mirror of https://github.com/hak5/omg-payloads.git
233 lines
12 KiB
233 lines
12 KiB
# | ___ _ _ _ # ,d88b.d88b #
# Title : PS-CustomDraw | |_ _| __ _ _ __ ___ | | __ _ | | __ ___ | |__ _ _ # 88888888888 #
# Author : I am Jakoby | | | / _` | | '_ ` _ \ _ | | / _` | | |/ / / _ \ | '_ \ | | | |# `Y8888888Y' #
# Version : 1.0 | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | |_| | | (_| | | < | (_) | | |_) | | |_| |# `Y888Y' #
# Category : Prank | |___| \__,_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ \__,_| |_|\_\ \___/ |_.__/ \__, |# `Y' #
# Target : Windows 7,10,11 | |___/ # /\/|_ __/\\ #
# Mode : HID | |\__/,| (`\ # / -\ /- ~\ #
# | My crime is that of curiosity |_ _ |.--.) )# \ = Y =T_ = / #
# | and yea curiosity killed the cat ( T ) / # Luther )==*(` `) ~ \ Hobo #
# | but satisfaction brought him back (((^_(((/(((_/ # / \ / \ #
#__________________________________|_________________________________________________________________________# | | ) ~ ( #
# # / \ / ~ \ #
# github.com/I-Am-Jakoby # \ / \~ ~/ #
# twitter.com/I_Am_Jakoby # /\_/\_/\__ _/_/\_/\__~__/_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_#
# instagram.com/i_am_jakoby # | | | | ) ) | | | (( | | | | | |#
# youtube.com/c/IamJakoby # | | | |( ( | | | \\ | | | | | |#
This script uses the provided arrays to generate images. You also have the ability to make your own if you so choose.
To increase the size of the pixels add more spaces to the following Write-Host command.
Write-Host " " -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $Colors[$position]
This program will take the provided arrays and use them to generate images that will be drawn out in a powershell window.
$col | PS-Draw
$hak5 | PS-Draw
$omg | PS-Draw
PS-Draw -Image $col
PS-Draw -Image $hak5
PS-Draw -Image $omg
$Colors = @{
1 = 'White'
2 = 'Black'
3 = 'DarkBlue'
4 = 'DarkGreen'
5 = 'DarkCyan'
6 = 'DarkRed'
7 = 'DarkMagenta'
8 = 'DarkYellow'
9 = 'Gray'
10 = 'DarkGray'
11 = 'Blue'
12 = 'Green'
13 = 'Cyan'
14 = 'Red'
15 = 'Magenta'
16 = 'Yellow'
#Show available colors
$col = @(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
$omg = @(2,2,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1),
$hak5 = @(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function PS-Draw {
param (
[Parameter (Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)]
# if the data is sent through the pipeline, use $input to collect is as array
if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) { $Image = @($input) }
#$Data | Out-String -Stream -Width 9999 | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Trim())`r`n" }
foreach ($row in $Image) {
foreach ($position in $row) {
Write-Host " " -NoNewline -BackgroundColor $Colors[$position]
Start-Sleep -m 10
Write-Host ""
This will get either the targets full name associated with the registered microsoft account
or it will default to grabbing the username of the account to use as a greeting for this script
function Get-fullName {
try {
$fullName = Net User $Env:username | Select-String -Pattern "Full Name";$fullName = ("$fullName").TrimStart("Full Name")
# If no name is detected function will return $env:UserName
# Write Error is just for troubleshooting
catch {Write-Error "No name was detected"
return $env:UserName
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
return $fullName
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get name to be used in greeting
$fullName = Get-fullName
echo "Hello $fullName"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then the script will be paused until the mouse is moved
script will check mouse position every indicated number of seconds
This while loop will constantly check if the mouse has been moved
"CAPSLOCK" will be continously pressed to prevent screen from turning off
it will then sleep for the indicated number of seconds and check again
when mouse is moved it will break out of the loop and continue theipt
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$o=New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$originalPOS = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
while (1) {
$pauseTime = 3
if ([Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X -ne $originalPOS){
else {
$o.SendKeys("{CAPSLOCK}");Start-Sleep -Seconds $pauseTime
This is where you call the function to draw out one of the images above
$col - to see the available colors you can use for a custom image
$hak5 - this will draw out the hak5 five logo
$omg - this will draw out the omg logo
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Call function with one of the arrays listed above to generate an image
$hak5 | PS-Draw