
210 lines
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package overseer
// TODO(@jpillora) borrowed from https://github.com/aisola/go-coreutils/blob/master/mv/mv.go
// mv.go (go-coreutils) 0.1
// Copyright (C) 2014, The GO-Coreutils Developers.
// Written By: Abram C. Isola, Michael Murphy
// package main
// import "bufio"
// import "flag"
// import "fmt"
// import "io"
// import "os"
// import "path/filepath"
// const (
// help_text string = `
// Usage: mv [OPTION]... [PATH]... [PATH]
// or: mv [PATH] [PATH]
// or: mv [OPTION]
// move or rename files or directories
// --help display this help and exit
// --version output version information and exit
// -f, --force remove existing destination files and never prompt the user
// ` // -v, --verbose print the name of each file before moving it
// version_text = `
// mv (go-coreutils) 0.1
// Copyright (C) 2014, The GO-Coreutils Developers.
// This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see
// LICENSE. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute
// it under certain conditions in LICENSE.
// `
// )
// var (
// forceEnabled = flag.Bool("f", false, "remove existing destination files and never prompt the user")
// forceEnabledLong = flag.Bool("force", false, "remove existing destination files and never prompt the user")
// )
// // The input function prints a statement to the user and accepts an input, then returns the input.
// func input(prompt, location string) string {
// fmt.Printf(prompt, location)
// reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
// userinput, _ := reader.ReadString([]byte("\n")[0])
// return userinput
// }
// // The fileExists function will check if the file exists.
// func fileExists(filep string) os.FileInfo {
// fp, err := os.Stat(filep)
// if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
// return nil
// }
// return fp
// }
// /* The argumentCheck function will check the number of arguments given to the program and process them
// * accordingly. */
// func argumentCheck(files []string) {
// switch len(files) {
// case 0: // If there is no argument
// fmt.Println("mv: missing file operand\nTry 'mv -help' for more information")
// os.Exit(0)
// case 1: // If there is one argument
// fmt.Printf("mv: missing destination file operand after '%s'\nTry 'mv -help' for more information.\n", files[0])
// os.Exit(0)
// case 2: // If there are two arguments
// mover(files[0], files[1])
// default: // If there are more than two arguments
// to_file, files := files[len(files)-1], files[:len(files)-1]
// if fp := fileExists(to_file); fp == nil || !fp.IsDir() {
// fmt.Println("mv: when moving multiple files, last argument must be a directory")
// os.Exit(0)
// } else {
// fmt.Println(files)
// for i := 0; i < len(files); i++ {
// mover(files[i], to_file)
// }
// os.Exit(0)
// }
// }
// }
// /* The mover function will take two strings as an argument and move the original file/dir to
// * a new location. */
// func mover(originalLocation, newLocation string) {
// fp := fileExists(newLocation)
// switch {
// case fileExists(originalLocation) == nil: // If the original file does not exist
// fmt.Printf("mv: cannot stat '%s': No such file or directory\n", originalLocation)
// os.Exit(0)
// case fp != nil && !*forceEnabled: // If the destination file does not exist and forceEnabled is disabled
// if fp.IsDir() {
// base := filepath.Base(originalLocation)
// if fp2 := fileExists(newLocation + "/" + base); fp2 != nil && !*forceEnabled {
// answer := input("File '%s' exists. Overwrite? (y/N): ", newLocation+"/"+base)
// if answer == "y\n" {
// try_move(originalLocation, newLocation+"/"+base)
// } else {
// os.Exit(0)
// }
// } else if fp2 != nil && *forceEnabled {
// try_move(originalLocation, newLocation+"/"+base)
// } else if fp2 == nil {
// try_move(originalLocation, newLocation+"/"+base)
// }
// } else {
// answer := input("File '%s' exists. Overwrite? (y/N): ", newLocation)
// if answer == "y\n" {
// try_move(originalLocation, newLocation)
// } else {
// os.Exit(0)
// }
// }
// default: // If the destination file exists and forceEnabled is enabled,
// try_move(originalLocation, newLocation) // or if the file does not exist, move it.
// }
// }
// func try_move(originalLocation, newLocation string) error {
// err := os.Rename(originalLocation, newLocation)
// switch t := err.(type) {
// case *os.LinkError:
// fmt.Printf("Cross-device move. Copying instead\n")
// return move_across_devices(originalLocation, newLocation)
// case *os.PathError:
// fmt.Printf("Path error: %q\n", t)
// return err
// case *os.SyscallError:
// fmt.Printf("Syscall error: %q\n", t)
// return err
// case nil:
// return nil
// default:
// fmt.Printf("Unkown error Type: %T Error: %q", t, t)
// return err
// }
// return nil
// }
// func move_across_devices(originalLocation, newLocation string) error {
// src, err := os.Open(originalLocation)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// defer src.Close()
// dst, err := os.Create(newLocation)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// defer dst.Close()
// size, err := io.Copy(dst, src)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// srcStat, err := os.Stat(originalLocation)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// if size != srcStat.Size() {
// os.Remove(newLocation)
// return fmt.Errorf("Error, file was not copied completely")
// }
// os.Remove(originalLocation)
// return nil
// }
// func main() {
// help := flag.Bool("help", false, help_text)
// version := flag.Bool("version", false, version_text)
// flag.Parse()
// // We only need one instance of forceEnabled
// if *forceEnabledLong {
// *forceEnabled = true
// }
// // Display help information
// if *help {
// fmt.Println(help_text)
// os.Exit(0)
// }
// // Display version information
// if *version {
// fmt.Println(version_text)
// os.Exit(0)
// }
// files := flag.Args() // Obtain a list of files.
// argumentCheck(files) // Check the number of arguments and process them.
// }