFILEPATH echo -e "\nIs your Shark Jack connected to a good power source and is the file listed above correct?" printf "\n\ [$(tput bold)Y$(tput sgr0)]es / Continue\n\ [$(tput bold)N$(tput sgr0)]o / Abort\n\n\ [$(tput bold)M$(tput sgr0)]ain Menu / Abort\n\ [$(tput bold)Q$(tput sgr0)]uit / Abort\n\n" read -r -sn1 key case "$key" in [yY]) do_sysupgrade;; [nN]) echo -e "\n[!] Connect Shark Jack to Power over USB-C to upgrade firmware"; exitscript 1;; [mM]) main_menu;; [qQ]) exitscript 0;; *) echo -e "\n Unrecognized response, Exiting for safety"; exitscript 1;; esac } function upgrade_process_menu(){ banner echo -e "\n Shark Jack Firmware Upgrade Menu" echo -e "\n----------------------------------------\n" printf "\n\ [$(tput bold)D$(tput sgr0)]ownload latest firmware from downloads.hak5.org\n\ [$(tput bold)L$(tput sgr0)]ocal firmware file\n\n\ [$(tput bold)M$(tput sgr0)]ain Menu\n\ [$(tput bold)Q$(tput sgr0)]uit\n\n" read -r -sn1 key case "$key" in [lL]) banner && local_file_menu;; [dD]) banner && download_latest_fw;; [mM]) main_menu;; [qQ]) exitscript 0;; *) upgrade_process_menu;; esac } function get_loot(){ locate_shark printf "\n%s\n\n" "Logging into Shark Jack to pull collected loot..." scp -r root@ . exitscript 0 } function setup_shark(){ locate_shark echo -e "\nCopy ssh key to shark for passwordless login" echo -e "\n------------------------------------------------\n" HOMEDIR=$(eval echo "~$USER") echo -e "\n Listing : $HOMEDIR/.ssh \n" ls -l $HOMEDIR/.ssh echo -e "\n----------------------------------------\n" if [[ -z $(ls -l $HOMEDIR/.ssh|grep -i .pub) ]]; then echo -e "\nNo key found. Calling ssh-keygen to create a new one...\n" ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 fi read -p "FULL PATH to your SSH key or hit enter to use the default ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (q to return to menu): " SSHKEYPATH if [[ $SSHKEYPATH == "q" ]]; then cleart printf "\n%s\n" "[!] Returning to main menu..." sleep 2 main_menu else [[ -e $SSHKEYPATH ]] && printf "\n%s\n" "[!] $SSHKEYPATH does not exist" && sleep 2 && main_menu fi if [[ -z $SSHKEYPATH ]]; then ssh-copy-id -i root@ else ssh-copy-id -i $SSHKEYPATH "root@" fi exitscript 0 } function main_menu() { banner if [[ $OS -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "\n\n OSX DETECTED \n\n" fi printf "\n\ Press the highlighted key to select an option (example: press C to connect)\n\n\ [$(tput bold)C$(tput sgr0)]onnect - get a shell on your Shark Jack\n\ [$(tput bold)U$(tput sgr0)]pgrade firmware\n\ [$(tput bold)P$(tput sgr0)]ush payload to Shark Jack\n\ [$(tput bold)G$(tput sgr0)]et loot saved on Shark Jack\n\n\ [$(tput bold)R$(tput sgr0)]eset known_hosts keys for the Shark Jack on this system\n\ [$(tput bold)S$(tput sgr0)]etup ssh keys for easy access\n\ [$(tput bold)Q$(tput sgr0)]uit\n\n" read -r -sn1 key case "$key" in [cC]) connect;; [uU]) upgrade_process_menu;; [pP]) push_payload;; [gG]) get_loot;; [rR]) reset_key;; [sS]) setup_shark;; [qQ]) exitscript 0;; *) main_menu;; esac } # Validate priv / iptables root_check os_check main_menu echo -e "\nDone\n" trap cleanup INT exitscript 0