
244 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable File

colors=(0 0 0)
pattern=(1 0 0 0 0 0)
function convert() {
echo $([[ $1 -lt 20 ]] && echo 0.02 || echo $1 1000 | awk '{ print $1/$2 }')
function parse_color() {
case $1 in
colors=(1 0 0)
colors=(0 1 0)
colors=(0 0 1)
colors=(1 1 0)
colors=(0 1 1)
colors=(1 0 1)
colors=(1 1 1)
return 1
function parse_pattern() {
local INVERTED="0"
[[ "$(echo $1 | head -c1)" == "I" ]] && {
case $1 in
pattern=(0 0 1 $(convert 1000) $(convert 1000) 1)
pattern=(0 0 1 $(convert 100) $(convert 100) 1)
pattern=(0 0 1 $(convert 10) $(convert 10) 1)
pattern=(0 $INVERTED 1 $(convert 100) $(convert 1000) 1)
pattern=(0 $INVERTED 2 $(convert 100) $(convert 1000) 1)
pattern=(0 $INVERTED 3 $(convert 100) $(convert 1000) 1)
pattern=(0 $INVERTED 4 $(convert 100) $(convert 1000) 1)
pattern=(0 $INVERTED 5 $(convert 100) $(convert 1000) 1)
pattern=(0 0 1 $(convert 10) $(convert 10) 0)
[[ $1 =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]] && pattern=(0 0 1 $(convert $1) $(convert $1) 1) || pattern=(1 0 0 0 0 0)
return 0
function parse_state() {
local STATENUM="1"
[[ $1 =~ ^[A-Z]+[1-5]$ ]] && {
STATENUM="${1: -1}"
case $1 in
parse_color "M"
parse_pattern "SOLID"
"FAIL" | FAIL[1-3])
parse_color "R"
parse_pattern "SLOW"
pattern[3]=$(convert $(echo -n 1000 | head -c $((5-$STATENUM))))
"ATTACK" | STAGE[1-5])
parse_color "Y"
parse_pattern "SINGLE"
parse_color "C"
parse_pattern "ISINGLE"
parse_color "W"
parse_pattern "FAST"
parse_color "G"
parse_pattern "SUCCESS"
return 1
return 0
function clear_led() {
echo 0 > $RED_LED 2>&1
echo 0 > $GREEN_LED 2>&1
echo 0 > $BLUE_LED 2>&1
function light_led() {
echo ${colors[0]} > $RED_LED 2>&1
echo ${colors[1]} > $GREEN_LED 2>&1
echo ${colors[2]} > $BLUE_LED 2>&1
function blink_loop() {
local sc=1
until [[ "$sc" == "10" ]]; do
for i in $(seq 1 ${pattern[2]}); do
[[ "${pattern[1]}" == "0" ]] && light_led || clear_led
sleep ${pattern[3]}
[[ "${pattern[1]}" == "0" ]] && clear_led || light_led
sleep ${pattern[3]}
sleep ${pattern[4]}
[[ "${pattern[5]}" == "0" ]] && sc=$((sc+1))
[[ "${pattern[5]}" == "0" ]] && light_led
function run_led() {
parse_state $1 || {
parse_color $1 || return 1
[[ "$#" == "2" ]] && parse_pattern $2
[[ "${pattern[0]}" == "1" ]] && {
light_led &
return 0
} || {
blink_loop &
return 0
return 1
function show_usage() {
cat << EOF
R Red
G Green
B Blue
Y, R G Yellow (Commonly known as Amber)
C, G B Cyan (Commonly known as Light Blue)
M, R B Magenta (Commonly known as Violet or Purple)
W, R G B White (Combination of R + G + B)
SOLID *Default. No blink. Used if pattern argument is omitted
SLOW Symmetric 1000ms ON, 1000ms OFF, repeating
FAST Symmetric 100ms ON, 100ms OFF, repeating
VERYFAST Symmetric 10ms ON, 10ms OFF, repeating
SINGLE 1 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
DOUBLE 2 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
TRIPLE 3 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
QUAD 4 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
QUIN 5 100ms blink(s) ON followed by 1 second OFF, repeating
ISINGLE 1 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
IDOUBLE 2 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
ITRIPLE 3 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
IQUAD 4 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
IQUIN 5 100ms blink(s) OFF followed by 1 second ON, repeating
SUCCESS 1000ms VERYFAST blink followed by SOLID
# Custom value in ms for continuous symmetric blinking
In addition to the combinations of COLORS and PATTERNS listed above,
these standardized LED STATES may be used to indicate payload status:
SETUP M SOLID Magenta solid
FAIL R SLOW Red slow blink
FAIL1 R SLOW Red slow blink
FAIL2 R FAST Red fast blink
FAIL3 R VERYFAST Red very fast blink
ATTACK Y SINGLE Yellow single blink
STAGE1 Y SINGLE Yellow single blink
STAGE2 Y DOUBLE Yellow double blink
STAGE3 Y TRIPLE Yellow triple blink
STAGE4 Y QUAD Yellow quadruple blink
STAGE5 Y QUIN Yellow quintuple blink
SPECIAL C ISINGLE Cyan inverted single blink
SPECIAL1 C ISINGLE Cyan inverted single blink
SPECIAL2 C IDOUBLE Cyan inverted double blink
SPECIAL3 C ITRIPLE Cyan inverted triple blink
SPECIAL4 C IQUAD Cyan inverted quadruple blink
SPECIAL5 C IQUIN Cyan inverted quintuple blink
CLEANUP W FAST White fast blink
FINISH G SUCCESS Green very fast blink followed by SOLID
OFF Turns the LED off
LED M 500
ps | grep LED | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v $$ | xargs kill -9 &> /dev/null
run_led $@ || show_usage